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Same reason why I never bothered to go further into why I bluescreen with my front usb ports plugged into my motherboard :P Laziness and enough usb ports in the back
put your flags up in the sky <: , i still hear that song
how start youtube videos auto play in ios and android
a window to the past?
using iframe
@kathir document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = ""; <--execute this in console of your pc with the device connected and the same page on both.
@kathir dude dude dude
even youtube cannot do that :P
Was coding to the Dark Reign soundtrack the other day
@monners i code to fifa wc 2014 album and linkin park hunting party these days
oh its not possible right? @AbhishekHingnikar
@kathir yes sir
the reason being
bandwidth saving mobile browser policy which is good imho but they should allow on wifi :P
I usually code to the melodic sounds of mechanical keyboard switches
YT always autoplays for me, IIRC.
@AwalGarg the app not the website
on iOS you cannot autoplay any huge content unless until its from a direct user - action
kk... but I was talking about the app only, on iPad 3.
app dude you can do anything in a native app. though apple has very strict rejection policy
apple has very strict useless feature whoring policy too.
@AwalGarg Such as?
@AwalGarg elaborate ?
@monners the locking of their boot-loader in all their official docs? crapp!
o_O ?
have you seen samsung advertisments dude ? omg we built this feature lets advertise the crap out of it... be it apple had this half a decade ago
and those flying tabs in safari... I closed my YT window when I saw that... ughh!
Boot-loader? In their docs?
@monners am still wondering
@AwalGarg screenshot ?
!!google flying tabs
and the fucking insane security? I can't connect ipad to lumia via bluetooth, and reason given "ipad doesn't allow connecting to non apple devices"???? WTF?
@AwalGarg Uh, yeah. It's called security. It's one of the main reasons many people use Apple products.
@monners the bootloader of android phones can be easily exploited, but you can't install other OSes on iDevices.
@AwalGarg do you realize apple has its own way superior way to transfer, AirDrop ? Android land still needs something comparable
Right, for good reason! If you want a hackable device, buy a hackable device. You can't just expect that you'll have free reign over whatever phone you use.
can you post here js questions?
ps bluetooth is a pita technology
@ZackKaytranada Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar You kiss-ass
@AbhishekHingnikar but not all of my friends use airdrop, so if I want to take something from them... i am stuck...
like a pic?
dropbox, whatsapp, picasa .. .. ..
I ain't got bandwidth...
@AwalGarg o_O you do realize that will just copy a shallow copy to your phone ?
not the full size image that way your phone is also happy ?
@AbhishekHingnikar so what?
ughh! stop this discussion please...
@AwalGarg o_O are u seriously asking that ?
do you guys know how big companies like FB and Twitter etc. manage their data when it is split amongst continents, how do they converge it?
@ZackKaytranada please ask your js question.
@ziGi its a whole topic Storage Networks
and CDN's
@AwalGarg If that's what's important to you then use something else. Doesn't mean one or the other sucks. Just different priorities
read about it
@ziGi The internet
@AwalGarg apple's eco-system is apple prime :P
i get some kind of answer but i'm missing something and it's driving me nuts. if someone has an idea, i would gladly appreciate it. here-s the link to the question stackoverflow.com/questions/25301249/…
given a room with 5 apple devices vs 5 android devices vs 5 WP devices
the user end will be more satisfied with the first and most frustrated with last
if the user is happy on installing things to do basic stuff then second :P
@AbhishekHingnikar neither... I will go with a desktop, probably dual booting linux and win7
@AwalGarg you really suck :->
though I like nexus 7 a lot. :D
i hardly touch my desktop anymore for anything other then work
@AbhishekHingnikar :)
My iPad and iPhone take care of almost all the reading and entertainment needs
Is he dumb or did I read that wrong ?
Q: Identify local PC with JQuery

morne nelIm trying to identify a PC to check on the amount of login attempts. At the moment im using code to identify the IP address of the PC. It works well, but if you are using a dynamic IP of you encounter a bot that changes its IP every second or two, it wont work. Here is the current code <scr...

@dystroy probably hes trying to re-invent browser-id
@dystroy he is far sighted!
@ZackKaytranada Put together a [link: jsfiddle]("http://jsfiddle.com") I suck
@monners here it is. jsfiddle.net/3b370vkt
@ZackKaytranada sorry, no jquery knowledge... but you can ping jan dvorak. (and some others...)
thank u @awal.
@ZackKaytranada When you build a fiddle needing jQuery, set it in the menu at top left
oh sht, sorry. my first task on a js/jquery thing
@ZackKaytranada If the content's always going to be the same icon you could just use :before or :after content and display that on hover
@ZackKaytranada your overlay class has display set to none, why? you want it to appear on mouseover, right?
when the user hover over some image, i want to appear a small icon on that image so when he clicks it, a popup will appear
and i implemented that for one picture, creating the icon on the same image with z-index,position absolute bla bla u know
since you are appending it only on mouse over, I don't see why you should add display:none to it.
but now i want to loop through all the images from the html and overlay a small icon over the images
i've deleted display block and the icon is visibile only on the first image and doesn't dissapears @awal
kk... on mouseover, the code you are executing to make it disappear will not make it disappear. did you try to read the official jquery documentation?
you can use image-holder
and append icons to that elements
yeah, but i followed what konstantin said on this thread stackoverflow.com/questions/25301249/… and now i m stuck
are you sure you want to use jquery?
nop, i don't have any restrictions
for one picture is working look jsfiddle.net/s5sp1h6e/1
but it's made only with html and css and i don't think it will be enough if i want to have this behavior for all the images from a website
Hmmm. TIL you can't add before/after pseudo content to image tags
@ZackKaytranada jsfiddle.net/3b370vkt/3
haha #everydaylessons
!!should i use polymerjs or just keep building things in angular.js
@AbhishekHingnikar You should use polymerjs
thank u monners!
all hail caprica the sixth
!!should I use a water-based lubricant or super glue
@monners super glue
@ZackKaytranada No worries. Feel free to upvote an answer of mine you agree with :D
Just sharing an off-topic question thinking that you guys might have idea about this.. programmers.stackexchange.com/q/253263/68702
you guys are great
thank u also @monkeyinsi
i will vote u both right away
#monners so if i go through the html of a website, i m getting all the img's tags i just need to add every image into a divwrapper and set the class accordingly and this should work. or use the script that @monekyinsi wrote.
@Mr_Green I reckon it's probably tied to X being a symbol for No
yeah not "close" right?
@ZackKaytranada Either or. I personally like to wrap all of my images
"close" and "no" are not similar
@Mr_Green Well close and reject aren't dissimilar
You're basically saying "No, I don't want you anymore"
At least that's the most logical explanation I can think of off the top of my head
hmm you might be right
That's only suppositions. You'd better ask the guys who were building OS around 1980-1985
thank u @monners @monkeyinsi. i've voted u. you're kind people :)
@ZackKaytranada Incorrect. On a good day I'm downright cruel. I just helped you ironically :P
haha that's my lucky day then sir!
@dystroy Actually, it was me. I did it. I've been hiding all this time. Thanks for outing me asshole
Why so little questions on SO ? Is the language still not starting to take off ?
Too... many... puns!
!!google rust lang
2 upvotes ? Just for sympathy or because there are 2 answerers ?
@dystroy rust is like a turtle
@AbhishekHingnikar I need more drugs I guess
A blazingly fast turtle, apparently
@dystroy no haven't you heard the story of race between a rabbit and turtle
Oh @AbhishekHingnikar You meant it isn't fast ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Of course I had
@dystroy perhaps it's beccause OP only posted the line that's incorrect? Still... WAT
@dystroy i mean its slow but steady in the race to being the most used language
@AbhishekHingnikar Didn't you know? Rust eliminates all race conditions
slow languages != slow animals
@monners nope. didn't knew that
A language won't eliminate all race conditions
@dystroy it's hard to get a race condition in haskell
I find rust extremely appealing to write though
Their website says it does
Well, data race conditions
more than python
@JanDvorak yes but any program must be interfaced with the outside world
python is still my favorite language. JS has gone on #3
and the second one ? ADA ? Smalltalk
@dystroy what if we limit impure code to one thread only? Like Javascript does with prompts?
@dystroy prolog
@dystroy jquery ofc
but only for the thing am building though :P
prolog is extremely nice for thatt
@JanDvorak then you might have races b/w clusters ?
i wish scss was dynamic :-/, it'd be so much awesome
@JanDvorak 895174 (?), 1355043 (?), 1858108 (?), 10 (?), 1005250 (?), 1941949 (?), 990192 (?), 2428683 (?), 1947276 (?), 1455016 (?), 2645256 (?), 2664200 (?), 3350338 (?), 3106345 (?), 1800668 (?), 1593459 (?), 2509223 (?), 3586251 (?), 3517363 (?), 2959554 (?), 3141603 (?), 965090 (ziGi), 2249815 (?)
@JanDvorak Nobody is muted
!!unmute 965090
@JanDvorak Unmuted user 965090
y so many people banned?
robot abuse
poor cap...
See ya guys later!
Random cupcake
I have never abused
@ziGi sure you have
hm how?
you were ignoring the invitations to the sandbox
I don't recall sorry
mustn't have been that severe
@JanDvorak is the version of cap running here the same as the version at @Zirak's git repo?
who is running it atm?
I guess @rlemon is
he ppl
hey, player, what's up
how the hell to I save file in the same dir with gulp
.pipe(gulp.dest('CURRENT DIR'));
I just created folde with no name in win7
is that even possible
or process.pwd()
i forgot if it was p or c
gets you the current directory @IGRACH
u mean gulp.process()
of just process.cwd() | pwd()
Morninga Morningaa
I got a thing here yeah
How can i force a td to only take space it needs and stop being greedy taking about 60% of space alone
it should do by itself if there's another TD to take the rest
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 36 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
congratulations, you are officially no longer homo sapiens and you may not breed with us
@IGRACH face desk.
what the heck are u doing ?
probably gulp's process will let u do the same
ps why don't u use relative paths ?
'.' <- currrent deirectory
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 26 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
@zigi that third eye? You might be more resilient to eye-damaging injuries, but you're still a freak and you won't have sex.
ahahahahah :D
@JanDvorak there are 3 others
.pipe(gulp.dest('.')); > created folder with no name in win7, I mean name was .
@AbhishekHingnikar .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); > created folder with no name in win7, I mean name was .
o_O wait what do you want to achieve ?
don't use windows
> Person: Baba, I am very disappointed with life. None of my works go straight.
Nirmal Baba: When did you last dust your house yourself?
Person: Baba, maybe 2 days ago.
Nirmal Baba: Do it everyday... things will start working out.
Person: Hail Nirmal Baba! Hail Nirmal Baba!
lmfao cc @AbhishekHingnikar
@IGRACH don't use .gulp.dest() ?
iirc, if you only use it if you want to move the file. If its the same location, don't use it?
@mikedidthis Well the the file stays in syber space
@mikedidthis U have to save it somewhere
@monkeyinsight win 7 is my last
Can I see the full process?
@AbhishekHingnikar to save file in the same dir with gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('default', function() {
var src = 'src';
gulp.src( src + "*.scss" )
  .pipe( sass() )
  .pipe( gulp.dest( src ) );
Is this the correct thing to use for when a dialogue loads in javaScript, I need my code to happen when new_UserProfile is loaded but this currently isn't working or logging anything to the console when the dialogue loads.

$(document).on("pageinit", "#new_UserProfile", function (e) {
@mikedidthis U SIR ARE VERY SMART
@mikedidthis THX my head was going to explode
@IGRACH if you need root only, something like this...
var gulp = require('gulp');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('default', function() {
root = ./ (I think)
@mikedidthis YES that the thing I was looking for thx
Q: Using arguments pseudo-parameter as a writeable thing

Alma DoIn javascript, there is such thing as arguments pseudo-parameter, which allows to interact with function arguments dynamically. Now, while I'm listening to the lecture about javascript fundamental things & standards, there was a phrase: "Don't use arguments as a writable structure, always treat ...

Just found gulp-rename module gona give it a go
Interesting question ^
@IGRACH yeah, I use it. Handy for appending / prefixing stuff.
I downloaded the Menlo font to use on my windows. Anyone using it? Because it looks different than on the screenshots I have seen.
@SecondRikudo Yes, but I don't think you answered it.
@mikedidthis just what I needed thx
@IGRACH no problem :D
I will be back in few minutes
Can I add a image icon to a <td > when it already has text in it ?
How :-(
oh on click on image, I need to navigate to another page as well
I tried adding another td, but then it's hard for me to style them the way i want
also is it best practice ?
styling will be fun, that's true
Hey I need to write a small windows app that replaces a text file. I currently only know JS and AutoIT. I could write it in AutoIT. But I don't like it much. Is there some "compile node.js to standalone app" way?
Should I perhaps learn Python to do these kinds of things?
@dystroy Feel free to answer it yourself or edit mine.
Thanks :) I wasnt sure if node-webkit allows file replacement.
hey anyone with os x yosemite
can you tell me the button behavior on yosemite ? i mean the visuals
How to cover empty space in css ?
for example 20px or so of width
@CustomizedName ... "Cover" empty space?
FUCK i just realized i did a grave mistake
for few td, I have images I am adding as span
but for some it's empty
and making my text go a little left
@SecondRikudo Actually I found fun things while searching the ES specs on arguments. What do you think does this code ?
function incrNumber(v) {
My guess is that v wouldn't be incremented and logged as it is
But I'm probably wrong
In strict mode, the passed value is logged. In non strict mode, the incremented value is logged.
So this is Schrodinger's function. The value is both incremeneted and not incremented.
We were saying the same thing about Robin Williams until his agent made an announcement
too early, man
@CustomizedName Margin, DIV, Magic -)
You're right... :shame
$(document).on("pageinit", "#new_UserProfile", function (e) {

This is my code, when I open the new_UserProfile dialogue it doesn't log to the console or do any methods, what's wrong with it? D:
you didn't make sacrifice to gods of JS
Note: This event has been deprecated in 1.4.0 in favor of pagecreate. Simply replace pageinit in the above example.
moving to madagascar
@monkeyinsight or New Zealand
@dystroy non strict arguments is broken :)
@SecondRikudo @dystroy non strict is broken :) (source)
That's better.
$scope and $location is not available inside $scope.$on when listening to a broadcasted event in angular.
$scope.$on('response-received', function(event, args) { $scope.progress = false; });
You guys ever get those moments when something clicks and suddenly a whole new subset of a language makes sense?
I guess RED means better
@monners absolutely
Especially when I learn new languages
Well, even more, yesterday something clicked and I finally got a part of programming - that was pretty fun.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how many languages can you speak?
@ziGi programming languages? Not sure
human languages
Oh, 2, just Hebrew and English, I know some Arabic and some Russian but very little
ok good
hey call me when you plan to come to Amsterdam
@ziGi what's surprising ?
@SecondRikudo are you Hebrew too?
@dystroy that he speaks a bit of russian
@SecondRikudo אני רואה
brb lunch
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good :D It's a great feeling. Like suddenly a whole lot of what you've done because it was a best practice suddenly makes sense
@ziGi I plan to come to Amsterdam on October, iirc it's October 15th to 18th
ok cool
@monners it really is a great feeling :)
we might drink something, you know where to find me
It's a 'a ha' moment :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Totally. It's like levelling up.
@monkeyinsight Why are you giving me that link ?
who knows
Who nose.
You nose?
but you will need to ask me nicely to find out why ;) @dystroy
@monners so what was your 'a ha'?
@BenjaminGruenbaum My greatest Ah-ha moment so far was when I finally understood the point of interfaces in OOP.
Shortly after, I moved to the most popular OOP language that does not feature interfaces. :P
The module pattern. Suddenly clicked a whole lot about the power of prototype methods and functional programming (as in returning a function from a function)
Seems so obvious now
@SecondRikudo Better : languages that do interface the right way, that is not declaring them on the class implementing them
@dystroy I like the languages that can do both
@monners coolstuff
a class is an interface
@dystroy aka - structural typing
@SecondRikudo so you're a huge TypeScript fan?
I can't remember any Ah-ha moment related to "a subset of a programing language" :(
Managed to poach a mentor of mine recently. It's been great getting to run stuff by him again at my new company.
Be explicit and declare that this class implements this interface, but also allow classes that don't explicitly implement the interface, but implements all of the methods and adhering to all of the signatures.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Never tried TypeScript.
@SecondRikudo yes. This allows to declare and use interface without making the classes depend on your code or import it
@dystroy Yes, but it's also less readable.
BTW does java 8 fix that ?
@SecondRikudo I don't think so
@dystroy I think it's a nice feature that you can grep 'implements Loggable' and find a list of all classes that implements Loggable.
Hi guys!
@SecondRikudo But then you force the author of that class to know what's Loggable is
I know a secret programming language that will take over javascript soon,
@CustomizedName jQuery ? Smalltalk ? ADA ? red ?
@dystroy I think that's fair.
Question: How do I loop over the values in the slider to display them below the slider, just like ticks? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/f5dxq8mj
@dystroy that's a plugin of javascript, not another language
I am talking about something big
After all, let's say I have a consumer that uses Loggable as one of the arguments.
And I, an author, want to create a new type of Log that logs to my email
I'd need to know the Loggable contract anyway, wouldn't I?

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