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You probably know this already, but...
@Zirak Proof that once again, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to be better than everyone else. You simply need to reach out to enough people with too much time on their hands and too much money.
It's a little insulting to think that a homeless guy with 10 dollars to spend at an internet cafe could earn himself $46,047 simply due to having enough exposure
Why? Because he's homeless?
No, because it doesn't require any particular talent to do
Save for being able to write a half-way decent kickstarter
Take Paris Hilton. She may be a stuck-up multi-millionaire with more money than she'll ever use, but when she produces a profume for dogs that people buy, she's at least contributing something considered valuable by society
considered valuable by some
Taking nothing and generating money is not generating value. It's just moving it around
@dystroy That's irrelevant
Who knew that money is only as valuable as you make it?
What's important is that it is valued by people that requires a workload to produce
And I was sure capitalism was right...
@Zirak If everyone paid for things that held no value, the economy would collapse in a way not so different than if no one paid for things that held value
@Neil That's totally relevant. You try to make a moral point about a guy getting money while not contributing to society. I don't see a contribution in putting one's well known name on a vanity perfume.
@dystroy I have nothing against that guy. It's the fact that he raised so much money that is a little disconcerting
If you really want, consider it a contribution to entertainment and world demise.
@dystroy The economic value of something is not determined by you, but as the collective tendencies of society in general
You may not want to buy Paris Hilton's dog perfume, but if many others do, she'd contributing
@Zirak That's better than not contributing anything, but there is still no product
You're not going to have a better day for having contributed, any more than you'd have a better day for going to see a movie
you never have a product in entertainment industry
when you watch something at the movies, do you leave with something?
@FlorianMargaine Popcorn?
Q: Using Async and Promises that are all rejected leads to async never completing

Dave SagI'm using async and promise to run a seeding script but in the case where all promses are rejected the script never completes. As it's a seeding script it's set up to not seed models that alredy have data. Here's (abridged) my code Any idea what I've missed? seed = function(collectionName, da...

@FlorianMargaine feels
@Mosho yes, that's what entertainment is about. Selling feels.
I trying to understand closures . I learnt that if a variable in the outer scope is bound to inner scope then it creates a closure.. So in here stackoverflow.com/questions/750486 , is it like, as the loop executes the previous values of I are modified because the value of i is retained after the execution of the anonymous function statement ?
w3.org/TR/html-markup/td.html I want to know if "table-row" or "table-row" CSS is defined also on old browser....
@shortCircuit: if you're talking about the example where all the results are 3, 3, 3, that's because i is shared between all the functions and the outside code, so when it's modified by the for loop, it's also changed inside the function.
OK, so I am feeling right ..
How can i append a value to a taxt box on each button click with comma separated.
you create the element with document.createElement and append with .appendChild or append with document.getElementById("").innerHTML+="";

Example: Google @Jes
awesome, after replacing the whole page using this code not even ctrl+f5 reloads the actual page but always keep showing the new content... (demo)
var doc = document.open('text/html', 'replace');
Paris Hitler perform worth it if the dog likes it, else its the same as paying a fake note to buy a good .. A few fake notes in enuf to increase the price of commodities for a month or two, because as the fake note is getting cycled, the goods are getting sold for free, hence somehow leads to the downfall of economy , I feel it, I can't explain it tho , I didn't have a major in economics
I'd tell them to beware the sun, while you're at it :P
Stop Jquery!!!!
Killed a rat with a cat ... Proud of my timing ... Fucking rat cut my iball speaker wires , holed my pant and 2 underweares (that's all i had :( )
quirksmode.org/css/css2/display.html ok I solved thanks this site.
A: What is the path in the html dom for a selected element?

Frédéric HamidiThe following function does what you want, using jQuery: function getElementPath(element) { return "//" + $(element).parents().andSelf().map(function() { var $this = $(this); var tagName = this.nodeName; if ($this.siblings(tagName).length > 0) { tagName +=...

is this the best way to do it?
@dystroy In cases of blatant newbity, I try and leave a comment: stackoverflow.com/questions/24694037/…
@Mosho There are a lot of ways. His is a very meh way.
Chrome dev tools has one, but it's incredibly convoluted.
function getIndex (node) {
      var parent=node.parentElement||node.parentNode, i=-1, child;
      while (parent && (child=parent.childNodes[++i])) if (child==node) return i;
      return -1;

function getPath (node) {
      var parent, path=[], index=getIndex(node);
      (parent=node.parentElement||node.parentNode) && (path=getPath(parent));
      index > -1 && path.push(index);
      return path;
found this
just want something to identify elements uniquely
...like, an id?
this guy whose question I'm answering doesn't want to use id's
What do you want: The parent tree to an element, or a selector which you can later apply?
a unique string for all I care
using it to store/retrieve from a map
So you want an id, but not to use an id
@Zirak Good one. It allows for a constructive dismissive comment. Now I'll ping you whenever I need to be remembered that link. Please don't forget to leave the chat open in your browser at all times.
Tell the OP he's an idiot and he should just use ids instead of inventing a separate mechanism
he says it's something he wants to publish (an angular directive) and doesn't want to force users of his directive to use id's
Then data-id, or whatever's more "angular"
^ > \_
@Zirak how is that different? this is what he means:
> imagine I post it to net for common use and a statement for usage "you must provide a unique ID each time you use this directive". That just does not seem correct from the architecture/design view to me.
Assigning an id for everything is incorrect architecture/design in the first place :P
anyway, I'm done with it
I was curious about finding unique id's for elements a couple months ago
And you can easily generate a UUID. Go over all your elements, on every one increment some counter, assign element.dataset.blah = 'lulz' + counter
It's just terrible, that's all
that's what I did a few months ago :P
but the problem is that angular recompiles stuff
plays with the DOM
The JSON-RPC standard defines an id field. Do I have to assign a unique one each time, or is it just that I can?
Why would you need to uniquely identify every single element? Can't you store interesting elements in your own data structure, or use some higher level of abstraction?
@JanDvorak think its a unique to each thing being called, rather than a uniqie each time....
What's more, if you're forced into this by angular, why are you still using it?
@Zirak well, for what I did it was something very unique
I translated WPF to HTML
@DrogoNevets methods are identified by name
and as a noob it was what I came up with at the time
json-rpc.org/wiki/specification: The request id. This can be of any type. It is used to match the response with the request that it is replying to.
so i guess if you dont mind any chance of them mixing up it can be anything you like, but unique is best
@Zirak you're not forced to by angular at all
and as for storing elements in a data structure, he uses ng-if, it removes/adds an element according to an expression and recompiles it
I can already identify the requests by which HTTP request they're coming through. The target server doesn't even support batch requests.
I suggested using CSS rather than recompiling
maybe there is something else, within angular
The spec says "An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if included ... The value SHOULD normally not be Null ... The Server MUST reply with the same value in the Response object if included ... The Client SHOULD match contexts between the set of Request objects and the resulting set of Response objects [within a batch] based on the id member within each Object.". Seems only per-batch uniqueness is required strongly encouraged?
!!experiment or play games
@Zirak experiment
The spec doesn't even mandate client matches up the responses by ID???
@DrogoNevets thanks for the link. Seems to confirm they don't have to be unique.
@JanDvorak yea, thats what i thought
only in america
@DrogoNevets Thought we fixed that y2k thing
can I get email sent to my domain to my gmail?
I dont see email forwarding for this domain as an option on godaddy
@FutuToad just get a google domain
set up the servers for gmail
and get 30 gigs drive, a gmail mailbox .. etc :D
@AbhishekHingnikar but I am stuck with godaddy for 2 more years
@rlemon oh boy
@AbhishekHingnikar rlemon is afk: going to work
ohh yea
@Loktar @FlorianMargaine
Oh, is it that day again?
Every time
Also, I installed node-inspector, but can't seem to find it (and more specifically the config file) in my npm node_modules folder. Anyone know where I can find it?
(need to activate live edit)
@Cereal she speaks to me
She actually became pretty hot, tbh :s
yea not my type
(I still think she is not attractive. not ugly, but does nothing for me)
what is your type?
Yeah, but he's everyone's type. So that doesn't count
we am everyone, we are borg.
Btw, no help with my node-inspector problem? :s
But now I am working... :(
because is interesting Friday?
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of her face
Places for configuration:

command line arguments (parsed by optimist)
enviroment variables prefixed with node-inspector_
if you passed an option --config file then from that file
a local .node-inspectorrc or the first found looking in ./ ../ ../../ ../../../ etc.
options from config.json for backward compatibility
defaults described in Node Inspector`s ./lib/config.js.
from the repo docs
@rlemon oooooooh yes
in 3 hours, I'm on vacation for a week and a half
so in three hours I'll post you this:
@Kippie redhead
is rlemon's type
my type possibly nsfw
man "Saturday" is just as bad as Friday
You say that like it surprises you
Yeah, but saturday is bad on purpose.
Wonder if she'll do a sunday..
If so, I can't wait to see her attempt "Monday"
Monday would be so incredibly depressing if it's anything like my mondays
@rlemon What 2 do when I have no $HOME or etc/ ?
Monday would be a sad depressing song, except for the end, where it would be a happy kazoo solo because work is finished
I mean, everyone knows linux is for horrible people.
something something bowl of cereal, get into a car, talk about how yesterday was the day before today like that is big news or something
didn't she also do a cameo in Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" ?
what the serious fuck
!!experiment or play games
@Zirak experiment
Based on rlemon's earlier outbursts, I assume he's up for some experimenting with you
Testing zippers, clearly
Do you know that a duck's penis is shaped like a long, spiky corkscrew?
!!youtube turtle sex
I do now
And some duck vaginas corkscrew in the opposite direction of a male's, to make intercourse harder.
oh, and for some reason, ducks are really well-endowed.
Fully erect, it matches the duck's length.
@Zirak WTF?! not what i expected to come back to after lunch
You didn't know 'bout the corkscrew duck knob?
@Zirak one of my dogs is too.
like, he can't walk anymore when he's fully erect, because his dick is too heavy.
@FlorianMargaine I don't belong to you, I just happen to live in your house
Did you weigh it?
yes, it weighed 7.
7?! a whole 7?!?!
Is your wife by any chance a -7?
Just...curious. Might explain some things.
no, she's a 13.
sorry about that.
How did her heart not explode yet?
That's NSFW, by the way
Pumping all that blood...
@Zirak she passes it to me during the sex.
she passes you her heart? or her 13?
no. The blood.
which grows my... boner.
so... win-win
French people are strange and scary.
So let me get this straight
@Zirak I already am, thank you
Your wife has a gianormous dick. She then commits the act of love (or whatever the fuck this is) on you, causing her dick to shrink, and yours to grow
Remind me to never visit a French brothel.
I think he meant 13, as in years old
That's ok then.
I thought you guys were talking about shoe size wtf
oh there was confusion? Yes, sorry, when you asked if she was a -7, I obviously thought you meant age.
Well now I feel silly
Ah, so there was confusion on both sides.. that would explain a lot
@Zirak It's ok. Go visit our brothels.
@rlemon Some French people are scared too right now
Obviously by blood you meant how you only have sex when she menstruates, which turns you on.
Sometimes, in the same way that you can "crack" your knuckles, I can "crack" the left side of my jaw.
@FlorianMargaine omw
@NickDugger I vote this as the most random thing heard thus far today
I can crack my right butt cheek
holy crap it's Friday
I can crack Sublime Text
I'm serious, though. I actually can crack my jaw.
@NickDugger it isn't that uncommon
I can crack my nose
and my ankle
no axe ?
@Zirak no, I meant how I slit her wrists, which turns me on. Then she proceeds to cut my penis and pump some blood in it, to grow it up.
I can crack all of my toes, kuckles, ankles, knees, and my jaw.
I will probably have ultra super arthritis when I'm old.
cracking joints doesn't caus arthritis
@FlorianMargaine ah, I see.
nothing fancy.
French.. a little weird sometimes
Just the standard.
I can dislocate most if not all of my joints at will
What the hell did I just come back to
TIL tagName is all-caps :-(
I think
@JanDvorak I'm never sure if it's browser-dependant, so I use tagName.toLowerCase()
What about regex?
@rlemon so.. like at any given moment, you can turn into bag of flesh and bones superhero?
!!mdn tagname
@Neil I have to pull them other than my shoulders. I can just move a muscle and they slide out
it is very bad for me
@rlemon Once had a contest amongst my friends to determine the most useless superhero ability, and that would be a fairly decent one
@Neil My power is to have no bodily odour.
tendons stretch, they don't really contract back. so I'm slowly doing myself damage
> On HTML elements in DOM trees flagged as HTML documents, tagName returns the element name in the uppercase form.
@Zirak That could be somewhat useful
Among other good answers were: Inside-out man. Invisibility, but only when nobody is watching man
the "benefits" of it is that I can be a contortionist. I can skip with my arms, turn my hand 360 degrees, put my legs behind my head, fit through a tennis racket, etc.
all the good stuff.
!!youtube tree powers activate
> Invisibility, but only when nobody is watching man
nice one
@FlorianMargaine that is from a movie
fuck what was it called. stupid movie
wanna be super heros
peewee was in it
@FlorianMargaine Can be super useful : you see when you're watched
"Mystery Men"
"Can fly between 2 seconds and 3 hours" man (never know when you're going to fall out of the sky, essentially)
Power to communicate via telegraph
Power to control ants.. but only one at a time.
Spontaneous combustion man
Power to only sometimes spread STDs
@NickDugger XD
Convincing liar man
Power to rapidly consume squid and testicles, but only if they're raw
"Help! Help! I'm burning to death!" "No, you aren't." "Thanks convincing liar man!"
Slide man. the power too.. uhh... yea..
Gay Club Man. The only buildings he may enter are gay clubs.
Flash power, but without the ability stop yourself on a dime
Duck man. the power to arouse male ducks then throw them at you corkscrew first.
and I'm the weird one?
Power to speak every language in the world, randomly
!!xkcd 208
I wish I knew regex...
It's not hard to learn
Is it better to do tmp.addEventListener('change', function() { *a bunch of function calls* })
Once you know how to use (), [], +, *, and ? you're basically set
Don't tell me facts, you peon
or a idfferent listener for each function
Once you know (?>) you're beyond hope.
@Cereal That depends: Can you logically group them under the same name?
i.e. are they really in a function, a logical unit, or just a bunch of calls?
@Cereal that depends. Do you support IE8?
I do not!
I do at work
Hahaha, noone does, but we have to :P
we decide on a project by project basis
I just meant that IE8 will choke at you if you use too many event listeners
I've had to switch to event delegation recently on a project
but usually its a "does it happen to work in MSIE8 already? no, right we dont support it"
IE8 threw errors like "Out of memory"
I find doing a seperate event listener for each makes more sense logically, but I wasn;t sure if that was bad practice
AlzheimersError: Out of memory
Bad Argument Man: Turns apples into oranges and vice-versa.
@Neil That is awesome.
‮Right to Left man!

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