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@Bergi I don't have any merging privileges.
@Bergi When I try to flag the other question as a duplicate of mine I get recursive warning and nothing happens. I think the dupe needs to come off my question first.
@dkinzer Flag for moderator attention, I mean, and say that you'd like to have them merged into your question. I'm gonna do the same
Woohoo, my first big commit/PR thing!
@Bergi OK done.
If I have a div overlapping another div my css:hover for the div behind isn't working. Can I fix this in any way?
Found it! pointer-events : none;
That did the trick.
Oh Onion, I don't even. theonion.com/video/…
I changed my data structure from arrays to objects, with maps from id's to data. the id's are such as 3242345 and every time I find a piece of code I forgot to change to accommodate this and it adds index 3242345 to the array ng-repeat crashes my browser
3rd time now :(
@KendallFrey I couldn't expect cyclists in france to be any less faggy
If you haven't listened to Weird Al's latest album, you should.
can anyone tell why ng-transclude isn't working in this example? jsfiddle.net/LFUNC/1
@KendallFrey just party in the cia :X
sooo... I have a question... is there a mechanism on the front end which can validate if the current user is authenticated and alter the page based on that?
@Crow Yep
@BerdiyaOnur Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Try meteor
@haosdent this is blowing my mind right now
I'm making an animation (a slider that shows a great map by sliding on different parts of the map and creating a text) but there are too many tools to pick one. I can't choose the right thing. HTML Canvas doesn't scale, Adobe Edge Animate generates a code you wouldn't even want to look at and it gives different results on different browsers. SVGs might be too big in size and are difficult to animate, Flash isn't cross-platform, jQuery doesn't scale either. Which of them should I go with?
Q: Why does my $q.all's .then get called instantly?

Tony EnnisI have a function that kicks off 10 "data reads" and returns a promise that is (supposed) to be resolved when all data reads complete. However, what seems to be happening is that the #q.all(...) thinks the data reads' promises are instantly resolved when they are not. Here's a fiddle. Click th...

@BerdiyaOnur  svg is probably what you're looking for
Yeah I made them reduce down to 2; I'm between HTML Canvas and SVG. Wouldn't SVG be a CPU-killer when compared to Canvas? @monners
Q: Immediately return a resolved promised

samturnerI'm trying to get my head around promises in Javascript (in particular Angular JS). I have a function in a service, lets call it fooService that checks if we've loaded some data, if it has, I just want it to return, if we haven't we need to load the data and return a promise: this.update = func...

@BerdiyaOnur Depends on how much you're trying to do with the animation
If it's just basic stuff like translating position and scaling then I reckon you're pretty safe sticking with SVG
@monners Google's 2013 Mother's day doodle is my reference: google.com/doodles/mothers-day-2013 -- except that I need no buttons or click functions
Well that's just HTML
CSS animations and transitions
Q: What are all the ways bluebird/promises can hide exceptions?

aarosilI am new with using bluebird and promises and with exception handling in JS in general. I had some code which I converted to using promises and somewhere along the way something broke, and now some exceptions are being hidden. For example, instead of the full stack trace, now I only see somethi...

stackoverflow.com/a/24794516/1348195 how did this get upvotes -_-?
Some people just like antipatterns
Widemouth or narrowmouth Nalgene?
@BenjaminGruenbaum because it got accepted as answer
It's an anti pattern :/ and a really bad one, it's not just longer and slower it's less safe and doesn't propagate errors as well. There is also potential for race conditions (multiple requests at the same time) in that code.
umm, how do I make auto-increment in js for tables?
i mean, I have a table, it has a column called serial number. rows are dynamically added.
I don't understand what you're asking
I want the serial number of each row to appear correctly in the cell under the column serial number.
Put together a jsfiddle
Hi. In my application, I am having an issue specifically with Chrome v35 (latest one). I have contenteditable element in my project and I am not able to loose focus on it if I just click next to it. jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/196 Please try adding an element, edit it and try clicking on the whitespace in between this text and the star.
@monners ok. will you be here for the next 10 mins?
Q: How to promisify NodeJS Express with Bluebird

spirytusI'm using NodeJS with Express and using Bluebird for promises. I'm trying to promisify app object as below but once promisified functions always throw errors. Part of the code is below: var express = require('express'), app = express(), bodyParser = require('body-parser'), Promise = ...

@monners sorry for bieng late... was busy somewhere
it seems I have achieved what I wanted.
but, is there any way to do it without the table functions?
I mean, what if I had to do it with css tables?
As in non-programatically? You can use a CSS counter
wait, googling this jargonish thing.
okhh, so there are variables in css.
hmm, still. I would like to do it with JS. any way this is possible to do with JS?
@AwalGarg You've already done it using JavaScript
@monners but with css tables.
ohh. I mean CSS tables, and auto-increment with JS.
hey guys can anybuddy help me to solve this problem
Q: How to stop random effect in javascript

Hashir Azadhey guys i am using Codecanyon for my image gallery. Right now it is animating images with random effect. i want to remove random effect. any suggestion how can i do this. below is the funtions of animation. parseAnimationOptions: function (t) { var i, o = this, n = ["flipX",...

Problem: How do I have the contenteditable element to have focus only when clicked on it? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/pc2Lm Right now, if I click anywere, its getting focus. How to lose that?
^its because you set it to inline block.
it took whole of the screen real estate.
@AwalGarg The problem still stands. Try clicking on the whitespace next to the <span>.
@AwalGarg Awesome!
Hahaha :P
@AwalGarg Not at you, I just didn't read the rest I think? I see "Awesome!" in response to a contenteditable. I imagine him in wonderment over that attribute
Aha, I just read the rest... xD
Put that back right this instant!
I want to kill myself. Is there some painless way to do so?
Throw yourself off a building? ._. You'll not remember the feeling at least.
Oh god no D:
is this room high enough?
Whew, yes we are high above the rest of the rooms
here I go, JUMP
meh, nothing happened
I has a question, in require js ,..., modules loading syntax is define(["dep1","dep2"..], function(dep1, dep2..){}}; now as I understand, that anonymous function is possibly a callback function, but what are dep1 and 2 are they js files or, objects in js files or what?
An example would be good..
@AwalGarg Zombie! :O
@Magikaas i touch you!!! now you are a zombie too :O :O
Wait what?
zombies are not touch screen , u need to bite
@Magikaas help me catch @shortCircuit ...
@shortCircuit bang. you are in the zombie jail now.
Zombie jail !!!
This isn't Russia ...
In Soviet Russia, you eat zombie
Yeah .. Dats true ...
I wonder why opposite is everything there
But I am now more concerned with AMD loading
zombies... we have taken over this room. humans shall leave now :} eevil.
Zombies are so callback-ish ... zombie.addEventListener('human', function(){eat();}, false);
but, I still didn't get an answer for the css tables and js auto increment problem.
awalGarg.addEventListener('question', function(){giveAnswer();}, false);
If I wish, I'd tell ya =/
What is a js auto increment problem
^this is in html table
now, what if there were css tables.
how to get that auto-increment thing working in there?
Its relatively simple ... U first make a table with CSS, perhaps you will get an idea what is the repetitive group .. Like in a. Table <tr><TD></TD></tr> ... Then u simply do document.createElements and add css selector id/class
@shortCircuit fiddle please... i can't understand it like that.
And append it to the previous
I guess you know document.createElement and appendChild and lastChild and parentNode etc ?
@shortCircuit sure I do.
@shortCircuit its not working
Then I also assume, u can write a table using CSS .. Lets say,
<div id=table>
<div id=tr>
<div id=td></div>
<div id=td></div>
Now write a function that will produce the same structure starting from <div id=tr> to</div>
Then do a document.getElementById("table").last child.appendChild ..
I would suggest that u use a display : flex; in ur css for #tr
I cannot write this out for you, I am bein bugged with my own problems now ...
Hey fellas, node/promises question
I'm want to use a promisified mysql module.
So I've
Promise = require('bluebird');
var mysql = Promise.promisifyAll(require('mysql'));
What is the difference between promise and callback
Now I want to make a connection, according to their docs, the API looks like this: mysql.createConnection({}).connect(err);
How does that translate to promises? Will it resolve if there's an error? Will it reject if there's an error?
I need this ... I need to know wether a script has been loaded.
@SecondRikudo would you clarify a thing, I create a script element with an src attribute, but the script does not laod / get executed until I append it to something?
@shortCircuit I think it does get downloaded, but not executed until you append it.
I'm not sure though, it's easy enough to test it.
(Just don't append and look at your network tab and see if the browser made a request)
ain't it logical not to have a request made until append is done?
@AwalGarg No
Because when I do append it, I want it to be ready to execute.
I know for sure that images load regardless of whether they were appended to the DOM or not.
I'm just not sure about scripts.
then I can't see a reason why scripts should behave differently
Q: How will a promisified mysql module work with NodeJS?

Second RikudoI'm trying to work with MySQL in NodeJS. My entire app is built with promises, so I want to promisify the mysql module as well. So I've this: Promise = require('bluebird'); var mysql = Promise.promisifyAll(require('mysql')); Now, according to their API, the connect() method accepts a single p...

how do
@AwalGarg I can confirm they indeed behave differently.
^see, I pinged and replied and linked to my own message.
@AwalGarg Magic
@SecondRikudo So did I!
I have an issue I can't resolve ... I has a list of file .. one of the file has a $ function in it .. Which works more or less exactly like the jQuery one ...
I wrote a function , so as to avoid writing a lot of script tags ... https://github.com/pigeonhole/testjs/blob/master/loadModules.js , I have modified this a bit, .. In my index.HTML where I include this script I have an object which looks like this..
var binders ={file1: false, file2: false};
And I pass it like modules(binders,['file1','file2']);
@AwalGarg Not too hard
Where's @BenjaminGruenbaum when you need him? :P
@JanDvorak hehe. discovered it yesterday in sandbox.
@JanDvorak why are you telling us?
@SecondRikudo cheater!!!
can I reply to two messages at the same time?
You can ping multiple people though
@SecondRikudo hehe, I remember your last.
I mean if the file is executed after append then the $ function must be available
ok btw, Madara, any reason why scripts behave differently then?
Do it for Shrek?
@SecondRikudo any idea why
@shortCircuit Are you familiar with RequireJS?
!!tell shortCircuit google require js
!!are you alive
She is in the room, I can see her...
shortCircuit.... GOOGLE REQUIRE JSSSssssssssssssssss
I am seeing it now
lol, sorry
But could not I do it myselfs?
Just one of those kinds of moods I guess

Failed the Turing test

3 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 10 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Second Rikudo

@shortCircuit You could, for learning purposes.
But for actual apps, there's a well tested known library already.
I was asking for learning purposes ...
But I haven't much help ...
Does anyone here run their own site?
@shortCircuit well, that's because the script isn't loaded yet by the time you try to load the second one.
You should use the .onload event to make sure the first script is loaded before calling the second.
like var sc = document.createElement("script");
sc.onload = function(){ binders[filename]=true;}
I guess? If that's how you mark the script loaded.
Yeaaayyy happend .. Love u ..
@Coulton hm, pretty much everyone?
Cool :)
Are any of you guys able to make a living from just one website?
possible, it needs to be a popular website ... Like SO . Fb, Am
I can't believe it needs to be THAT popular. My friend launched a site last month and he's made £15k+ already from google adsense :|
@Coulton Most clients think that making a web page is something like writing a single page in a novel. How hard could it be, right?
lol, Indeed they do.
@SecondRikudo not sure why, but this has caused me to lose the game
@Coulton It isn't impossible to make a living out of one site that you own
So long as you get enough traffic, or paying visitors, sure.. it's not that hard.
As a result, they find it a little infuriating to suggest that in order to have it do what they want, you'd have to dedicate more time
Google AdSense is good ... I hears that the website needs to be a little old .. Like 1-3years
@DrogoNevets Damn you, I lost the game >_<
Lol, such drama in that Android channel
@zigi given that you couldn't just chill and be a rational being for a week (you used another profile to get into chat which you later also used to talk bad about this room, among other things) you are now the newest member of out ban list
I am sure you will try to come back again with another fake profile, but sooner or later we will find out it is you because you cannot behave
can you imagine
They are gonna feel the wrath of Khan!
Who ?
Indeed, most people don't get how much dedication it takes to make a decent website.
I have money and power, I am gonna find them and rape them
Even a half decent website...
@Coulton so true
cause when it's good people don't notice it but when it is they do
@zigi didnt we pretty much say the same thing to you?
@shortCircuit Emmanuel from room 15
@Coulton True. Writing a decent website is more like scuplting than writing a book
There are endless levels of depth
Note that you can also use some plain silly website and have people pay for an downloadable application instead :P
The maintainance part is difficult ... Specially if u coded it, because after a month or so , u feel, o gosh, this could have been better if written like that
As a result, they find it a little infuriating to suggest that in order to have it do what they want, you'd have to dedicate more time
@shortCircuit I'm feeling you on that one. I have felt like that a couple of times.
@shortCircuit Which is why I invest most of my time in the design.
Also (commentary on hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth.com):
This web site (and the RSS feed) are in fact dynamically updated. Here's how it works -

Every 250 ms, a private satellite fleet measures gravitational distortion at 24 equally spaced points in LEO.
This distortion map is compared with the one computed by the Iridium constellation 1 hour prior. If they are equal, the system goes back to sleep for another 250 ms.

If they are not equal, the system enters an alert state and takes several more confirmation readings at 50 ms intervals. If after 5 seconds (100 readings) the configuration has
If the code itself, the implementation is bad, and you decide a month later that you want to change it, you can only do it decently if you can cleanly cut it off and implement something else with the same public facing API.
Not only that, but when it comes to design, I think that what I've designed and produced is good, but a month later I think it's garbage. I subsequently play for 2 minutes in Photoshop and end up producing something better... sigh
@Coulton Not visual design
Programmatic design
I guess it would be worse if I didn't feel like I had produced a better design, but it just signals more work lol
How the HTML and JavaScript interact, how the server interacts with the client
How the different modules on the server interact with one another
If those are clean, you can always swap out with something better when you have it.
That's called polymorphism.
@SecondRikudo Sounds like a good idea. Sorry, I had started typing the thing about visual design before. Certainly sounds like something good to be doing!
@DrogoNevets Not that I recollect of
but I don't see how I am standing in the way of anything
and like making people sad?
@Coulton Simplest example
Let's say your JavaScript asks for data from the server, and the server replies with JSON
The client doesn't care where the data came from
It could have been from MySQL, files, another website, a REST Api, or 20 chinese teenagers in a basement calculating numbers
And you can change the data source easily as long as you don't break the fact that the client depends on the JSON response, and reply with the same format JSON response.
I like the final option... do they have an API?
@Coulton I like to provide a REST API for most resources on apps I build
It helps you rethink your design and data modeling.
Also, it makes data access incredibly easy.
Because now my client can access it, and tomorrow, my android app will be able to access it just the same, without any change to the server.
I find that one of the biggest pains is organising my CSS
@Coulton Organising CSS isn't as important as building it correctly.
Two general rules of CSS: 1. No ID selectors. 2. Selectors should be as short as humanly possible.
Having one huge CSS file seems like the only logical way... I have a large css file that's has comments to indicate which page it refers to
@Coulton Have you heard of CSS preprocessors?
No ID selectors??
@Coulton No ID selectors.
No, I haven't. I'm going to take to Google...
@Coulton Lookup SASS
and SCSS
I likes your idea of rest ape-ing
Note that a REST API is often overkill for small apps.
and json-izing ...
If I have the data available always in a constant format, It saves me a lot of time, the time I spent in restricting the whole thing ...
@SecondRikudo Cool, I'll take a look at those!
@Coulton A preprocessor will basically take whatever syntax it supports, and convert it to a CSS file that the browser understand.
So you have things like math, variables, includes, mixins, functions, etc in your CSS file.
That sounds pretttty cool...
On my projects, I treat my CSS file as compiled code
I don't look at them at all. I only look at the SCSS source.
What do you tend to code your websites in, which language?
@Coulton It depends
My main project is PHP, for better or for worse
On most projects, It's HTML, JavaScript (usually vanilla), SCSS, and PHP
Although I'm currently learning Node
sighs rats !! Why do you have to cut everything .. Why don't just go to a eff-ing desert ... Why u cut my speaker wires!! Surely ur father won't pay me
Where are snakes when u need them ...
@SecondRikudo SCSS? it's css at the end anyway, right?
@towc The .scss file is compiled to an .css file, which is presented to the client.
@SecondRikudo you got your answer :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, although hold on
@SecondRikudo ends up in css anyway
The better solution is with .using but you can catch errors with Promise.OperationalError or with .error
@BenjaminGruenbaum am I good with using mysql as my mysql module?
Or is there a better one?
(Let's start with that :P)
There is a native one and a JS one, the JS one is faster iirc and both are quite ok
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want to do one connection and one query
So currently I don't need a pool of connections
I added an example with a single connection.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That second return
Is basically .then(function() { return connection; }) isn't it?
@SecondRikudo it should resolve with itself but it does with nothing, so I make it resolve with itself
This is widely inaccurate and mostly incorrect - although it's what a lot of frameworks advertise. A key point in the MVC pattern is that the views observe the models for changes and this does not hold here. What you describe is a sensible way to structure db skins but is NOT MVC. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 29 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum I saw and responded.
Hmm @BenjaminGruenbaum I get an error
What error?
    return connection.connectAsync().return(connection); // <- note the second
TypeError: Object #<Connection> has no method 'connectAsync'
    at getConnection (/home/dor/nodejs/loader_creator/index.js:20:23)
Morning @BenjaminGruenbaum
Not promisifyAll?
var mysql = Promise.promisifyAll(require('mysql'));
What I have ^
Try to promisify connection
Like this?
read the code at the BB API docs
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have (all of it)
What should I be looking at specifically?
the "uncomment this if needed" part
So Promise.promisifyAll(require("mysql/lib/Connection").prototype);
Different error now
        throw new TypeError("fn must be a function");
TypeError: fn must be a function
@BenjaminGruenbaum Any idea?
I'm with people now, sorry
My bad, error was mine
oh,hey! I've discovered a cool function
@SecondRikudo we have it in writing!
if caprica wasn't dead...
@towc thats not a function, thats a construct
well... it turns whatever is in the parenthesis to boolean
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you done anything with website analysis through JS, what I mean is like count what are people looking at most (like position of their mouse and stuff like that)
@DrogoNevets a construct would be new Boolean()
@towc disagree, that would make a new object, you are still calling the same thing
what do you mean by construct then?
im just saying its not a function, to my knowledge
@zigi I can send you a paper I wrote on my spare time but didn't publish about that
@DrogoNevets how not?
@BenjaminGruenbaum wow that would be great, could you do it at ivo [dot] stefanov90 [at] gmail [dot] com
@DrogoNevets: that is a function AFAIK, Boolean(1) === true
send me an email to benji [at] tipranks [dot] com and I'll sedd that when I'm home
So I have this
var publishers = getConnection().then(function(db){
    return db.queryAsync('SELECT name from trc.publishers').then(function(result) {
        return result;
   console.error("Oh noes! An error!");
I've gotten
Possibly unhandled Error: Parse Error
    at Socket.socketOnData (http.js:1583:20)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:527:27)
You love complicating things
I know :P
Where have I complicated it here though?
Is it just me or is that an anti-pattern?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks a lot
@Qantas94Heavy Could be, what is?
I don't see the point of nesting .then
Caprica passed away a while ago
I think rlemon murdered her
I thought Kendall is a human...
Good morning so to say
@rlemon do you have an example using pixel based collision detection on the canvas?
Is it possible to somehow add time to script execution before it is interrupted? Like for example one clicks some link on the page. Some data must be sent to third party on this event, but event finishes faster, than data is set to the third party. Therefore only parsial information is at hand at the finish. Can it be solved?
@Eugene let the event handler wait for the information.
You need to remember a promise of the information somewhere where the hadler can access it
Sending data to third party happens async.(I assume). Third party is Google Analytics.
function sendTransaction() {
How does GA announce it's done?
So when the script is actually sending data, the event code is finished.
It doesn't as far as I know.
What does it change after it's done that you read, actually?
Didn't quite understand the question. Could you elaborate more?
What do you want to wait for, exactly?
For data to be sent to Google Analytics before moving to other page or refreshing current one. Data is initially placed by ga('ecommerce:addItem', {...}); call. But is sent only with code above. And click event on the link runs faster(again I assume), than data sending. Therefore in Google Analytics I get only partial information.
@JanDvorak It's important by god! Google must know the status of his web site!
i.e. I add ga('ecommerce:addItem', {id: 1, ...}); and ga('ecommerce:addItem', {id: 2, ...});, but only object with id = 1 is actually sent.
unlikely. Fiddle?
Few moments. Haven't installed it yet. I think. Must check.
If GA dislikes concurrent requests, it must provide a way to determine when a request is complete
@Eugene ...?
Regarding Fiddle
Or were you talking about jsfiddle.net?
What other kind of fiddle is there?
@JanDvorak jsbin, codepen, dribble (not JS)
how to use fuction
ar FileClient = (function () {

var fileSystem = null;

init function must be called once before using any other function of this class
function init(successCallback, errorCallback) {
how do i call init?
@maxum have you tried init()?
How did it fail?
Q: Exchanging data in nested Async calls in AngularJS

bkotyikI'm new in the world of AngularJS, and I'm facing with an interesting problem: I created an Angular factory service that works as a service proxy for the REST service I'm invoking. My service proxy looks like this: angular.module('myApp').factory('myService', ['$http', function($http) { va...

@maxum Looks like it's wrapped in a directly invoked closure, in which case, you can't from the outside.
ReferenceError: init is not defined
message: "init is not defined"
stack: (...)
@RoelvanUden Oh. I love code samples with unbalanced parentheses
what is the purpose of var FileClient = (function () { ?

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