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no, but I'm sure others will
$0.99 - 5GB
$3.99 - 20GB
@rlemon what should i moneytize then :-/
I say no because I don't have a need for the service
this way my app goes free :-x
not due to the price
@rlemon why so ? [oh probably cause google photos ? or u don't take photos ? ]
the photo's I take I keep in google photo's
only videos?
but that is just for storage
um it also works on photos shared with you
I have no need for a fancy editor and I dont' get photo's shared with me
no FB
its not like fb though (: , cause i don't have fb myself xD
but like I said, that is just me
those prices seem okay
@AbhishekHingnikar who is your target audience?
@AwalGarg muricans, murican teens
@AbhishekHingnikar but I imagine people will stock it with FB photo's
@rlemon It integrates facebook, and instagram
but we are not launching them striaghtway
thats way ... too much data to process on our servers
@Loktar if your kids begged, would you buy them @AbhishekHingnikar's app so they could have well organized photos
@AbhishekHingnikar murican according to Indian english or the really only "muricans"?
@AwalGarg sleep, just do it, have some, or drink rum, chew a bubble gum, rub your own bum, dum di dum
it though can make a very elegant cross social network timeline of photos :D, and its own sharing service ofcourse :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar no... this day is pretty boring. I want to punch someone...
I don't like too much rain :(
!!youtube singing in the rain
!!youtube window to the past
!!youtube sex
I just got this ad on youtube
@CapricaSix i love it <3
Which is your favorite language? (not programming, just language)
adding to top or subtracting it, is not giving me what I want,
@AwalGarg pashto
Why is today nobody discussing Javascript?
@AwalGarg mine ?
@AbhishekHingnikar open question, anybody can answer.
@AwalGarg Huttese
which is the scariest language ? to hear ?
german vs russian vs other ?
@AbhishekHingnikar bengali :D
@AbhishekHingnikar icelandic
What do you miss most about being a kid?
@rlemon can you add a command to caprica which asks random questions from here?
@AwalGarg are you bengali :P
@CustomizedName nope.
@rlemon then?
Why does caprica run on FF and not chrome?
fat arrows
how many should I subtract from 1282 to get 163 ?
@CustomizedName 42
@AwalGarg feel sorry for your employer xD
@CustomizedName I am not born to be employed!
but this day is really fucking boring.
where are you born then
asks silly question, gets proper answer, calls the answer silly to be an answer of a silly question
oh yes! I can goto the kitchen ofcourse :D
What'd I miss
@Psychemaster Awal loves bengali langauge
Oh, lovely :)
I hate animate and srollTop
guys, can someone show me how to remove white space on the left hand side of a line, in sublime? I've got over 1500 lines, and I want to remove the space that happens before every line starts !
it's in the settings: "trim_whitespace" or something like that
@FlorianMargaine finally got around to working on the nginx config
worked without issues (for now)
thanks for the link!
!!afk fuck this I'm going home (injured)
@rlemon Lol injuries and gym go along side by side :P
caniuse says I can't use IE8 for animate
when in real you can
is there a way to just drag along a certain column
> wordpress is an unauthenticated remote shell that, as a useful side feature, also contains a blog
@CustomizedName ... which animate are you talking about?
@CustomizedName hurt myself before the workout
Also o/ 17
!!afk really leaving this time. be back on later
@RyanKinal ummm, jQuery animate, which means canIuse is right
I wasn't knowing if there is any animate in html5 as well
I wanna leave but I also wanna say "the fuck?"
caniuse doesn't touch jQuery.animate
I keep forgetting
:'( It just sunk in that Robin Williams is dead
yeah... that was 2 weeks ago
Florian is that Charlie Sheen
Yeah it was.... but it didnt feel real hahahaha
Then i thought about....
Dead Poets Society
Good Morning Vietnam
Patch Adams
What Dreams May Come
Good Will Hunting
Mrs Doubtfire
August Rush
August Rush was a terrible movie. Not that Mr. Williams was bad. It was just boring as hell unless the kid was playing guitar.
Yeah it was, however it brought to the table the same sense that Robin Williams gives you in any of his movies about kids (Creepy) and that is that you never have to grow up at heart
Honestly, I didn't even remember he was in it
I think he played a small role? He was the leader of the kids who were living in an abandoned movie theater maybe? Or im just remembering the movie all wrong lol
The Fisher King was good too
I didnt get to see that one yet
Guys, I'm a dumb server-side guy trying to make sense of the client side world. I'm making a web api that will be consumed by a couple of different devices, including a desktop one. Because of this, I was thinking of using ember/angular/backbone or some similar framework/library. What is the simplest one that even a dumbass like me can understand?
Ideally one where I have to write little boilerplate.
@GamesBrainiac if you are preparing a service for clients, you don't need to worry which library they will use
you only need to support CORS
@JanDvorak Thats the problem, this time around I need to make the client side as well.
Since its a personal project, and I'm helping a school out.
is your client-side MVC?
Anyone with Java background looking for a job?
Contact me if you do
Anyone with Java background looking for a job?
@JanDvorak Yes, it is. Isn't that the defacto for pretty much most frameworks?
Good Morning Vietnam is one of my favorite movies @AaronSiciliano
@GamesBrainiac angular is quite popular, IIUC
@rlemon Mine too :( and i was quite partial to What Dream May Come as well, although it is a bit drawn out.
@JanDvorak Okie dokie, will have a look.
I don't have any experience, though
@JanDvorak What have you used so far?
Angular is pretty easy to pickup
@GamesBrainiac jQuery or vanilla
@tymeJV Is there a catch? There always seems to be a catch with these libs.
angular really forces you into MVC
Nice thing about Angular is the services/factories - you can re-use your data services anywhere easily.
All right, angular it is.
!! google ::after ::before
@CustomizedName That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Does modular division work in javascript with the % operator?
Nevermind, second search found it immediately :D
thanks tyme
@rlemon I'm a loser and have skipped 2 days, plan on working out tonight though
@rlemon I would ask where they hell they got phones first! :P
@Loktar Did you plan on working out last night?
@KendallFrey no
I'll probably have to skip tonight
pulled a muscle
but i'm taking it easy today, so we'll see
posted on August 28, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} If anyone wants to build me one of these, I'll get you a shiny quarter.

Someone gave me reddit gold
the fuck?!
I'm discovering more and more that high rep = lazy answers
I would like to receive a POST data from another website/app by using socket.io. Is that possible?
@rlemon you just need to say: "EDIT: WOW THANKS FOR THE GOLD. I'd like to thank my parents, my family, and God" now
Does reddit gold actually do anything?
it gives you extra features and access to the reddit gold lounge
oh okay
@Loktar and you'll like this
it's about guns!
I learned how to ride a motorcycle last night. Is it normal to stall it like a thousand times?
Has anyone ever tried running through the problems on Projecteuler.net
@AaronSiciliano -- Yep
@AaronSiciliano yep
Used to do it to kill time at the old job...it was frusteratingly fun
I've done 60-70 of them
In Haskell
I just restarted it in javascript :D
<-- Java...
@JanDvorak Haskell makes Euler too easy.
Yeah i did it originally in Java
I did them in Python, Julia, Haskell and Scala
@GamesBrainiac not if you assume efficient !!
And got through...... I cant remember somewhere between 70 - 80 problems
@AaronSiciliano I have an account with projecteuler
I did them in java too
@JanDvorak Perhaps, but solving Euler was easiest in Haskell, thats what I remember atleast.
@GamesBrainiac true...
the data structures like Sets make some things a lot easier to do than javascript
though other things I'm sure would benefit from javascript
JS is a horrible language. I try my best to avoid it, but its soo pervasive.
I just find it a challenge hahaha
challenge: complete as many euler tasks as possible in Brainfuck
@GamesBrainiac wat?
what about Piet?
@JanDvorak I avoid writing js, unless I really really have to.
@GamesBrainiac why?
REBEL is probably the worst language to solve Euler problems in
I just don't like it very much.
There is no concept of math in it
look up "intercal"
It feels too primitive for a scripting language.
@ircmaxell Why the long face?
@GamesBrainiac wait for ES6
scripting languages are, generally speaking, primitive. that's sort of the point
@JanDvorak Yea, doing that.
@Neil No they arent.
@KendallFrey are you implying the esoteric languages are going to be better :D
Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken
@JanDvorak Intercal is hilarious.
there are two kinds of people who criticize a langauge: those that aren't confident in their decision of which language to like (so try to justify it by bashing others), and those that think they know better than everyone else. Either is dumb
@GamesBrainiac If they were overly complicated, you couldn't just run it. You'd have to compile it first
I should try doing PE in Logisim
I think Intercal is best summarized by saying that it has a COME FROM statement, which functions like a reverse GOTO.
@RyanKinal lemonmeme.com is back up FYI
@ircmaxell Are you saying there's no valid reason to criticize a language? That seems to go too far.
@Retsam not at all
@Retsam Criticizing aspects of a language is critical to understanding
@rlemon Curse you ;-)
@rlemon You are a terrible person
@Retsam however, things like chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18550911#18550911 are not valid no matter the context...
@rlemon and people say terrible things about you
but I did figure out how to get nginx to host multiple sites
rlemon.ca is on the same server
Well, yeah, I'm not defending that sort of "X language sux" level of discourse, but your statement just sounded too absolute
I drank way too much coffee yesterday
my stomach is mad at me
> The Anti-Game: The objective of the anti-game is to think about The Game. When you think about The Game, you win The Anti-Game and start again.
hello everyone...i have this peace of code to prevent non alphanumeric characters...but i want to detect all imputs, could you guys suggest me some tutorial?
@Retsam I consider a difference between criticizing the language, and criticizing decisions/aspects of a language.
!!tell japa format
@japa Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
$(function() {
            $('input.alpha[$id=tb1]').keyup(function() {
                if (this.value.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g)) {
                    this.value = this.value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '');
sorry guys...
@SterlingArcher o/
as tutorials go, have you checked out Eloquent Javascript?
beat me to it
@rlemon feelin the burn?
Just found a website on the internet called biblehub. The domain name reminds me too quickly of another kind of website that shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.
@SterlingArcher ohai
need a hotkey for binning
@AaronSiciliano what about "bible gateway"?
@ircmaxell I feel I did not justify anything. I just try to avoid javascript, why you may ask? Because I feel that its too primitive? What do I mean by that? It doesn't have generators, nor does it have async/await keywords, nor does it have convenient ways of making classes.
In simple terms, I find it primitive, because it is inconvenient.
@JanDvorak well that one just makes me think Hales Comet
@SterlingArcher feelin the pulled muscle
@Japa -- If you want all inputs change your selector. Right now it only matches on class alpha and so on, to get all inputs use $("input")
unrelated, still worked out last night just took it easy
how'd you pull it?
i've started doing pilates stretches between sets to keep me loose
really helps
I have no clue, it was sore after work, so I stretched and worked out, about an hour later it was getting really tight so I tried to stretch some more and now it's super painful.
@GamesBrainiac it's inconvenient for your style of programming. And there are different styles, with pros and cons, so...
@tymeJV like this: $("imput").keyup(function()
If anyone wants a good online Bible for any reason, net.bible.org is my favorite.
@Japa 1) You should delegate the event do the document element. 2) You should provide some method of designating whether or not a particular input should be masked this way 3) hurgle gurgle
for (i = 3; i <= (Number/3); i++)

The for loop is going to have to calculate the condition statement Number/3 every time it loops is it not? (Javascript)
input...not iMput
sleep on plywood tonight lol
@AaronSiciliano I wouldn't worry about that
imputed inputs
especially since the compiler will most likely handle that for me
@Shmiddty hurgle gurgle ? what is this?
@JanDvorak Just curious, every bit helps lol
!!tell aaron wiki premature optimisation
@aaron My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
!!> sudo javascript
@AaronSiciliano Actually, every little bit really doesn't help. If your bottleneck isn't the time that it takes the machine to do a couple divisions (and 99.9% of the time it isn't) then optimizing that doesn't help.
@SterlingArcher "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Well i would say that did not work.... As it has now effectively crashed my jsfiddle page and i am going to have to kill the browser and start from scratch lmao
So I wrote a REBEL program to solve Project Euler #1. It's been running for 3 minutes now
!!> (function() { return !this; })()
@RalphWiggum false
@Retsam tested on my phone; takes ages to load, the dropdown doesn't really fit on my screen and scrolling down is impossible
@JanDvorak Ah; yeah I don't know if it really supports mobile.
@Retsam they claim to
I don't mind horizontal scrolling if it doesn't cut off dropdowns
Ah. I've never used it; I have an app on my phone that I use.
I'm stuck to symbian
Can I ask you guys a question? I have the following JS code in order to organize footnotes: jsfiddle.net/za8h60pq I don't know why, but when trying to do document.getElementById(x[i].id).innerHTML within a for loop, it only edits the last footnote. Any help is greatly appreciated!
@HelpingHand Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix BOT
I am very confused guys. I just signed up for JSfiddle and saved one of my fiddles and now i can see it in my dashboard but i dont see an option for opening it and working on it?
@Retsam I like the interface in jw.org/en/publications/bible/nwt/books, but it's not quite as fast as the paper version
@HelpingHand solid callout!
Well done!
@SterlingArcher hehe :-)
Also, please format the code in your fiddle, I'd rather not read sorta-minified code
@HelpingHand did you know you can store DOM nodes in objects?
(somebody might, but I'd rather not)
@SterlingArcher tidyUp sorta helps
Witnessed someone join the chat the other day and start talking to Caprica Six and actually pinged her and she answered his question and he never knew the difference... It was fantastic.
@JanDvorak had no idea there was such a feature!
I could have used that so many times... I'm so blind
@JanDvorak I'd be a bit worried about the translation; but I've never really researched the NWT before
@SterlingArcher I formatted, a little :)
guys, I've been working with PHP all day for the first time today
it's amazing, I'm abandoning JS
someone needs to link to that eevee article
@Retsam why are you worried?
in what conditions would this not going to work
@JanDvorak I don't really know what you mean... w3schools.com/dom/dom_node.asp ?
@HelpingHand w3schools is a bad resource
@JanDvorak Jehovah's Witnesses I think have some... interesting... theological views. I'm not sure if their translation has biases.
<a href="www.portal.com/abc/default.aspx#234">click here</a>
> Let's all sing songs and play games.
A "let's-play-er" was streaming on twitch, and was raided by swat: youtube.com/watch?v=SGnPUUQ1ZoA
@JanDvorak Really?
@HelpingHand yep
@RalphWiggum nonsense
Hey, it even mostly worked
@JanDvorak Is there something that I'm not understanding with document.getelementbyid inside for loops?
@HelpingHand err... document.getElementById(x[i].id) is x, isn't it?
@HelpingHand you have duplicate IDs. That is your problem.
@JanDvorak How would I set X's inner html value then..?
@NickDugger I like how everyone keeps saying "get swatted"
@HelpingHand x.innerHtml = ... ?
@JanDvorak Oh... alright, let me try that in the fiddle...
@HelpingHand you'll still need to fix your duplicate IDs
@Shmiddty I didn't even know that was a thing until this particular one. Who the hell thinks that this is funny? He could have been shot.
@NickDugger This isn't an isolated incident?
@JanDvorak Ohh... Gotcha. Since Ibid is listed more than once.

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