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You don't have to treat a table as a table, you can change the display properties of all the elements
this full view explains mroe what im trying to do
Fuck I hate fiddle. Why do they use HTML comments in the JS panel?
scale the window down and it will run the js and make the table responsive
@monners Retarded, isn't it?
I've switched over the JSBin
So much nicer
Plnkr is the shit
only thing really missing is a way to simulate breakpoints
though I suppose the browser would have to provide extensive support for that before it is possible
anyone know how to fix my problem
@Neil debugger ?
I think on a mobile straighten tool makes no sense, cause pinch to rotate works.
blur is for centered blur, what else you expect there ?
guys why do you think Facebook uses 980px exactly for their content
why not 960
it's easier to split in 3
And why is splitting in 3 an important feature of a UI?
golden rule symmetry etc.
I have read a lot of books about design
also for photography
@Gunaseelan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal do i have a chance ?
stop caprica
yeah stop caprica
who do you think you are
@CapricaSix oh someone's laggy today
I am having only one question
so escodegen
@Gunaseelan good for you
@Gunaseelan and then you can die happily?
Why can't you die?
Do you guys know any alternatives for escodegen for other languages?
like, to generate js from an AST stored in some other language
@BartekBanachewicz Why can't you die after I ask that question?
@Gunaseelan wut?
@Gunaseelan stop, just ask your question
@BartekBanachewicz do you mean abstract syntax tree?
@zigi yep.
for what languages do you need it
i have to write a compiler that emits JS
for Java, C++?
nothing specific really, I was wondering what my alternatives are
I think I have seen some but I can't really recollect
As for as javascript I am like a newbie. Can't understand How to write code in Javascript. Please provide some reference to start my learning in Javascript?
like I'll probably settle for node anyway.
@Gunaseelan is google down for you?
you are welcome
read at least 3 of them and then come back
@Gunaseelan codecademy.com is great for the basics.
with questions
@KendallFrey sure, that too
My Google is up now. But I am unable to understand Javascript upon a certain level
what level more precisely
do you know basic structures and loops and logic statements
More specific questions get more specific answers.
you unlock objects on level 20
Level up!
@Gunaseelan if you know those, then go into specifics like closures, passing functions as arguments, prototypes, etc.
then you realize you've wasted all that time and become an alcoholic
haha I was an alcoholic since 15 so
no time wasted there
and @Gunaseelan most important thing like with everything in life - play with it
don't just think that if you know the theory you know how to make stuff
cause at the end that's what matters
cause noone cares how good your JS knowledge is unless you apply for a job I guess
I know basic structures and Loops and logic statements. But when it comes to implement I am always having whether it may go wrong
they care what your thinking is
@Gunaseelan that comes with experience alright
@Gunaseelan ok, something more practical then, learn how to use DevelopmentTools and debugging using the Watchlist and console and F8 F10 F11 and breakpoints
Ctrl + O for opening the js file
Ctrl + Shift + O for finding a function
@zigi @Zirak Thanks for your references.
good luck buddy
any jquery gurus?
well jquery mobile
not really a guru but I can try
I want to host the jquery css locally
when I do the icons go missing
check permissions
@maxum Do you also host the relevant theme and images directories ? It should be with the css file
i have done
and also it's quite possible that the dir is not correct
can you give us more info of the dir names
where the css is
and how it refers to the icons
@BartekBanachewicz you know python don't u ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I know tidbits of it yes.
Seems everyone knows tidbits of python
@BartekBanachewicz v8 source has one
me too :D
oh wait nvm you want to compile x to js ? or js to x language ?
@AbhishekHingnikar x to js
no problem
@Zirak write-only ?
when I use js/jquery.mobile-1.3.2.min.css problem
@dystroy I'm also intrigued about that
everything else ok, just no icons
@BartekBanachewicz emscripten helps ?
@Zirak design by committee ?
psh to do that probably you will need to know everything js
@AbhishekHingnikar meh
@AbhishekHingnikar why? I'd use the small defined subset
js is weird.
but funny
github.com/pyjs/pyjs <- looked readable when i read last
I dunno how a PL can be "funny"
And seriously... it's impossible not to love JS when you spend on day coding in js and the next one you code in java...
And seriously... it's impossible not to love Java when you spend on day coding in Java and the next one you code in C...
@dystroy or TurboC
You just type 30 lines of stupid redundant code while knowing it would be 3 in js
at least java is statically typed
atleast c is awesome
whenever i start writing code in C/C++ and then move to js I feel alienated in JS
@BartekBanachewicz I enjoyed coding in C. It would rarely make sense today but it was much more fun and much dryer than java
and honestly Java's type system is by far better than JS' one
it's still not PHP level but..
Hello... anyone familiar with lineman | grunt then please have a look at it as very less content available for the topic stackoverflow.com/q/24824456/1594368
Of course C is less fun when you know you have a memory bug somewhere and you don't see how to find it...
@BartekBanachewicz , @dystroy
@AbhishekHingnikar in C or C++?
either, i just feel more of a boss in those low level languages :->
those are completely different languages
that's like saying "whenever I write in Fortran/Idris"
can somebody help me explain that ?
or "whenever I write in JS/Verilog"
@AbhishekHingnikar code in an image ? I can't parse that
@AbhishekHingnikar undefined behaviour
unitialized memory vOv
garbage values, thats what i told him
@FlorianMargaine Using Emacs inside of tmux is terrible for a single reason: tmux takes C-b
Every time I wanted to go a character back, I had to do C-b C-b
@AbhishekHingnikar C++ is not a low-level language
now he says :3, :2, :1 should initialize default
stop mixing C and C++ already :F
@AbhishekHingnikar where in the standard is that?
o_O wait what ! thats what i am wondering
Damn... it's been 15 years I didn't do c... what's exactly the :3 ?
^ me wonders the same, never encountered
Hey people! quick question: wtf does safari think is a valid constructor param for Date?? console.log(new Date('2014-07-31T00:00:00')); works in everything I've tested, but not safari
console.log(new Date('2014-07-31T00:00:00'));
Invalid Date
@PeeHaa the date string isn't standardized
every browser handles it seperately
jesus christ. fucking browsers
@PeeHaa Give Date.parse a shot; new Date is weird
or do what john resig did converted all the "-" to "/"
nice !
need safari now
var date = new Date((time || "").replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," "));
!!> Date.parse('2014-07-31T00:00:00+0'.replace(/t/gi,' '))
@rlemon "NaN"
If only we had a standard datetime notation...
Date.parse('2014-07-31T00:00:00+0'.replace(/t/gi,' '))
^ chrome
@PeeHaa if you are working with dates alot consider moment.js
!!> new Date(( '2014-07-31T00:00:00' ).replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," "));
@AbhishekHingnikar "2014-07-31T04:00:00.000Z"
resig is the boss !
I don't often push libraries, but dates in js suck that bad.
@Zirak And so? Big whoop. Ya wanna fight about it?!
@johnresig do you evershow up ?
@dystroy bit-field
@AbhishekHingnikar there's nothing in the standard about implicit bitfield initializations I was able to find in a quick search
Any help or suggestion for the quest stackoverflow.com/q/24824456/1594368
@AbhishekHingnikar awesomesauce
Why don't you want the files minified?
@PeeHaa go with moment.js though it'd save you insane amount of time and space
@user3755198 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
all friends
PSA: It is REALLY annoying to see the same question posted in succession (latest case being 5 minutes) because we didn't care the first time.
Tnx people
iam facing one issue in passing php variable to javascript function call (done through echo)
getting syntax error
"passing php variable to js"
Can someone explain to me how php and javascript are organized that make people think you can pass variables between them?
There's like 17 people that think you can each day
@BartekBanachewicz oh yes, ok
function foo(bar) {
foo("<?php echo 'Hello World!'; ?>");
@Cereal people who learn php and people who know what the hell they are doing are disjoint sets
@rlemon I love how freaking terrible this is.
especially considering how strict js parsers are
I don't understand sorry.
php generating js is like trying to make a cat and a gopher mate
@rlemon lol I just vomited
yes this code is like php vomiting strings into js
we could make it better and just use heredoc syntaxes for the entire js block
> You can write web applications in Python - a readable programming language - instead of in HTML and JavaScript, both of which become quickly unreadable for even medium-sized applications.
am doing like this echo "<button id='cancel".$job['Job']['id']."' onClick='cancelEditing($title);' type='button' class='btn btn-primary editButton' >Cancel</button> "
lol that hate
you know, for readability
oh god
function cancelEditing(tag){
he's not only echoing js
he's echoing js inside of inline html events
am sorry
this is wrong on so many levels
I see the issue as well.
I'm on the fence if I should help
!!should I help?
@rlemon Nuh-uh
!!s/help/save him/
@Cereal !!should I save him? (source)
ahh, it is morning I am nice
$title isn't going to magically have quotes around it once php spits it out
solve for X
that is an exercise for you and google to figure out
So I'm making changes to the first web project I ever did.

All I want to do it throw up. Although it might be legal proof I'm retarded should I need it
@user3755198 how about you throw away this whole php bullshit for the starters
inb4 wordpress
I was going to recommend django.
it's so dumb it's really nice for beginners.
and the docs are pretty extensive.
Joomla man
you don't even have to write code
oh also it's very stable.
makes it even easier
ok thanks for ur help..if u have more knowledge instead of insulting me u should have help
Since you seem to know, did their change to primary/replica terminology actually break anything for pre-existing projects, or was it just documentation
we did help.
@BartekBanachewicz you know GLSL ? /cc @IvoW
@user3755198 I did help, I told you your problem.
@AbhishekHingnikar yep.
@user3755198 I just refuse to write your code for you
you know that nice lil library called gpu image ?
kids these days, such ingrates
github.com/brianchirls/Seriously.js <check this out :D, i like the attempt not the output though :-(
gpu-image looks like it's for iOS
@BartekBanachewicz yeap but its a kickass library which allows instagram, pixter (and probably all iOS apps) to use filters
for photographs with ease
When I was doing image processing for my uni projects I used raw js
once I got rid of forEach it was really fast.
yea new array and function methods are sexy, unfortunately slow.
it is sad :( I wish they were not
"slow" is an understatement
@BartekBanachewicz wanna give a shot in WebGL ?
fun fact: we had a multi-worker implementation too
but it was slower.
@AbhishekHingnikar dunno, I have many other things to work on now
@rlemon Use iterators, like LINQ does
like my effing Turnip which feels alone by now :(
I wish to drop seriously.js as dependancy
and create a more elegant solution.
@KendallFrey it is most of the new stuff, not just array methods.
@AbhishekHingnikar what's not elegant in it?
.bind is slow enough to make you want to just use a var that = this;
I do use that now
@BartekBanachewicz 1. Peformance 2. Its a pita to use 3. Lacks lot of usability 4. I hate how they declare plugins .. yuck
(note: Im being critical, for some blog it isn't an issue, but for performance critical apps it is "slow")
@rlemon It is? :(
@AbhishekHingnikar TBH WebCL is needed to do that nicely
@PeeHaa I've noticed performance drops in canvas due to it
@JanDvorak sorry to disturb again, but r u there? I have found a related question on crypto.SE. and till now, I have only managed to decode 2bits.
@rlemon You got a jsperf at hand by any chance or do I have to make one?
and calling webCL "experimental" is a huge overstatement
@BartekBanachewicz why so?
because WebGL is too limited?
Shaders execute on the GPU, so non blocking anyway.
maybe with WebGL 2 it could be done better
shaders reside between fixed stages
Is anyone here running, or has access to a 32 bit OS?
user image
image processing would need proper kernels
If so, could you open up Chrome and see what console.memory.totalJSHeapSize says?
and then javascript having to manage "buffers" < thats mostly where seriously loses performance, seriously !
@PeeHaa the perf has other stupid tests, but you can see bind vs self above.
Ermargahd awful performance
@rlemon That's a convoluted test anyway
It does two things: Both declares a function and calls it.
he asked for a test
I googled a test
i wonder what browsers of future would be
in real life you see the performance drop (I have)
probably we will have a BIOS API aswell, oh and one for removable storage
too lazy to write a demo showing it
fuck it, maybe I will
Netscape will make a come-back
Lynx browser will be as popular as Chrome
@NickDugger to avenge firefox ? (the browser intented to avenge itself ?)
@NickDugger chrome will become OS.. we will have dual bootups on all os's
I don't have a demo but I concur, I also noticed bind is slow (at least on V8)
Firefox can go kill itsself
first boot to OS -> boot to chrome
yea I wrote like 10 lines of the demo and decided not
I'm not saying it's not slow, I'm saying it's not as blindingly and absolute trash as the test seems to make it.
for your average application it is fine
just not for animations / performance critical stuff
Are there merits to using HSL over Hexidecimal or RGB?
@NickDugger yes
@rlemon aaww, for our anniversary, you made them draw how we met? :D
Yes, if you want to do certain animations or transforms
oh god, I have multiple identical IDs in this
@JanDvorak Any reasons why specifically?
@NickDugger HSL usually ends in gorgeous animations
@Zirak actually we met earlier
you just don't recognize me since I've lost the weight.
@NickDugger changing one coordinate preserves more useful things than in RGB
Makes sense
that random button really sucks you in

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