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Almost :P
Seems like chat completely reloads every so often.... I wonder what triggers that. /snoop
Doesn't for me (or hasn't yet in a while, so my console says)
@JanDvorak how many times did you retry it?
first try, ofc
!!define ofc
@towc ofc (Internet slang) Abbreviation of of course.
and I could have got much more points for Russia by googling.
internet slang? is that a thing now?
I liked the Egypt round
@towc ofc
@JanDvorak yeah, it was cool
@JanDvorak -_-
next you know is that they make an internet dogana and passport
well, the passport is kinda already implemented
dogana=anti-cheating/security stuff?
we even have internet wars....
what's next?
Making the internet a separate country?
Or Continent
hell yeah! it should be a continent
There already is a map of the Internet
We're practically there
!!xkcd map of the internet
Now all we need is a corruptable government and we're done
@Magikaas the Internet as a country is technically an anarchy
That's not what people with power will want to see, so it's just a matter of time before someone tries to govern it
Even if that is impossible
@Magikaas the US government does
Do they control trolls?
Do they control EU internet users?
They do try
They failed on both fronts, you can't really control the internet =) Though you can ruin it quite severely for a lot of people by letting a few large companies control access
@towc Microsoft
@SecondRikudo Micro$oft? :P
@SecondRikudo well, it's free, fast and working!
almost finished what I had planned for today in terms of homework!
@towc I haven't seen the newer versions. But the one I used 5 years ago was enough to make me never want to use VS ever again.
@Magikaas nope, but they know everything that goes on in the web.
@SecondRikudo 5 years is a long time for programs man!
NSA can (reportedly) see/access/monitor 75% of the public web
that is more than Google touches
@rlemon That doesn't mean they can control it, though, even if you apply blanket-surveillance
@towc How will I put it?
It's like using IE6 was enough to deter me from using IE ever again
you poor misguided sole. if you think they are not taking that information and turning it around to control you in other ways you are mistaken.
Because Google is not that keen on breaking people's privacy and not as free to do so as a government-funded instance
@SecondRikudo ?
@AbhishekHingnikar that's awesome XD
@AbhishekHingnikar That's old too
well, I've never seen it before
I should really make one like that with JS nested async callbacks, to shut you guys up XD
@AbhishekHingnikar shame its PHP
@rlemon lol, "sole."
@DrogoNevets cause no js guy woyuld even try to do it
try to do what?
!!wiki sole food
The Solent ( ) is a strait separating the Isle of Wight from the mainland of England. The Solent is a major shipping route for passengers, freight and military vessels. It is an important recreational area for water sports, particularly yachting, hosting the Cowes Week sailing event annually. It is sheltered by the Isle of Wight and has a very complex tidal pattern, which has greatly benefited Southampton's success as a port. Portsmouth lies on its shores. Spithead, an area off Gilkicker Point near Gosport, is known as the place where the Royal Navy is traditionally reviewed by the monar...
Sole Food Street Farms is an urban agriculture project in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 2008 by Michael Ableman and Seann Dory, Sole Food's mission is to provide low-income residents of the Downtown Eastside with "jobs, agricultural training, and inclusion in a supportive community of farmers and food lovers." It is a subsidiary of Cultivate Canada, a local charity that promotes human ecology-related social projects. Since its inception, Sole Food has been met with significant community support. Sole Food’s vision aligns closely with Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 ...
!!wiki facepalm
A facepalm (sometimes also face-palm or face palm) is the physical gesture of placing one's hand flat across one's face or lowering one's face into one's hand or hands. The gesture is often exaggerated by giving the motion more force and making a slapping noise when the hand comes in contact with the face. The gesture is found in many cultures as a display of frustration, disappointment, embarrassment, shock, surprise or sarcasm. Origins According to Macmillan Dictionary, the word "facepalm" first appeared around 2006, The gesture itself is not of recent origin and, although common, ...
@rlemon I don't doubt they try and possibly succeed on some fronts to control people outside of the US through what they have noticed during their wide surveillance
wikipedian facepalm : you are failing on so many levels that i have to define it for you !
ok, in a few minutes I'll start recording a new episode
@towc Nice :)
ok, keep dumping suggestions, I'll be back in 3 minutes
can anyone tell me if this syntax is correct? (this.parent).animate({
height: "20%"
}, 700);
!!afk walking dog out
@rlemon that gives me an idea
@rlemon Nicely done
@SecondRikudo are you in every channel or what? :D
@Naruto jshint can tell you that yes, iti is syntactically valid
@Naruto I am everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.
@Naruto Depends, what's this?
You probably meant to say $(this).parent().animate(....);
child element
@Naruto I, however, am going to tell you that there's no point in parenthesising a dereference. Is a dollar before (this.parent)? That would wrap said this.parent (presumably a DOM element) in jQuery before trying to animate it. DOM elements can't animate themselves.
hello @notchris, how about we call you George instead
!!mustache notchris
@rlemon Could not process input. Error: a.findUserId is not a function on line 105
@rlemon you like'em?
@FlorianMargaine they're fancy
I just got into work, so tired
so I love them, but I hate them
@SecondRikudo @JanDvorak thx guys, didn't know about that synstax :)
@Naruto $ is just a variable name that jQuery happens to associate with itself
How do I show the last page title a user visited on my site with JS?
@notchris For what?
What's the equivalent of $('#someid').change() in javascript?
@notchris last = current?
Invoking an event, as it were
!!mdn element change
@SecondRikudo no specific reason, I want an option on my navbar to read
"Back to Last Page"
Q: How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

RopstahIs it possible to programmatically invoke a onClick-event for an anchor tag, while maintaining the 'this' reference to the anchor? The following doesn't work... (at least not in Firefox: document.getElementById('linkid').click() is not a function) <script type="text/javascript"> function do...

@notchris document.referrer? And then you'll have to check that it's your site and not another.
@notchris The browser already has such a function. It's called the "back button"
@notchris history.back()
@SecondRikudo I asked specifically with JS
Make sure the back button works well, and you're fine. The user will be much more comfortable using the back button than any solution or UI you may put together with JS.
@JanDvorak How do I print the title though?
var event = document.createEvent(evtName);
event.initEvent("name-of-custom-event", true, true);
event.eventName = "name-of-custom-event";
@notchris I know what you asked.
I'm claiming you most certainly don't need what you want.
@notchris You could use session storage, but even that can desync with the browser history
@SecondRikudo Very well, I understand your point
I have a more difficult question if you prefer :P
@notchris The back button is the most honorable button in the browser. It gets the first (leftmost in ltr locales) position in the toolbar, it's often a different color or size.
The back button gives the user a sense of security, he can always return to the point where he was before.
@SecondRikudo I like that logic, very well
@SecondRikudo in my Chrome, both back and forward have the same size
You can fulfil the user expectation and give good UX by making the button work well. That's often more of a problem in one page apps, where you need history states.
@Jan Firefox Nightly > All
@JanDvorak Which is why I said it's often a different color or size.
also, all mobile browsers I have tried only have "back" and "menu" buttons in fullscreen mode
It's still the first button on the toolbar in chrome, and all mobile browsers.
question: I know that you can make objects childs of others or something like that in THREEjs... if you rotate the parent object, do all of it's children rotate too?
@JanDvorak On mobile browsers it's even more prominent, as you on most cases have a physical button that maps to the "back" functionality.
@SecondRikudo I only have "accept", "menu", "reject", +, -, "take a photo" and "on/off"
@JanDvorak What phone are you on?
All androids have a "back" button
Nokia 5230
It's a Symbian
@SecondRikudo I'm running Ghost, it's a Node powered CMS. I'm trying to extend it's functionality by adding one extra text field to posts. Do you think that this would be too difficult of a task? I'm having a hard time understanding where that field exists and where it saves information to the DB.
@JanDvorak What's that? I couldn't hear you over the gap in decades.
@notchris I'm actually only now learning Node as well, so I can't really answer that, sorry ^^
@SecondRikudo at least it still works
@JanDvorak Touche.
@notchris can I ask what the field is for?
@SecondRikudo Ah, I wish you luck, it's been fun so fart!
Haha *Far
@mikedidthis To simply add a field where a user can enter a link associated with a post
@Jhawins No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@Jhawins It's a sybian (source)
@mikedidthis But it cannot live within the post content itself, it needs to exist separate but be associated with a specific post
@JanDvorak @Jhawins It's a simian (source) (source)
Sybian is funnier
If you are 15
!!urban sybian
@Jhawins are you?
uh. TMI
@notchris ahh ok, in that case I can't help.
Can't say I was expecting that
@mikedidthis Are you familiar with the CMS?
@notchris kinda, I built a few client sites with it.
@mikedidthis I was able to implement a search function on a separate page
@mikedidthis Can't figure out how to extend it by adding a single new field, even duplicating the post entry would be helpful
@notchris look at models.js ?
Hey people, are you familiar with React.js? how would i go about adding a custom attribute to an element created with React? html: <div scroll-glue></div> React.js: React.DOM.div({'scroll-glue':''}); does not work :S
@SecondRikudo Firefox and IE are the only one to do that; almost all known and unknown browser don't.
@GregoireD. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@notchris its a tough one, as soon as you modify the core, you loose the upgrade.
I read something about that you may only add custom attributes by prepending data-
@furier if you want to use custom attributes, prepend them with data-. Does 'data-scroll-glue':'' work?
@mikedidthis Do you think that controls where information is stored in the DB
In the plunker you can see how its supposed to work
Honestly, I am just guessing. Checked the Ghost forums?
@mikedidthis Not necessary, you can just backup the file beforehand. Besides, once the app system is implemented, I'm sure the field can be converted to an extention
Or maybe I should just implement my own scroll glue thingy in react?
@mikedidthis No one has tried / accomplished it yet
@notchris I would wait for the API
@mikedidthis Haha it's painful waiting
@notchris I would just use javascript to fake it :D
@JanDvorak I know what $ does, but I tought that if you can use this.id, you could call the parent element by just calling this :)
@mikedidthis I'm not sure how to achieve this.
@mikedidthis Oh man, I have to go into a meeting, I'll be back
No problem.
@Naruto you can, but you get the DOM node, not a jQuery object.
Ow ok, now it makes more sence, i'm not that experienced with jquery yet, so I didn't rlly know what the difference was, but thx for telling/helping
the coffeescript to javascript thing skips the ending ] on selectors
more likely I did something wrong again though..
@Cereal code?
@JanDvorak It was indeed my fault. javascript was cached
and I typo'd earlier
@JanDvorak looks like a good solution only I cant get it to work, idk why :S blog.vjeux.com/2013/javascript/scroll-position-with-react.html
ok, going to start a new episode based on your suggestions
last minute ones?
new episode? What do you mean @towc
@towc more ducks
@rlemon I will add them
These two are nice.
on the left is Fred, and the right we have Molly
@rlemon I thought of ASCII commented ducks
I'm trying to make a JSFiddle with some code that's giving me problems, and I keep getting console errors on their end due to frame security. Anyone have any ideas? jsfiddle.net/9TKcv It'll complain that "google" is not defined, so you need to add an external reference to google.com/jsapi I tried to update it with that, but it won't load the page if I do.
@rlemon Molly's got some spunk
@Austinh100 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon tell me which ducks are the best and I'll add them
you needed to change the "framework options" to not wrap it up in an onload
in PHP, 1 min ago, by Jimbo
@SecondRikudo If you find chickens sexy, you have more problems :P
@rlemon Cool. Thanks
@rlemon who's in the blue egg?
@towc North Duck is Best Duck
@FlorianMargaine Molly is a whore. We don't talk about the blue egg.
oh men, I think I've found the best one! you'll see it in the beginning of the video
anyone used nodemailer with gmail?
I'm so sorry
I'm not sorry
ok, starting to record
Do html data attributes have to be hyphenated or is <a data-derp_herp>foo</a> a legal attribute?
mdn is offline
SO is still up, we're fine
A custom data attribute is an attribute in no namespace whose name starts with the string "data-", has at least one character after the hyphen, is XML-compatible, and contains no characters in the range U+0041 to U+005A (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A to LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z).
1 message moved to Trash can
!!mute 1408759 3m
I'm offended by you
@rlemon Muted user 1408759 for 3m
data-BLAH is illegal?
@NickDugger you sir need a time out
spec says all characters except tab, line feed, form feed, space, solidus, greater than sign, quotation mark, apostrophe and equals sign
Interesting, didn't know that.
are allowed in attribut name
@NickDugger nope. sorry. 2.5 minutes left on your time out
@rlemon so, no cap?
@FlorianMargaine doesn't matter
case insensitive
All attributes on HTML elements in HTML documents get ASCII-lowercased automatically, so the restriction on ASCII uppercase letters doesn't affect such documents.
and contains no characters in the range U+0041 to U+005A (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A to LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z).
Are other unicode characters allowed, then? Or are they not "XML-compatible" ?
unicode U+0020 isn't allowed
@Kippie all except tab 0009, feeds 000A & 000C, space 0020, solidus / 002F, equal = 003D, greater than > 003E, null 0000, quote " 0022, apostrophe ' 0027, less than < 003C an EOF. spec is here whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/…
data-IWANT2_write!whatever?I.want is a valid attribute name
That list seems pretty different from what's defined here:
Then again, I'm not sure what exactly lies in those ascii ranges that they provide
EOF isn't a Unicode character :P
at a certain points the video recording just stops
dumping away 3/4ths of the recording
You should stop trying
@NickDugger w3 != w3schools. Wanna reban?
well, not going to have time for another try today anyway
@HerraE if James answered your question you should upvote and accept the answer. — Loktar 43 secs ago
is that something frowned upon?
I see a lot of new people ask questions, then want more, or never accept
does James happen to be your alter-ego?
no this is the 2nd question I've done it on today though in the canvas tag
@Kippie well that's XML specs, and seems that what I linked is HTML5, I guess different standards means different rules. Didn't see you were talking about XML specifically
@Bernard if you need to change the speed that should be a seperate question, Zacru has answered your current question very well and should get an upvote and the accept vote +1 from me nice job. — Loktar 3 mins ago
that one worked
@Loktar I guess it's fine, but don't overdo it.
the op accepted and upvoted
@KendallFrey You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/785745/kendall-frey) have 19000 reputation, earned 60 rep today, asked 53 questions, gave 610 answers, for a q:a ratio of 53:610.
avg. rep/post: 28.65. Badges: 1g 35s 73b
100 upvotes to go
also note you need 15 rep to upvote
ah yeah good point
@JanDvorak Don't be so serious, of course I know they're not the same.
wait so is <span data-☃="☃☃☃"></span> legal?
well since that worked for an answer I wont refrain from doing it
I only do it if the person who answered is new too
@Retsam seems so in HTML5 I guess
it can be disheartening to spend a lot of time on an answer and then get no upvotes
and then just stop helping people altogether
@Loktar coming from a newbie point of view I can understand where you get help from someone who knows a lot, then come across a new question that you feel is quick and ask for help with that
@Retsam not sure about HTML5, but if I see you do that I will sue you.
From someone new here it seems like I'd rather ask the question while I have their attention than ask an entirely new question
@mrzepka true, I understand that I guess
but don't hold the guy hostage with your accept either :P
Ok it was just a quick answer and i edited it as fast as i could so plz remove your downvote — moez 3 mins ago
Is it rude that I'm not going to remove my downvote? <.<
I understand your point of view too, because when I search for an answer with google and come to SO, I just want that one question, where I might be looking for that second question a separate time!
is the answer good now?
@JanDvorak your a star today!
@RUJordan nope
should be a lesson to them
I got an upvote on my first answer and none on my second answer and now I'm scared to answer anything because I feel so new. The only thing I can kinda answer is the algorithm questions because those are fun for me to work out
I can't believe I mistook mexico for canada... url.geoguessr.com/87cj
@Retsam since http://💩.la/ exist, nothing is surprising anymore
@GregoireD. Oh geez.
@RUJordan Personally I'm inclined to leave downvotes when I think someone is gaming the system trying to "win" rather than trying to give good answers.
If the answer wasn't a FGITW competitor I might have been more sympathetic I guess
Sucks to rep farm
That is awesome
@NickDugger someone's asking for another timeout
@jhawins is that the website for your new isp?
Oh. Just now I learned it's not square.la
@mrzepka Pfft I wish. That would mean I had an ISP
@mrzepka still better than comcast
I am sad to say that's what it came down to. But I'm looking for a different place now.
Although my roommate said fuck it I want it anyway... So now I just don't have a roommate lol
I just went from happy to rage out angry in less than 5 seconds T_T
I forgot my lunch in my car
I was looking forward to it so much... I made fried rice and dumplings last night
Aw you poor thing. You have to walk out to your car and get it.
@RUJordan where is your car now?
My car is 38 miles away. D:
Q: Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser

ZainI want to convert SVG into bitmap images (like JPEG, PNG, etc.) through JavaScript.

That's what you think.
why was that closed..
its not really that broad.
Well... probably like 16 miles away
kind of annoying, esp since the first answer is really helpful
But it's a 45 minute train ride away.
And I'm so upset
Now the sun will probably spoil it :(
@Loktar umm... the first answer is link-only.
It certainly had already
@JanDvorak the accepted answer is perfect
@Loktar the question could have been asked better. "lack of effort"
@RUJordan How lol
@RUJordan Damn dude how far from work do you live???
It might be useful, but you don't want to leave bad examples by keeping it open

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