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it does
@user3820621 may I also kindly provide you the solution? — Benjamin Gruenbaum 16 secs ago
oh @Ben bad move
!!afk @Jhawins congrats on being helpful to PHP people. Helping everyone with a PHP question is very generous.
stackoverflow.com/questions/24685937/… if anybody is good with email formats I could use some help D:
Wow I lied I found it out
Wait till you get this
like 50% of the front page of SO is angular right now
!!afk shhhhhhh I'm hunting wrabbits
A: ColdFusion If Statements Causing Spacing in <cfmail>

Sterling ArcherThe issue here is that in the text editor, the code is indented. It seems that ColdFusion and <cfmail> take those indents into consideration when sending an email. So by un-indenting everything inside the cfmail tag, you get rid of any of those tabbed spaces making their way into your code and in...

Fuck you coldfusion
I cannot answer SO questions anymore, most of them are from technologies I have never used
@Mosho - I started learning Angular (again) an hour ago, and it really does suck, probably more than I remembered, but maybe it gets better when I start to understand why the heck anyone would use it ?
why does it suck
i the file what blender crate we can see this
Hey I have language question for english native speakers:
Is it ok to say "they left" having in mind people that died?
I mean literally could that be clear to somebody or just is it ok to say it like that?
wait, I'm not native
it is not like I need something that is straight forward
Not really. If you're looking for a gentle way of saying they died 'they passed away' is probably the best
@DušanRadojević It's not a typical way to express it. "They passed" is a better alternative
thanks, I do not need a gentle way, just a way that sounds "cool"
having that in mind now, is it ok to use "they left" ?
"they bit the dust"
sounds pretty cool to me
@DušanRadojević "they left" isn't terribly common around my area at least. We say "they passed"
What datetime format is this? Tue May 20 17:55:02 +0000 2014
!!youtube another one bites the dust
if you want cool points, talk about the void
thanks for help!
@adeneo pls respond
they're fucking dead is also a cool way to say it imo
haha yeah he fucking died
had cancer SO BAD
cancer no scoped him
he's "chillin' with Satan"
so many ways.
^ Don't worry guys, I won
@Mosho - It's just my opinion, I like to actually write HTML that stands on it's own, and then add stuff with JS, now my HTML source looks like {{ crap }}, {{ stuff}}, and eveything is replaced clientside with HTML, most of it created with a shitload of regex and other stuff from what I can gather after reading the Angular source for half an hour, but I could be wrong ?
@Loktar cancer obviously is running an aimbot
@adeneo how is that different to any other templating language?
@Loktar I almost geeked out loud at "cancer no scoped him"
im so going to use that
haha to both :P aimbotting cancer
@phenomnomnominal - I use EJS or Jade serverside, and don't generally use templating languages, so I guess it's not ?
@adeneo what @phenomnomnominal said
well, I have't gone over much of the source. But what's wrong with templating? that "separation of concerns" is thrown around so much people just repeat it without thinking
@adeneo do you make a lot of SPAs?
Yes, I love going to the spa
I think it's the opposite, I like looking at HTML and understanding how a page functions
pretty much any client side rendering means shipping some sort of HTML with some sort of {{ }} templates stuff. It's hardly a specific problem to angular (if it's a problem at all). In fact it's kinda elegant.
the heavy wiring, if needed, is still in .js, but you get a lot of useful information from an angular template
Nothing wrong with having view logic in your view?
Really the most elegant way of clientside rendering is using PHP to generate the necessary document.write calls.
^ what he said
v what she said
eh I prefer echo "<tag>$varstuff</tag><div style="$somestyle=".$_GET['current']."'>hi!</div>";
now thats some elegance fo sho
damn it loktar
I was about to insult kendall
I present all the content to users in sequential alerts
So do I, nothing wrong with that, as long as you throw a prompt in there
@phenomnomnominal back in the good ol days they couldnt even ignore them!
Is something like function (y=1){} allowed in js?
Next, please
@shortCircuit not yet
o, that's why Function("y=1"); sets y=1 in the body and not as parameter
!!> var a = function (y = 1) { console.log(y); }; a(); a(2);
@phenomnomnominal "undefined" Logged: 1,2
@shortCircuit - the function constructor is eval
  <li id="menu-item-1946" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-ancestor current-menu-parent menu-item-1946"><a href="http://www.infousa.com/mailing-list/">Mailing Lists</a>
jesus in heaven.
I read it , but that above example broke my heart
Thats on the page that I'm making responsive
guys I fixed my problem
There's an option in the dev tools in chrome that lets you not clear things on move or something
and that gave me what I wanted
@Loktar a lot of things from 1946 wouldn't make sense today
haha thats very true
@adeno how does it differentiate between function parameters and body..?
@shortCircuit parameters are in (), body is in {}
No in the function constructor new Function()
Ok, well it's doing it again when I turn the option off, but I debugged it enough to get what I want
@shortCircuit did you rtfm?
"Functions created with the Function constructor do not create closures to their creation contexts; they always are created in the global scope."
@Loktar don't you just change the class name of the body tag? <body class="so-effen-responsive-now">
what would I google to send data from my js file to the html form?
maybe it's in the MDN site
@mrzepka - "webdesign for dummies"
@Shmiddty I wish! :P
thats the page I'm working on
we are only doing one as a proof of concept
it just gives me a book
so much fun remaking the whole page, cleaning up so much stuff
^ the above link has no work I've done obv
I'll just keep looking, I wasn't sure if there was a specific term that yielded better results
Yes, it said it can accept 0 arguments, but function(y=1) {} is valid , although console.log(y) is undefined within the function , so why does it put y=1 in the body while doing new Function("y=1");
lol like that header.. is an image repeated
the green/white/gradient nav
so old school, yet it was remade like 6 months ago so idk
@shortCircuit that's how the Function object works
background: transparent url(/wp-content/themes/DotComWordpress/images/FullWidthHeaderFooter/header-bkgd-‌​green-white.png) repeat-x top left;
Oh wow
haha ikr!
back when I did IE6 dev I would do that... like in idk 2007-2010 maybe?
and not for the green/white..
just the gradient
So , everything except singular variable names is taken to be tha body!!
@shortCircuit Because "y=1" is what you passed as the body parameter
@shortCircuit of course not. Read the documentation
Hello. How can I hide all DIVs that all of their children DIVs not visible?
(Using JQuery)
@shortCircuit - when it says new Function ([arg1[, arg2[, ...argN]],] functionBody)the first arguments are optional, the functionBody is not, so when passing only a string, it's eval'ed as the content of the function.
And execution context is always global, so declaring variables inside the scope of that function would make them global, even if the var keyword is included
wat, really?
Yeah, I read that
!!> var scope = 'global'; function csFunc(){ var scope="local"; return Function("return scope"); } csFunc()();
@shortCircuit "function anonymous() {\nreturn scope\n}"
@KendallFrey - no, not really, but almost
!!bobbys or boobys burger palace or bbp
@mrzepka bobbys
@shortCircuit "ReferenceError: scope is not defined"
@adeneo almost is not a thing
I am writing CoffeeScript
@KendallFrey - functions created with Function are added to window, but they do of course have a scope of their own, so variables inside the function aren't global, I was thinking with my ass
jsfiddle.net/bfpQk Why it no alert
Check the errors
@shortCircuit jsfiddle.net/bfpQk/1
that's just because of how jsfiddle runs it
js lint is yelling at me about using spaces instead of tabs, is that a thing?
No rap in head
Too many things to remember ... sighs
why are you using Function anyway
Not using , I found it thrice in my life, 1. I was reading functions, 2. I was seeing John resig's template engine, 3. Benjamin grub.. playing js trivia
fuck jslint my code is an independent clean code who dont' need no lint roller
Best code I've ever written:
datetime.toUTCString().replace(/(...), (..) (...) (....) (..:..:..) GMT/, "$1 $3 $2 $5 +0000 $4");
I am being haunted
jsfiddle.net/Amitava/jMvZf This was my first ever php, that was 2 years or more, when did I put this on jsfiddle , more importantly, why I put php on fiddle with mootools :O , am I developing Alzheimer's
this is cool: breach.cc
that site is badass
pretty helpful when creating color vars for the stylesheets
rather than light-gray..lighter-gray...lighter-that-the-last-one-gray
@Loktar Yeah
@Shmiddty that is pretty interesting
@SterlingArcher I don't
lighter than last one gray :D :D

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