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@BenjaminGruenbaum latest progress
If I have a factory that looks kinda like this, where could :pid and :id come from?
Oh and Happy Birthday @Zirak
Hey, could I get some help with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/25042932/…
@Martin so you can pass a params object to $resource
Could you not use a plugin already built? @Seiyria
Happy Birthday @Zirak :)
@narthur157 As a second param right?
@Martin there isn't really one available that supports my use-case unfortuantely
which is why I'm making one myself.
@Martin yeah "Given a template /path/:verb and parameter {verb:'greet', salutation:'Hello'} results in URL /path/greet?salutation=Hello."
Thing is I'm looking at a file that's being used, and there's no second param
I copied + pasted (pretty much) from a file being used
@Seiyria Could you create a basic fiddle ?
you can also pass in a custom method (that you use instead of GET or POST and such) which has the params object too
@narthur157 It's literally only one param, just the string
return $resource('/packages/:pid/documents/:id');
@Martin plnkr.co/edit/vDHEzoEZwmkIGtKh91DR?p=preview - just watch the console and drag a list item around, it will show you what I'm working with
@Seiyria thanks one sec
my problem is, that I need to create a placeholder in the list by inserting it before/after an existing item... but to do that I need to know what item I'm over
I've been looking at jQuery UI and how they do it, but I'm not sure I get it
Yup I think I got it, like a outline or something that shows where it would pop in if you let go right?
@Cereal What's the support for that?
elementFromPoint I mean?
!!mdn elementfrompoint
@Cereal I tried that, and it doesn't give me the item I'm over, but rather the one I'm holding, it seems.
I read the docs, and it said it gives the top item, it's not guaranteed that this will be.
@Cereal That doesn't say browser support..?
No.. no it doesn't
!!caniuse elementfrompoint
Must be new ~
@Martin Think you could make an example where that works? I don't see how variables would get in there without them being passed
@narthur I copied the whole file, I just removed some comments
document.querySelectorAll( ":hover" );?
@Martin if the variables aren't available I think it'll just turn it into '/packages/documents'
@Cereal that also does not work - if you've read the SO post, I've stated what I've tried.
@Seiyria It's weird since srcElement should have what you need..
That appears to give me a list of every element except for the intermediate element - aka, the element that I want to get (so it goes [html, body, ul, <mycurrentdraggingli>, item: function()]
wth elementFromPoint is at risk?
I love elementFromPoint :(
instead of [html,body,ul,<libeinghovered>,<mycurrentlydraggingli>, ...]
@narthur157 How would I check? I set a breakpoint to see the value of id and pid but they're both undefined
@Martin srcElement will give me the item being dragged, but not much else.
@Seiyria That's so annoying
@Martin tell me about it - that's what I've been fighting with for the last day.
Is there a way to override the Access-Control-Allow-Headers check that jQuery does in the preflight OPTIONS request?
What about a query selector on the element returned from elementbypoint
@NathanJones Use a proxy to get around the whole thing
I know, I know, it's bad.
@Martin you could use $httpBackend and $httpBackend.expectGet(theUrl') and it'll tell you what was actually called
It's what's written there @narthur157
It's temporary, will eventually be using a proxy
@NathanJones uh? I thought the browser would do it, not jquery
@Cereal ElementByPoint will give me the item I'm currently dragging, which is unhelpful.
I already have those coordinates.
oh, maybe it does
(And that element, really)
@NathanJones Yeah it's at browser level. Are you using node or grunt?
well then, except using a browser flag (i.e. when you start the program), nope, no way
Ah, that makes sense. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't take into account the item being dragged
@Martin github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/src/ngResource/… I don't see a way for those params to get filled with a value without them being passed in
I'm working with a rest api that doesn't supply the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in the OPTIONS response
@Cereal unfortunately the item being dragged is just being moved via absolute positioning coordinates, so it will almost always be on top. :(
so i can use the api in Node, but not the browser
@Seiyria What if, when draggin, you add pointer-events: none ?
@ircmaxell saw this in the php room already :)
Q: How to get the value of the first promise that succeeds in a chain of promises

drinchevI'm looking for a way to return a promise only if another promise fails. How can I do that? The promises that I have look like this ( of course I've remove non-related code ) : getUserByUsername = function(username) { return promise(function(resolve, reject) { user = userModel.getBy...

@Martin I hadn't thought of that.. one second please.
@NathanJones indeed. Your only way is proxy.
@Martin - at a quick glance ( .ds-drag { pointer-events: none; } ) it just seems to omit that <li> element completely from document.querySelectorAll ":hover" - meaning that QSA doesn't seem to count siblings.
alright, i figured i'd ask just in case.
@narthur157 So I got a guy around here to look at it... When you init the $resource without second param you can use it later, passing an object literal as the param later on
@NathanJones that's for security by the way. Or you'd be able to delete someone's mails from your website.
@RyanKinal It's partially a Flash issue too, not that I would ever personally use Flash, but my work doesn't want to replace the current slider.
Damn, it took you that long to reply? I went home, ate a piece of pizza, played 4 or 5 songs, and came back in that time.
@RyanKinal Just one piece? What are you, some sort of god?
He didn't say how big it was
I only bought one piece ;-)
@notchris looking at your question. But flash makes me wonder.
It was a fairly large slice
@FlorianMargaine that makes sense, but can't you just do the same thing from a server?
@NathanJones you don't have your client's cookie from the other domain on your server
if js isn't touching the cookie between requests, can't the server just parse the COOKIE header and achieve the same thing?
@RyanKinal Fairly large slice? Hmm
@NathanJones no. The browser won't send the cookie from gmail.com to your domain
@notchris That was in reference to the pizza...
@FlorianMargaine i mean outside of the browser
@RyanKinal Which Pizza lol
@Seiyria you know what your container is right?
@NathanJones outside the browser, you don't have cookies
@Loktar yes, it will always be my @element (which is the parent of any dragged item)
@FlorianMargaine Aren't Cookie headers still sent outside of the browser?
@NathanJones you can send them, sure. But you won't send the cookies that let your browser authenticate to gmail
if you know the type of list items you're looking for you could always ignore pointer events during the drag over
and use elementFromPoint
Hi why when I use setInterval function in javascript it will load the php file but I added a hover state for that div which is getting loaded it will keep on blinking the hover state
@RyanKinal Seriously, not sure what you're talking about
@FlorianMargaine Can I ask why not? Sorry I'm so slow to understand...
@notchris Never you mind. How is gallery_copy called? Through Flash? Is there code for that? Is it specifically named function?
Can you attach an onload dom event to a document body? Like... document.body.onload = function()
@NathanJones I'm not sure we're on the same page there. Your browser has cookies that let him be authenticated on gmail.com. But it will only share these cookies with the gmail.com domain.
@Loktar I'll try that as well, one second.
@SterlingArcher there's no point, but yes you can!
@FlorianMargaine are you referring to window.onload?
Please how I can fix the problem for my question
@SterlingArcher maybe. What do you want to do?
you might have to hide the element, not sure if ignoring pointer events is enough, but its worth a shot :P
@SterlingArcher also, tell me which browsers you support, and if you support IE8, I'll assume you use jquery.
if you don't support IE8, use addEventListener
oh wow - @Loktar - that worked. I can't believe I didn't think of it
either way, you're doing something wrong, so you better prepare yourself for the hammer
@FlorianMargaine well, my boss wrote a small JS script for fun, but it used <body onload="timer = setTimeout("derp()",2000); and I wanna show him how to abstract the JS from the HTML
I've had to do that before
I really love elementFromPoint just sucks it only gets the top most
@FlorianMargaine "But it will only share these cookies with the gmail.com domain." What does that phrase mean? Only requests sent to gmail.com will send the gmail auth cookies?
document.body.addEventListener('load', function() {
    setTimeout(derp, 2000);
yeah - so is elementFromPoint future-proof?
@RyanKinal I didn't make the Flash slider, but I assume yet, I couldn't find a different refernce
@Loktar You should shim an elementsFromPoint
@NathanJones yes
@RyanKinal assume yes*
@Seiyria eh not really :(
I may
@RyanKinal I think @Shmiddty did actually
not be able to use it then :/
@notchris So... you have no idea how gallery_copy ever gets called
@FlorianMargaine ah, so it's load not onload thanks!
Or, really, any reason to think it ever gets called ever
... ever
unless I have a shim for it of course - also, I was looking for elementsFromPoint and I was really surprised it wasn't a thing!
@Loktar Oh, rock on
@SterlingArcher with addEventListener, yes. The property is onload though.
@RyanKinal @Loktar I may have
I vaguely remember doing something like that
@FlorianMargaine So if I curl gmail.com, spoof the required headers to make it look like I'm in a browser, are you saying the auth cookies won't be sent back in the response?
@RyanKinal No I do not.
yeah I got some code from an answer of yours actually when I was looking up the best way to retrieve an element from a stack of elements
Man you're just too fast. I have no chance to write an answer when you're around :-) — Bergi 2 mins ago
@FlorianMargaine It didn't work for me
is @Zirak 100 now?
@NathanJones the request needs to send the correct cookies.
@notchris Then I have no way to help you. It seems, to me, that it never gets called. And I don't know why. It looks like it should work, if it ever actually gets called. But it doesn't.
So... figure out where it's used, and then go from there.
@FlorianMargaine alright, so I curl the google login page and parse the needed cookies and include it in my second, login, request with those cookies.
looks like IE9+ support elementfrompoint
why the heck isn't on caniuse?
@NathanJones do you know how sessions work?
Im going to update the mdn
You do that, and update caniuse too
@RyanKinal not really a shim, but here's some code: stackoverflow.com/a/12848053/1585400
@FlorianMargaine not really, no.
@NathanJones ok, that's your issue :-)
man I'm in love with my laptop
there are several methods to handle sessions, but the most common is the following
@FlorianMargaine didn't know that! Thanks for explaining
when you login, the server will create a unique token. It will send this unique token in a set-cookie header in the response. Now, whenever someone sends a request with a cookie having the token, the server will know that you're that guy.
What are some recommended reading for getting to know how sessions work?
@notchris My best suggestion is to look at what has changed since it broke. Good luck.
does that make sense?
oh, I didn't realize that behavior was called a "session"
are sessions server-side?
b) are they a part of HTTP?
(I feel like a total newbie now)
@BartekBanachewicz no
they're an abuse of http
I vaguely remember sessions from PHP
i.e. how to make http "stateful"
BTW aren't they like the opposite of REST
@FlorianMargaine yeah exactly
@BartekBanachewicz not really
I am trying to get rid of PHP memories
they can be used to handle not having to reauthenticate every time
sessions aren't only used in php
isn't there a thing called HTTP Auth 2?
not that I know of
there are http authentication methods though
I know that http auth might be limited
Sessions, as used by most serverside solutions, are really just a cookie
@FlorianMargaine but that session is only created after the user logs in, correct?
@NathanJones yes
@user3649503 ... sort of. They're a cookie that holds an ID that references data on the server.
@RyanKinal - exactly, a cookie
@RyanKinal Thank you
if it's a cookie used to make a different request, it doesn't make the server stateful in the regular way
In PHP you also have the horrible choice of adding the ID to the URL
@user3649503 it can be a cookie or something else
@user3649503 "A cookie" is an over simplification.
let's say a token
And also what @FlorianMargaine said
some solutions use a hidden input field on every page
that's CSRF right?
that's something else
CSRF is a particular type of security exploit
CSRF is a way to abuse these sessions
for example, if you're on my site, and the way to like my facebook page is a get request, I just have to load an iframe and you'll like my page, because your browser is connected (through a session) to facebook with your account
It's really quite simple, the server has a certain place where it stores data for each user, this storage can be accessed with an ID, so the point is to store that ID somewhere where it can be retrieved on each request, creating the illusion of state, and that ID is usually stored in a cookie.
"cross-site request forgery"
@BartekBanachewicz you're thinking of an anti forgery token that is used to prevent CSRF.
@BenjaminGruenbaum right
@user3649503 exactly - an over simplification
isn't it used as an auth token at the same time?
each time you make a request you could get a new token to make the next one
@user3649503 did you just describe what a session is?
or dunno make the token valid for 30 seconds
@BartekBanachewicz and to come to your point... let's say the way to like my facebook page is a post request. I can have you submit a form on my site and you'll like my facebook page.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I at least tried ?
@user3649503 Oh, I just read the context. I thought you were asking how to do that :P
@FlorianMargaine mhm
A session is most definitely just an ID though. The rest I completely agree with.
a simple protection is the anti-CSRF token. You can just have it be the same for you, every time, forever. It means that the attacker first needs to access facebook, connected as you, to get the csrf token.
you don't really need to regenerate it
so the session should just be used to store login data
and not abused for processing logic
well, you can.
What processing logic?
wait, what?
3 forms in sequence for the user
no, you don't store login data in the session
what do you call login data?
3 forms in sequence for the user can totally be stored in session.
You can store some data in the session. If you want 3 forms in a sequence I'd probably store the state on the client and only send it to the server when it's in a consistent and meaningful state.
that's not a great way to go though, it quickly goes unmaintainable
(I've had to maintain some projects that did this; it was impossible to maintain.)
Unless of course it requires locking, in which case I'd perform a transaction I guess.
@FlorianMargaine Is there anything special that the browser does that makes it impossible for someone to replicate outside of the browser (curl commands, let's say)?
@FlorianMargaine - Isn't the whole point of CSRF protection to output something unique from the serverside, that the serverside can then recognize to know that the request is coming from the right place, having the same token "forever" sorta defeats the point
@FlorianMargaine in the context of sessions
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what I'd do too
@NathanJones no. The advantage it has is that it knows the session id though :)
@user3649503 the same token for the user. Each user should have a different token, of course
complicated stuff
But a script that parses the Set-Cookie header from login request's response can find that out, can't it?
hmm I should prolly get around to my BEng project
@NathanJones oh, yes of course
do I install Node locally or do I get a VM
but if you can login, then who cares? :)
@BartekBanachewicz both
@BartekBanachewicz install locally, it's simpler. Deploy to a VM or to the cloud.
@FlorianMargaine - You're talking about the login token right, not CSRF ?
I would say elementFromPoint is safe
@BartekBanachewicz if you want to use postgresql and the likes, I'd go with a vm to not screw up your host
@FlorianMargaine that's why I'm confused about the need for CORS protection.
If it's behind a login wall, what does it matter?
no, I don't need databases
@NathanJones the CORS protection works in the browser only
yay I edited mdn, I feel happy with myself
but I suppose I could use a vm anyway
@BartekBanachewicz or a docker container
CORS = Cross Origin Resource Sharing <- do you need protection for that ?
herp derp
@user3649503 try doing a cross-domain ajax request in your browser.
> Last updated by: loktar, Jul 30, 2014 12:06:52 PM
dude, you are 1337 now
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'https://www.google.fr');
eh come on I have 8GB of RAM for something here
@user3649503 run that ^
Im waiting for them to revert it and say I did something wrong
@FlorianMargaine - I know what CORS is, just not sure what "CORS protection" is ?
@Martin Oh wow that's crazy, I'll remember that
@user3649503 not sending CORS headers?
@user3649503 oh, my bad
not sure what they'd mean
@FlorianMargaine ok, focusing on the browser side of it, then. why is CORS necessary? If I try to make a request to something on another domain that will change something on their servers (database), that will most likely be behind a login wall.
@BartekBanachewicz - Then it's no longer CORS, unless it's JSONP, which is something completely different
because I should control where my content ends up
you shouldn't be able to stream my videos and alter them (without my express permission)
security blah blah blah
just like you shouldn't be able to serve facebook in an iframe and change crap
@NathanJones if you have already connected to facebook, your browser will hold the session id in its cookie for every request it will send to facebook. So there's no login wall, every time you send a request to facebook, the cookie will be there, and it will let facebook know you're that guy
there are a shit tonne of reasons that CORs exists and is a good idea
I hate cors on images :(
@rlemon I'm sure there are plenty of really good reasons. I'm just ignorant of them.
@Loktar well for our reasons for using them it is annoying
@FlorianMargaine - well, almost, Facebook uses OAuth, and there's a flow
I wonder if there is a major issue with cors and images tbh
some large sites are removing that barrier luckily
imgur and facebook are 2 that come to mind
recommend linux for VM ITT
yea images is a stretch, but video's and content I understand
yeah me too
I learn so much from you guys. Thanks a lot!
@user3649503 when I'm connected, the only thing I send is my cookie.
I'm not talking about how to login, I'm talking about how facebook handles sessions
Oh, okay, I'd assume they handle sessions the same way as everyone else as well, with a cookie.
yes, they do.
Q: Make tipsy tooltip sticky on click and normal on click again

R-U-BnHow do you keep your tooltip stay forever, like a sticky, when you have clicked its hot* element, and return normal behavior when you click it again ? * = the element that triggered the tooltip This means you have to unbind the mouseleave event and rebind it when clicked. I have been searching t...

I'm not sure if my downvotes are justified
Can somebody either confirm or nah
I hate titles I have to read three times..
sticky, tipsy, tips
uhh... so I have a PHP file, and my boss asked me to put a JS snippet in to refresh the page every 2 seconds. So I wrote it.. and it's like my JS isn't even being called.
	var timer = null;
	window.onload = function() {
		timer = setTimeout(function() {
			window.location.href = "php.rainn.org/index.php";
		}, 2000);
Why does he want it to refresh every 2 seconds? That's dumb
it's not even logging "test"
is the code on the page?
can you view-source it?
@NickDugger way to call something dumb without knowing the context
@rlemon my html and js is not in the source
then how do you want the js to be called?
Well I kinda thought it was there lol
that's why I asked :P
Hold on I might be having ftp write permission issues
it isn't logging it because it isn't being included ;)
if a curl doesn't return the js, how do you want the browser to execute imaginary js?
@SterlingArcher lol
Well I assumed it was uploaded cause cyberduck said "index.php uploaded"
did do SHIT
assume what the browser returns. The source, not what dev tools tell you.
@SterlingArcher if you refreshed any page on my computer every two seconds I'd close the page and never return to the side again.
Instead, you can use AJAX to fetch the updated data every two seconds... that's not a lot more work and is a lot better for UI.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think he has another use case. He'd use window.location.reload() instead of going to another page, I think. I think.
Guys guys don't worry about the why, my boss is testing things
does document.body have issues in chrome?
weird, console said "cannot call method addEventListener of undefined"
debugging mode: engage
inb4 calling it in the head
Can you obfuscate this, regarding the way you define a controller here? Oh yeah... forgot their anchors don't work... I'm talking about Modal
@rlemon hahaha
@rlemon no but close, it was in the body not after it
it should be

Tried both
said fuck it
used window.onload
but that is how it works
iar with node.js? I'm having trouble understanding why my code does what it does...
Sorry; Is anyone here familiar with node.js?
just ask the question, if anybody is interested they'll answer
The problem is that the setTimeout never seems to trigger, even when I set the delay to 0.
document.body.addEventListener('click', console.log.bind(console,'RUJordan is a NOOB!'))
add that
How about I bind my foot to your ass
I'm running node.js on the command line, and have:
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  if( RUJordan instanceof Noob ) return reject(RUJordan);
  resolve('our issues');
lol i hate you
nice troll
That's why you use promise libs
he wasn't answering you.
I wonder if he has an error on line 196

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