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probably gonna re-write the whole thing :now:
you have made me feel uber stupid :-), thanks though :D
Hi From Alien
@CustomizedName ?
Yes, I am an alien
room topic changed to JavaScript :: structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf :: YES! Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. [ecmascript] [javascript] [mine] [mine] [mine]
Is that for me ?
This cake is for you
who's birthday is it :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum in angular a directive's Link function should technically bind dom events etc to the controller right ?
           /         (/^\)     /
      \   ( \         \ /     ( \     /^\
     / )   \ |        _|_      \ |   |/^\|
    | /    _|_        | |      _|_    \ /
    _|_    | |        | |      | |    _|_
    | |    | |        | |      | |    | |
    | |    | |    ****| |******| |    | |
    | |****| |****    | |      | |****| |
   *| |    | |                 | |    | |*****
 *  | |   H  A  P  P  Y               | |      *
*                                               *
| *            B  I  R  T  H  D  A  Y  !      * |
can anyone help me please, I need a software which will take 4 photos and give me back 1 photo with all four photos in it as displayed as boxes
Why would you need that? You have cake.
I desperatly need this software, please... :():
@AbhishekHingnikar did you read the docs?
btw ":():" = frog
Thanks for clarifying that.
Frog doesn't go well with cake
@CustomizedName do you mean, a primitive collage maker? Shouldn't be hard to make
I'll have to ask you to take the frog away from the dinner table

> At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.
The part about the link function -_-
Or... you know... the SO post about it.
@JanDvorak Yess, yesss oh yessssss, thank you, but sorry what ?
this is not about DOM Manip though
In fact, practically anything in Google when asking it that question
I am confused where to put an external lib instance (which is memory extensive)
@CustomizedName practically any image library + a bit of coding will do
i remember somewhere i read storing element references in controllers causes memory leaks
!!google imagemagick
> link function - use for registering DOM listeners (i.e., $watch expressions on the instance scope) as well as instance DOM manipulation (i.e., manipulation of iElement = individual instance element).
It is executed after the template has been cloned. E.g., inside an <li ng-repeat...>, the link function is executed after the <li> template (tElement) has been cloned (into an iElement) for that particular <li> element.
Of course asking me is easier than looking it up in Google.
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you read the rest of my question ?
... or just use a GUI-based image editor
@BenjaminGruenbaum My goat is making sexual passes at me, how do I unlock the sexually unattractive trait?
GIMP'll do
the instance can create anywhere from 5 - 20 megs of memory.
Yes, I have.
Have you read that text?
@Zirak start eating it.
g2g, sorry
I've drunk the Potion of Stench, but it only made things worse.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ✓
@Zirak that's a great question. There are two schools of thought on the subject. The Hircumian school claims that in fact, you are the one making passes at the goat and not vice versa and that you should embrace your nature. The Cibumian school however that you should eat the goat as it is the greatest way to honor it. Of course, neither are correct and the answer lies as always in the middle ground.
You've given me food for thought
Thank you, wise one
@AbhishekHingnikar why can't you ask more questions like @Zirak ?
because i am not him ?
And you never will be.
Also, I don't get your question at all... link does something very specific, you either need to use it or not.
i know that, thanks :P
There is no ambiguity involved. Directives have a few functions you can hook on, link is one of those functions, it does something completely different from the other functions.
Basically I cannot store a reference to a WebGL FrameBuffer in controller, nor in link
where the hell do i store it ? Service ?
You can store it in the directive, how many of those do you have?
could be anything, depends on user how much he want to rape the GPU
You can make a module that contains a service, directive and controller.. that's pretty common, although I have no idea what you're actually making so there's that.
There is very little ambiguity on where to store stuff in Angular, I don't understand your use case so my best advice is "read the docs" at this point.
A decent graph editing tool for stuff like WebAudio / WebGL:Seriously
Angular is very very opinionated on how to structure your UI as a framework, follow their opinion.
so far i was storing it inside directive but now i want to clean up code.
bloody hell, i am pushing it anyways, feel free to rant if u get time.
@CapricaSix thanks... but you've already told me
@Zirak @rlemon are you responsible? ^
@JanDvorak There's a really strange bug where the bot consumes an old message. I'm not sure why that happens, since I couldn't reproduce it
Once I saw it near a connection restore:
@Zirak I awoke on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:07:44 GMT (that's about 16 hours ago), got invoked 23 times, learned 316 commands
But that's not the case now
Is there a way i can get rid of ads getting targetted to my IP ?
@AbhishekHingnikar tor
@AbhishekHingnikar or, did you mean a good way?
for android apps ? [people sharing the IP were shopping for like a week online, now i am unwantedly getting their ads T_T of what they didn't buy etc]
A hosts file?
If you're rooted
@SomeGuy genius !
There are AdBlock apps if you're rooted too
I have proxy server at home :D, i don't need root i can just do that in squid.
Brilliant :-)
@SomeGuy There's a completion menu now
To be honest, it's nearly complete
Q: Play framework asynchronous calls in java

user2595818Im using the code below to call a webservice. Play's framework non blocking actions are great. The only issue is i want to store the response and manipulate them before i sent them off to the view. public static Promise<JsonNode> classService(String id) { String urlS = "www.service.api.c...

Throwing stacks and all too?
in firebug, how to pause javascript just before post anything?
@NokImchen Set a breakpoint?
Can firebug do that?
by "post" do you mean HTTP post?
@SecondRikudo ya, i can set breakpoints. But there are 1000s of lines and also many scripts. So, i dont knw which one is posting..
@JanDvorak hmmm... any type of post :|
that's too broad. Define "post"
mutation observers tell you about DOM changes
@NokImchen If you mean just before you send an XHR, you can override XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send and set a breakpoint (debugger statement)
i forgot to handle errors. my scraper crapped out at 45274 images
@rlemon scraper?? is scrapping legal?? :/
if you're using jQuery, you can attach an event handler to just before a jQuery sends AJAX request.
@JanDvorak yes, i want to use jquery. I am making a greasmonkey script. So i have no control over the site.
@NokImchen Depends. Wikipedia will hate you if you "use automated tools in a way that disrupts the service"
!!tell nok jquery ajaxstart
@CapricaSix but this is only for the 1st event?
@NokImchen sounds like a typo
> ajaxStart (Global Event)
This event is triggered if an Ajax request is started and no other Ajax requests are currently running.
> ajaxSend (Global Event)
This global event is also triggered before the request is run.
@JanDvorak thanks, let me learn about it and see whether i helps :)
> ajaxSuccess (Global Event)
This event is also only called if the request was successful.
Stack Exchange lets you scrape everything as long as you keep the request frequency within limits (10/s is not OK) and you attribute the data you scrape and publish
Is there a way to see the POST vars using ajaxStart? All the example i saw in googe are like this:
$( document ).ajaxStart(function() {
$( ".log" ).text( "Triggered ajaxStart handle/ Loading." );

but what i want is the see the post data, and also if possible, modify it...
11 mins ago, by Zirak
@NokImchen If you mean just before you send an XHR, you can override XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send and set a breakpoint (debugger statement)
That's the lowest level there is. You can do whatever you want to anything.
modify post data?? is that legal???????
@Zirak i dont understand, i will google override XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send
@rlemon heheh :P
@NokImchen Do you know how jQuery.ajax works?
no.. :/
gist.github.com/Zirak/3086939 I recommend you give this a look over
You can change the function in step 101 to be whatever you want. javascript <3
Awesome work @Zirak
looks like i'm going to have to flip and scrape from so /
there is a lot of porn in these images
imgur is dirty
All the hit pop songs (in around span of 2-3years) have a similar kind of notes etc, probably some days we will be able to predict what will be hit next.
posted on July 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

!!mdn toString
That video is pretty well done kickstarter.com/projects/mografi/…
@Zirak You're working on Zoe today, right?
@SomeGuy Shut up :(
You promised
Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe
How to hide properties in json.stringify ?
is there any way other then the replacer
not have them there?
What's replacer?
!!tell Jan Dvorak JSON.stringify
I'd test inheriting them or set them as not enumerable
second argument for JSON.stringify
!!mdn json.stringify
not enumurable takes care of that :-) ?
tested? I'm just brainstorming
testing, now
that was my first call aswell but mdn says its only for for..in loop and Object.keys method
I'd implement a serialiser using for..in
!!are you alive?
she broked
room topic changed to JavaScript: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf :: YES! Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. [ecmascript] [javascript] [mine] [mine] [mine]
The previous state of double-hearing is preferable
now I have to make my own decisions
I've got a d6, 1-3 I code, 4-6 I play video games
code it is
what is the newest and most used way now for creating objects with getters, setters etc ?
You probably already know the answer
Stop pretending to be a noob\
any one aware of LATEX? Want to write a^m^2
Curly braces
@Zirak honestly i don't
i have seen like 4 in 4 different libs. // in past years.
@AbhishekHingnikar Have you googled "mdn getter"?
when did this came out ?
too much to learn i guess.
I never got getters and setters
They're too complex and unwieldy
Having a function is so much simpler
and clear ?
Getting/setting a property in my head is a simple operation. When something I use uses getters/setters, I'm not so sure any more. It makes me think about property access.
In Ruby you don't even have public fields
only getters and setters with a nice way to generate those
Thanks @Zirak, u rock man
Hi objects !!
Hi undefined !
Hi null !
Another religious pun? Not that we're drowning in these, but still...
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'Hi' of null
Jesus saves, but only Buddah performs incremental backups.
@Neil Buddha == Good DBA, Jesus == Microsoft Employee ( System Restore )
any ideas how to politely tell a teacher to STFU?
Any ideas how to politely tell an annoying chat user to GTFO?
@copy GTFO
^like this?
@Loktar If someone adapted this into a game I think it would be fun youtube.com/watch?v=vlUR09yRHZU
it's all I could think about while watching it
@rlemon That guy is a genius
Am a horrible dev.
@rlemon That was really good
my brain still cannot process the image
wtf am I seeing
it looks like that thing is boning a panda, and its bigger friend is holding it down
@rlemon nice
the picture is weirder as a thumbnail

I would expected here that C will consult its own prototype in lookup for function "foo". (but __proto__ of C here is Function.prototype and that is only prototype that can be consulted here (and so on through prototype chain)?)
my wife when seeing the picture: "what about it?" Me: "it looks like a panda!" Her: "your eyes suck"
@Srle Since you're returning B, you get that C === B
So C.prototype.foo is defined.
@FlorianMargaine lol
What you probably meant to do was return new B();
hello @SterlingArcher
your picture is very easy to recognize.
@FlorianMargaine my gf "what the fuck is that?!" me: "it is an ant-eater whose leg looks like a panda" her: "that is weird! (goes back to playing video games)"
my gf "stop hallucinating me"
Fine honey, whatever you say.
@rlemon is she watching the screen right now?
then go on irc
@Zirak, generally, function never can call something from its prototype?
@Srle In js, the .prototype property which functions have isn't really their prototype.
Yes, that's retarded, I know. The real prototype is __proto__
in sence of:
function Foo() {};
Foo.prototype.juhu = function() {...}

i know that i can call it directly through Foo.prototype.juhu();
So I recommend you read on how the ES3 prototype system works, realise that it's retarded, and then learn about Object.create
eloquentjavascript.net is probably one of the better resources on ES3 prototypes
See the OOP section
Good morning.
heh, @KendallFrey and @JanDvorak, you'll probably like this: Imagine you had an html file, and wanted to match everything after the last script tag. You couldn't do \/script>.+$, since that'll match from the first script tag to the end.
Solution? .+\/script>(.+)$
A Scotch egg consists of a hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated in bread crumbs and baked or deep-fried. == Origin == The London department store Fortnum & Mason claims to have invented Scotch eggs in 1738, but they may have been inspired by the Moghul dish nargisi kofta ("Narcissus meatballs"). The earliest printed recipe appears in the 1809 edition of Mrs. Rundell's A New System of Domestic Cookery. Mrs. Rundell—and later 19th-century authors—served them hot, with gravy. == Serving == Scotch eggs are a common picnic food. In the United Kingdom packaged Scotch eggs are commo...
how have I not heard of these before now?!
@Zirak do I have to use regex?
I'd use DOM crawling + string concatenation
+ array join for concatenation if I'm super-perf-savvy
Yeah...you create the DOM and crawl it for a non-tree problem
I'll continue working
<div data-regex-killer="</script>">
Sure, that can happen
Want to parse arbitrary html? Use a parser. But to hack something simplistic together...who cares?
@Zirak depends on usage
Protect a bank account by a regex? never
Forget I said anything
but if you want to use a regex... nice one
have you checked my RFC, BTW?
Of course
It's a good idea, stupid how /define didn't have an index argument.
Whats the reference in an element which tells which document it belongs to ? nvm ownerDocument
damn, I never knew how douchey steve harvey is
wat, octal literals in strings aren't allowed in strict mode? What kind of madness is this?
@Zirak What?
!!> "use strict"; "\033[0;31m blah";
...anyway, that's not allowed
That's an octal escape
...you can try that out in zirak.github.io/jsh :P
@Zirak Autocomplete doesn't work for prototype functions?
(Tried str.slice)
Oh, it does work for array.slice, though
@AbhishekHingnikar That's...odd. I'm getting the syntax error on the online version.
Also, trying to see what String.prototype.slice is throws an error in the console
@SomeGuy hrm, seems like an error somewhere, thanks
I see the octal error too, by the way
(In the online version)
(function() { "use strict"; "\033[0;31m blah"; })()
SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.
Oh, yeah, I'm a moron
Forgot to put it in a function
@Zirak wait how on earth does chrome console run a function if it doesn't cerate a function
does es6 allow you to force types yet in functions?
like typescript does
@AbhishekHingnikar What?
"use strict"; var x; delete x;
works in chrome dev tools with no error
@FutuToad The day there'll be strict typing in js will be a sad day indeed.
I'll work so it won't happen.
lets try something funny.
@Zirak but could it be optional?
> eval(' "use strict"; var x; delete x; ');
SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.
chrome console.
meaning, they are running every statement sandboxed or something.
@FutuToad I think there's type annotation in the works, but why do you want that?
@AbhishekHingnikar Kind of
@Zirak i like yours better, that allows you to test strict mode stuff in console
maybe have a setting for it ?
@Zirak its more obvious in the code how things work
and less runtime errors
with (__commandLineAPI || { __proto__: null }) {
// your code
That's how the console runs your code
@FutuToad That's nice. Tell me, how do you do mockups in a strict environment?
How do you do overrides?
Can you simulate objects you don't have access to (because people also believe that privacy is best)?
@Zirak your version works the same way as Node CLI
> 'use strict'; var x; delete x;
SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21)
    at repl.js:249:20
    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:122:7)
    at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12)
    at Interface.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:202:10)
    at Interface._line (readline.js:531:8)
    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:760:14)
    at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:99:10)
    at ReadStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
@AbhishekHingnikar My version is a call to eval
The console actually runs your code like you just ran a js source file
@Zirak sorry your qu is a bit over my head
thats why i said you run it like node
see the REPLServer.self.eval ?
@FutuToad Typing limits you. I don't like that.
SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.message: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode."stack: "SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.
    at eval (native)
    at Object.jsh.eval (zirak.github.io/jsh/jsh.js:89:40)
    at Object.jsh.evaluateLikeABoss (zirak.github.io/jsh/jsh.js:97:22)
    at Object.<anonymous> (zirak.github.io/jsh/sdk/InspectorBackend.js:703:34)";
I like that in my code, I can pass in an object with a call property, and my code will treat it like a function
es6 doesn't allow method overriding?
@Zirak do you want to make a better console or a chrome console clone ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm embedding the dev tools in a page
so like firefox lite ?
So like embedding the dev tools in a page
I'll do a clean announcement when I think it's ready
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite.js"></script>
Sure, the next time I'll say that firebug has a console superior to the dev tools', I'll think about it.
not saying that :-D, am wondering if you gonna do that. cause that'd be awesome.
!!are you alive yet?
hey guys, is there any way to detect a warning in runtime ?
a warning?
jsfiddle.net/5CGxs @rlemon that one, open chrome console and page might freeze for 2-4 seconds
guys holy shit
my daughter Gabi just won a flatscreen TV
from the hub television network
yeah pretty crazy
she gave me the phone and they needed my info
@Loktar grats :D
haha thanks she now has a tv for her room I guess lol
man thats so crazy
Hahaha nice
What'd she win?
a flatscreen tv
no idea the size of it
she tried all last weekend she called in every 30 mins until liek 6pm
I meant, what was the competition?
then this morning did the same thing and runs to me "DAD I WON YOU HAVE TO TALK TO THEM!"
I was like woah wth
oh just a call in competition
so like the first caller
Hahaha she must be so stoked
Can anybody test this in IE 11 and tell how many times it logs created successfully with no warning ?
yeah man she is going nuts
man I never win stuff like that lol
oh and also tell me the "warning ie logged"
@AbhishekHingnikar I only have IE 10 :?
@Loktar shez lucky
@Loktar T_T
my iPad on iOS 8 gets 16 thats insane... not impressive;
no errors in ie11
but then the browser crashes :3 .. poor device.
but the final array is all nulls
oh ...
wait try changign webgl to experimental-webgl
in the get context call and re-run.
yea no errors now
and not nulls
@copy nope chrome and firefox both have a cap of 16
not that i will ever hit that limit of 16+ normally but still :D
must be the direct X
but again how does one catch "warnings" ?
don't think you can

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