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Unicode fun:
var a = 3;
а = 2;
console.log(a + а);
var H = 2;
Η = 1;
console.log(H + Η);
okay purecss.io sucks, like seriously :-/ its horrible design wise :-/
too dark ?
Nah it's fine
But maybe consider going with a light scheme
its for an image / video editor thingy
usually darker schemes better for enhancing image colors
twitter ruins image quality :(
chat is going down
much doge
yup got the beep
oh nooooo ze chaat
Good / Bad ?
those native scrollbars...
@monners don't wanna touch them, like seriously .... they are performant. plus iFucking OS
They look horrible
@monners i know :-(
what can i do though ? don't wanna ruin that native feel :-/
You can change their appearance through CSS with -webkit properties
ganarajpr.github.io/angular-dragdrop <- i was about to use this module, then i noticed the comic sans !
1) Ruin that native feel
@monners firefos ? IE 11 ?
@Meredith hell no
@AbhishekHingnikar Dunno about firefox or IE11, but it's better to clean them up in at least some browsers --> css-tricks.com/custom-scrollbars-in-webkit
Shit, internet explorer users can't have pretty scroll bars I guess no one can have them
@monners a good way is to make the container and gutter such that gutter width = container width + scrollBar width
and then overflow : hidden; on container
but still no native scrollBar
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, I've done that before, but it's a slippery slope
well i can fix that at the last step :3
@monners not really lol
i wrote a cross browser shim for it
"which creates an element for finding the width and then writes the css rule on the fly"
@AbhishekHingnikar It's a slippery slope because the scrollbar is a UX cue
true :-(
aiight monners just for you and chrome users i am doing this
I hate when sites hide the scrollbar unless you hover over it
i must remember 99.9% people playing with this will use google chrome cause this is an editor for WebGL
the rest mozillians are awesome people they wont mind.
youtube.com/watch?v=meLpNgVIFnw [just the yelling in the loud]
Am an idiot :-( I did ctrl + shift + f, convert "tab" to "spaces" oh fuck now its gonna take an age
HOLY SUBLIME HAS 40k files opened !
well now how do i close it :-/
help !
i don't wanna post the stupdiest question on Stackoverflow, how to close sublime text ?
well i figured out. removed the session file
Is there a sane way to convert all the "2 spaced" spaces (angular generator) to tabs ?
why the hell do you want tabs
@Qantas94Heavy either way i want one sanity
i am agnostic to tabs and spaces
i just want one of them ffs
@SomeKittensUx2666 angular-generator builds things with 2 spaces
i love 4 spaces or tabs of four space width.
so now the code is soup of multiple space width, tabs, fuck it
angular-generator? That Yeoman?
Also two spaces is Node standard
i know, and yes
i just can't survive 2 spaces :-/
the whole code looks crammed as fuck :-(
anyone here?
:P nope just horses
horses that can code?
is anyone in this chat room?
@door Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@door every horse can code
haven't u noticed the taps are in rythm infact at the same speed that good ones tap the keyboard
i was just wondering on if i could get someones opinion on a website im starting mainly layout changes i know it may not be javascript but the changes may be javascript so i thought i would ask here. the link is studyonthefly.com/Questionnaire/Main/?Name=HTML-Iframes
i got a horse to do my tax never knew that they ould code
the demo button does not currently lead to a related page.
i was hopeing to make whatever changes you people recomend then start to post more tutorials. thats why i dont have many up yet. so do you guys have any recomendations for me?
So you'd like us to suggest changes in the layout?
an possibly to the color scheme like the code highlighter.
anything? or do you all think that my site is amazing?
somebody save me from myself pastebin.com/xExQfVkA
@ElliotBonneville JSFiddle, man
nah dude there's so much abstraction going on there I'd have to paste like 500 lines in, prolly more
if I get what you're saying
what about me?
hey door sup man
when are you not you? when you're a--no? ok. no. sorry. :(
i dont understand?
old joke. "when is a door not a door? when it's ajar"
@ElliotBonneville I'd recommend removing abstractions then
why would you recommend removing abstractions?
also, the code works, that's the unfortunate part
<img src="http://d3dsacqprgcsqh.cloudfront.net/photo/aG9mPEG_460sa_v1.gif">
I just wrote that and I was like "crap. I feel really bad for the next person who comes along and has to sort it out." and that person will probably be me.
@ElliotBonneville If you've got so many abstractions you can't post a Fiddle, your code is too complicated.
The exception being if you're working on a professional team over several years, but my guess is you're not.
@somekittens: damn straight it's too complicated.
s'okay though. making tracks
besides, the abstractions are there to simplify things. if they weren't in place development would simply be impossible.
The quality of the coder scales in an inverse exponential relationship with (amount of jQuery ^ # of jQuery plugins)
2 messages moved to Trash can
If you want 9GAG, go to 9GAG. Don't post here.
what if you're writing the plugins yourself?
Has anyone here ever had to queue an array of AJAX requests and execute them in order?
I'm thinking looping over and attaching promises but I don't know where to start :S
@monners yeah.
Got an example you can point me to?
but that was before promises.
but it should be pretty simple.
@ElliotBonneville Eh. Quality JS devs are rare. They shouldn't be wasting time on yet another jQuery plugin
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well, when I say jQuery plugin I mean a function written to take advantage of jQuery's chaining system. Not like an actual full-blown rock-solid multipurpose bloated monster like a lot of jQ plugins are
@SomeKittensUx2666 I get the feeling I'm doing this wrong... jsfiddle.net/Xj5kS
aka instead of foo(element); bar(element); you get $(element).foo().bar();
Still, I'm almost to the point of thinking jQuery is an antipattern.
i.e. should never be used
almost done with really.js
really.js? rofl
Allows you do create custom webgl filters powered by seriously.js
noice. >me google seriously.js
i will probably write definitely.js someday which will provide photoshop like editing capabilities lol
just bought the domain aswell :D
oh my my i am actually doing this !
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think jQuery still has a place in the JS dev world, although perhaps that place is diminishing rapidly.
ugh, I can't words right now, it's 12:30. what I mean to say is it's becoming redundant.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i need help with profiling an angularjs app
some tutorial links would be amazing
you helping the project would be incredible :P
@ElliotBonneville Yeah. That's why I'm not quite at the 'all jQuery is an antipattern' point yet
jquery is a code smell: the code with jquery can be ok, but it probably won't
@tereško good morning
@tereško Yep.
@SomeKittensUx2666 your face is an anti-pattern.
!!define anit
@SomeKittensUx2666 anit tonight
My face is a tonight pattern? Are you coming on to me?
I'd expect that from @monners
@SomeKittensUx2666 You know you like it
They were right when they said "you are opening a file from [old version]. If you save it in [new version], you won't be able to open it in [old version] again". The "export to [old version]" option doesn't work.
can any one help me this is my fiddle jsfiddle.net/javamagic/2RuLW when i click on links the corresponding content is not displaying
Do you know luigi cooked for the mob? His favourite dish was broken leg of lamb.
@ASR it also breaks in very small resolutions
@JanDvorak i want make it dynamic
@ASR $ is not defined. Please configure your fiddle properly.
@JanDvorak not found where?
@ASR line 1 and many others use $ but it's not defined anywhere.
Did you mean to select jQuery as a library?
What version?
Assuming latest jQuery 1.x, FTFY: jsfiddle.net/2RuLW/1
Dangit xD
Lost the Game >_>
@JanDvorak thanks
@Zirak tried Gintama - it's not for me :X
anybody here
I'm not
!!welcome atal
@atal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how to add id's to the div dynamically?
element.id = "wheeee"
You shouldn't need to do that
how to do then?
just set it in your markup. why would you need to assign an id anyways?
An Id in JS is basically used in the most cases to be able to select/get the element
so, for setting the ID, you already have the element, what is your reason to set an id?
my requirement is i have to generaten n- number of links, when i click on the link content should display. see like this jsfiddle.net/X5NgG/1
first of all, ids need to be unique, you got a lot of duplicated ones in there
second, you're not selecting the right id to show the content, the id on the content has a "-div" attached to it
@ASR $(this).attr("id") is wrong. $("#"+$(this).attr("id")) is even worse.
Guess why?
@ASR Guess what ID stands for?
id should be unique
why isn't it?
blatantly so?
so its wrong
so we have to generate a class for each time
see what I did there?
added id for each list
I made them unique and adapted your selector to fit the actual id
but i dnt know how many list items user will use , offer1,offer2,offer3....n how to generate this instead of writing every time?
a simple loop on the server side language of your choice should suffice
for the content also i should generate same, and it will be applicable for all the contents
@ASR yeah, they pretty much do this like you do now. where's the problem?
generating id's or classes for each link is problem
what server side language do you use?
liferay iam using
there is a velocity for communicating with front end
i have generate the id values in velocity it self
velocity is this horrible, horrible scripting-language, right?
@GNi33 no its a templating language
its not too bad, but we've just stopped using it
ah yeah, right
I used it one or two times in Gentics - projects. Didn't like it at all, but I didn't care too much though
what's a good way to change font sizes according to element width
@Mosho javascript
really? no css? :(
@Mosho alternative answer #2: don't.
I'm getting ugly newlines
there are media queries
media-queries + em
@Mosho Gintama isn't for anyone
It's for mankind
mankind is overrated too
@JanDvorak A thousand times no!
@GNi33 not that much horrible
@GNi33 will probably do that
does anyone have an opinion about using $$childHead etc.? (in angular)
@Mosho why $$?
it's in angular
$$ usually means it's internal to angular, but it works nicely for something I'm doing here
^ supposed to be a dollars face...
   function $(selector) {
   	var ary;
   	ary = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
   	if (ary && ary.length > 0) {
   		return [].slice.call(ary)[0];
   	} else {
   		return ary;
should i put that [0]
@rlemon @Loktar it's... time.
@jAndy gratz for joining the bf-club
oh yes, thanks bro :) I had to rejoin at some point right
@jAndy damn right
Hu . Should I close vote that youtube thing or not ?
you can't close Rebecca really
shel will keep coming back
and ever
Joke on you I can't see youtube videos
Q: Localstorage is blocked by StartApp/adMob :(

Alex StaneseI finally managed to implement StartApp into my cordova project and when everything looked nice the BIGGEST problem appeared. StartApp somehow messes up my localstorage database. This also happends with adMob as I saw on the internet. When I hold the middle button to get into the recent apps and ...

math/geometry question: I have a thing, of which I know the x velocity, the x position and y position. I know that before the x gets to a certain number the y must be between N and n, which were predefined. How do I decide which values of the y velocity allow me to do that?
@dystroy how not?
@towc I don't know why but on Chromium/linux the HTML5 fallback doesn't seem to work if you don't have Flash at least installed.
@AlexStanese Stop spamming your question. You posted it one page ago and also without comments.
@dystroy I posted it 2 hours ago
You asked that 2 days ago. Can't you offer a bounty instead of pounding this room which obviously has no answer to this very specific question ?
@dystroy I'll offer but I still need to wait so I can start a bounty
How is it even related to this room? Isn't it an android app question?
@Magikaas its more a localstorage issue.. I need to delay its loading or to change its database name.
Browser's localstorage? I see then
anyone here know if there is a gerritt/jenkins plugin that says who has the most number of failed builds?
if (div.addEventListener) {
document.getElementById('paste').addEventListener('onclick', do_paste_button, true);
that function do_paste_button is not getting called in IE10
Where is it works fine on IE8
any Idea friends?
!!tell ANILBABU mdn addEventListener
Carefully read the example.
!!tell ANILBABU format
@DrogoNevets Command formatt does not exist. Did you mean: format (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@ANILBABU Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
if (div.addEventListener) {
            document.getElementById('paste').addEventListener('onclick', do_paste_button, true);
2 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@ANILBABU https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget.addEventListener
2 mins ago, by Zirak
Carefully read the example.
Hi Guys!
What exactly is meta viewport? I am finding it hard to understand from the MDN.
"viewport, which gives hints about the size of the initial size of the viewport. This pragma is used by several mobile devices only."
I was asked this in an interview today.
@RahulDesai Quirksmode has a better explanation: quirksmode.org/mobile/metaviewport
@RahulDesai the idea is that mobile devices deliberately render the page into a larger window than what their screen is.
You can hint them what window they should be rendering into.
I see
@Zirak seems better explanation than MDN
normally you want to do width = device-width
got it
Also, whats polyfill? I was asked that as well.
or, if you are doing fixed layout (bad, bad, bad you), width = the target width of the page
@RahulDesai have you looked it up?
@JanDvorak Yeah, I checked this remysharp.com/2010/10/08/what-is-a-polyfill but dint quite get it.
so, is it like expecting the browser to provide that particular functionality?
without any plugin/extension?
@RahulDesai some browsers provide certain features, but others don't. In the others, you provide the equivalent functionality yourself so that you can assume the functionality is provided.
@JanDvorak And how do we provide equivalent functionality?
by JS?
!!tell rahul google es5shim
at the core... if(!window.func) window.func = function(){..}
@JanDvorak cool!
I see
@JanDvorak so thats what is "fill" in "polyfill", right?
I can remember it that way.
Also called "shim" or "shiv"
@JanDvorak I see. But the new functionality that we are adding, thats the "fill" right?
Originally from masonry or the like
!!define polyfill
@JanDvorak polyfill (computing) A plugin that provides the functionality of newer browsers to older versions.
Well, it is.
!!define shim
@JanDvorak No definition found.
!!help define
@JanDvorak shim A wedge.
@JanDvorak define: Fetches definition for a given word. /define something
> Shim - n. 2) A thin piece of material, sometimes tapered, used for alignment or support.
> 3) A small library that transparently intercepts and modifies calls to an API, usually for compatibility purposes.
One last question: (My googling skills lacked at this) In font-family, we mention comma seperated values. Is there a specific syntax for font-family? MDN just says [ <family-name> | <generic-family> ]#
!!mdn font-family
Or is it that it refers to the fallback mechanism? if one's not working, take the other?
Anything that backports a newer version of browser API to older browsers is a polyfill
What's that site with the best things in php again?
@RahulDesai Not sure what the notation is, but the hash seems to be doing the trick
@Kippie it's free and it's widely available. You don't need a site for that.
@JanDvorak I meant the ironic site which was completely empty
@Zirak Thanks, my man
@JanDvorak Legit. Create an issue.
...it'll be dealt with in 6-8 weeks
!!jsh or bot
@Zirak jsh
I'll just finish this InjectedScript thing
!!play games or do work?
@Kippie play games
@Zirak commented on #207, btw
I've got to finish the node port before focusing on anything else, unless it's critical
It's already stretched out way too long
Is having access management for multiple rooms considered high-priority?
Hey, they just told me I cleared that round. Yayy
It is, but fixing it requires uphauling how the bot handles rooms and users, which'll be done anyway in the port
Cool, thanks
@Zirak How's the port coming along anyway?
oh :(
He's being lazy
posted on July 25, 2014

After my Samsung smart TV test of two weeks ago I was interested in another TV test. Last Friday I was at a client that turned out to have an LG smart TV with browser, and I ran some quick tests. The interface LG’s interface is better than Samsung’s. Although the browser does not offer a way of jumping from link to link, as the Samsung one does, its cursor-based interface is a l

@JanDvorak I never stop to be amazed by the amount of FUD that javascript room contains
i got a prob today again.... :(
i want *document.title* property to be assigned into a variable so that i can change the document title easy using a variable easily...
_____var status = document.title;
_____status = "qaz";
byt the above code dont work the way i want... :(
@Zirak which is?
@NokImchen I don't think you should do that, but you could use get/set functions to create a property that 'wraps' it.

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