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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Yeah, must be significant
Also seemed like a lot of the sales weren't as deeply discounted as normal
wonder if devs are trying to devalue their titles a bit less
which is a good thing imo
I find it hilarious that the Brazilian football team has a guy named Fred.
@AwalGarg I guess you could say the constructor function is the constructor, and what you put inside its prototype is the class
it is what it is, regardless of how you name it
Marcelo, Hulk, Luiz, Fred.
Oscar is a pretty normal name too, though
@Mosho ok, actually, the codecademy guys contantly kept changing on what they called the same type of thing, so it became pretty confusing.
@SomeGuy Hulk too lol
maybe you should look into classes and constructors in C++ or something
it's more clear-cut there
@Mosho wait... I thought that there was nothing called a class in js
but it's really simple in JS
@Mosho done that with the super mega extremely old - Turbo C++ (Borland)... in school. is that of any help?
not in any great detail though
and the syntax is pretty different
@SomeGuy Marcelo is pretty common in the south of italy, Luiz seems pretty french and what's wrong with fred?
just the concept
@towc a class is a template for objects
@towc To me, all of the names are unusual except Fred
Which is what's unexpected there
Friggin Fred.
they have destructors as well, never ever got why would someone not use iifc and use a destructor instead.
what's iifc
{var shit = "shit"; return shit;} //immediately invoked function, nothing wrong goes with the global namespace...
@Jhawins You can, but you shouldn't
@AwalGarg wat
something like that. but I am not sure with the syntax.
I must be wrong with the syntax...
ok, its iife
not iifc
Anybody else flashed their nexus 5 to android L ?
!!afk food
hmm, need to append function() before it... //my bad
using delete, which is what I assume you mean, to remove properties or objects is a moot point
and calling that "destructor" is just bad
@AwalGarg - That's not an IIFE, it's just a codeblock ?
class newClass {
//public data members...
~newClass; //is a destructor
} //c++ code
that's in C++
@adeneo as I said, I must be wrong with the syntax, but thats the idea.
no destructors in JS
7 mins ago, by Awal Garg
they have destructors as well, never ever got why would someone not use iifc and use a destructor instead.
(function(shit) {

^ they = c++
That's an IIFE
@AwalGarg C++ doesn't have IIFE
@Mosho thats what I am saying, the pradigm should have iife, not destructors.
but, anyways. no point in discussing what doesn't exists.
There are no destructors, the garbage collector takes care of that
And there are no real classes, just objects referred to as classes
And there's no "private" or "public", just scope
destructors are in C++ because it's not memory-managed
> HULK commits a foul
Don't mess with these Brazilians
@AwalGarg why is that cruel? I don't think most of us even know each other's ages
so far the Android L developer preview
feels to me like i have been cheated
none of the apps are looking like the dmeo google gave
And my gallery is missing
lol Paypal just gave me a unix timestamp?
June 30
I just realized i dont have a single mp3 file on pc :O
why this firefox css hack doesn't work
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
left:-30px !important;
is there anybody
Oh no
I am very pissed off :[
google wtf
Q: IE9 Window Loses Focus due to jQuery Mobile

Jason KealeyIn our product, we're using the most recent development version of jQuery Mobile in our ASP.NET website. Each and every time we do an ASP.NET postback, the browser window goes to the back of the screen. Example: Maximize any window. Example: Visual Studio, Word, Windows Explorer. Maximize I...

Q: In TypeScript, how to use Promises with the RSVP implementation on Node.js

TarhOn Node.js, what is the proper way to use promises with TypeScript ? Currently I use a definition file "rsvp.d.ts": interface Thenable { then(cb1: Function, cb2?: Function): Thenable; } declare module rsvp { class Promise implements Thenable { static cast(p: Promise): Promise; ...

hi guys, I have 5 booleans, boolean1, boolean2, boolean 3, boolen4 and boolean5, and I want to know if 2 of those 5 booleans are true. How can I do that in javascript ?
@90intuition just do it?
@90intuition b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 +b5 === 2
cool, thanks ! @RoelvanUden
I didn't know that you could add booleans
You normally can't. In JS, you can. Such fun :)
why do you do three equal signs ?
I always do 2 equals sign :P
Q: Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?

bcaspI'm using JSLint to go through some horrific JavaScript at work and it's returning a huge number of suggestions to replace == (two equals signs) with === (three equals signs) when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.length == 0 inside of an if statement. Is there a performance ben...

@90intuition == is much less reliable than ===
decided to make a jQuery-less dom manipulation tutorial for codecademy
== is very reliable. It's just reliably unintuitive.
I think it's needed
@KendallFrey uhh...... I can't say you're wrong
I would do
[b1, b2, b3, b4, b5].filter(Boolean).length == 2
but that's just me, adding booleans seems somewhat wrong (but should work just fine) ?
It's clever, and clever is bad.
Unless you're obfuscating or golfing.
Just accepted the offer (after negotiating them up to 135k)! @m59 @BenjaminGruenbaum
gz man :O that's a lot of dough
@SomeKittensUx2666 woot!!
You're awesome! Great work! @SomeKittens
Proud of you bro :)
@SomeKittens Congrats! :D
Nice @SomeKittensUx2666 grats
ATTN REGULARS If you have an Amazon wishlist, send it to me at rkoutnik (gmail).
@all Thanks!
why? free stuff?
@SomeKittensUx2666 so I take it the job itself seems pretty awesome as well right?
I can't believe that it's 8 and I haven't done anything with my life yet today
Watch the overtime of Brazil v Chile
Chile is putting on a clinic
getting ready for a lan party at my house
Those still exist?
30-40 year old lan party haha
@slickplaid nice man
wish I lived closer as a random internet stranger I would totally go
we get together and play starcraft, warcraft 1/2/3, older shit
those are the best games to play at lans imo
so many great mods
also some garry's mod stuff
Closest think to a LAN perty for me is playing Minecraft with a friend.
golden eye source and the like
minecraft is actually really difficult to get people into in a lan setting
or at least i've had problems getting people into it even if they play regularly
I think its because its one of those be creative on your own type games
I mean you can do stuff as a group
but there doesn't need to be a ton of talking or even competative ness idk
yeah, best luck I've had is downloading a pre-made map of some youtuber's stuff and mucking around on it
some multiplayer game modes and maps for it are okay
but, eh, ... better stuff to play like c&c and the like
we play fps's sometimes, like TF2 used to play Wolf ET as well
GOG.com is awesome for it
Me and him like to just help each other with stuff, and sometimes PvP
just go on there and download anything and everything
redstone is fun
yeah GoG is amazing my fav digital distributer by far.
@KendallFrey well, my father fell asleep while watching it, so it might not really be that interesting
kind of wish they provided the old exe's/resources as well as the packaged windows ones
I like to play on my 486 sometimes, have had to resort to abandonware and the likes for the originals (because my disks are dying :( )
@SomeKittensUx2666 Congrats! Whose offer did you accept?
@SomeKittensUx2666 got a job? sweet!
Oohh that's a cool site
@SomeKittensUx2666 where does/will revenue come from?
In related news: qdb.us/54412
@Mosho build/deploy systems as a service
oh that's pretty awesome
runnable.com/jobs dat picture near the bottom
Huge TV and booze
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hire me plz
They just moved into a new place
No more huge TV and booze? :(
same TV, same booze, more space
I'll post a picture when I get there
53 secs ago, by Zirak
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hire me plz
I can bring my projector
I come with Fish!
This needs to be redone. Reminds me of Yahoo Answers and friends.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Looks like a service that could use github.com/copy/v86
....that's an interesting proposition
@Zirak Not sure if that's homebrewed or an external service
...someone linked to bash.org a day ago. I hate that person.
hmm, their .NET example doesn't run
psh xbox and Halo
might as well be playing CoD brogamers :P
Dota 2 prize pool is over 10 million now..
thats so crazy, the first place winners will be millionaires now (individually even)
they sold 4 million copies of that
4 million people playing the tournament? :|
ah, that's not it
@SomeKittensUx2666 host it in Canada
so last year 1st place got half of the prize pool
they might revise it this year
pretty crazy comparing it to other prize pools, like traditional sporting events
Q: Promises.all does not hit catch() block when one promise fails?

MarkI'm trying to run a function when two compilation steps are complete, but the success callback keeps getting called even one fails. Here's the code: function compile(tplStr) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { // compile template here var tpl = new function(){}; resolve...

@rlemon did you update your N5 to Android L ?
:-) :D smart !
polymer-project.org <- wish that was even a lil production ready
@SomeKittensUx2666 what ?
good game, brazil won
epic game
the referees were quite leaned to chile though
can any one tell me basics how to validate a form in javascript?
chilean #5 will get slated, he looked far too chilled out coming up to the spot
@towc Yeah, the crowd wasn't happy
Hulk couldn't get anything to go his way. I wanted to see him Hulk Smash!
the polymer project is using shadow dom api / or wait is that the browser ?
Why would either case surprise you?
Yet another Bootstrap !
Canonize it now!
material-design.storage.googleapis.com/videos/… <- does anybody else thinks that the transition can give somebody a headache ?
Hola guys, Do you agree with JFK @ stackoverflow.com/questions/24418953/…
@Zirak "because" other browsers :P
@Zirak what is the literal meaning of HOLY SHIT :p
!!urban holy shit
@adeneo [holy shit](http://holy-shit.urbanup.com/38226) 1.God's poop
2.An expression yelled at something bad and/or surprising
@CapricaSix LMAO!!! HoLY ENGLISH!!!
!!weather holyland
@adeneo Kilkenny: 12.282C (285.432K), Sky is Clear
@Loktar Thanks for answering my question about the canvas offset. Got my script ready now because of it :)
np didn't even realize it was you your avatar doesn't show up on there
Thats because this is my main account. And I got a second one because I was a dumbass 2 years ago and got it banned from asking ...
slowly getting rep back tho
Anyways.. I build a TwitchPlaysPokemon. But with World of warcraft instead ^^ Just need to setup the server now.
hah nice
Hopefully :p Wow has gotten a lot easier since the old game came out.. so even that bot should be able to level xD
I got a domain name too now. Just have to read a couple of articles about dedicated servers and stuff
I find web-components and angular-js
quite rival :-/
as i am reading about it seems interesting, polymer + angular.js ... oh my
@AbhishekHingnikar looks cool
so.. just a graphical interface to create webpages?
polymer uses web-components
search that first
basically you can use all these customelements.io
so.. just advanced iFrames without iFrames then ?
wow, that guy has a dorky voice
way to go representing the community
...he's here, isn't he?
@adeneo nope.
it does much more then just iFrames without iFrames
@AbhishekHingnikar - Oh wow, does that mean I can do this -> jsfiddle.net/Jxz7L
@adeneo it also does data binding and templating for you ( the web-components ), and scopes your css.
its more declarative though meaning :[ writing js interaction is going to be pita :P (but the demos so far haven't touched much js)
Now if it could only mow my lawn and paint the house, I'd be a happy camper
Here it is, it is a different problem but I can not reproduce my problem with a simple example because of that new error
@AbhishekHingnikar - Nah, interacting with the shadow DOM isn't that hard -> http://jsfiddle.net/Jxz7L/1/
I -_- know that
@AbhishekHingnikar I see
@adeneo sorry, currently they only support this: webcomponents.org/hello-world-element
@Mosho - crap, so you're saying I have to add my kitty-kat element to customelements.io
@adeneo you are really an interesting person.
@adeneo only if you want to revolutionize web design as we know it
Seems like angularjs and me wont be friends
@dievardump why ? what happened ?
I have an issue and by trying to isolate it to show it here, I got another one
I kinda feel like giving polymer a shot tomorrow
Holy shit, the length of that question.
In my local app, Angular decide to rebuild the whole tree when I go from a state to another one
Here, it does not even want to go from one state to the other if I setTimeout the state.go
I'm freaking pissed by it ^^
@Mosho - Oh, that's exactly what I was aiming for :adding element to crappy template now:
cv plis mens
Q: How to decide if you should develop an application within SharePoint

LoktarWe currently have a fully developed web forms application, basically its like WordPress using .net for multiple users to publish content. It does more than that but thats the simplest way to describe it. Our "webmasters" (I work in the gov) want everything put inside of SharePoint. We currently h...

doesn't feel like it belongs on SO at all, kind of crazy that back then it wasn't closed
also cv
Q: Server requirements for MVC 2

LoktarI am attempting to get MVC2 installed on a server at work, and am being told they are required to install the Visual Studio 2008 Package in order for us to use it. Where I work this causes issues because we need tons of approvals etc. However the only thing I am finding anywhere I search is that ...

Before SO wasn't full of shit, closing wasn't very important.
@KendallFrey yeah true
@dievardump read your question lemme give you a thought
@AbhishekHingnikar - Thanks btw (I'm not really very interesting, but I'll take it as a compliment) !
@KendallFrey - was that three years ago, before you joined ?
@dievardump try using $timeout instead of setTimeout, that will fix it
@adeneo I joined about 3 years ago, and my first question should have been closed too
wow O_o
@KendallFrey - so did you learn x86 assembly language for Windows ?
jsfiddle.net/f9rSQ/2 @dievardump see it works :P
@adeneo lol :P
and now i would like to qoute the legendary benjamin :P "Read the docs before using angular... its huge but its worth it"
@AbhishekHingnikar Ok so know I will try to reproduce my first error xD
I generally stick to Linux for that kind of stuff
MASM sucks
@AbhishekHingnikar Answer to my question and get the upvote.
i did.
i am too sleepy at the moment to write a good answer though
teropa.info/blog/2013/11/03/… this is a good read.
@AbhishekHingnikar My error, locally, I just found out where it comes from. The fact to use a templateUrl instead a template.
@AbhishekHingnikar that's what she said... to her friends
At least I fixed half of my problems.
@dievardump - if only you were a dwarf, you'd have all your problems fixed
Definitely :(. Make me a dwarf
:has chainsaw, will travel:
hi you two :)
@AbhishekHingnikar was aware of most of that, but still a great read
So it seems that I will have to create a socketProvider :/
does anyone had problem with angular unit tests on a directive when we need to attach some events on the window ?
@Aperçu Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Sorry, I've never used Angular
Should be renamed Angina, the most common reason for heart failure among programmers
Pfffff this Angular thing is just shitty. It's so shitty that I'm almost thinking of doing my front using Flash.
Formula One racing is freaking hard. Who knew?
you know what else is freaking hard?
Looking at your face, that's what.
only with one like yours
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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