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@AbhishekHingnikar I took it down after I found github.com/occ/TraceKit and I don't see an overwhelming reason to start a new one.
@AbhishekHingnikar But thanks for the interest to wanting to team up on something like that!
!!are you alive?
@rlemon Probably
!!weather oslo
@adeneo Oslo: 27.73C (300.88K), sky is clear
Hey, working again!
!!weather melbourne
@monners Melbourne: 5.99C (279.14K), mist
Fucking cold
!!weather Salzburg
@GNi33 Salzburg: 20C (293.15K), broken clouds
broken clouds my a**
!!weather Freiburg
@C5H8NNaO4 Freiburg: 19.26C (292.41K), light rain
@AbhishekHingnikar sure, go for it, if you have a design for TipRanks on iPhone we'd like to see it.
Thanks @adeneo, I was searching for a good QA to close with. I didn't knew this one.
!!sleep or code today?
@Oleg code today
@AbhishekHingnikar did you send it anywhere?
I may have just coaxed my boss into 'evaluating' a 3D printer
@Incognito Hey have you used crashlytics ?
is there something like crashlytics or etc for javascript apps ? AKA Crash statistics on the cloud ?
@AbhishekHingnikar airbrake?
can we apply -webkit-input-placeholder and other vendor specific placeholder css to individual inputs or does this only work with whole html document?
@AbhishekHingnikar I haven't, I've been looking to get something to help with it however. I'm working on a product that's used by various devices and networks... and every once in a while I have bizzaro errors that I can't repoduce.
@Incognito Ouch. Those are the worst kind
@Incognito same.
I discovered that in IE6 if you run Service Pack 3 they actually upgrade your javascript engine to IE7s engine and keep the version of trident the same -- so my "javascript compatibility" test passed, but the browser failed.
my stack includes webgl and unicorns :-|
@Incognito :o
@AbhishekHingnikar did you send it anywhere?
@BenjaminGruenbaum send the design ?
@Neil Yeah, but my setup is basically a lower volume of clients with lots of money instead of billions of micro transactions. So these hurt when they happen.
nope working on it right now.. in the middle of somethign
oh ok
probably in 8-9ish hours you can expect :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar That sounds fun actually. Games?
I still have to decide what the theme of my new minigame should be...
@Incognito Interesting
@SomeGuy That wasn't the way I put it when I found out.
for now I'll use pizza placeholders for the textures, I'll care about them later then
@Incognito Haha, I'd expect so
I mean, the good news was that they passed our tech test, and the game logic worked perfectly, but the website to get there required IE7 minimum (because of CSS and layout), so when they called they said they passed the tech requirements test (they did, they were using a good version of JavaScript), but they couldn't use the portal site to get there.
@Incognito Sounds like my company
Hello everyone
@Neil We do executive leadership training through games
@Incognito That sounds interesting. Where do you work?
@Incognito That sounds a little bit less so ;)
HTML5 games?
@SomeGuy We're talking about executive leadership man. Come on! I'm sure they're playing farmville.
@SomeGuy Because we also support IE7 we don't do full HTML5-stuff. We have flash front-end GUIs but more and more game logic is based in JS and such
Makes sense
Is there any way to get rid of Flash players and create our own video players ?
using JS or some another technology ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Abhishek's questions on SO are often disturbing stackoverflow.com/questions/24865287/…
@Christina Youtube has an html5 player.
@Incognito Which most often doesn't work.
@Incognito I am not asking who has their own player ? I knew that. I wanted to know how to create custom players ? :)
@SecondRikudo lol, you went away since you saw yourself losing the battle!
Q: How to trigger a jQuery function only from some elements on the page

CesarDevI am trying to call a jQuery function only from specific input objects in my page. But once I set two of those objects in order to call the function, all the other elements also trigger the function. I do it this way: $(document).ready(function () { function uploadImageFile () ...

Needs answer, should be easy !
There's no "too much wrong" closing reason ?
@AwalGarg I went away since you started nitpicking and trolling.
@SecondRikudo oh, thats my strategy to win the battle... ;p
@dystroy - There should be, just a simple option in the list of closing reasons saying "That's an error", would really help !
@dystroy I vote to add "makes eyes bleed" as a close vote reason
Who the heck upvotes this stuff
You can save an info into LocalStorage to detect any existence. - great answer
Why in the hell would you support ie7?
@adeneo I downvoted
me too, it can't possibly be considered an answer ?
    function makeId() {
        var id = '',
            len = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)+5;
        for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
            id += parts.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * parts.length))
        return id;
can I make this fancier?
well of course I can, I mean how?
what is parts?
should it matter?
it is a string
Not all for-loops need to be fancy as fuck
ok... I was just wondering if it is some js global I don't know about...
Jul 17 at 18:14, by rlemon
90% of the code I write that I show you guys is just for the enjoyment of writing it
If you want fancy, use Markov chains to generate English-sounding words.
function makeId() {
	return Array.apply(0,new Array(Math.random()*2+5|0).map(function(){
		return parts.charAt(Math.random() * parts.length | 0)
@dystroy thankyou :P
function makeId() {
    var id     = '',
        snazzy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 5,
        fancy  = parts;

    for (var i = 0; i < snazzy; i++) {
        id += fancy.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * fancy.length))
    return id;
@dystroy I would shit myself if I saw that in code.
@NickDugger Well... you just saw that in code, did you shit yourself ?
There was a little poopy
I forgot to join. And maybe to warn that it's fancy but slow
before Nick shits his pants again, this is for a pointless script that randomly finds imgur images and sets them as your chat background.. every minute..
too late
how do you keep chrome open when karma tests fail
Aborted due to warnings.
@rlemon Do you have any experience with WebGL?
I need to see the network tab open, but karma shuts the chrome window
function makeId() {
	return Array.apply(0, Array(Math.random()*2)+5|0).map(function(){
		return parts[Math.random()*parts.length|0]
@NickDugger nope
function makeId() {
    return [].map.call(new Int16Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 4), function() {
        return parts.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * parts.length));
Does anyone here have experience with WebGL? I'm looking for some recommended reading.
@phenomnomnominal does
All the reading I've done on openGL has been a nightmare
@NickDugger Three.js examples
@Christina Your question was asking if there was a way, I was providing evidence that they exist..
@KendallFrey Would it be outright derptarded to do 2D with WebGL? is it overkill?
@NickDugger I guess it depends on how many objects do you have on screen
@NickDugger There are some effects that you can really only get using 3d
Probably, unless the alternative is slower than hardware acceleration and you need performance
Also what kinds of things you need with them.
Though I wouldn't do it unless I absolutely thought I couldn't achieve it any other way
I'm going back and rewriting my JS game editor/engine, and I'm going to start only with 2D, but will eventually move into 3D. If The user creates a 2D project, I could have it be canvas only, but it might be more work in the long run because then I'd have to rewrite everything for 3D using WebGL.
I dunno. I think I'll stick with WebGL
I'm sure there are more game engines than games out there.
It would be neat to build a library that lets you create 3d room websites
If done right, it would be subtle, moving only silghtly according to the mouse, as to get the 3d effect without seeming flashy
@dystroy aint that the truth, lol. This is more for learning/portfolio piece
For adding webkit prefix to createURLObject, do I format it like this?

elm.src = URL.createObjectURL((new Blob([scripts[i].textContent], { type: "text/javascript" }))) || webkitURL.createObjectURL((new Blob([scripts[i].textContent], { type: "text/javascript" })));
@ZachSaucier that won't work.
window[URL || webkitURL].createObjectURL then?
(URL || webkitURL).createObjectURL(...
window["URL"||"webkitURL"] won't work either.
@JanDvorak just found that out
@JanDvorak Thanks!
@JanDvorak This could lead to a reference error
@dystroy Have a better way?
this : `window["URL"]||window["webkitURL"] ̀
kk, thanks guys
@dystroy Only in strict mode, I assume?
@JanDvorak lol
I'm not writing to it
@dystroy Much less ridiculous
!!> (A||B)
!!hello, are you alive ?
@dystroy no
@dystroy "ReferenceError: A is not defined"
@dystroy Not at all
:o she is
oh. right. sorry
sorry, I couldn't resist the temptation to share this...
anyone brilliant with bower ?
@AwalGarg are you referring to something with this?
@DrogoNevets I know something about Bowser
@JanDvorak nope...
It's a giant spiked turtle that hates italian plumbers
@JanDvorak why are we being told permission denied when we use bower, but when we run the command manually it works fine?
He's a pretty good character to play as in Mario kart 8
@NickDugger Why? Everyone gets blue shells
I never get any blue shells. Only coins
Q: What technical reasons are there to have low maximum password lengths?

enderlandI have always wondered why so many websites have very firm restrictions on password length (exactly 8 characters, up to 8 characters, etc). These tend to be banks or other sites I actually care about security. I understand most people will pick short passwords like "password" and "123456" but ar...

What a clever spam bot
Free GAZA!
@meda ...
Didn't we already have this discussion?
By the way, what's the fallback for .createObjectURL?
!!mdn createobjecturl
barely alive, I'd say
maybe sick
@SecondRikudo ya, still can't find the fallback
!!Are you alive?
@rlemon Get on it!
yea yea
I just got back online
so piss off :P
Sup sup my peeps
Haven't been here recently
wait no!
Image from origin 'http://imgur.com' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
haven't you heard of Cross origin resource sharing policy
besides the image is not found
yea, and I handle that
just be quiet, I know all of this
haha ooh, someones feelings got a bit hurt, didn't they, eh?
or you have no idea what I am talking aboot
no, it already handles cross origin, and I am selecting random images and expecting some not to be there
I see
that is the point of the script
my chat crashed cause of your script
you're really creating totally random imgur-id's and set it as background here? haha
Why didn't you make a loop and check the response status until it's 200
tag that with a big NSFW ;)
posted on July 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Have you submitted for BAHFest yet?

@GNi33 :)
Is there a way to use the old google maps, the one in which you could see the earth from the sky (I mean without having to wait 30 minutes for the rending of 3D buildings) ?
@rlemon Have any idea what is going on when my scripts show up like this (no error)?

<script src="blob:http%3A//leader-experiments.com/59255035-ce60-4348-8059-704f0490f02e"></script>

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