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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

The "panorama" is nothing for kids
where is kids? do we look like kids
  			// only in my code 2 comes before 1
  			reformat2 = seriously.transform('reformat'),
  			reformat = seriously.transform('reformat');
Please don't ask for CP in this room
anybody wanna see a cool webgl demo ? okay not so cool but am proud of it :->
give it to us
too late now i am finishing the website
For a very weird definition of good, yes
fuck that i can't upload 11 meg panorama ^_^
basically i did pixters live filter demo in webgl so now its full 3d and filters are live ... and if u tap the self camera u can take a picture of yourself :P
Slowly but surely approaching the 100 game mark :/
My Summer Sale backlog is still only about half done
@copy u mad I passed you?
ye, u mad
@AbhishekHingnikar I had a bug recently on a new site. Page load had suddenly jumped to over 30 seconds. Turns out we forgot to limit the size of our client's image uploads. They had a sidebar banner that was only ever displayed at about 150X50 but they'd uploaded a 14MB image!
I am getting this error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null " for this line of code :
foreground = document.getElementById('foreground').getContext('2d');
Does anyone knows what causing that?
does it exist?
the error means it cant find foreground
Might be script placement. Are you running this after page load or before?
@Loktar, I tried this var c = document.getElementById('foreground'); console.log(c);
and I got "null"
Do you have an element with an ID of foreground?
Well, I am trying to understand this code here : bl.ocks.org/syntagmatic/raw/3150059/parallel.js
I copied it in the <body> section of my html
and got the css part from here : bl.ocks.org/syntagmatic/raw/3150059
Ok, do you have an element with an ID of foreground?
I just have var foreground in the body.
So, no
document.getElementById(), perhaps surprisingly, looks for an element by ID
@SterlingArcher I love your avatar
thanks! zirak helped me decide on it lol
@sara_123 Maybe try learning a bit of JavaScript before copy-pasting huge chunks of other people's code
<html><body>var foreground</body></html>
@monners maybe a bit of html too
I am learning it :p
<html><body><canvas id="foreground"></canvas></body></html>
trying to understand this code line by line
I hear the beginning's a good place to start
@sara_123 thats what you will need fyi.
@sara_123 trying to understand other peoples code is not the best way to learn. You learn best by applying it from scratch.
you guys see that?
pretty cool imo (interactive tutorial for git)
very cool!
yeah, I've been going through the lessons
@Loktar Nice! I was looking for something like this last night
I use sourcetree... Im a gui nub, trying to learn the commands
@Loktar Me too. It's still a massive step up from the Git app
yeah definitely
@Loktar sourcetree is good, but it freezes so much at work for me
oh really? damn
my only issue with it is it isn't on linux :?
Windows version?
ah yeah I use the windows vs, I used the mac vs back in nov-feb
Strange. I use it on both and haven't had any problems (although the Win version definitely ain't as snappy)
My company recently switched over to bit bucket, so SourceTree has been a real life saver
ah we use beanstalk
I hate to be 'that guy' I know this isnt webmasters, but does anyone here familiar with mod_rewrite? I could use some help and would be VERY greatful but webmasters is dead tonight.
Who's that guy? Where did he come from? Who's that guy? Where can I get one?
i don't even know what mod_rewrite is, sorry
all good, they have to wake up eventually haha
Angular peeps. Any suggestions on a decent follow-along tutorial that dives a little deeper than the tuts on angularjs.org?
Q: How do i create a website like AppsGeyser

Vamsi Pavan MaheshThe AppsGeyser website asks the user to give a website URL and it will generate an apk file for us , how can i do the same ? My question is about what technology we can use to do the same .Specifically ,is there anything related to web automation for creation of apk file.

this guy cant pick a language
@Loktar Ah, cool. Thanks!
yeah np they are pretty good.. there are so many
@Loktar, thank you.
@Loktar I've gone through the tuts+ course, the codeschool course and the Frontend Masters course, but the focus hasn't really been on building anything other than lookit what this can do out of context!
ah yeah... I think the egghead ones are somewhat similiar maybe?
iirc they teach a concept with a small app each vid
I think some of the videos all teach a related application
wow yeah
lol, and as a bonus I get to learn a little about that silly game Americans call football
can people vote to open my last 3 questions?
@IGotRoot they seem to have been closed for valid reasons
> About AJAX principles: Why do most people put a file, and a PHP file next to each other when doing AJAX? - I've seen plenty of tutorials, and they all seem to all have external PHP scripts that they link to. Why is that?
thats one of your questions... wtf does that even mean?
typeof(callback) === 'function' && callback(foo, bar); <-- So if the typeof test doesn't evaluate to true the callback won't fire?
Is that just shorthand for ` typeof(callback) === 'function' ? callback(foo, bar) : false;` ?
Good Morning all
Q: Promise resolves before the function finishes

MarlioIn the following code, attenCalendar.refresh(); method calls a sequence of requests/responses and executes asynchronously. It needs to be finished in order to attenCalendar.getItem be successful. I used promises to solve it, but apparently promise resolves before the refresh completes and cause...

> [Editor's note: the following list is numbered using the HTML <OL> tag with the START parameter set to 101. If the list below starts at 1 instead of 101, your browser doesn't support the latest HTML standard.]
@SomeKittensUx2666 Can you answer my question above?
and yes.
TIL typeof can be called as a function
I've always seen it as typeof callback === 'function'
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sooo, that is just shorthand for testing if a callback is a function and then executing it?
for those who like pile-on downvoting: stackoverflow.com/a/24847260/499214
!!> (typeof)
Where's cap?
!!don't die on us!
@rlemon Aside from internet outages, what kills cap?
... memory leak killing Firefox?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Is this…
@minitech this is?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Is it a sarcastic TIL?
Nope. Just one of those things I TIL every so often.
But you can’t call typeof as a function
You can mislead people into thinking it’s a function by not using correct spacing
wrapping its argument in parentheses doesn't make it a function.
Wrapping it parentheses and storing somewhere as a function makes it a function
You forgot type="text/javascript"
<script language="text/javascript">alert(1)</script>
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's not necessary
@JanDvorak Wouldn’t be valid HTML 3.2 without it.
Browsers always assume Javascript and HTML5 only formalises that behavior
@minitech html... 3.2? What's that?
@JanDvorak It’s version 3.2 of HTML.
Does it have framesets already?
Oh, wow, the <noframes> tag
does it contain advice how to hide scripts from browsers that don't know about scripting?
@JanDvorak that one was sarcastic
@SomeKittensUx2666 TIL.
1 hour ago, by SomeKittens Ux2666
> [Editor's note: the following list is numbered using the HTML <OL> tag with the START parameter set to 101. If the list below starts at 1 instead of 101, your browser doesn't support the latest HTML standard.]
Wait, media descriptors were introduced in HTML 4?
Well, of course they were, but… IE has no excuse. >=(
nor it has for many other things
they only introduced tabbed interface in version 9, IIRC
<u> was deprecated in HTML 4. None of the other formatting tags; just <u>. That’s kind of sad. =(
Oops, <s> too.
<u> makes sense to deprecate, though. You can underline with <a>.
No, <a> is for SEO.
why SEO? Google is smarter than us.
The most puzzling comment :
@dystroy: bad idea because of time zones — R.Moeller 5 hours ago
There's no date involved in the question or in the answer...
ah crap
so I flagged a question for mod attn
and said the user asked 3 dup questions the week before..
but I was wrong, wish I could close it out somehow
heh the users just act almost exactly the same.. so i got confused
people spamming up the canvas tag annoy me
crap indeed
ping thiefmaster ?
@ThiefMaster sorry to bother you I flagged something that deserved to be flagged.. however mistakenly accused the user of doing this in the past it was a different new user :? not sure if its a huge deal but just wanted to make a mod aware of the mistake.
the flag is on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/24819949/…
Dystroy thanks :P didn't even consider that
no problem
hey guys!
Best AngularJS tutorial I've found so far: thinkster.io/angularjs/eHPCs7s87O/…
A: How to check if my website is plagiarising?

Rupert BuesstHiring an e-commerce lawyer, or copyright lawyer would be a good bet.

@BenjaminGruenbaum he's technically correct
@JanDvorak ^^
His profile picture is lol worthy
I'm adding a new feature in Miaou and I don't find a suitable name. How would you call unpersisted messages ? volatile messages ?
temporary messages?
All the names I find are much too long or complex, like "ephemeral"...
I would read "ephemeral" as regarding to "ephemeris" = the current position of satellites in the sky.
not the clearest term, so
@dystroy hmm, there are apps who do this on phones for sexting, I never used one so I don't know what they call them (why wouldn't anyone want to persist their sextings?) but I read about it
Oh, it's called snapchat, I remember
transient messages?
"transient" is the term used in electronics, I believe
"short-lived messages"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's mainly for bot messages, like hints, announcements, etc.
yeah, can you call them alerts or announcements?
it's not just alerts
it may be bot sexting, for example
I also need an action word a verb... I'll steal snap for now
@dystroy oh, so not for sexting?
I don't really see a difference between sexting messages and other purpose messages
@BenjaminGruenbaum You follow ES discussions, so here's a question for you : is there a plan for less awkward enumeration on properties ?

I mean, today we're used to

for (var key in obj) {
var val = obj[key];

while we could have like in go

for (var key, val in obj) {

Is there a plan ?
for(var prop of obj){
   // you mean like this?
I mean I want to declare both the key and the value of the iteration over properties of an object
hmm, there should be a way to do it, it wouldn't look like that though it'd be destructured - like for(let [key, val] of obj){
It would also probably be more efficient to not have to do a second lookup just after we get the key
I wouldn't mind the braces if the rest is clean and efficient
lol, firefox throws "['@@iterator'] is not a function on that haha"
@dystroy trust the jit, also - you shouldn't be iterating objects to begin with most likely.
Well... Sometimes you do iterate...
(Remember you have Maps and Sets in ES6)
Do maps solve the declaration problem?
Yeah, with a map a for of loop will let you do just that
> A Map object can iterate its elements in insertion order - a for..of loop will return an array of [key, value] for each iteration.
So the above for.. of syntax with destructuring would work just fine on objects
That perfectly answers my question
You're welcome :)
I want the whole ES6 in node right now !
for (var [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {
  alert(key + " = " + value);
Also has a .forEach
myMap.forEach(function(value, key, myMap) {
  alert(key + " = " + value);
Yep, and it's specced just fine people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/…
What's the site for tracking progress of ES6 implementation in node ?
I doubt for... of loops are a priority but you can use the .forEach syntax today
I can't say anything about performance though, haven't read that code and personally I dislike ES6 maps until ES7 values fix them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum more info ?
@dystroy on which part?
What's the problem with ES6 maps ?
So... now I want to see how is defined that ES7 value type... (note : google gave me things, don't worry)
hello to everyone, I have a question regarding angular. Is it possible to confgure a provider (created in one module) in another module that depends on the other module (defining the provider)?
1 hour later…
never mind my previous question. obviously I need to pay more attention to details as it seems my problem was with naming the provider and the using the name properly when configuring and injecting.
1 hour later…
Anybody having experience with high charts? I want to use this: highcharts.com/stock/demo/dynamic-update but don't want to loose old data.
@Zirak Even numbers and booleans don't work for me
A few errors in the console
Fails to load half of the time
I was thinking of making a jetpack-joyride-kinda-game.... what should I theme it on?
would it be a really bad idea to base it on code... like: you have to collect functions to upgrade, collect vars as coins, and avoid errors to not get killed... what do you think?
how about rlemon collecting lemons and avoiding trolls?
no suggestions? :(
give me a name at least
@towc jQuery
I think that I'm looking for a name that has no real meaning, but sounds good and inviting
well, cheese is waiting for me
!!afk lunch
@towc jQuery has no real meaning, but sounds good and inviting.
@AbhishekHingnikar youtube.com/watch?v=EiIxkOah09E
@AwalGarg but already well known and used, don't you think?
@SomeGuy lol
@towc so it would be even more inviting
@SomeGuy crapp, I am not alone at home right now.
@AbhishekHingnikar did u hear the song manmohan style?
@shortCircuit yes -_-
It was crap
i can sing better then that guy
no seriously
I believe you :) ... Even when we are separated by a distance ...
believing that a programmer can sing is itself a great deal.
@shortCircuit where do you live ?
WestBengal , Kolkata
posted on July 20, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@AwalGarg if u are not an Indian, then you might not know, a girl in india can study in HS and graduations , can sing, sometimes dance, and even paint on occasions. Take interest in cooking ,and nowadays take up job in IT sectors and go to job even after marriage
That is the life of a common middle class Indian woman in 21 st century
@Abhishek is still doing only job and programming , if he sings , its natural ... No big deal ...
@shortCircuit just wait :-)
for what
showing u a video
52 % uploaded
@AbhishekHingnikar quick question, did you design your app thing yourself?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes.
sneha did color schemeing etc though.
@AbhishekHingnikar wanna have a shot at doing our iOS app (TipRanks)? I know we're looking, I can't guarantee you'll get it but I can get you a chance at it. Not sure what's the pay either, but I can check
Would love to.
Mail me at Benji at tipranks
Send samples if you have any relevant ones
Can i mail by tomorrow ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you looked at this codementor thing yet?
@shortCircuit ^ see it :-), /cc room how smooth would say this is [the screen is at full HD running on onboard gpu ]
@AbhishekHingnikar This is in a web browser, right?
@SecondRikudo yes sir.
You know you can look exactly at the FPS and see what happens each frame, right?
Then it's awesome :)
This is real smooth ... In HD mode ...
My image filter is slower than this :'(
@SecondRikudo do u has a little spare time!!
@shortCircuit Yes, a little. What's up?
how about systic for the name?
@SecondRikudo: yay, 100% commitment!
@SecondRikudo github.com/pigeonhole/testjs/blob/master/modloader.js I was trying to make a script loader , the implementation is in the testmodule.html , but there is a problem in the code design and thereby the logic, Benjamin said yesterday that probably i should learn js and that my loadScript or the eventlistener wasn't returning anything .
(well, he didnot mention which one, but he said function wasnt doing anything) and that's why the code wasn't running... Could you help me find out where the error is
I am even facing the same sort if problem is writing that remember the color game ..
@shortCircuit and you didn't even notice my accent ?
I did not get to see the whole video, a caught a glimpse of 5sec .. pause 7 sec I assume, internet is too bad ...
@shortCircuit What is the problem?
The callback is never executed.
Things from the loaded scripts are not available in the callback?
Which callback?
The exec?
Yes, the callback function that I pass to the exec ...
The event is executed later, so, the condition if(count >= len && count == curCount){} is never excuted
Do you have a public example of this somewhere?
No, I mean , I need to have a server to host this.. Because I need to have one two or more js files I wrote the implementation here github.com/pigeonhole/testjs/blob/master/testmodule.html
Who was it with the ball sliding game?
Not me, I can't write games ..
What was the name of the platform that allowed you to quickly deploy GitHub web apps?
nvm found it
@shortCircuit use this 5minfork.com
@SecondRikudo it wasn't a ball ;(
@SecondRikudo no, what's that?
Dat starbucks wifi
@SecondRikudo 911688d.www.5minfork.com/testmodule.html clicking any of the options would do that operation and output in in the third read only box , but that function is in exec is not called
Does anyone have any recommended reading for WebGL? Tutorial, book, etc. I find books being more difficult to learn from, personally, but I'd still pick one up.
@shortCircuit Found it
			if(count >= len && count == curCount){
				callback && callback();
count == 0. len == 3 => false. No callback.
@SecondRikudo ew
@BenjaminGruenbaum NMC
Benji, are you familiar with WebGL?
@SecondRikudo , I know that :D , that's why I asked, how to solve it ... I am doing it wrong, but wat is the right way
@shortCircuit Well, what's responsible for raising the callback is
			for(var dep in scripts) {
				console.log(scripts[dep].state);//all states are false;
				if(scripts[dep].state) {
					count ++;
However, because of this
		//ctx.state = true;
		return ctx.state;
the state always remains false.
And so the counter is never incremented.
Yes, because the event occurs after the function has already executed
@shortCircuit oops. I thought Abhishek was male... Sorry... @AbhishekHingnikar
Yes, but the onload is async
onreadystatechange should be used ?
You want to register the callback in a variable inside the closure,
And then call a method each time .onload is completed, that will increment a closure-scope counter, and call the callback when all of the scripts are called.
but, I also need to make sure all the scripts passed in modules() as define .. Yes
@AwalGarg generally people used to consider males as superior beings than female and now they are considered equal , in case you didn't get my point, which is true ...
@shortCircuit you are wrong. now females are considered superior to male.
I am a fan of Avengers and Captain America is more powerful than Black Widow ... Not taking Hulk into consideration
you can even see the trump cards ...
@shortCircuit It sounds to me as though promises are you best bet.
They're actually specifically designed to do what you want.
silly promises again. Whenever I wanna see some jargons, I come here.
I am not acquainted with promises , I have to learn them now ..
@SecondRikudo are promises good to check if a file upload is complete or not?
@AwalGarg Promises are good when you need to treat async code as sync.
For example, when you want to wait until all N events were completed, and then preform an action.
I have like 70 themes in vim , none of which I like .. :( , I should one day write a vim script , that changes the themes every n minutes and a code complete too ...
@SecondRikudo those N events are performed async'ly, right?
By condition i should have it ....
And also write a book "what happened to my internet"
@SecondRikudo wait what?
:17809628, @shortCircuit amatuers
@AbhishekHingnikar sorry, I don't understand.
either of two : your mums are bi and cheaters,or you are adopted. // if i am female. ;)
I never said u were a female .. This is bad..
neither did I. @shortCircuit told me. This is even bad.
:O explanations are self explanatory
bastard ovums are self fertilatory.
bastard ovum !! Daya khopdi tor do ...
@AbhishekHingnikar - You called master! Posting beautiful pictures of my yellow presence automatically pings me.
@adeneo master would you please smoke shortCircuit ?
Sure, here's a smoking short circuit
lady ma'am servant wench
fuck you
!!urban wench
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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