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I has a 30kbps internet connection and wouldn't mind 7.5 MB if it worth it
@shortCircuit, good to know ;)
if you are not targeting mobile, and it is a one time thing, ~10mb is acceptable
further optimization is a cherry on the cake
The requirement is to pack more stuff in less. number doesn't matter, we are looking for a solution which apparently npm command doesn't provide. So we will fall back to post build phase.
Thanks for the help.
So the guy who wrote browserify is speaking at the same thing as me. That's terrifying.
@rlemon This is from earlier, but for the form example another example that would have worked would be submitting data to a database like a website login or something, since that has the page auto refresh because someone logged in or something
Also I have an idea for something I want to write in js for my personal site but idk how to go about learning about how to do it
What do you want to do
aw man SO is down again
I have a horizontal menu right, so when I click on a link in the menu I want the page to slide in
so like if I click a link that's to the right of what I'm currently on, I want it to slide to the left from the right
and vice versa
@Derek朕會功夫 I know I'm trying to look stuff up
oh it's back
Oh I did that exact same thing before
I implemented it terribly
There's a jquery thing apparently, but I'd rather do it in pure js for now
You can do it with css
googling intensifies
Probably a little javascript to trigger the animation though
				if($(this).attr('href') && $(this).attr('href').indexOf("javascript") < 0){
					loc		=	$(this).attr('href');
					$("#pagecontent,.footer").hide("drop", "right", 1000, redir);
That's what I did
Hint: don't do that
yeah I'm seeing some css about it
if I did do this I'd have to merge my 4 html files into one
which I don't really want to do just for the css. I like having everything a little separated
idk that's for tomorrow
Why would you have to merge them?
that and working on this carriable site
because of the specific tutorial I'm finding. Each "page" should be a div and you handle them that way
Nah you don't have to do that
idk this one tutorial shows this one way
I'm going to look into it and try to learn about js enough to do it on my own
window.onload = function(){
	// trigger in animation

window.beforeunload = function(){
	// trigger out animation
Something like that would probably work
Might have issues with the content flashing before the in animation
So just keep it hidden until the page is loaded, then run the in animation
God I have to be careful... Ill end up switching careers
@Jhawins ...?
Is any difference between jquery and javascript?
@Raj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Raj yes
@Mosho I downloaded DOTA 2 :)
If you're free, I'm ready to embarrass myself.
@m59 Let me know if it's any good
what's the difference?? @monners
@Raj are you trolling?
@Raj jQuery is a JavaScript library. JavaScript is a language. Without JavaScript there could be no jQuery. Without jQuery, well... The world'd find a way.
jQuery is a pizza-slicer; JavaScript is the pizza.
@monners superb !!
@m59 okk thanku !
Why do I get the feeling I just helped someone with their homework...
No no it was not my homework it was the confusion in my mind because when i made my project the js and jquery was simultaneously used and hence I felt hard to differentiate among them so I asked
Well, now ya know :P
guys I want one more help from you all can I?
It's a free interwebz
Q: Q promises nfcall wrapping result in unnecessary array?

gladsoccI've been experimenting with promises with Q, and it seems that the nfcall promise response is being wrapped in an unnecessary array. The mysql model normally returns the result in an array of rows. Example: db.query('SELECT * FROM table', function(err, rows){ console.log(rows[0].id); c...

@Raj one more help?
that'll cost ya
@SomeKittensUx2666 Do you know how to list out all of the events bound to an element?
@monners Programmatically or for debugging?
Ideally both, but for the moment debugging
events as in event listeners?
Both native and of the jQuery persuasion
You could use the webkit dev tools
Right... but how/where?
Oh, also if you inspect an element, then on the right sidebar there should be an "event listeners" tab @monners
@monners not easily
For debugging purposes it's pretty easy...
@monners how are they all bound?
like all with $(blah).on?
if so, $._data($(selector).get(0))
That bookmarklet is exactly what I needed, but I'll give $._data a shot as well
hey guys,
just a quick question. (This is about AngularJS)
<input ng-model="a"/>+<input ng-model="b"/>=
<span>{{ a+b }}</span>

I'm trying to learn AngularJS, and I'm trying to make a simple calculator.
However,it's just treating a and b as strings and putting them together.
How can I change the type of those variables to a number so that I can add them together?
Try {{ 1*a + 1*b }}
I have an angularjs app where data come from Json file which is categorized by date, Is there any way to check Json file exist or not? for example, if today's data not found then previous data would display
@Jeremy wow it works. Is that the supposed way to type cast a variable?
@Derek朕會功夫 It's not really typecasting. But you need to parse it as a number somehow. There are tons of ways, that was just the quickest I found on Google.
Google "parsing numbers in angularjs"
@Derek朕會功夫 use spaces
{{ 1 + 3}}
@phenomnomnominal It doesn't seem to work jsfiddle.net/DerekL/w4A5t
@Jeremy Normally in JavaScript I can do parseInt to parse it as an integer, but I can't do that in AngularJS. Is there any standard way of doing that?
or Google. I don't know a thing about angular
@Jeremy wow so I have to either create a controller or write a filter function just to convert a string to number
looks like angularjs still isn't quite ready yet
okay, back to the beautiful jQuery now :)
@copy I think you may use CSS for SVG if you want. Just like in jQuery, it changes the style (which may come from CSS). I choose this name for consistency with the similar function of jQuery
@copy You lose me here. What's the problem with building id by using a counter ?
@Zirak Fixed
@Zirak Not really : it's optional (as in jQuery by the way). But I'll add the '>' in the documentation, it will be less confusing
@copy I commented. the *nv thing is a very old convention of mine : there are so many cases where you want to specialize a function or method for when you pass a name and a value (for example logging)
Now, what do you think of the basic approach : having a very light library (3kb while snapsvg is 67kb minified) for svg manipulation, not wrapping all possible svg element creations in specific functions but in generic ones (I don't think you need a different function for creating a <circle> and a <rect> ? Do you see very badly covered use cases ?
(note : I just made it, I coded it last sunday and fixed it and documented it last afternoon when porting miaou from snapsvg to hu, so of course it's probably still buggy and uncomplete)
@m59 a bit later if you're up
@Derek朕會功夫 {{(num_str-1) | number}} works as well.
don't give up on angular quite so fast
@SomeKittensUx2666 I want to make my own raandom fuction in javascript how could i achieve this ?
@Raj Math.random?
@Raj If you're writing a greasemonkey script, you can pull data from random.org
@Raj why your own ? There are sometimes good reasons not to use the standard one but why your "own" ?
@dystroy BECAUSE I dnt want to take help of computer library but I am unable to make it without math.random().I have tried very much times
@Raj ...why?
@Magikaas dear if i dnt want to use math.random() then
moreover, Math. is a built-in, not a library
@Raj Why would you not want to use it?
@Magikaas I am trying to do this as an experiment
@JanDvorak for my own satisfaction
if anyone can help please do !!
Then there's no problem in implementing your own function using the Mersenne algorithm (or another one)
hi All
required help
$("#menu_btn").on("click", function() {
$(".navigation ul").slideToggle("slow");

$(".left_option ul li").on("click", function() {
$(this).appendTo(".right_option ul");
$(".right_option ul li span").remove();
$(".right_option ul li").prepend("<span><img src='images/delete_icon.png' width='16' height='16' alt='add'></span>");
$(".right_option ul li").append("<input type='checkbox'><span>Create</span><input type='checkbox'><span>Edit</span><input type='checkbox'><span>Delete</span>");
I see, well, good luck then, creating a pseudo-random function, I would not know where to start, personally, have you done research like googling random in javascript?
@Raj of course, if you want to roll your own LCG for educational purposes, you can.
@JanDvorak dnt you thing its vei much complex :9
@JanDvorak time() could be used or not??
@Raj try a LFSR instead
@Raj time is a decent seed (be sure to churn it for a while first), but a horrible source of randomness per se
you get one bit per call at best from repeatedly polling the current time
@Magikaas I have searched but except lcg and lfsr i didnt found anything
@Raj implement a Mersenne twister. It's the best in terms of randomness
I don't get it. You want to use your own random function for education and satisfaction ? Then you must understand this isn't so trivial : either you do it about correctly (and it's not 2 lines) or don't.
@dystroy okk I am trying any innovations are most welcomed :)
and both Jan and me told you about the Mersenne thing. It's both the most used and reasonnably easy to implement
@Raj I've used a 16-bit LCG in my assembly app. The results were pretty good.
@JanDvorak ohhkk gr8 man !! :)
Just be sure to use the top 8 bits, not the bottom ones. The bottom half has a much lower period.
or was that a 32-bit one? Not sure.
@JanDvorak hmmm ok ok sir
Here's one that we have been given: seed = (33333 * seed + 1) mod 2^16 with initial seed 0
Q: Structuring modules, models in Nodejs with promises

spirytusI'm creating basic NodeJS/Express?MongoDb app. I have api module (controller) that basically checks the path and tells models to do things: api.js var users = require("../models/user"); module.exports = function(app, u) { app.get('/api/v1/users/get-all', function(req, res, next) { ...

@Raj one that I have implemented in my seminar work and used the top 8 bits of is seed = (seed * 7 + 1) rol 8 mod 32
or rather, I've used the bottom eight here. Doesn't matter if you roll the number in each step.
@Raj if you want better randomness, check out api.random.org
@SomeGuy ?
@SomeKittensUx2666 butthurt
@JanDvorak nice paths to proceed through
good afternoon
got stuck on a prob
:D I revamped my camera UI and now now now it looks purrr fect
also has pinch to zoom :D [in jabba script] // though the pinch to zoom is more like scaling the actual image :-( which is sad
got i dynamic div which has got textbox,button and list.
on clicking the button i need to create a list item with the textbox value. How to get the ids of child elements
morning everybody
@Jes step one: get the child elements; step two: for each, get its ID
@JanDvorak how do i get the child elements
in vanilla, or in jQuery?
@JanDvorak js
!!tell jes mdn children
@JanDvorak Command childlist does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
document.getElementsByClassName('active').children is undefined
because there are multiple active elements
and each of them has their own children
there is only one active element
@JanDvorak idiot, even if there is one that bugger will still return an array get your head out of jQuery
@Jes the call to getElementsByClassName will result an Array :P
array of elements
@AbhishekHingnikar it will not an Array. It's an HTMLCollection.
@JanDvorak not an HTMLCollection but a NodeList
!!tell abhi mdn getelementsbyclassname
@JanDvorak Command nodelist does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@AbhishekHingnikar nope. HTMLCollection.
i get an HTMLCollection
Just in case : Is there a magical library for this ?
Q: How to convert mathml to javascript function

vinni_puxI have a next mathML for example <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mi>y</mi> <mo>=</mo> <msup><mi>x</mi><mn>3</mn></msup> </math> How to convert this mathML code to javascript function y=x^3?

@AbhishekHingnikar it would be nice if you stopped insulting me for the things you thought I said
is there a way to get the ids of elements inside that collection
@JanDvorak 2.9, but see why i used the word array ?
@FlorianMargaine Wait what happened to nodelist ?
@AbhishekHingnikar because it's an array-like collection?
I.E. it has a length and numeric properties?
@JanDvorak nope because probably the O.P. knows how to get elements out of the array
doesn't have forEach or map, though. Not even slice.
@dystroy mathjax
@JanDvorak i really doubt he knows em :D
@AbhishekHingnikar some methods return nodelists, other return htmlcollections
Whats the point of a spec when there are more hten one ?
jQuery(document).on('click','.tb-close-icon', function(e){
        //Stuff here won't work because .tb-close-icon is loaded after dom, I can't figure out why it won't work even with on
@Brandon it should; is document present already?
I have been searching for 3 hours, none of the "solutions" are working, the other jquery on the page works just fine.
@JanDvorak Yes
@FlorianMargaine Does it really does conversion from mathml to js computation functions (or some kind of structure usable in computation) ?
@JanDvorak I am teaching people now on a daily hobby basis
A: Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects

Felix KlingFirst I will explain the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection. Both interfaces are collections of DOM nodes. They differ in the methods they provide and in the type of nodes they can contain. While a NodeList can contain any node type, an HTMLCollection is supposed to only contain Elem...

@dystroy it looks like it takes mathml and convert it
and so far i have learnt is it sometimes helps to teach them related to what they know and let them find the rest.
@AbhishekHingnikar do you have the habit of calling them idiots? They may not like it.
@JanDvorak i am sorry didn't wanted to offend u :-/
@JanDvorak Any ideas as to why it might not be working or alternative solutions for dynamically loaded HTML?
@AbhishekHingnikar here, what they know is "there may be multiple elements" and the related thing is "thus, the return type must be a collection of nodes"
@Brandon nope. Fiddle please.
@JanDvorak not everyone can connect that.
why is querySelectorAll so slow with trivial cases like '.className'
unless untill they know how collections exist in javascript
@AbhishekHingnikar Not everyone can recognise "array" referring to array-like collections in general
@JanDvorak hit rate would be likely to be higher.
I should be programming ASP.NET on C# at work, but I'm bored :/
@Blackbird9 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar I cannot second that
@JanDvorak maybe you have smarter people around you ?
ok, playing around with node/express for first time, why wont it load any file if i actually append appInfo.html to the URL?
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    var uid = req.params.uid,
        file = req.params[0] ? req.params[0] : 'index.html';


    res.sendfile(file, {
        root: './src/main/webapp/'
for me i have dump xD they couldn't figure out ElementsByTagName and ElementsByClassName would return in a same way.
taught them ElementsByTagName .. told them to figure rest out for a while ... 30 minutes later everybody asked me how to do the same thing with ElementsByClassName :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar It must be your domineering presence
@AbhishekHingnikar I expect a faster "I'm still clueless" response here on this chat
maybe you scare them?
@JanDvorak hmm
@AbhishekHingnikar it's really sad that you think people are so dumb because they can't understand your explainations
@JanDvorak nope
@FlorianMargaine could be xD
Why I-m tippyng chinese characters looool my keyboard goes crazy
but they usually end up the same thing with "*" topic they are taught at by almost anyone
help please hahahahhahaha
Sorry hahahahaha, it's fixed
@JanDvorak how can you scare somebody with DOM ?
its so elegant :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar I've heard there are two kinds of people. Those that pick up programming rather quickly and those that never do because they can't "think the right way".
and considering they are 4th year students ready to get jobs, been taught Trees and basics of programming ... err i was expecting them to be something smarter.
@AbhishekHingnikar student.hd = 'slave'
@JanDvorak There really isn't a way I can do that in short, what do you currently do for dynamically loaded content
@monners .hd ? head ?
@Brandon `what you posted here should work. Put more breakpoints around the place.
hard drive
never mind. It was a stupid joke
oh !
now it makes me laugh
@JanDvorak , @FlorianMargaine , @monners how did you all learnt anything in programming ?
@AbhishekHingnikar meh. Interns getting out of 5th year classes are that bad
probably not all by books or asking the tutors ? I mean usually almost all of us start learning by experiences or things we make and destroy right ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I learn new languages by reading a tutorial, then practice, practice, practice
@AbhishekHingnikar Had an awesome teacher for one course that taught me to respect best practices and pointed me to resources that promoted them in their teaching
@JanDvorak almost the same here
@AbhishekHingnikar first off, you need to practice thinking to learn to program.
Also, Crockford
I can never get anybody here to follow that :-/
they usually end up asking for which "books" to read which will help them solve "questions" :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar Well, you are in India
@monners makes no sense a lot of us who leave the country go insanely smart :P
Thinking transfers to other languages. The rest is syntax and knowing the API.
@AbhishekHingnikar lol, jk jk
There are tutorials for syntax, and documentation for APIs.
I reckon studying law intensively probably helped
Q: Why do all the popular npm packages go through cycles of high and low downloads?

Aadit M ShahThis has always intrigued me. Take a look at the download graphs of the three most popular npm repositories: underscore async request Not only do they go through cycles of high and low downloads but also they look very similar.

@AbhishekHingnikar read: smart Indians flee India asap
Reduce a problem down to its core variables, work from there
!!play Battle Field 4 or play Battle Field 4
I learnt everything I know from the Muppet show !
@monners Cheater cheater your house is a heater
@Mosho Are you two implying that Abhi is not a smart Indian?
Damn you @Zirak !
Sounds like weekends? — Florian Margaine 2 mins ago
I spend my weekdays sitting in front of a computer so I'm free to spend my weekends sitting in front of a computer
@monners try visiting the nature
@JanDvorak What is this thing of which you speak?
!!google nature
!!tell monners define nature
@monners [nature](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=3800) (uncountable) The natural world; consisting of all things unaffected by or predating human technology, production and design. e.g. the ecosystem, the natural environment, virgin ground, unmodified species, laws of nature.
Nature has caprices which art cannot imitate.

1891, Oscar Wilde, The Decay of Lying
Nature has good intentions, of course, but, as Aristotle once said, she cannot carry them out. When I look at a landscape I cannot help seeing all its defects.
I am supposed to be talking to them about how to deploy there apps :-/ .
@AaditMShah hi !
@AbhishekHingnikar sounds like a quick chat
@JanDvorak On Azure -_-
Lamp stack on Azure :-] ... so ironic eh ?
Isn't this how you deploy ?
@adeneo epic !
@AaditMShah Congratulations, this is the less thought about question I've seen today. Seriously...
@AaditMShah try installing any big node.js project and it will install these libs + as florian said weekend
TIL some people never noticed a 7 days cycle in human activity.
Am I the only one to see two "Image not found" here ?
no me too
@dystroy no
probably u gonna click it
A: Can I maintain software under the Apache License 2.0 and charge for it?

ZarelYes, but people can take the version they paid for, and redistribute it for free.

Is it just me, or is this wrong?
@AbhishekHingnikar Hi.
where / how have you been ?
Work. Internship.
What about you?
Wow :D
Work, Teaching at my college, working on a startup and a bunch of things
Teaching? That sounds good.
We need to open a CoderDojo in Mumbai.
You're creating a startup? What's it called?
no name we just have a product so far
I was National Finalist for Imagine Cup India, so making my entry a complete product :-)
remember the best names are the most memorable
@AaditMShah yeap :-)
NLP, Object detection in images, "sort of" AI for making a better timeline
Imagine cup? Sponsored by CapGemini?
@AaditMShah Microsoft.
So what's your time scale?
When will you be done?
Lauching a beta soon. (maybe sunday)
Is it open source?
Nope. sorry
some of it will be though
I understand.
I tried writing an NLP system in Prolog once.
It hurt my head.
Prolog is dope
i am staying with python and php :P
Prolog is fun.
PHP? No way!
@AaditMShah yes way :-)
POC is faster in php then anything
NLP / Image Processing etc happen on a python server though
Haskell is the fastest once you get the hang of it.
PHP acts as a nice lil server =) w/t HipHop
python> import antigravity
NLP over the web?
python> from future import braces
@AaditMShah can't explain you it all but in short it allows you to "describe" an image to be to find it.
auto tags the detected entities in the image.
Will @AbhishekHingnikar sell PHP to this room ? I doubt it...
@dystroy my php code is 0.1% of the whole codebase
and thats cause i am too lazy to do all that in flask, framework does ~90% of my job
Tineye on nlp.
@dystroy you never know, i tmight happen, when pigs fly over a frozen hell under their own propulsion
Propeled Hell Pigs
NLP sounds like a nice little LSD.
@dystroy AHHHH so thats what PHP stands for!
@AaditMShah somehat
so you can do "Photos of Me and Abhishek taken in Bangalore at Wiki Conference" [ far end result ]
Doesn't that already exist, I think it's called something like googol ?
I dunno, I had fun building it..
And that's whats important, having fun, good for you!

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