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yes, i mean how does Function.call.call() work .. i cant figure out how is the out 1 .. @SecondRikudo
One of these years, I'm gonna make it out to e3... one of these years...
@SecondRikudo and this jsfiddle.net/aghosh/f6936/2
One of these years.. POW! Right in the kisser!
@blackbee you don't need to use bind there
@blackbee What the hell are you trying to do?
!!tell blackbee mdn apply
Happy reading ^
@NickDugger Why do you want to go there anyway? If it's anything like gamescom in germany, it's mostly queueing without actually seeing all that much
I've accomplished 0% of my goal for being in this chat room and it took 100% of my time.
i read this one call , apply and bind
@CustomizedName Welcome to the club!
its not that i am asking because i am a random asker, its because i cannot understand after a lot of tries
@Kippie Are presentations reserved for press? If not, I'd go just for those. I love watching the stream
@blackbee You still haven't told us what you're trying to do, so...
i am trying to understand these things, like a simple .call() and .bind() , i can say, that 'this' is happening, but just for the sake of knowing ..
Pretty sure they just call a function while changing the value of this in the function
@Cereal Presentations mostly have very limited seating, and huge queues (4+ hours)
@Kippie I'll stick to the streams then
var s= function() {
arr = [s,s];
this works though
@blackbee have you tried function(p){p()}?
that would work too.. :D
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11121586/ googling i found this , this is where it all started
!!afk shopping, food
you guys hear of the blue eye logic problem?
Why does the explorer have to mention that there are blue-eyed people on the island before they act on it?
Act on blue eyed people? What are we, rodents?
well It was my birthday too, but no one congratulated me few years ago
Do you know that blue eyed people get drunk harder?
@KendallFrey Do you know that blue eyed people get harder? (source)
I can neither confirm nor deny that ;)
blue eyed people are a hazard because they get blinded by the sun more easily so they shouldn't be permitted to drive cars >:(
Don't tell me how to live my life, fool!
@Lorenz How about red eyes?
The blue eyed problem is this
Suppose you have an island with 200 natives. 100 have blue eyes and 100 have brown eyes
They follow a religion where if you know the color of yoru eye, you must throw yourself in a volcano
However to date, everyone has lived in peace, not having mirrors and following a strict code of not telling anyone of their eye color
If they want to kill themselves, they have to wait until midnight and throw themselves in the volcano.
Wouldn't they be fine since they can't confirm the color of their eye, so they'd never truly know
Since someone can just lie
An explorer comes along and says that he's surprised to find others with blue eyes in such a place.
unless the foreigners brought mirrors, I suppose
How many days pass and how many of the natives kill themselves? Hint: it's not zero
water. natures mirror
@Neil one, the explorer.
@rlemon Assume magic non-reflective water
I have cats and I want to declare there MomName but I am not sure where to
Or are we just talking about natives?
@SecondRikudo How many natives. He doesn't follow the religion in any case
I suppose he wouldn't have told the whole village that
So whoever he told?
He told everyone, and he told them only that there is another blue-eyed person on the island
@BartekBanachewicz what reasoning?
If the blue eyed native is readily available, everyone with brown eyes would be able to know they didn't have blue eyes
@AwalGarg "-1 this is pointless"
which doesn't mean they know their eye color
@Neil idk, but being a native american all I know is if the white man comes then they have about ~100 years.
@BenCraig bad bad....
@Neil Wouldn't you know if you had blue eyes when you got children, though?
So the one guy with blue eyes would never see the guy with blue eyes
@rlemon do you know my cat's momname
@BartekBanachewicz ok... glad you got it early. :)
the fuck is a momname?
@AwalGarg got what early
Which, given there's no hidden villagers, and the explorer isn't lying, and he didn't miss anyone, means he has blue eyes
you downvoted me
why would you do that.
i think he came back to his homeland and had forgetfulness disease
first, iz that religion thing still buzzing here?
So, the one guy with blue eyes would kill himeself, since the answer isn't zero
Unless you misworded your statement, and there's more than one blue eyed person
haha I like this riddle
@Neil let's examine the situations at hand
this riddle makes no sense
@narthur157 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
a riddle???? which one... me 2 please.
@Neil Is there more than one blue eyed native?
Your later statement implies only one
theres 100 blue-eyed natives
.. @capricasix thanks
I have a riddle....
What is in my pocket?
If there was only one person with blue eyes, he would have killed himself that night
Because he walks around the village and sees that he's the only one with blue eyes.
(because no one else has)
@rlemon a parchment of code for sure :D
@Kippie Oh shit the plan blew up. Everybody in the island is ded.
@AwalGarg please don't write code on paper ever
no, really, ever.
@rlemon A mars bar.
Especially when your interviewer tells you to ~
Nope and nope.
If there were two people with blue eyes, (A and B) then A would think "Well, that person has blue eyes, so he should kill himself tonight", and B would think the same of A
@Cereal ask for a computer.
@rlemon a lemon?
would someone care to explain what riddle is it?
just read up a bit
@AwalGarg Scroll up
posted on July 30, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} We'll be announcing a prize for the winner of BAHFest today! So, if

When neither kill themselves that first night, they both conclude that they are the only ones with blue eyes (because if they were the other person was the only one, they would have died on that first night)
The answer was : a battery.
So with 2 people, both will kill themselves on the second night
how do you get to that point though
@Cereal link please... I am not good at finding things.
@rlemon a lemon is indeed a battery. you can use it like that atleast.
No it isn't.
@SomeGuy haha idk man, he is just super creative, he is the artist of the family though
With 3 people, all three would kill themselves on the 3rd night, with a similar process.
@SecondRikudo wait what? I thought 100 people had blue eyes?
!!tell rlemon google using a lemon as a battery
So with 100 people, all 100 would spontaneously commit suicide on the 100th night. @Neil
> How many days pass and how many of the natives kill themselves? Hint: it's not zero
So it would take 100 days to kill 100 natives
with none dying before 100
@Cereal Correct.
I'm assuming that all natives can see all other natives during the course of each day.
and they can all count to 100
And that they remember exactly who has what eye color :P
@AwalGarg in themselves they are not batteries
couldn't the explorer see the same person every day?
ok so Neil is the criminal who blew the fire to this, right?
you can manipulate them to act as one
but even if you are getting pedantic, you are still wrong :P
@narthur157 I figured the explorer saw all of them, once
@Kippie Apparently not.. buh?
@rlemon maybe your battery is actually a lemon, how do you differentiate?
It's a logic problem, so it's safe to assume he saw all of them simultaniously
just stop talking please.
@Neil isn't 100 the answer?
@SecondRikudo Very keen of you, that's the right answer
100 is the right answer
@AwalGarg 99 days, 100 nights
1 person, 1 night, 100 people, 100 nights
I win at the first try!
Imma just post it for everyone who hasn't watched it yet
@BartekBanachewicz One of the best ones ever made
it's great
it's so great.
> faith in science
I was just told that "I have impressive faith in atheism". I don't even.
so, is this over now?
It takes me a while to cool down after talks about religion
and especially long after talks that have both religion and "science"
Then don't talk about it, least of all in a javascript chat room...
why not?
you don't want to talk about javascript either.
I talk plenty about javascript.
meh. Most of the js talks here are "my jquery/angular/whatever code doesn't work"
Troubleshooting in the js room?
Sure, but religion is just one of those things that you don't blither on about, because people get upset, or just heated, and it gets out of hand.
!!afk back to work
Especially when you're as rude about it as bartek
@NickDugger FTR people get more heated here when I bash JS than when I bash religion
@Cereal I'm not rude, I'm just calling being religious fucking dumb.
Just stop... damn, how many people do I need to ignore?
bye for now, and super thanks
Do you come here just to argue with people?
!!urban FTR
@BenCraig i came here today to discuss SRP
but no one wanted to pick up the topic
dunno what that is
see that's what happens with coding debates here
Anyway, the point of the blue eye problem was.. why the hell do you even need an explorer?
@BenCraig Single Responsibility Principle doesn't ring any bells?
You can see there are others with blue eyes..
> You cannot counterflag your own message
thanks SO.
nope. I hardly know how programming works, Ive only been doing it for 3 months?
maybe 4
@BenCraig well it's a principle in software design that states that each component should be responsible for doing one thing well
Me no likey flaggy
@BartekBanachewicz that's rude. Stop that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum SCNR
@BartekBanachewicz Ah ok. fair enough
@Cereal You just got message 18000000
@BartekBanachewicz learn to
@DanLugg That's 18 million. Wow.
Yaaay, what's my prize?
*ahem*, in the spirit of 4chan (which I've likened this room to in the past) 18000000 GET!!!!!
@DaveRandom every time I'm suspended in chat I get a chance to talk with folks in the tavern
@BenCraig I was wondering whether mixin inheritance violates it or not.
@ircmaxell did you look at flux yet?
"Every time I get suspended" implying more than once, implying repeat offender
Result: tinyAvatars++;
and where's the point where inheritance might violate it.
@DaveRandom lol
@DaveRandom hahahaha... that makes sense lol
Damn my laptops charger cable has a loose connection and my battery lasts for about 5 minutes -.-
@BartekBanachewicz mixin inheritance is not a thing.
Composition via inheritance?
TYPE LEVEL mappend ! (woo)
@BenjaminGruenbaum briefly, was spending more time implementing SSA, and getting that working... ;-)
I have just had a crazy idea
@ircmaxell does it work?
could you create a monoid from types where the operation is glueing them together somehow?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
I suppose sum and product types are monoids
@ircmaxell awesome :D
the compilation is a little bit slow (I haven't optimized any of the graph traversals yet), but it works
It's only 8:50, and I'm already hungry. I've really gotta start eating breakfast...
Could you create a monoid where the operation is inheritance?
@BartekBanachewicz ... seriously?
@NickDugger keep us posted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum In haskell terms, that would be type-level typeclass
My next task is to start implementing the type inference system ;-)
or higher order type class
@ircmaxell for what language?
@BartekBanachewicz PHP ;-)
@ircmaxell what're you going with?
@ircmaxell what.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, standard algorithms aren't going to really work well, due to a few limitations around type mutability. So really I'm just going to have to best-guess it, and bail early if I can't reason through it
do you have your own parser at least?
IIRC regular PHP parser doesn't even have an AST phase
I have no idea how you're supposed to run type inference without that. On text?
@BartekBanachewicz I use an open-source parser that generates and AST, and then I annotate the AST, and generate a Controll Flow Graph from that. Which then I convert to SSA form
@ircmaxell well, you have to bail... usually it's best to optimize for SMIs most of the time. The "go to" for type systems is usually something like Hindley but I wouldn't try that on PHP.
@ircmaxell okay. That makes more sense.
and then I currently compile directly from SSA to machine code
@BartekBanachewicz I sent you a message on FB.
But do you want H-M inference like Benjamin mentioned?
but I may want to put in another intermediary there instead...
So you transforming the AST into SSA form is not what one would do regularly? Do you build a new AST from the CFG which is in SSA form? @ircmaxell
@BartekBanachewicz probably not. Oh yeah - that's the second name. When we talked about it we called it Hindley inference but that's not its name anywhere else.
Before I do that wrong
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not sure yet. My main tasks have been getting it to an SSA point, and starting to implement some optimizers on the SSA representation
@C5H8NNaO4 no, I mutate the CFG into SSA form. The SSA form is still a graph
@C5H8NNaO4 I don't know if it's right or wrong. It's just how I've done it
Ok, the way i am going about that is that I transform both, the CFG and the AST but i dunno whether that's right
@ircmaxell have you looked at the LuaJIT source?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no
LuaJIT is actually a nice idea
It's a lot less clear than V8 (which I like), but it's supposed to be like 3 levels better.
well it's pretty fast.
The stuff I did understand was impressive. V8 is an easier read though IMO. Less statistical analysis.
@ircmaxell can you clarify me something from this answer. you say - " he can now generate all the fake tokens he wants with any username for his IP address! " but, isn't that only possible if that particular token he generates is present on the server side too? (sorry for random in-between the convo message)
@C5H8NNaO4 so the way I implemented the SSA conversion, is my CFG has a "noop" node (think like a label) at every vertex where multiple branches converge (more than one inbound edge). Then I add the Phi nodes to that noop node.
@ircmaxell Oh, I actually wrote an answer about engine internals yesterday, you might like it stackoverflow.com/questions/24987896/…

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