> The tbody element represents a block of rows that consist of a body of data for the parent table element, if the tbody element has a parent and it is a table.
Having multiple <tbody>'s make sense in pagination of tables.
Althought I don't know whether its more sensible to have the tbodys in the DOM but hidden or whether its more sensible to have them as detached nodes in some array
Or I guess any other kind of grouping of rows you want to do in a table
I've made a selector library at https://github.com/minitech/Sprint.js and it appears to be much slower than jQuery on the ID selectors #test and #test2, and on the selector *. Can anyone point out some optimizations that could be made to make it faster?
(First off, if anyone can tell me what this type of 3d engine may be called or fill me in on better terms than 'cube 3d engine' it might help me in my search for information.)
I would like to create or use an existing Javascript engine to build a game in the spirit of Dungeon Hack, Eye of the Be...
I'm experimenting with moving shapes in javascript with a canvas tag.
I have one half circle (only stroked) which rotates on set intervals.
I've written the code so many more can be added. I can give starting rotations and a lot of other handy parameters.
I've tried this with twelve circles an...
two days back a made a plugin that allows me to insert toggle box in to the post with the short code [toggle Title="My title"]toggle test[/toggle]
i also posted my plugin on wordpress.org plugins
The Problem
i made the whole plugin on san...
disclaimer 3: there is no clean way to do events in IE6/7 without writing utility methods
things like
var addEvent = function (el, type, cb) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
// modern
el.addEventListener(type, cb);
} else if (el.attachEvent) {
// IE<9
el.attachEvent("on" + type, cb);
} else {
// you never need this
el["on" + type] = cb;
Personally I say use the DOM-shim and use .addEventListener and ignore IE7.
I'm just thinking that you could probably add support for IE 6 & 7 by attaching your behaviour to all elements. And that's probably the only way you'd get mutation events too.
well, specifically it's the DataTables initialization. I want it to finish wrapping the table markup before it is actually shown on the page
because right now this function is used on document.ready and when you first load the page, for half a second it shows the original table markup before wrapping it in DataTables
function localTimeFromUTCString (string, format) { // get time offset from browser var currentDate = new Date(); var offset = -(currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60;
// get provided date var tagText = string; var givenDate = new Date(tagText);
function localTimeFromUTCString (string, format) { // get time offset from browser var currentDate = new Date(); var offset = -(currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60;
// get provided date var tagText = string; var givenDate = new Date(tagText);
@JohnMerlino it looks like you're adjusting the offset yourself when you don't need to. Like I said, new Date("2011-11-01 13:29:59 UTC") will create that date in the current time zone.
But it seems like they are avoided for the creation of executable applications and of bigger projects in general. Why that?
I don't know, but the assumption is false.
Larger projects use prototypical languages:
JavaScript is the most popular language on github.
Cloud9 is a full-blown clou...
@JohnMerlino: you don't need to apply any offset. It's all done for you. See the example I posted before, where I set the time to 13:29:59 in UTC, but the local time is returned for getHours() et al, 15:29:59.
@Raynos within the document, yeah. I probably wouldn't extend it that way, though. Rather, add the functions to the element from within the behavior in IE 6 & 7, add them to the prototype in IE 8.
/** in the parent **/
var interface = {
func1: function()
func2: function()
/** in the child **/
var interface = window.opener.interface;
If I do this:
var niew_win = window.open();
How do I make it so that all of the functions that could be used in the parent window can now be used in the child window (new_win)?
I do not want to do:
var fun1 = window.opener.fun1;
var fun2 = window.opener.fun2;
Please note that what follows is a dangerous, dirty, messy, M$-level hack. I am fully aware of this, but it (theoretically) does what @Neal wants. (I'm a little scared to even post it)
/** What follows is a dangerous, dirty, messy, M$-level hack **/
var i, w = window.opener;
for (i in w)
if (w.hasOwnProperty(i) && !window.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof w[i] === 'function')
window[i] = w[i];
It allows this inside the function to reference the child window, rather than the parent window. Which isn't exactly what is needed to re-reference document, but it helps alleviate some scope issues.
A while ago I made the “jQuery source viewer“. It allows you to explore jQuery’s source and has a hackable URL pattern so you can get at what you need (e.g. /jquery/append). I had been thinking about making a version 2 for sometime, and about…
do you know why I am getting object is not a function with this:
$(function($){ $.fn.localTimeFromUTCString = function (format) { return this.each(function () { // get time offset from browser var currentDate = new Date(); var offset = -(currentDate.getTimezoneOffset() / 60); // get provided date var tagText = $(this).html(); var givenDate = new Date(tagText); // apply offset var hours = givenDate.getHours(); hours += offset; givenDate.setHours(hours); // format the date var localDateString = $.format.date(givenDate, format); $(this).html(localDateString); });
$.fn.localTimeFromUTCString = function (format) {
return this.each(function () {
// get time offset from browser
var currentDate = new Date();
var offset = -(currentDate.getTimezoneOffset() / 60);
// get provided date
var tagText = $(this).html();
var givenDate = new Date(tagText);
// apply offset
var hours = givenDate.getHours();
hours += offset;
// format the date
var localDateString = $.format.date(givenDate, format);