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@rlemon I think it's time for the link
just realized it's 2am
should probably sleep
no fucking link
I will kill you in your sleep
but first I have to fix a few issues in my program
@Mosho nah, it's more painful while out of the shower
like, right out of the shower
how do you know
@Mosho I sometimes sleep about ways I could die...
I remember dying right after a shower being my worst nightmares
that sentence caused my brain to raise an exception
you are there, exposed to everything, and you find someone with a chainsaw... the first thing you do is cover your penis, because you somehow can get shy even with a killer
then you realize it's not the best idea
so you're in this narrow place called bathroom all wet and relaxed and your brain won't work for a few seconds
I'll take a semi-quick chainsaw death over waking up in a coffin
@Mosho but it won't be quick... he'll get close to you, then stop the chainsaw...
!!> -4/1 + -2/1 + 1/1 + 3/1 + 4/1 + 6/1
@rlemon 8
@rlemon you have to do the inverse
you suck at reciprocals
then get some scissors and throw them in your eyes
@rlemon I never imagined you could fail like this
/1 is a noop
but miss and hit your face instead
yea fuck you i'm drunk
now he hits you with a hammer first in the stomach, then in the head
you wake up tied up on a chair, still naked
but then you didn't die right out the shower, did you
you find out that the killer is actually your girldfriend
she ties your hair on a boat's engine
fail, a woman can't possibly operate a chainsaw
she starts the engine, and half of your face's skin is now cut open
leaving all of your facial muscles exposed to air
@towc are you drunk as well?
then she drops some h2o2 on your face (not sure how you call that in english... oxigenated water?)
@Mosho drunk of code
anyway, your face is now all covered in puss
and the infections are entering all other the place
dat misspelling :3
but she doesn't want to kll you yet
@KendallFrey anyway, your face is now all covered in pussy (source)
puss in italian is liquid dead cells
thought it came from english
In English it's 'pus'
never has it been a more appropriate time for this img
@Mosho you don't like my creativity? ;(
There's only one hand on the keyboard. He's obviously not posting.
anyway, back to the first track...
I think that if I've found a killer right after a shower my first instinct would be to cover my penis... and if then I get killed, knowing that my last thought was to cover it really makes up for a horrible death
my first instinct would be to let go of my penis
I think I'm gonna close this tab for a while
@KendallFrey not that you were holding it before... or... were you?
@Meredith not a bad choice
@towc or was I???
@KendallFrey find out in the next episode of drunk people on chat!
* single people in shower
var self = this; seems like a hack, but is it a good hack?
I've come to the conclusion that it would be an adequate solution to my problem
@KendallFrey which is?
@KendallFrey see that shit everywhere
what's the problem?
@towc Basically not having to bind every time I pass this.method into setTimeout
@KendallFrey trick is to do setTimeout instead of window.setTimeout I guess
that way you can prevent the this reassignment
uehr no
setTimeout and window.setTimeout are identical
@KendallFrey not really
AFAIk. If I'm wrong please educate me
it's the same difference between window.requestAnimationFrame and requestAnimationFrame
which is...
haven't tested with setTimeout
but the window. version rebinds this, requestAnimationFrame doesn't
!!>function Obj() {
this.prop = 'prop';
setTimeout(function () { console.log(this.prop) }, 10);
@towc "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
@CapricaSix what?
hehe :)
(function Obj() {
this.prop = 'prop';
window.setTimeout(function () { console.log(this.prop) }, 10);
I think you are mistaken
@rlemon try without window.
the issue there is simple
this is window in both cases
then it must be different from requestanimationframe
nothing about binding
!!>window.setTimeout == setTimeout
@Mosho "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
caprica is confused...
caprica doesn't run in a browser :X
returns true...
so it's the same
even tho they're different
are you sure
rlemon told me the trick
new function () { this.foo = "bar"; requestAnimationFrame(function () { console.log(this.foo); }); }
You mean this?
outputs undefined
function foo() { this.a = 'b'; } foo.prototype.bar = function() { window.setTimeout(this.baz.bind(this), 100); }; foo.prototype.baz = function() { console.log(this.a); }; var f = new foo(); f.bar();
function foo() { this.a = 'b'; } foo.prototype.bar = function() { setTimeout(this.baz.bind(this), 100); }; foo.prototype.baz = function() { console.log(this.a); }; var f = new foo(); f.bar();
@towc prove it
@Mosho this pen wouldn't work codepen.io/Cicada3301/pen/uAmIn
@towc pls
line 217
'this' is referring to the game manager constructor
works when I add window too
oh god... I'm confused now
it didn't work before
I used _this=this hack before
then rlemon told me it was bad to do, and suggested to cut window.
and then it worked without _this
no idea what is happening
You are being killed by a girl wielding a chainsaw and peroxide
I never suggested you cut window. I merely pointed out a redundancy in your code
@KendallFrey anyway, don't see other options than binding and closure
yesterday, by rlemon
var _this = this;
So, if I use closure for this-scope, and then make public members properties of this and private members local variables, does that make a good class?
^ just note you will take a perf hit using bind.
@rlemon yes, then you said that I could remove window. and I could just have used this, and not _this
Already noted, captain repetitive
well.. it would seem its a bad practice with reqAnimFrame
no you did the window stuff on your own
@towc Seems to me, remove window and the .bind
either bind or use closure, not both
@Loktar bind is?
why wouldn't I repeat it
@KendallFrey and I removed closure
@Loktar no reason :P
@KendallFrey if you are using reqAnimFrame I would assume you want the most performant code possible
Florian mentioned an update where it may be faster now
My update is more critical than my render
it runs several times faster
look at chrome 35/36 and the difference
its pretty significant.
same on Opera
Anyone know of an easy to follow windows git install walkthrough (CL)?
^ updated vs with chrome 37
thats why I sound like a broken record with bind.
Its slow as shit.
dont use it with something that loops like crazy :p
@monners Just download something that installs it as a dependency
@SomeKittensUx2666 \o
@Loktar The soft kind, or the hard kind?
@KendallFrey Such as? (It's not for me, it's for a backend guy on a windows machine)
TortoiseGit would be one
Maybe you could install it via cygwin?
I dunno of SourceTree would install it for you
Sourcetree <3
also not sure if it installs, I think it may though
.bind is ass slow
wish sourcetree worked on ubuntu, pretty annoying that it doesnt
sigh Why is nothing ever easy on Windows?
but I wish it weren't
@rlemon yeah i agree
its so much nicer to use
@Loktar bash
its frustrating how slow
like its not even a minor difference
if it was just barely slower whatever.. but its magnitudes
yea like most of the array fanciness
I wish it were faster
yeah same here
@monners I would think downloading git and adding it to your PATH would suffice
soon :P
well just think a few years ago anything in canvas was slow as hell
Alright, no red messages in the console, ship it!
no comparison
I started canvas with boobshower
I started canvas before any vs of IE had it :(
boobshower may have fell into that time period
IE sucked
I love rereading that
> After completing this it really excites me the direction Javascript seems to be going. I definitely think one day in the distant future it will be able to replace Flash for most anything. Especially if browsers continue to implement faster JS engines, and MS really does ditch its IE platform.
ugh flash
Flash replaced biotches
I programmed Flash in HS
The only Flash I use is on a camera.
I used to like flash before actionscript 3
eh, I did some stuff in MM Flash. I was more of a Swish guy
was so easy, then they had to get all hard core programmy with it
The only Flash I use involves a trench coat.
I quit the course, because one of the most interesting things I did was make a fuckin BMI calculator
with Flash?
that seems like a bad use case for it even 10 years ago
That wasn't 10 years ago :P
Keep in mind the course wasn't about using Flash, it was about learning to write code
I already knew how to write code
@KendallFrey is this retarded?
lol yes
ok, now the controls should be a bit easier to understand
it's almost 3am
I'll go to sleep now
@Mosho I don't understand even 5 lines of code
@Loktar would you stop already!
@towc On what? Women? Yippee!
@KendallFrey women right after showers!
ok, I definitely have to sleep
see ya
well, one of those bind's is just for the context :P
I mean, to simulate a context
one of these binds is not like the other, one of these binds just isn't the same.
@SomeKittensUx2666 what would that do?
too tired for programming thoughts
@m59 get you fired
Nice. Pay me to download!
man steam is such a pile of steaming crap sometimes
the app loves to freeze randomly
seems to have issues with large libraries of games too.
I was gonna say, doesn't happen for me, you must have too many games
Bam 10 games for $21
any good ones?
eh idk
> Mars: War Logs 3.74 USD
A.I.M.2 2.49 USD
Ascension to the Throne 2.49 USD
Borderzone 1.24 USD
Konung 2 1.24 USD
El Matador 1.24 USD
Planet Alcatraz 2.49 USD
Parkan 2 2.49 USD
The Tomorrow War 2.49 USD
Konung 3 1.24 USD
AIM 2, looks cool
mars War logs also looks cool
the others were just pretty cheap
Oh, I forgot, you don't buy games with the intent to play them
depends :P
when I retire I will have so many to play
and so much money to buy more
hopefully by then they will slow down when it comes to making them
maybe the apocalypse or something, Ill be in my bunker on my generator
Ill host my own vs of steam on the new internet
Think what an amazing internet we could build if we had the option to start from scratch
We have so much more knowledge
Man, I've been waiting so long for KSP 0.24
 extern void *    _os_mem_alloc(U32 p,void *box_mem)		__SVC_0;
in C, what does this shit mean
I wrote this a year ago :(
What part of it?
I can't find _os_mem_alloc anywhere
oh isn't that a function pointer?
yeah, it's like, the ARM's exception vector
it's in assembly somewhere
so it just makes _os_mem_alloc point to it?
I'm not well versed with function pointers. It might make __SVC_0 point to _os_mem_alloc
well, I know where __SVC_0 is
what you're saying is what I thought, wanted to make sure
exception handler*
booogity boo
fippidy fop
qwoppity qwop
giggity goo
1 hour later…
@KendallFrey Kerbil Space Program?
2 hours later…
can i ask about JavaScript code how to make it work with the server to android app
i want simple data only, app send text to the server and the server will put it into my javascript code textarea and use the function to reply back to the app
any ideas?.
@Hunt Ask on the site and somebody will answer you
yes i know, but i think this is stupid question, so i wish to ask here
better than other ppl just come and and say please google it
and configure mysql properly
Anybody knows how to install xampp on windows
and configure mysql properly
2 messages moved to PHP
So nothing interesting yesterday at Google IO, right ?
@dystroy are u kidding me ?
Android | *
Android apps on chrome-book
and the one i personally love their cloud debug :D
that was quite interesting.. ps am waiting for my nexus 5 to get updated to android 5
@AbhishekHingnikar My N5 just got updated to Android 4.4.4 :\
I think it's still beta
open beta, but beta
Not being a consumer of Google's cloud platform, I still don't see anything interesting. Why would I want Android apps on Chrome Book ? The security model of the Android app ecosystem is terrible
Hi all, how to use thread in jquery.
yes, bananas
@JanDvorak Unsure. Based on the title I would have closed but the content of the questions looks about OK
@GaneshPravin JavaScript has no notion of threads. You can look at web workers (html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/workers/basics), but it isn't available in a lot of browsers.
@RoelvanUden : I'm using one recursive function , inside that function I want to send mail, to send mail it takes some time. I don't want to waste that time, so that recursive function should not wait for mail function to respond
@RoelvanUden how to achieve this ?
!!mute 2667882 1d
@EnGassa I'm afraid I can't let you do that, EnGassa
@EnGassa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GaneshPravin Network operations should be async. Waiting on it makes no sense. Can you show some code?
    function reqtime(ct) {
    if (ct != null) {
        mail(getQuery(cid), ct);
        var url = baseurl + "Expired";
        var data = "{'ch_name':'" + getQuery(cid) + "','inquiryID':'" + ct + "'}"
            type: getpost,
            url: url,
            data: data,
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            success: function (chat) { reqtest(chat, ct) }

@GaneshPravin Press Up arrow -> CTRL+K -> Enter
@GaneshPravin Please check the room rules (rlemon.github.io/so-chat-javascript-rules) about code formatting :-)
@GaneshPravin I'm more interested in what mail() does. ;-)
@RoelvanUden : It wil call code behind function
mail will be send to admin
It seems like, for some reason, it is synchronous. Show me that call?
Good evening humans.
Is it ok to store lots of duplicate values in an array? do they all each occupy different spaces in memory?
@laggingreflex define "lots", "values"
values= long string, lots= do ten same string occupy same space in memory as 1
@laggingreflex You can test that out
Spent half hour just for this stupid thing ( via asp.net)
var a=new Array([{a:1},{b:2}]);
a[0] should be used
why the hell it was built like this
I swear to god, the difference a bad PM can make to a project is astronomical.
@RoyiNamir incompetence, probably
( i know the values are given in() , but again ....spent 30 min)
@JanDvorak using profiler? or is there a way to see how much memory is occupied by a variable from withing javascript?
@RoyiNamir For what it's worth, I once spent an hour and a half digging through JS files only to find that the backend guy had put the script init inline at the bottom of the page.
@laggingreflex Using profiler
@monners np just use ducoment.ready everywhere else hahaha
@RoyiNamir Well that was the problem. the templates were squeaky clean. I made the dangerous assumption that they'd been followed
( I hate document.ready , don't get me wrong)
(prefer ordered scripts)
I hate inline inits
Just because you can write Java doesn't mean I'm going to trust you with my document!
what do you mean by inline init ? head script ?
No, script tag, no src, hidden in the footer referencing dependencies included (minified) in the head
As in, inline JavaScript!
!!afk wine
where do you want to put the script if not in the bottom of the page ?
codepen.io/pigeonhole/pen/LEeqc i know this sucks. but how can i use angular to achieve it. i mean i can't understand hhow do i send the request to google feeds and set those numEnteries loadHistory through angular
ok, I'm a little late
Is your ping still valid ?
I smell a ping timeout
yeah, me too
@rlemon should have asked in the other js room
@RoyiNamir Arrrg, no. I mean <script> Global.init(); </script>
@dystroy well, he's probably sleeping right now.
@JanDvorak What does it smell like?
@Neil Dat avatar
@monners So of cactus water and musk
@Neil No, there was no context for my message. Just sayin' Dat Avatar
I figured the internet didn't have enough cute cat pictures
Which I suppose is like saying that a computer doesn't deal with enough 1s and 0s, but still
Q: How to get the value of this.id in string?

user3739733I am trying to add a character d with the value of this.id given by below code as like : dclicki25 . How I can get this? $('.divclasss').click(function(){ console.log(this.id); //clicki25 , clicki26 based on the clicking element });

Just discovered this:
!!> for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; ++i, j += 2) console.log(i, j)
@IonicãBizãu "undefined" Logged: 0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10,6,12,7,14,8,16,9,18
What did you discover ? The for loop ?
I expected this answer... :-)
I didn't know that the final expression can be formed of several operations like: ++i, j += 2.
It was a honest question : I'm really puzzled at what was the discovery in this (too heavy) line of code
@IonicãBizãu yeah, you can even do that :
!!> for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; ++i, j += 2, console.log(i, j));
@dystroy "undefined" Logged: 1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10,6,12,7,14,8,16,9,18,10,20
this might be a hint at why you din't know "the final expression can be formed of several operations" : it's useless
look up: "comma expression"
And no, I've never used it.
!!> for(var i = 11; i != 1; i = i % 2 == 0 ? i/2 : i*3) console.log(i);
@Neil Maximum execution time exceeded
Hmm, wait a sec
That's the problem when you write your code in a hard to read way...
... it's hard to read
@Neil precedence?
@dystroy Why not this?
!!> for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; console.log(++i, j += 2));
@IonicãBizãu "undefined" Logged: 1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10,6,12,7,14,8,16,9,18,10,20
@JanDvorak Oh you think it was for that reason?

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