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spend hours / days on issues instead of doing the professional development and getting them solved in half the time
but take it for what you will, it is just a tip.
( inb4 stupid !!s command )
apparently you can change the doctype.
@ChrisWeigen I was a designer before developer, and learning how to program in JS was the best decision I ever made. So, I highly recommend giving it a shot
@ChrisWeigen - If you contact Robert Lemon at his site rlemon.ca, he usually helps people with great ideas for free. His motto is "there's always room for the idea guy" !
don't know if the browser cares
Imagine what happens when you get a job, and they assume you know the ins and outs of your code.
You're fucked
@rlemon i get itttt i get it. I do not see myself 100% doing every aspect of this kind of in depth project all on my own!! of course not. but the basics of expressing the idea is something important which this helps. for example, if you're viewing this project I'm working on right now, you definitely understand where I'm coming from 100% better than if I didnt have a somewhat physical product
room topic changed to JavaScript :: Equality for fembots: DO read this link: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf :: FOR ALL JQUERY QUESTIONS PING @adeneo [ecmascript] [equals] [gender] [javascript] [women]
You are kind of making a manga viewing website?
@adeneo LOL
overall I appreciate everybody giving the suggestions and tips. I 100% agree learning more about the coding side of it is necessary, even if I had a in house developer
@Shmiddty interesting.
Ever seen <!DOCTYPE banana> before? ;)
@rlemon - nooooooooo, I only answer Angular questions ?
@adeneo how do you ignore a CSS incremented counter with jQuery?
If you don't use enough jQuery SO HELP ME GOD I will shift+delete my foot in your ass
@ChrisWeigen You can come here and spend your time getting us to piece together your code for you. It'll cost you quite a lot. Or you can spend that time learning how to do it yourself, it'll take you much less time and you'll have the tools you need in the future. Forever.
@adeneo how do I add a number to a number with AngularJS?
give me a sec I'm sorry my code is wordy and I'm trying to remake an example
well said ha
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 37) {
    if (e.keyCode == 38) {
    if (e.keyCode == 39) {
    if (e.keyCode == 40) {
@rlemon hello
dirtiest solution
@Jhawins but if he does it himself, then I won't learn as much :)
i'm agreeing with you guys. and tell me that works mosho lol
@adeneo how do I add a jQuery number to a AngularJS number. Please, this is urgent. if you don't have an answer please don't comment. you clearly are not smart enough to understand my problem.
@Mosho so stoked to have your code in our code base :D
So, I'm going to code an iOS app this summer, going to learn me some swift.
@shortCircuit darkness my old friend.
Also, getting a mac
@BenjaminGruenbaum good luck
@SterlingArcher - $('element').css('counter-reset', 'crap')
I spent $360 on tools that went into my toolbox to be used until the day I die this last week. I could've paid the shop $900 to do everything. But my $360 in tools and $160 in parts brought me to $520 total. So I saved money and gained the tools. This is identical to your situation. Just decide which guy you are lol
... well done. >:|
@SomeKittensUx2666 never done it before, I did code a Windows Phone app, that went well.
this winter I want to make an android app
@Jhawins What'd you buy a power drill?
3 springs from now I want to make a blackberry app
@rlemon - $(44) + $scope.66; // 100
@BenjaminGruenbaum Giant impact gun, 6 inch vice and $20 a pop drivers haha
@adeneo nope
@rlemon so, the problem is with the code or the demo?
@Jhawins it's not such a black and white situation when it comes to my approach, but again, I agree with you. I always try things myself before outsourcing.
@ChrisWeigen it will literally click the buttons
@shortCircuit didn't have time to look yet
just asked if you had a demo
so if those work, it will work
@ChrisWeigen That's not even close to the point lol.
@Mosho I added it to my index.js script and it doesnt seem to work.
That one resonated with me
been struggling with Casperjs lately
You're not outsourcing. If you think you are you need to start paying us.
@ChrisWeigen do your buttons work
@Mosho yes
Hola guys, I am going to ask a bit stupid question but I would appreciate if you'll answer it
var html = "data-setup='{ "playbackRates": [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ,2.5, 3] }'"
the " & ' is creating issue how can I efficiently make the assignment?
Speaking of buttons I need to buy a sewing kit -- my winter jacket buttons are torn :(
@ChrisWeigen then those should work :\
@Jhawins i'm not referring to this
make a demo
ok hold on.
@user3027531 you don't write your html like that :P
Well, my advice is try to learn JS or stop trying to use JS.
@user3027531 ... there is no &
@RyanKinal single AND double quotes
its piece of javascript code not html @rlemon
@NickDugger @user3027531 ... there is no spoon (source)
O, OK , I have no hurry
@user3027531 yea I know what it is and what it's intent is
you shouldn't do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum please educate on why not to put application logic in your HTML
you word it better
Then how am I supposed to trigger things dynamically??
It's honestly not hard to pick up. And I would be helpful if it weren't for your "No I've never flown, but I'm sure I can keep a plane in the air" mentality
@user3027531 in either case, you have a number of options. don't use the " or JSON.stringify the object and pass that
then JSON.parse it on the other end.
but PLEASE read up about this and learn that you are creating a anti-pattern
@rlemon educate who/
2 mins ago, by user3027531
Hola guys, I am going to ask a bit stupid question but I would appreciate if you'll answer it
var html = "data-setup='{ "playbackRates": [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ,2.5, 3] }'"
the " & ' is creating issue how can I efficiently make the assignment?
@Mosho codepen.io/anon/pen/wbzvj the arrow icons are stored locally so just click the absent image icons
@BenjaminGruenbaum i'm going out on a limb here, but I think I know the intent on this code. and I don't like it :P
@rlemon thanks for the guidance but can you kindly guide me how to deal with such assignment?
I feel like I'm never going to get any better until I start working with people who are better than me. I learn new things all the time, sure, but how often I learn better practices or better ways to do things is the lacking part.
@user3027531 first, can you explain what you are trying to achieve ?
@Jhawins you've misunderstood if that's how you perceive my position. if you feel that way, pm me and I'll explain to you my situation and stance...and possible plans
@user3027531 what &?
@Jhawins - "better practices" is overrated, if it works it works, and practices seem to change.
@BenjaminGruenbaum he is talking about mixed " AND '
no & symbol
@ChrisWeigen FYI, there are no PMs here
which is easy enough to solve.
@SomeKittensUx2666 email me*
@ChrisWeigen You want to do something but you don't want to learn how lol. There's nothing to misunderstand. It's a lack of respect for the task at hand.
however I feel this is an XY problem
@rlemon I am trying to dnamically creat video.js player and its the part of the video tag which will intiate the playback in the player
@Jhawins i did not once say I don't want to learn
@user3027531 you can escape " and ' by using `` in front of them, but you should really listen to @rlemon and not structure your UI like that
Respect the difficulty. You wouldn't try to piece together a car from a bunch of broken ones :P
@user3027531 so you are controlling something other than presentation with HTML?
Storing your application logic in your presentation is silly.
@ChrisWeigen What you say you want isn't nearly as important as what you ask for
@Jhawins but there are other approaches to doing thing. henry ford didn't invent the car, he found a way to produce a product in a different way.
then what should be the right way to do?
@Jhawins please email me so I can explain to you my situation
@user3027531 why does the element need to have that information? why can't you just keep it in the JS?
like if I wanna generate the video ta dynamically what's a good way to do that
@ChrisWeigen Are you inventing things or trying to start out as a developer?
@user3027531 to store the information in a JavaScript variable
var video = document.createElement('video');
var settings = { your settings };
Want to be a welder? Learn to weld
or structured however
either case, not in the HTML, you will thank yourself later.
Want to be a porn star... Grow a big one.
Want to write codez, learn to write codez and read documentation.
The last time I emailed someone so they could "make me understand" didn't go so well
@ChrisWeigen the first half of your js is completely unreadable. no one is going to be able to help you unless you help yourself and format your code a little bit
@Jhawnis that was a cinematic dialog me appreciates
to put it simply, i have connections and many potential clients that would be rather difficult to gain as an independent developer, such as yourself. But if I can parent with an experienced developer and produce a high quality product, then it's an equally fruitful venture
really bad thought what if RIP means Reborn In Porn ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Jenn that isn't even my JS ha, it's from a codepen somewhere
@BenjaminGruenbaum 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat, amazon, ihazbukkit, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar
echo, pizza, wherearemypants, yourwrong, martyhugginsdarkestsecret, cantdoit, jsource, ╯°□°╯, bad, s
someone elses hard work :( stolen. no credit.
@rlemon got your point, addigning html to js variable is point less better way to do is to built the stucture and then execute.
@Jenn - that would be the mimized Modernizr library !
@shortCircuit lol what?
@Shmiddty ︵ ┻━┻
Jan 21 at 16:46, by Abhishek Hingnikar
they love there work like i love p***. maybe i should do a p*** site !
@ChrisWeigen if you are going to nip code you should add a comment in the code telling where you took it from
@shortCircuit Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: gives you pizza! <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
@rlemon duly noted
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum for this intel
@ChrisWeigen It's yours now lol. What you put on your script is your problem ;).
What's slideprecautions ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: gives you pizza! <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
@adeneo Ahh, that's what that mess is
You can't disclaim it. If you copy/paste bad code you are just as bad
@SomeGuy Care to elaborate?
@Jhawins the weld and welder thing u said, spiced with porn
@ChrisWeigen legally speaking, everything public on codepen is MIT Licensed. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license.
@shortCircuit lol well I used to start big arguments in the room every day or two. It was intense. So at one point I started adding in funny / unrelated shit randomly. Seems to keep things under control.
@CapricaSix wow what's that giant toilet
Either that or they realized they could judge whether or not I was kidding by whether or not I hit send
@ChrisWeigen you might be interested to know that there is also a licence attached to code on SO.
but most people ignore such things and just nip the code
@zigi - It's the real entrance to Narnia !
@rlemon no it's not
@rlemon well apparently I'm going to have to recode this anyway so lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum They're licensed under CC-BY-SA
It's CC, but Jeff Atwood said famously in meta that using code falls under fair use
Yeah, that's not MIT
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, re-read what I said. codepen is MIT
@Loktar wink wink, nudge nudge
@rlemon whoops, you're right - my bad. I read that as "that is also the licence in SO"
@shortCircuit Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
How many female JS programmers do you know?
@test30 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@test30 0
@test30 I know about 10, probably more.
my girlfriend
@test30 Math.min()
i lied, 1
@test30 4
Wait, IRL?
We had a pretty good female developer that left to NY
sorry, of course programmists :)
several hundred
I don't care to define people by their gender.
@test30 0 unfortunately, then I would have a programmer and a women
It was a shame to lose her, very serious, got things done.
!! google female js developer
I know me :)
@BadgerGirl and @Meredith both know JS (I hope)
Real life is the only way I'd know... I'm sure a lot of the devs I know online are female I just don't care to ask
for all I know you are all female. the internet is a magical place where you have any identity you wish.
@test30 Wiki Media's director of engineering is a female
3 if you only count real programmers. I argued with the 4th over eval('obj.' + key)
I know a few more, it's a male dominated field but there is definitely presence of female coders.
@AbhishekHingnikar wow!
@rlemon don't let me butt fool you, I'm all man.
U cannot prove it physically
@Zirak 3 it is
@rlemon - yes, we're all nine year old girls, how stupid do you feel !
@test30 lol, it's not hard to find famous female engineers
now I feel bad for that dream I had of you last night :(
@rlemon May I be your sexy love slave?
@test30 one of my freind is a hat trick GSOC participant. :P don't ever say that girls cant code or something
females built this field just as like as males
!!google feminism in JavaScript
@test30 google lea + css
Grace Hopper is a good example of someone who built the first programming language that wasn't rubbish
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine. Because of this, she is often described as the world's first computer programmer. Lovelace was born 10 December 1815 as the only child of the poet Lord Byron and his wife Anne Isabel...
Then there are people like Barbara Liskov who are still active
women literally built this industry
Linda Susan Boreman (January 10, 1949 – April 22, 2002), more commonly referred to by her previous stage name Linda Lovelace, was an American pornographic actress famous for her performance in the 1972 hardcore porn film Deep Throat. Although the film was an enormous success at the time, it later transpired that Boreman had been allegedly threatened and coerced into her performance by her abusive husband Chuck Traynor. Boreman describes the tragic reality of what went on behind the scenes in her autobiography Ordeal. She later became a spokeswoman for the anti-pornography movement. Early...
Linda Lovelace
@adeneo !!! Perfect timing!
Randy Houser - I Made Linda Lovelace Gag // listen to it
Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. She popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches (inspired by an actual moth removed from the computer). Owing to...
Dr. Miguelito Quixote Loveless is a fictional character, a villain who appeared in ten episodes of the 1960s television series The Wild Wild West. He is a brilliant (though insane) character born with dwarfism, portrayed by the great character actor Michael Dunn. As a mad scientist, Dr. Loveless conceived numerous plots which were always foiled by Secret Service agents James West and Artemus Gordon, though he always escaped capture. Loveless' family had received a valuable land grant in California from the Spanish Viceroy of Mexico. Their land was lost, however, when California became pa...
@dystroy Typo in <linearGradient ? (lack of >) github.com/Canop/hu.js#example
Best wikipedia picture ever in Grace Hopper's page
@dystroy Just below it, in the next example, there's also: ù(...
@SterlingArcher @dystroy Just blow it, in the next example, there's also: ù(... (source)
...and l.remove is just referenced, not called
@BenjaminGruenbaum whats google lea?
@test30 what?
!!tell test30 google 'lea + css'
@AbhishekHingnikar is she sharing her work on github or sth?
@AbhishekHingnikar ok, i will check
Hey guys
@Martin hi!
@adeneo haha
codepen.io/flipstewart/pen/bxyDn What kind of CSS is this .. Looks php-ish
Out of curiosity, how do your window layouts look like while youre developing
@shortCircuit scss
Holy shit
@Sterling ^
@Jhawins Those are guys?
im not going to turn my head upside down like a dumbass at work lol
the fuck
I don't know why I'm laughing
You could turn the computer upside down
What is difference between those scripts?
var a=1;
var a=1;
a) first will set global variable a, whereas second will set a only as local variable
b) there is no difference, both scripts create private variable
c) second script has invalid syntax
d) there is no difference, both scripts will simulate namespaces
@test30 one is a butt
@test30 There is no block scope
want more? :D
lol sure
What is appropriate way of setting b.prop to empty object?
Consider following code ```var a = {prop: "hiho"}; var b = a; ```
a) b.prop={}
b) delete b.prop; b.prop={}
These are like, first week course JS questions.
indiapost.gov.in/scss.aspx Sometimes Google trolls me too
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree, but I've never seen online-test with such a questions for JS
i've found only commercial ones
so i've created few by myself to eliminate l4m3s attempting to waste time on jobs' interviews
@test30 Do the XSS challenge thing
simulate same namespaces meaning what
Someone have that link?
@test30 that's because that question is stupid :D
jsfiddle.net/RWRtR sorry for the delay, league is a drug @NickDugger
and for anyone else.
@test30 Hmm. You're confusing. You are a developer, or a recruiter?
@test30 What do you think?
i am developer
the fiddle doesn't run correctly on there but it works when I test it
willing to find some nice guys to cooperate
And you are posting the questions for help? Or just to share?
just to have fun, those are my questions "invented" by me when reading docs and/or solving problems
man answering on main is starting to get disheartening for me
even just for the canvas tag
@test30 you want a JS riddle?
@test30 get people to explain how new and closures work. That weeds them out pretty quickly.
so many shit questions flowing in that are either duplicates or just really bad
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, sure!
Eh. Ask for a function that does something
"Explain how Objected-Oriented JavaScript works" if they try to explain, fail them. If they immediately puke, pass.
(function(){ "use strict";
    eval("var x = 1");
    console.log(x); // what is the result of this call?
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol was gonna say I can't answer that one
Hey fellas is there something to detect changes in source for Image and video ?
@test30 this is the first question
@BenjaminGruenbaum Decent one
@SomeKittensUx2666 But...it's so beautiful :(
@SomeKittensUx2666 I've asked question on stackoverflow but i feel like its ununderstandable for others
@Jhawins that's not the question yet :D
lame I was happy because I knew the answer :?
you should know the answer, that wasn't even the question - that was warmup
@BenjaminGruenbaum without checking i'd say that it will be 1, but who knows
This is the question:
@Loktar lol we're stupid
@test30 that is incorrect, that's a reference error.
(function(){ "use strict";
    [eval][0]("var x = 1");
    console.log(x); // what is the result of this call?
What about now?
> What device would you use to bludgeon the head of the 'coder' who wrote this?
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol
fck yeah, looks tricky
@FlorianMargaine iTerm2 is amazing
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this going to be 1 now?
I'm assuming there's more
@test30 I don't know, can you explain why?
i need to check it :( sorry
Benjamin wouldn't do a silly syntax riddle :P
may i debug for a little or I need to ask without playing-with-console?
@test30 That's an indirect eval call semantic, I actually explain it here if you care. The point was to show you how bad these questions are :D
Let's see who's clever, what about now?
(function(){ "use stmict";
    Function("var y = 1")();
    console.log(y); // what is the result of this call?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks! :D
And now?
(function(){ "use strict";
    Function("y = 1")();
    console.log(y); // what is the result of this call?
Such questions are to confuse ppl, so the answer is 1 eval
@BenjaminGruenbaum That was actually interesting :P
I think first one says its undefined, second one works fine
@shortCircuit the first one is not 1, it's a refernece error (with Function) the second ons is 1.
It's not undefined, it's a reference error, those are different.
aaa, yeah, ofc I means reference error
the eval[0]?
famous words: "yea, that is what I meant to say :P"
@Jhawins it's always possible to find an edge case
@shortCircuit run it
@rlemon :D:D

I am primarily C programmer therefore such a mind-shortcuts :(
Now, what about:
.. nvm that wasn't as funny
var x = 5;
try{ throw x; }catch(x){ x = 3}
It's been a while, but I just asked a coldfusion question on Main lol...
How sad
@test30 what would that log?
but I've been thinking about this like
```(function(){ "use strict";
//Function("y = 1")(); // evaluates to
(function (){y=1})()
console.log(y); // what is the result of this call?

```(function(){ "use strict";
//Function("var y = 1")(); // evaluates to
(function (){var y=1})()
console.log(y); // what is the result of this call?

whereas in second example var stays hidden in function call "block"
@BenjaminGruenbaum oo oo I know this
and I know why
can I answer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum without checking ofc I think it will be 5
you re-introduce x in the catch(x) <- i am new x. not the same ref as in the try block
Don't tell me there's a more local scope than functions
so the answer is 5
@test30 didn't you say JS doesn't have block scoping ?
did I get it? did I get it?
without checking ofc = of course I do not want cheat,
i did not mean "of course the answer is..."
I cleared off a spot on my notebook for the gold star
@rlemon sure.
I don't want to live anymore
well, that is a @Humdinger
@KendallFrey sup?
I'm going back to C#
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think since there's catched variable x then overwriting x variable in catch's block does not interfere with global x's value
@BenjaminGruenbaum let me check ;p
@test30 why? there is no closure around it
The only thing that inner X is around is a catch block, but you said JS has no block scoping - how can that be?
!!afk home time
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think that catch creates its own scope
so this variable catched by catch is hiding global variable
@test30 right, and that's a form of block scoping.
you can easily test it
var x = 5;
try{ throw x; }catch(y){ x = 3 }
console.log(x) // 3
yay I'm smurt \o/
Now let the fun begin, reference error and sets eval.z, just a reference error, or a log?
var z; with({eval:eval}) { eval("with(eval){eval('z=5')}")}z;
the fuck?
"wtf" thought to my self; also.
I'm too sober to understand that code
well, it its about everything except last "z" occurence I think I am able to figureout, in theory, what's happending, but this last "z" is absolutely mysterious for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm wondering why it would error. I barely know anything about with, and why should I?
@test30 what does the whole expression return?
@KendallFrey you shouldn't except for fun, that's the point I'm making - @test30 was asking us JS trivia :D
Let's do regex trivia
naa too mean
I love .NET regexes
I could go for regex
chrome (not canary) has generators
@KendallFrey I could come for regex (source)
holy cow, how did I miss this?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I must say I have no idea :(
Generator edge case semantics trivia it is
what do you mean?
@BenjaminGruenbaum shall I consider this as an insult or what?
(function*(){yield arguments.callee})().next().value().next().value()
What does this output?
let Benji = smart;
yield Benji.knowledge;
ok, as far as I know its object which will have one of properties set to "done" :D
because there's no iterator, but only yield
ok, I lost
the game
I just got my bash prompt to tell me what branch I'm on. B-)
ah, I asboltely missed the arguments.calee
try{ (function* foo(){try{ yield foo(); } catch(e){ yield 1;}})().throw(); } catch(e){ console.log(e); }
@Shmiddty arch's wiki has pretty nice colors for this, but I preffer my own pastel blue yellow :D
This can really go on forever :D What does this log?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - the first one outputs 5, it's like writing `var z; eval("z = 5")`, the wrapping does nothing.

The second looks like a syntax error to me, but haven't tested it ?
* is pointer?
i hope not
@shortCircuit nope, its generator
JS would die if they added pointers
Well, good night everyone - I have a lot of work to do :D
(sleeping that is)
I have not learnt even operators in 1 month , but I still know Objects and Functions :(
goodnight, I hope you don't explode
I will not
buy this record
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks for training!
I like trains
hi @Loktar kindly provide me the solution — user3820621 4 mins ago
look at the comments
!!afk @Jhawins congrats on being helpful to PHP people. Helping everyone with a PHP question is very generous.
he then asks another guy to
that is some crazy vamping
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Do you know if the proposed coroutine stuff works in Chrome, I could never get the function* to work ?

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