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Also, time to go home
inb4 "NO IMPACT"
@Mr.Meshuggah yeah, update your electrical system in your house
because google fonts doesn't have it
what does inb4 mean? i keep seeing that.
in before
A bit like w8 and m8.
in before "no inpact"?
w8 m8 I have 1thing to tell ya.
i was reading it as in before but it never makes since in context of that
Oh, you have much to learn, young padawan
It's the internet. Don't try to make sense of it.
Many people try to and end in the gutter.
@Mr.Meshuggah have @Loktar fix up your refrigerator for you. the speakers wont crack like that if the fridge is blown to kingdom come.
Sorry, what is Kingdom Come?
@Mr.Meshuggah a bukake site
This is where take my leave...
!!afk home
haha same here
later all
@Loktar that was amazing.
@Mr.Meshuggah you have much to learn young padawan
!!urban bukake
@Mr.Meshuggah [bukake](http://bukake.urbanup.com/1617645) Actually, that is a misconception. The urban myth purports that the practice originated in feudal Japan as a method of punishing women who had committed adultery. However, this is not true as the source is the imagination of the writer of a certain adult website who concocted the story to entice readers to subscribe

Bukkake is the noun form of the Japanese verb bukkakeru to dash [\[water\]](http://ur(snip)
I see
hmm I is it one or 2 k's
I'm not looking it up at work thats for sure
lol anyway it made me lol in real life at work
just looked up inb4 on urbandict... i get it now.
i know understand the internet that much better.
Great think you learn.
@IsaiahTaylor typically the accepted "font face" for memes is "Impact"
I don't have that font as an option
many people complain
I also learned something today about that japanese punishment.
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol
@rlemon yeah, i got that part of it. i am one of those complainers
Unless someone blows you in the pacific.
!!afk running backwards through a corn field... o.O
So back to the tablet topic
Would a website suffice or should I make like a website wrapped in an app?
what are you trying to produce?
jist a simple app for tablets of any kind
that has a register form
and an additional form, after you register.
so your thing is you want it to be cross compatible? that is why you are going web dev route instead of native langs?
Without putting that many hours of effort
Because it uses an already developed REST API.
i have a personal predjudice against web wrap apps
I know, me too, but then again sometimes
but thats just me
You don't need a complete app for some things.
and then the support takes too much time.
i'd say just do a site. if people download an app expecting to get something special and then find they could have done it online faster, they will be pissed
thats from experience
Sure thing, but are there any guidlines how to do it to look good on a tablet?
Anyway, thanks for the advice.
i dont claim to be an artist, but, as always, KISS, make it size adaptive, use good color schemes (dtelepathy.com/blog/inspiration/…)
Ouau, that is really helpful! Thnak you.
check commands for cross compatibility of course. no flash content (you probably wont need that for a simple registration form)
Ok good, I guess responsive design would suffice!
One last thing, any good css frameworks besides Bootstrap?
bootstrap is of course good for mobile... pure and skeleton are worth looking into
base is another good mobile one
foundation is also pretty good
Ok, thank you, I will take a look.
What is that Abdishek
Something i am working on
I am removing the Huge ass likes comments an shares shit though
Nice Palm-er trees :)
Lol, Microsoft right there.
programming is like writing a book... except when you miss a comma on page 126, your typewriter yells at you until you fix it.
That's a god damn good typewriter I'd say.
its probably made by intellij.
@Loktar I just realized (while taking a poop) that just averaging the rgb won't work
I need to determine the hues and average those
What are you talking about rlemon?
determining the average colour of an image / area of an image
at I'm just averaging the rgb values of all pixels, but i'm beginning to think that is flawed
Isn't hue part of RGB?
It depends how you want to use them.
I would need to convert the RGB to HSV then I think I would have a better average
@rlemon yeah i dont think that will cut it
I'll write up some tests later.
HSV wont either
@IsaiahTaylor it works for the most part (rgb)
not as accuratly as it shuold
or rather as one would like it to be
it is fairly accurate, but you are right, not as accurate as it could be
I'm interested in knowing how to make it more accurate
(not for that pen, just in general)
@rlemon that's awesome
@Mr.Meshuggah no just mucking with quadtrees and images
u would need a purely linear color scale
function getColor(x, y, w, h) {
    var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, i = 0;
    for (var _x = x; _x < x + w; _x++) {
        for (var _y = y; _y < y + h; _y++) {
            var o = (~~ (_x - w) + (~~ (_y - h) * width)) * 4;
            r += idata[o];
            g += idata[o + 1];
            b += idata[o + 2];
    return {
        r: r / i | 0,
        g: g / i | 0,
        b: b / i | 0
I'm more interested in how to make this more accurate
I have no proof, but my gut tells me there is a better way
no clue how to do ordering if you were to make one...
@rlemon why are you going the wrong way ?
in fact, lets talk about what a color average even is
You are subdividing quads ?
and when u do so you are recalculating that color ?
why not computer indivisual color in 1x1 grid -> 2x2 and use the color found in 1x1 grid ?
thus the second and later passes will be aggregating ?
i mean, are we talking numerically? if you actually want to think of colors as numbers, sure you can find an average, but are you sure your number scale is actually true? say you have a picture with two pixels: one yellow and one blue. who is to say the average isnt orange? by whose scale are we measuring?
Have a good evening Gentlemen!
I gotta run.
see ya @Mr.Meshuggah good evening
@AbhishekHingnikar because it looks cooler ;)
besides that is not the code I care about anymore
was just an example
@rlemon if you do it my way you can compute first and then animate faster at 60fps
dude, that happens hella quick anyway
again, moving on because I don't care :P
that was so like 2 months ago man
do care dude yo can create image compression in pure js that way
Im working on something else now
even better ? you can send this info over websockets
to do even cool as fuck thing :D
ugh, just realized when I installed Sublime on my fresh install I installed 2 not 3
uninstall it and install atom :D
yea no thanks :)
I've payed for ST, I see no compelling reason to switch to Atom
stupid jsfiddle.
oo back up
good night the best chatroom in the world :D
I've heard Atom runs like ass on Windows
ive heard your mom does as well
:DDD dont shoot me
@rlemon just curious - if you write css like this: jsbin.com/tomimoyi/1/edit Is there a way to make the border-width NOT get set on all sides?
I only know how to do it if it's all inline
border-right: 1px solid black
@m59 yeah, ive done it before... its rediculously hard
div {
  border-width: 0;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-right-width: 1px;
I did that
@rlemon that doesnt work
works for me
@rlemon DOHHHHHH
helps if I look to the right
I was looking beside the text ;D
it's a block element ;)
yeah haha
I was in another jsbin using floats and got stuck in the habit
quick licensing question
whats a good one that allows people to sell the code if they want?
@copy thanks
MIT too
Anyone help with a regex, this works "<script>(.*)</script>" unless theres a newline, what would I need to add to grab everything between including newlines.
say I made widget x at company y and wanted to sell it..
and they allowed me to open source it
Im thinking if its open sourced under a certain license both can be happy
With MIT and BSD you can even make additions in your free-time and don't have to open-source them
yeah I knew MIT was pretty open, but it has to have attribution right?
looks like BSD you don't even have to give attribution at all
my main concern is if I wanted to rewrite the entire thing anyway I wouldn't want company y coming at me trying to take any money I made from widget x
since then the original concept/code is open sourced anyway
How about, what's a license that you don't care if they just download it, rename it, and sell it? I want some of my projects to have absolutely 0 restrictions. I know CC has CC0, is that what I'm looking for?
those are usually for art works
I thought about cc as well but they recommend against using those for software
I always make my stuff MIT
but I was over complicating things in my mind when thinking about this issue
@m59 that generated css is ugly
@m59 on?
what wrong with the css you had in the webdesign room the other night?
Not getting frowned upon by @Loktar haha
it worked and look good imo
When I was working on that?
the jsbin.. maybe saturday night?
Yeah, but it's more specific
I made that to practice writing reusable stuff @rlemon
Like, is it a nice usage and clean code?
(I'm getting the impression it isn't)
I would say the code this generates is way less reusable
and the plain css you had on saturday was
that only worked for one column count (3)
ah didnt know you wanted more
but man.. the css is so much cleaner
It's the same haha
the generated css isn't even close to the same
A lot of css vs
ol {
  list-style: none;
  width: 600px;
  background: #000;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

li {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background: #ffe;
  float: left;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  margin-left: -1px;
  border-left: 1px solid black;
  border-bottom: 1px solid black;

li:nth-child(3n+1) {
  border-left: none;

li:nth-last-child(-n+3) {
  border-bottom: none;
jsbin.com/qapuzado/1/edit it takes SOOO long to find the colours
I think my idea was a bust
@Loktar change the loop to 3 to 4 then you get the same css pretty much, just with classes
I'm hitting imgur like 1000 times a minute
think they'll mind?
@rlemon you using their api?
nope :P
@m59 ah I just saw all of those nth-child's
ah ok, I was DAAAANG you're being hard on me :)
if you are going to display like a table.. and you are basically making a table..
why not just use a table
then you can use normal table borders as well
just another suggestion :P
if the data isn't tabular though?
what data is it going to have in it?
since it's generalized, anything, but I used it for blog snippets
definitely a list semantically
ah I assumed tic-tac-toe :P
since you said that in the web design room lol
I really hoped that would communicate the look I was after lol
Is it not a good description!?
well I assumed you were making a tic tac toe game, thats why i suggested just using a table, not a grid display for lots of different data (ala bootstrap, or some other grid framework)
uh oh
someone is staring
is that my bro from the grave?!
zigi.. are you trying to tell me something from beyond the grave?!
oh shit! it is lol
@Loktar ;)
\o/ i wrote useful code!
horrible horrible horrible project
and I have yet to have it complete the image
oh hey its going faster
all luck of the draw
also, once I find a colour once, I draw ALL of those slots with it
instead of moving on, would look cooler if they were all unique, but would take WAY too long
it would be much faster if I didn't have so many 404's while 'searching' for images
open the console. invalid image means it is a 404
unusable means the colour isn't in my main index
caniuse got a lot sexier
woah yeah @RalphWiggum looks nice
@rlemon what... should... it... be?
@towc it takes a base image, sections it off and averages the colour over those sections, then randomly generates imgur image id's and tests to see if they exist, if they do it averages their colours and checks to see if that can be used to re-create the larger image. if it can it places it, if not starts over.
but because of the inherent randomness and the 404's it takes WAY too long to complete
oh, makes sense now... interesting!
@Loktar when will it be my turn to have a secret admirer
@Mosho soon
you're pretty, and smart, someone will definitely love you
just not this one
@Mosho I guess that if you'd know it it wouldn't be a secret admirer
How to become a front end developer in two steps: Step 1) Ctrl + c Step 2) Ctrl + v
@Loktar mom, stop hacking accounts
it was funny at first, now it's just annoying
so, for what I know, I might have an (infinite-people I know admire me - me) amount of secret admirers
@SomeKittensUx2666 select and drag is easier
@SomeKittensUx2666 you're missing 0) Ctrl + a
@Mosho lol
my mom is a leet hacker!
but she was a smoker
for like 40 years so that explains her ability to do awesome hacks
quick question: who uses Math.floor/Math.round/Math.ceil?
all of us
or ~~ (for floor)
apparently they're considered slow and inefficient...
interesting who says that?
n|0 instead of Math.floor(n) seems to work way better
@Loktar simon sarris in his book...
I saw Math.floor again in rlemon's pen and the question popped
@towc oh damn I hadn't read that part :P
Math.floor is the fastest in modern browsers
in all honesty in any project I'm doing at the office for readability id use Math
I used to be all for ~~ and |0 but now i'm more mature :P
readability without performance cost is king.
I still do ~~ when Im just doing my own thing to be fast
a few extra chars don't bother me
and I mean faster to type lol
@Loktar I've just gotten used to typing it.
I used to do drugs, but now I just Math.floor(n)
if I have to type document.getElementById() the fuck do I care about Math.floor()
hah make a st plugin to turn ~~ into Math.floor
@Loktar just make a snippet
thats what I meant couldn't remember what they called them
almost said mixin
the audacity!
I have one for canvas at work.. too lazy to make it at home though
you making one motivated me to a while back
updated with my own results
its not that much slower at all
@rlemon Math.floor seems to be 25% slower than |0 on my pc from what jsperf says
@towc and on my pc it is the tops
25% slower @towc??
bottom line, once you get > 1 million ops, don't give two shits about performance and focus on readability
@Loktar apparently
that perf I posted its like 1% slower
and also remember browser vendors don't want you to use bitwise ops to do this stuff, so they will continue to optimize the 'native' methods.
and >> 0; is faster than | on that perf
@rlemon after reading about |0 I just started using it because it sounded really cool... nobody understands me when I say 'bitwiseorzero' and makes me feel proud of my knowledge
yea, once you mature in your code you will give up on that 'feeling cool' business using bitwise operators
@Loktar for me in first place is the tilde, then the | then >>
@towc thats what my comment on readability was refering to :P
@rlemon probably
@towc I'd be more proud of being able to communicate.
Conversation on TPB:

Guy 1: i wish that little fag matt was in the sleeping bag when it was shot up...im sooo sick of him, his hair and his shitty acting

Guy 2: I wish you were in that sleeping bag, [Guy 1], you homophobic jackoff.
you'll feel cool that your code is revered by other developers, that will also be in part to how clean and readable it is
bitwise operators to do Math methods isn't readable.
> Fuck this code, lol he doesn't even use bitwise he uses Math.floor on his user form that calculates the tax on products
> Doesn't he know how SLOW THAT IS?!
only one I ever complain about is .bind lol
but I still use it :P
all of the new array functions and .bind I LOVE but I don't use in Canvas stuff
everywhere else I use it
I havent had to use .bind() since rlemon scolded me for it.
when did I scold you for it?
I think when I'm giving 'information' you guys sometimes think i'm scolding you
I forget when exactly, but I was using it retardedly
ohh, well if you were using it incorrectly :P
@NickDugger I was literally using bind as you typed that
I think it was callback.bind(something).call()
Has anyone here any experience with Node-webkit?
^^ well that is really retarded
@phenomnomnominal yes.
I actually think that readability with | isn't that bad... surely someone who doesn't use * for multiplication would find a lot of code involving moltiplication unreadable, and the same goes for |, you just have to acknowledge it's existance and what it does
Who doesn't use * for multiplication?
@towc it's pretty clear why you would use * though. | can do lots of things.
@NickDugger a little (experience with node-webkit)
Did it work as smoothly as it seems it could?
@NickDugger people who don't... code
I'm thinking of doing my game engine in node-webkit, with an embedded mongo DB
I threw a canvas game in it, worked flawlessly, also made an oculus rift demo using it
or do calculations on pcs with an input line, not gui
Oh, sweet. I'll definitely look more into it, then
Damn this slow internet... I'm trying to download a video, then go get some Panda Express... It's so hot out
!!weather Houston TX
@NickDugger Houston: 92.6959F (33.72C, 306.87K), light rain
It's not raining worth shit out.
If you like node-webkit, also check out github.com/atom/atom-shell which is used to make my new favorite editor, atom.io
!!weather san francisco CA
@SomeKittensUx2666 San Francisco: 71.5999F (22C, 295.15K), sky is clear
@Luggage What's so special about Atom?
It's like sublime but written in coffeescript, extendable with javascript
so it is sublime.
the ui is html.
but with technologies you wouldn't think to write it in
I just don't see the need to switch from Sublime atm
Yea, they copied a lot of UI form sublime (which copied a bit itself)
Meh, I like sublime, too.
I'm not bashing Atom. I've just seen a lot of 'use Atom over sublime! it is so cool!'
but never have I been given a compelling reason to do so
For me, atom had all the plugins i would have installed in sublime built in because the writers of atom use all the same langauges as I.
I tried it because it was webkit/node/coffee and that sounded cool. I kept using it because it did everything I liked about sublime, but felt more natural. But no, it had no "gotta-have-it" feature that I can think of.
!!are you alive?
@rlemon Of course!
Im using a plugin and it declared a function like this:
showmenu:function(e, megamenu_pos){

How can I call that?
oh...thats simple enough haha
I imagine
without more code :P
@DasBeasto Like the prisoner who needed to present identification, you're going to need to show us some context.
or someObject.showmenu(). It looks like showmenu is on another object.

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