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@JanDvorak refresh didn't work :(
Q: Why aren't questions with my favorite tags highlighted?

RUJordanAs you can see here, when I clicked for JavaScript specific tags, only a couple were highlighted despite being tagged as JavaScript. You can see my favorite tags here. What is going on with this? Is there a special case that does not highlight tags for me? I don't have any ignored tags either, ...

@rlemon It's by design. Annoying, but makes some sense.
@Zirak I'd still expect a flag to override that
You can do rsync with the --remove-source-files flag
How can I run a php function in my javascript?
you can't
This makes life harder
Q: Reference: What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?

deceze Note: This is a made up sample question to illustrate the general problem that comes up again and again, to provide a canonical answer below. I have this code: <script type="text/javascript"> var foo = 'bar'; <?php file_put_contents('foo.txt', ' + foo + '); ?> var b...

@BenCraig Please educate yourself on the client-server model. It'll save you a lot of pain and confusion.
@BenCraig the easiest way is to send an AJAX request to the php file
*and safest
rsync --remove-source-files ./* ..
never used rsync before :/
the r in rsync stands for Robert :D
what does the R in RUJordan stand for?
pronounced ri-tard
i feel stupid
way fancier than REE tard.
get it right.
@RUJordan Oh, I didn't notice it was on the js tag page
RU actually stands for Radford University lol
i'm sorry. wolf pack?
@rlemon why are you making it 3 syllables are you re-tard-ed? (jokes)
Speaking of alma maters, do you guys donate to yours? (those that went to college)
I donate panties
@RUJordan that seems like a silly idea
@Loktar donating?
a way for them to keep leeching money off of you even after you've left
@RUJordan yeah its like donating to McDonalds, or any fortune 500 company
do they really need donations? I think not.
Yeah, like "you paid us so much to learn, why not just give us some more every year?"
> Why not?
@rlemon lol exactly what I was thinking
I'll donate the day that getting an all girls dorm tower in my name doesn't affect my bank in the slightest.
I love that pronunciation of retard
> And he was a ruhtard.
> Reetard..?
in all honesty, this guy made me laugh ten times harder in that movie
@rlemon Lesley Chow made me laugh the hardest lol
in the first movie he made me laugh the hardest (lesley chow)
after that he seemed to over do it idk.
that is him though
idk. I think he is great.
yeah its just too over done to me, gets annoying
Toodaloo muddafuckaaaaahhhhhhh :window rolls up:
like an Asian Will Ferrell
heh I feel the same about him as well :P
his best recent role was in the Lego Movie
when he wasn't acting like some played out funny character
he just looks funny
just seeing him makes me laugh
That's not our Doug! Our Doug is a white
Hey man watch it with that
Q: Variable Scope in Nested AJAX Calls

scullytrI have a set of custom user data that I want to make an ajax call to, and in the event that there is no user data, make another ajax call to retrieve a default set of data, and then execute a function after parsing the data. Here's an example: var oData = [], exampleUrl = 'example.php'; $.aj...

@Loktar expected price tag?
@Loktar is that an april fools joke again? :I
Germany scores!
its from Google I/O
VR is the new hotness
@JanDvorak you mean for the Rift or Googles offering?
Dammit Germany
The rift no one has a clue yet, but they speculate itll be cheaper than the devkit prices
!!afk shmoke
for Cardboard
which are like $300-ish
google images for "Leslie Chow morning bitches" just turned out this: pbs.twimg.com/media/Bq1ETTRCQAEX7Th.jpg:large
@RUJordan :D
I guess: $0 + materials?
I guess idk
seems like it would be cheap for that cardboard vs
> The lenses are the most difficult part to get, and the whole setup would cost about $50 to build.
maybe $20?
@rlemon 50 wth
I imagine it is like one part that costs $35 or something
yeah probably
don't judge vr based on that
imo thats not really vr
just a fancy viewmaster
I still wanna try a rift
^ googles next project
I am not hopeful that It will work for me
oh man, vr at its finest
it is the same tech used in other 3D stuff today, and none of that works for me
:( lame
@rlemon Even if you can't see stereo 3D, the VR part will still work
head tracking, being "in the world"
yea but the 3D is what i'm more excited about
having never had a good experience with it.
.... all I see is some blurs on the screen. I payed $30 for this?
@KendallFrey Though if the VR gives you a major headache or something like that, that would be a problem.
all 3d eventually gives me a headache. I strain to try and see it then I just get a headache.
@Retsam shouldnt get a headache really depends on the person I suppose, but motion sickness has been the most common sideeffect
@rlemon haha better to pay $30 than $300 :P
and motion sickness has been reduced dramatically in the newer kits
@Loktar Some people do. I've used an occulus for about 10 minutes, and I have to say, the roller coaster demo was a bit unplesant
still. you wait in line at Wonderland or something for 45 minutes to see their 3d stuff and you end up leaving with a headache and a pissed off attitude
@Retsam thats a terrible first demo to try
What 3D stuff?
I know from experience
I tried the space one first.
I mean in your first session
I was at Wonderland 2 weeks ago, you should have seen the line for the new ride
@KendallFrey not sure if they still have them. but they used to show 3d movies with moving seats and stuff
Though I think that was less a case of 3D and more: "Hey, I've been on a rollercoaster often enough that I know what I should be feeling, and I'm not feeling it"
the roller coaster ones should come after you have your "vr legs"
movies? what a waste of time at Wonderland
like "The Italian job" was big when I last went :P (shows how long it has been)
the ocean demo is the first one I have people try now
nahh, I want the one your son freaked out on
it demos the unit great and you are in full control
show that little snob not to talk shit (joking)
@rlemon haha, well that was his 10th or 15th time on the rift
they all did the ocean one first
I still laugh thinking about it
I've seen that one on youtube
yeah dreadhalls is kind of creepy
scary shit
graphics look like shit, but the rift just changes it all
I hope to hear something soon about dk2 shipping
supposed to be in July.. can't wait
I want one bad, but I don't want to settle for a less-than-perfect experience
ETA for full-color holographic displays?
or any glassless 3D technology, for that matter
@Martin LOL
@JanDvorak animatable or static?
I want r2d2 type 3d
@Loktar lol former colleague sent me that while I was away
You'll have a tough time making video games on a holo display
@KendallFrey with realtime updates
@KendallFrey holo space chess
the future
@rlemon too bad holo displays require you to look through a window
@KendallFrey make the window big enough or close enough
Guys I have a really noobish (probably jQuery) question here
I know I'm not supposed to ask
I'm just warning you all to grit your teeth
@KendallFrey too bad if it is on TV it must be true
so you are wrong
@Martin should I preemptively mute you?
I have some HTML snippet that I want to modify before popping it into the DOM
and Barney is real dammit!
@JanDvorak you could but that's just mean
Anyway so I have some snippet that I receive over XHR.. I wanna modify all of the src attributes on all img tags before popping it in
How do I do that :\
var tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.innerHTML = htmlString;
// modify it
var df = document.createDocumentFragment();
while(tmp.hasChildNodes()) {
omfg soccer players are wimps
@rlemon documentFragment is ok in IE8 ?
you don't actually need it, it just avoids the container element and the multiple appends to the DOM
the trick is to take the htmlString and throw it into an arbitrary div or something. then you can work with it and then you append that nodelist / htmlcollection to the dom
That's so much better than what I was trying to do
+ no jQuery
just read some quiz about js
documentFragment works fine in IE8 I've used the same solution @rlemon suggested imo its a good one
it makes me confused =))
@Loktar niceee
works in IE6 even :P
I don't even wanna think about that
dumb question about angular. say I just wanted to do this on my ChartController.js...
$http.get('/chart/chart_name').success(function(data) {
should that add it to the dom?
yeah i think so
I had Thai curry for lunch; it was so fucking gross
It doesn't add it to the DOM. It adds it a newly created `div` then discards said `div.`

You'd need something like:

var $div = $('<div/>').highcharts(data);

to actually put it into the document itself.
i think so but what about factory and angular.element?
I had a club sandwich with fries, 2 hot dogs and a burger. It was delicious
agree with @JeremyJStarcher
I just want to bleach out my mouth
.psd is such a wastage ?
.xcf size : 4.7 MB
.psd size 60 MB !
@Martin I don't think you ate enough
psd has more data associated with it, obviously
@RUJordan I'm trying to gain weight.. should've seen the guy behind the counter though
He a biggin?
Yeah he also was grinning cause he didn't think I could eat it
@NickDugger but thai curry is always delicious :c
if I could forget one taste, it would be thai curry. Gag
what is the best way to call function b whenever a changes ?
@WalleCyril set a flag for when a changes. if (aFlag) b();
Relatively sure that depends on what a is
@NickDugger ;_; weirdo
a is a int number, and b is a function that changes the view with the new a. Is it possible to call b whenever a changes without an aditional var aFlag ?
if a is an input value
it s a pure js variable
well poop. TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
Are you doing this in angular by any chance? There is $scope.$watch
no angular
You could always just run a setInterval() looking for changes in the var :(
var a = 1;
function changeA(derp) {
    var temp = a;
    a += derp;
    if (a == temp) b();
You're going to need some sort of flag, otherwise you risk running b() even when a() is called without a change
What's least bad way of type checking undefined?
@mrzepka I usually use if(derp === undefined)
typeof myVar === 'undefined'
type comparison
@RUJordan I wasn't sure if there was a cleaner way
Well if someone changes the valuer of undefined then you're screwed
I heard someone mention typeof is not the best way to do things
If there's a better way I don't know it (yet). This is simple and effective
@Martin that shouldn't happen because this is dealing with static data from a get request
@Martin typeof has nothing to do in duck typing
I think @FlorianMargaine mentioned that it acts weird in certain circumstances
@mrzepka Can't someone intercept it
@FlorianMargaine what
@Martin Dont' think so. Plus it's for League of Legends data, not really high value info
@RUJordan the problem is that var can change at multiple places
@Martin If someone was retarded enough to change the value of undefined, you're screwed anyway.
@Martin if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, chances are it's a duck. You don't need to ask him its name.
@FlorianMargaine I know what duck typing means
if ( a === undefined) is not duck typing though
var undefined = null = true
If anyone ever changes the value of `undefined` in ES3 then hunt them down and shoot them. The same paranoid feeling can be said about anybody changing the value of about ... anything.

I mean, nobody worries if someone changes the value '$' or overrides one of jQuery's methods...
@WalleCyril make a function to check after a changes every time.
I was just saying that typeof sucks
@Martin Right, but it's the lesser of two evils.
If you really don't want to use typeof but you don't trust undefined then use void 0`.
alert(undefined === void 0)
@JeremyJStarcher Actually, I do tend to place an if ( $ instanceof jQuery) at the beginning of files if it's at work..
I still don't get why it's so bad
then you're the kind of guy that does (function($, undefined) {}(jQuery)); too?
@FlorianMargaine Depending on where I'm at
Maybe it's cause I was in a company with ~1000 devs before
Freelance I won't do that
@Martin Because if you don't have a basic trust of your environment, you can't do anything
Anybody remember the days of `ForTran` when you could change the value of *constants*?

4 = 5

and much pain ensued.
There was a codegolf recently where that was used I believe
What if they change Element.prototype.appendChild ?
Making 2 + 2 = 5 or something
@JeremyJStarcher Haha that would suck
ForTran is too old for me lol
@Zirak I guess, but like at what point is too comfortable?
If you're unsure about $ being jquery, that's what noConflict is for.
@zirak yeah
I know
Hello, @Script47
How's it going dude?
@Script47 I love you LETS GET MARRIED
> but i need an example with my code
@RalphWiggum go back to bed.
@Script47 You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Oh really?

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