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using amazon aws for the first few times, just wondering, do i have to setup (install node.js, heroku etc.) everytime i launch an instance after terminating one?
Is it bad that I didn't know what git rebase does until last week?
I mean, git rebase is one of my favorite commands, but you don't technically need it.
@mrahh they are vms so no, that should all persist
!!nudge 46 stuff
@towc Nudge #1 registered.
don't flag the bot. it is pointless. it is a bot
Please tell me somebody didn't flag Rick James
ohh they did
user image
@RoelvanUden but i terminated it last night, and now i can't see that instance in my dashboard anymore
That's my favorite xkcd in a long time.
but that's right... saying that people are stupid is a contraddiction... never thought about it
I'm really tired of how often people post this image:
... so you post it again?
I have never seen it before
But I'm tired of it already
@Retsam i think this everyday, a lot of times everyday
@Retsam Ironically, that's not exactly true.
Also, according to xkcd, the average person is of average intelligence. Not "stupid" as you would call it.
jsfiddle.net/ns33Y can someone peek at this
question is in the comments.
Yeah... there's a definite bell curve in that particular graph
maybe they are stupid because they don't have the same philosophical thoughts as me
@RyanKinal Yes, because I'm posting it to point out that I think it's wrong; rather than posting it because "wow, man, this is so true, people are so dumb'"
anyone who isn't me is stupid by default. until they prove themselves to be of intelligence.
the world has ruined my faith in intelligence.
@rlemon why are you throwing an error outside the catch block?
to hit the block
that is a super simplified example
I'm confused, you want to trigger the catch block on purpose?
foo().then(function(a) {
  if( someCondition ) {
     throw new someError(a);
}).then(function() {

}).catch(someError, function(err) {

}).catch(function(err) {

is closer to what I actually have
> I what to know if you can do a story about me at Wayne High school this is my last year of high school my name is Jesse Martinez i what to tell everyone i made it and i was picked on my whole life but i may it
That's pretty sad
Judging from his picture he's about 35
@rlemon If I'm thinking about this correctly, your idea is that if there's an actual error (for instance, an HTTP 404 or something) you want it handled the same way as if there's an error in the output (when a 200 is returned).
pretty much yea
Assuming, of course, HTTP... could be similar for non-HTTP promises too.
foo() runs a http request, if the value returned is not what I want throw some custom error, if the http request fails throw the generic error. if nothing fails run the second .then block
It seems, to me, that your way makes sense, then.
but I need the returned value from the foo() call (first then block) in the first catch block
yea but I feel dirty passing the value as an error message :/
Yeah, that sucks.
Is there anything wrong with my handleError method?
It seems a little iffy, but not too bad
yea idk if it is better
> Is someone trying to hack my website? If yes how can I prevent this attack?
they both work. but which is easier to understand and overall a better approach
Always love those questions lol
@rlemon I think the throw method makes more sense in promise-land, but obviously uses the error object in a way it wasn't intended.
@FlorianMargaine clever
an Error object is just an object
@FlorianMargaine interesting
catch(errorType, fn) is so damn sexy it hurts
I believe the term is... unf
firefox implements typed catches natively
try {
   myroutine(); // may throw three exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) {
   // statements to handle TypeError exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof RangeError) {
   // statements to handle RangeError exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof EvalError) {
   // statements to handle EvalError exceptions
} catch (e) {
   // statements to handle any unspecified exceptions
   logMyErrors(e); // pass exception object to error handler
Kind of odd syntax, but I don't know how it could be better off the top of my head
catch (RangeError e) {}
Yeah, but that smells of strongly-typed languages
Can't you just put an if or switch in your catch..?
It's so... PHP :grimace:
^ Grimace
Nothing like having a moth crawl into your mouthpiece while you're not looking. Made my compile break taste bad...
The 90s called, they want their compiled languages back
Got all excited that I wrote some code and it looked great.... until it was tested
Netscape called, they want their javascript back
@Cereal - I play bagpipes and whistle. I keep an instrument on my desk to practice tunes while a compile runs.
@rlemon LOL
@rlemon Nice
!!youtube machine head days turn from blue to gray
@NickDugger Shit, they did? CRAP CRAP CRAP WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?!?
@RyanKinal don't worry bro. DART - we got this
Is there a specific reason why I can do element.id = "" but not element.for = "" or is it simply that not all attributes get integrated like that? Is it just a shortcoming of the DOM? or rather the way the browser implemented it?
Did chrome just update while I wasn't looking?
Ugh. I should be restyling ugly things right now. But I don't want to.
5 minute ago console.log(one,two) would print on seperate lines
I should be testing.
but instead I'm writing a new feature
@Cereal ... are you sure?
@Cereal never
oh wait... there's an htmlFor property... my bad
I've bee console.log('label', obj) for ages
makes debugging super easy
o.o It's always printed on seperate lines for me
It's one of my favorite techniques, actually
I always hated it
@Cereal ... how long are your "one" and "two"?
Could it have been wordwrap?
No, not word wrap...
... were you drunk?
@NickDugger -- Back in ES3 there was a (poorly made) decision that property names could not be keywords. for was a keyword, so you couldn't use o.for. ES5 lifted that restriction, but it was too late. In JavaScript we are stuck useing o.htmlFor
I mean...
@JeremyJStarcher Similar with className
var a = { some: 'shit', more: 'stuff', things: ['and','yea'] };
console.log('foo', a);
Object {some: "shit", more: "stuff", things: Array[2]}
it has been like this forever for me
@RyanKinal Yup.
I can never remember it dropping it to a new line
speed of typign goes up if you dont care aboitu the speling, anyway the order of leters is nto so importnt
well, it does in my paste.
!!> console.error(console)
@Jhawins TypeError: cyclic object value
that is a bad example
Did you do console.log(one), two by accident?
But yeah it's never done multiple lines. That's just not how it works
There are (non-standard) JSON encoders that can handle circular references.
@false Oooh, good thought
@towc nudge stuff
ok, cya all
I changed my mind
jQuery may be healthy after all, under certain conditions.
It's just a library ;;
In CSS what does the * do?

.derp {
jQuery is like a Big Mac. might look tasty but you immediately regret it after
@RUJordan it is a hack
I will teach my brother jQuery, ( the good parts only)
What about an underscore? _width:100%;?
Same. _ only applies in IE7-, * in IE8-.
I could be off by one there
/* IE6, IE7 */
for *
_ is IE6 as well
@WalleCyril jQuery? Healthy? Say it isn't so.....
Oh god D:
@rlemon That’s why I said IE7-
@false didn't see the -
@false never seen you in here before.
he is minitech
just had an identity lapse
5 That top starred message is bugging me.
does safari not have developer tools?
the job one?
My favorite CSS hack was always the * html hack
Stupid IE, thinking HTML was a child of anything
(hey, could exactly one person star that message please)
which message?
Q: Play Framework 2.3.1 Promise exception handling within inner class

NicoWhat is the right approach in order to implement a correct exception handling within a WS API Request? An example: F.Promise<List<String>> modulesPromise = WS.url(requestUrl).setAuth(apiUser, apiPassword).get().map( new F.Function<WSResponse, List<String>>() { public...

That one?
Yes! Thank you
Poor false
I'm confused what's going on lol
We’re going to try this again
I have no idea
I’m leaving ='(
@Shmiddty o/
@false <3
Or, in 17-speak, 2.9
991 I think he wanted this
@rlemon Take that!
you guys suck.
They started it.
star-ted, heh
@false lol, yes... 17-speak
eh, 299 works for me
@NickDugger Yes, I am uptight. I am uptight because 1) I'm a moderator (although not on Stack Overflow) and 2) Like I said, I take personal offense of things specifically like this.
...I can't even right now.
there, now it looks like it is just formatted that way
I HAVE 991 stars!
you're a star
in my heart bb
The ugly is strong with this one...
:sigh: I guess I should fix it
@SecondRikudo … where did that come from?
@false Follow the link back, you'll understand
@SecondRikudo I did; I was asking about that message
It doesn’t seem to have any context
What, and someone was doing that cross-site?
Check out this room's starred messages, you'll see it on multiple occasions
I already deleted a bunch of those
Sure, so when I tell him off, he calls me uptight
So I'd rather be uptight than whatever the hell he is.
@SecondRikudo Psh. Shows what you know. It's "Awal Garg"
Anal Rikudo
have you ever considered you are uptight, and he was also wrong?
@RyanKinal You're right
@rlemon I know I am uptight. I don't see it as a flaw.
in social interactions it is
@Mosho :D
@rlemon Second, I don't think I was uptight in this specific case.
I told him to stop one time, and he continued to trolling, so I told him off the second time.
Does that make me uptight?
no, you being uptight makes you uptight.
1 min ago, by rlemon
have you ever considered you are uptight, and he was also wrong?
This might be a silly question: is there a way to see packages from a package.json that are currently outdated? e.g. I reference to 0.15.x and a 0.16.x is out?
Can I ask you guys to test something for me (as it is a little difficult to test on my own)?
@RoelvanUden Not a silly question at all. And I'd like to know the answer myself.
And assuming it works.. one sec
@Neil Yes, you can ask
@RyanKinal Ditto
@rlemon Even if I was, I was not the one to commit offense here.
@RoelvanUden npm outdated
@rlemon that's a thing!?
@false \o/
Oh my, brilliant. Thanks @false! (and there you go @RyanKinal ;P)
What are we testing for?
@false Does that actually update it?
clicking on another's cursor will blur it and prevent them from blurring you for a couple seconds
@Martin No; it checks.
what's the room that people use to test stuff?
it's quite jumpy, need to work on that
@Neil What am I looking at?
@RalphWiggum Sandbox, room 1
my cursor keeps dissapearing
Ugh this class div setup is so just.. poorly formatted it's so hard to change the damn page width T_T
@SecondRikudo websocket program which draws your cursor and everyone elses
It's supposed to allow you to click on another's cursor to blur them and disable their cursor
I probably need to optmize a bit, actually.. you can imagine testing it on my own computer is a bit faster
Just experimenting
I'm sending off requests on every click, but that's probably not the best idea
Anyone aware of a polyfill for dataset? I used element.property for everything except for my data attribute (since I need to support ie9 for this particular script)
@NickDugger Eh, just use getAttribute.
I want to be consistent, though :(
@NickDugger that's not really supported on IE8
lol stupid CSS class conflictions
:mumble grumble grumble: ...
@Florian, I don't need to support IE8 for this script, only ie9+
getAttribute is more lightweight than that, and there’s nothing too terribly inconsistent about it
“JavaScript: properties, some of which are functions”
Do we have to be in gallery for another week?
js makes life better
!!unmute 3769582
Somebody suggest me a good php framework please ?
@rlemon Unmuted user 3769582
that can maybe work nicely with AWS (not out of the box)
@RyanKinal 17 makes life better (source)
room owner list keeps changing I can't keep up :D
@AbhishekHingnikar Laravel was high in the Google search results, and has the word "artisans" in the description. Sounds like it's probably terrible good.
I made a okayish clone of instragram today in 6 hours in college
ugly horrible php :P [its more angular.js then php]
!!afk foooooood
posted on June 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

^ lololol
that's disturbing D:
Q: Chrome extension sendResponse function conflict with Promises

Nathaniel WendtI am able to successfully send messages from my background script to my content script (and vice-versa). However, if I send a message to the background script, which in turn performs several actions (promises) followed by a promise that intends to send the response, the response doesn't send. He...

@Feeds six hours is nothing
i can go twice that long
forreal i didn't realize till i got home I didn't pee all day
like 12 hours
I often go 10 hours from when I get up til after work
You guys don't drink enough
for reals
@Cereal that's true
I love peeing at work
it's like you're being paid to pee
I don't eat or drink anything before noon
I solve most of my problems in the bathroom
I constantly drink things
@RalphWiggum You're sad if that in some way causes you joy.
Mostly water
@Zirak Well, peeing does feel quite nice
There are nicer feeling things you can do with the same appendage.
Like what?

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