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@JanDvorak use angular
any second opinion on that^?
is there any event by which i can execute a function when user in on current tab?
@vs7 no, that is browser functionality, not JS
@JanDvorak yeah, use angular
and knockout
unless you are making a browser extension
actually im running ajax in interval , but i think that can hang user browser ...
depends on the browser, but yes i t might
can't we overcome it ?
my suggestion would be to minimise the time it takes to do said AJAX call
its repeating every second
but i want it to execute when tab is open
does it have to?
whats it doing?
@GaoWei Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
its checking some status ...
T/F for 9 category
like when a option is changed , live user will the latest valuse
why not just fire ajax when an option is changed then?
@FlorianMargaine one of yours?
@JanDvorak MVW you shall learn !
@DrogoNevets : Actually admin change the option
Its like stat table
@vs7 still, why not just update the values when the option changes?
@FlorianMargaine why are you crawling through recently roomba'd questions?
@JanDvorak peehaa's twitter
if admin updated an option , how a current user can see without refresh browser
@FlorianMargaine link?
@vs7 theyd see it soon as they changed page
but my manager want live stat without refresh
also, i doubt the ajax needs to be every second, every 5minutes should do
@DrogoNevets Depends
changing page isnt a refresh
@vs7 is he willing to pay for the resources?
And why are you talking to tiny avatar people?
@SecondRikudo as i said, i doubt, not i know
@SecondRikudo huh?
@JanDvorak I cant say ...
All is working fine , i just worried ajax on every second can create problem ...
 var httpRequest = $http.post($rootScope.base_url + '/contacts/req', { toId: userId }, timeout: requestCanceler.promise});

 httpRequest.error(function(data, status){
@SecondRikudo looks ok in my browser
is this a valid use of a promise?
@SecondRikudo just trying to help him. Why are you ignoring him?
@DrogoNevets Tiny avatar = ignored
@JanDvorak I'm not even sure. But if he's on my ignore list that long, that's a very good reason.
@Mosho its not valid JS thats for sure, missing a {
@SecondRikudo no longer, perhaps?
@DrogoNevets not anymore
@JanDvorak Most likely because of help vampirism
As far as my notes say
> Help vampire of epic proportions
I mean not chaining the promise and the handlers
@Mosho is on mine
That's my note ^
@Mosho yes that is valid
also allows you to pass the promise left right and centre to have multiple function called on success in different places/services/etc
yeah but
@SecondRikudo yeah he was on my mine, but thinking ill give him second chance, think he is a monkey with a typewriter type
so the error handler doesn't have to be chained to the success?
@Mosho nope
success return the promise
error returns the promise
@Mosho Is this some library/framework?
if you want, you can do it the other way round .error(...).success(...)
@SecondRikudo its angular
yeah, that's what I thought
it's for an SO question
@SecondRikudo I dont have old profile else i also have Bigger Avatar
@DrogoNevets Alright, I'll try to give a second chance.
too lazy to test :d
I'm already regretting it....
@SecondRikudo ive just pushed him to my ignore too - i got too bored
@thomasf1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LucaCavazzana Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!unsummon 43899
how use enable ask stackoverflow ?
my account is not ask..
help me...
have you read the links you've been given already?
yes i do finished but no ask question.. why?
just reading on how to do something won't make that happen... do follow the advice you have been given.
yes.. i am click>> ask qeustiion. this is show
the help Center
i am tired...
umm... the link didn't say "retry until successful"
@ကစၥပနဒီ Read the article in the help center linked to you.
Here's another user to the tiny avatar list.
!!help unsummon
@monners unsummon: Chant zippidi lepat and from the room I shall depart. /unsummon [roomid=your_roomid]
that command could actually help with alleviating her welcome spam
thank my friends
@Stephen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GotalovePHP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi.Anyone here do node js programming?
@GotalovePHP Registered; need 1 more to execute
@GotalovePHP no, we do English Language Programming here :)
@GotalovePHP please stop messing with caprica
or else...
!!tell gotalov help mute
@gotalov mute: Mutes a user. /mute usrid duration Duration should be in the format n[mhd] for n minutes/hours/days. If only n is provided, minutes is assumed.
@Qantas94Heavy that was meant to be in sandbox
my bad
@AwalGarg hehe not funny.Anyway do yo know how to keep the bots running 24/7
@GotalovePHP To keep anything running, you have to start it, and never stop it. :)
dude seriously
@GotalovePHP can you type !!unban Awal ? I will tell you after that...
@AwalGarg wanna ban?
hehe nop you tricky perp
@JanDvorak nope. Btw, Jan, I have completed that learn.jquery.com JS 101 tut. now what?
@AwalGarg now go forth and code :-)
@JanDvorak I can't. Ok, let me explain my problem. Its long so, I will type, please be patient...
@AwalGarg what's this mind jail myt consider unbanning you
I have to make a signup form. After every field blur, I have to check a lot of things. size of field and all. There will be lot of eventlisteners. Lots and lots of if and else functions. I get confused when I do something like this. This is not a problem with the php server side validation, it is already completed. I only get this problem in JS. What should I do?
I have a few ways in my mind
I will describe them below
Please tell me if they are good
1) specify maxlength in html, no need to check it with js
2) use the css checkbox hack for showing tooltips, no need of js for that.
3) create long and self explanatory js code functions for each of the input field. no code sharing and all <--this has its pros and cons
4) Don't do client side validation, add a message on top "We know you know how to fill a form, we don't need to tell you that..."
Over and out
1) Use HTML for validation if that's enough for you. If not - use some kind of library or jQuery plugin if you're using jQuery.
2) I wouldn't. I'd go with JavaScript solution - and again there're plenty of libraries for showing tooltips.
3) Don't. Reusability for the win.
4) Do client-side validation.
@AwalGarg What if you need a bit more complicated validation? Like "This date I picked is actually available for the event I picked"
Or "This username I picked is not taken"
@SecondRikudo xhr...
@SecondRikudo not required in my case..
@AwalGarg Right, which cannot be done only with html5 validation attributes.
@AwalGarg Has advantages and disadvantages. But I generally agree. Depends on your requirements.
@AwalGarg I disagree. I have a single Form component, which accepts validation callbacks per field. Those validation callbacks are called one by one for each field on submission (or in some cases, on blur).
@Miszy html 4 does not have validation, ie users will get dumped if i do html 5 validation. I hate frameworks and plugins. 2) same, I don't wanna use libraries. Ok, I will go with JS solution and not use css hack. 3) Ok, but reusability for a beginner like me is difficult and clumsy. Can you do that for me for free? 4) Any special reason?
When you add an input, all you need to do is to .register("new-input-name", formNotEmpty) for example
I r back.
It also allows you to pass custom anonymous functions to do whatever you want, including XHR or validation based on the other fields.
@AwalGarg For starters: Do you care about users with IE9 and lower?
@SecondRikudo I know xhr, and I have done that feature. Surprisingly, it is working... I think I was successful because it has more to do with php than with js...
@AwalGarg What about "how to check if the two password fields match?"
@Miszy I don't want to care, but I have to :(
@AwalGarg Client side validation has exactly one purpose
@AwalGarg 4) Yes. User Experience. You should present any validation feedback as soon as possible, without the need to send the form.
@SecondRikudo yes, another problem. All these things are just damn clumsy on client side...
To not make your user mad by filling out a long form only to be rejected upon submission and all fields were lost.
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@AwalGarg I disagree. I have a single Form component, which accepts validation callbacks per field. Those validation callbacks are called one by one for each field on submission (or in some cases, on blur).
I can whip up a quick example if you'd like
@AwalGarg "I don't wanna use libraries" - why?
@Miszy What I was thinking is, bad users would anyway skip the validation, good users don't need validation... what say?
@Miszy cus I don't... well, I dunno. Just a natural thing from the inside of me..
@AwalGarg What do you mean by "good" users? Validation is not for your convenience, it's for the users.
@SecondRikudo please, I would be grateful. jsfiddle.net
@SecondRikudo I didn't get a single word from that... please talk at the level of a beginner...
@Miszy I mean, I will plainly add plain text instructions - this is how you have to fill this and that field.
@AwalGarg This and validation is better user experience in general ;)
@SecondRikudo hehe, form fields won't be lost. Ajax submission, redirect on successful
@Miszy will you make a form for me at no cost if I promise I won't annoy you ever?
@AwalGarg Do you want to get banned?
@Miszy no, I want a form. A working one.
@AwalGarg No one is doing anything for you for free. But we can help.
I think, all modern browsers should come with jQuery by default. its no great deal actually. So every dev can specify in one line, 'you idiot browser, I am using jQuery, OK?' It will increase page load time and let me do more with less code.
@AwalGarg You said you don't use libraries a second ago.
Why don't you use pure DOM API?
@Miszy if browsers come with default support for them, they will become default libraries. I meant I don't like external libraries
@AwalGarg jQuery is and external library.
What's your point?
@Miszy hmm, I want to select a dom element. the damn ecma spec says - "You filthy dev, you have to first type a very very large statement to do it, type document.getElementById("A damn id!")"
@Miszy yes, but if browsers include them in their source code, users don't need to download them... kwim?
What are you even talking about? :D
@Miszy so, its messy crazy code. I am simple man, I like simple things
jQuery is not a part of any browser.
DOM API is not perfect but you said you don't want to use external libraries.
So don't use them.
@Miszy I know that, I am saying, libraries like jQuery which make work easier should come preinstalled with the js parser of browsers.
@AwalGarg Which libraries? All of them?
@Miszy I don't know, let the gurus sit and decide which ones are best and non conflicting...
Then use them :P
@AwalGarg They have already decided.
@Miszy the pure JS?
No, the DOM API.
isn't the pure js same as the dom api?
hell no. Also, why in the parser, of all places?
@AwalGarg Doesn't Google have answers to all your questions?
@Miszy yes, it says they are same... but you said that in a way in which I thought they are different... (Please tell me when I start getting annoying, I will stop)
@AwalGarg Where? Link.
Where does it say JavaScript and DOM API are the same?
Please quote.
It doesn't say that anywhere, but it suggests me that they are the same... what is the dom api anyway?
DOM = Document Object Model
pure js uses Document Object Model, like document .getElementById... and all other stuff
No, it doesn't.
You can use it in browsers because browsers expose DOM API
but in general there's no document object in JavaScript.
> The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) for HTML and XML documents. It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.
yes, it's an interface
nothing to do with js itself
@leodeoliveira Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh. I didn't know that. the jQuery JS 101 tut didn't tell this to me.
2 mins ago, by Awal Garg
> The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) for HTML and XML documents. It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.
that's exactly what you said
it's an interface
@FlorianMargaine I read that from a google search just now, I quoted it here.
@AwalGarg and it was a good quote, that you didn't read apparently
@FlorianMargaine no, I read it, but I read it just now. When Mizy told me to do that... btw, is there any thing positive after knowing this?
^wow, its so beautiful
@AwalGarg I strongly urge you to try to understand at least the most basic things without coming here for clarification.
it's good practice
@Mosho from mdn you mean?
from anywhere, preferably something that has a flow (like a tutorial)
MDN is mostly a reference
This is a simplified example for a form validation component.
It supports multiple validation rules per input, validation against other rules, custom validation including any JS code you want.
@jAndy Was bored.
Do you have a library that does all of the above?
@jAndy What if you need to validation if the user exists?
What about validating that the two password fields match and are strong enough?
thats server related tasks
@jAndy But I want it on the client side, for UX.
How do you handle it in that case?
how would the client know whether or not the user exists
@SecondRikudo I am gonna need one complete day to understand what you coded. AWESome job man. Thanks.
@jAndy XHR, obviously.
thats server related task, obv
@AwalGarg If you have specific questions, don't be afraid to ask
@SecondRikudo :)
@jAndy Indeed, but it still needs to be called from the client somehow
So I'm asking you again, how would you handle it?
@jAndy why does validating passwords in a signup form need to be server side?
I want to validate on blur, for example.
I don't want to wait for the user to submit his form to check.
It's a common problem!
How do you make sure the username that the user picked is not already taken?
@Mosho where did I say that
@SecondRikudo where is the submit button?
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
What about validating that the two password fields match and are strong enough?
3 mins ago, by jAndy
thats server related tasks
@AwalGarg It's not there. look in your console.
It's easy enough to bind the form's onsubmit to the validator though.
I'll leave that to you :)
@Mosho continue reading to get the context
ain't nobody got time fo' dat
@jAndy Don't get me wrong
Anything and everything should be double checked on the server too
of course there are types of validation that requires the server, I just said use the god damn HTML5 validation features
@SecondRikudo I did, its not continuously logging it. I input something wrong, it logs. I clear and input correct, It doesn't log anything. I clear again and input wrong, it doesn't do anything...
But what do you do with validation rules that rely on business logic? I want proper UX! I don't want the user to fill out my 20 field form just to get rejected on the very end!
I want errors to be notified NOW
@AwalGarg link?
@SecondRikudo except if the user has entered the same password and email twice or not... thats useless to check on server.
@SecondRikudo your jsfiddle ofcourse
7 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@AwalGarg http://jsfiddle.net/r6XAz/5/
@SecondRikudo you can call the server as the user fills the form
I think most signup forms do that nowadays
@Mosho Yes, of course. But that goes beyond the scope of just HTML5 validation. Which is exactly my point.
@AwalGarg My form doesn't submit.
It's prefilled with bad values to demonstrate. Look at your console.
@SecondRikudo ok, wait I will version up to show what I learned...
@jAndy I agree. For the sake of example, (and since jsfiddle doesn't really support ajax), I added a validation rule that could be done with required.
However, it's rare that HTML5 validation is enough for all of your needs.
Sometimes you just need more, which is exactly where JS shines.
@DevanLoper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SecondRikudo jsfiddle supports ajax :P
Bit more documented ^
@SecondRikudo you mean /6 ?
Yup. Corrected
ok, I will take a look
Any solution for this problem?
Q: Cache text responses in browser

Ionicã BizãuThe scenario is the following: The request comes on server side. The server gets the content of a file and modifies it, computing the information that comes from request. The server sends the response sending the computed information (string) using response.end(content). Is it possible to cac...

@ajfstuart Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi there,
is it even possible to scrape a website with javascript in a mobile HTML5 app? Or is it impossible due to the Same Origin Policy?
@DevanLoper yes, it is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok, thanks. Is it possible to do this natively without any ugly hacking or is there a fromework/plugin or something else that you'd recommend?
@DevanLoper what phone are you running it on?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Android
Look into phonegap's bindings for making http requests that are not subject to the same origin policy for example
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, I'll take a look.
> Well your application would be pretty useless if you couldn't get data from a remote server now wouldn't it? Luckily since your PhoneGap application is running off of the file:// protocol it isn't limited by the same origin policy. This means we can request data using XmlHttpRequest from any domain.
@DevanLoper ^
@FlorianMargaine That helps, thanks!
@jAndy amazing
@jAndy did you update the list of stuff you hate?
yes I decided to hate the list of stuff I hate
@confuse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
boys and girls, i just lost the game
can I add same zoom to a div
i think here it's using picture, but I want to use 9 boxes div
but it won't going to be a image
@CustomizedName Why would you subdivide it into 9 boxes?
@CustomizedName Military/Governmental project?
Also, don't think zoom works without an image
@SecondRikudo how did you find that out :/
@CustomizedName That risk management table is something I know all too well.
it's sort of that thing, but in each box, I am going to add items text like
@CustomizedName We hacked into your computer
You shouldn't look at porn when you're at work, you know
I am on Microsoft Azure cloud though
Basically, each box will have food names
The Government needs help figuring out which foods are more risky?
when user will click on food name, it will show a pop-up
@NickDugger They just want to zoom in on food names like really really really closely
@CustomizedName So this has nothing to do with zoom.it?
yes, because one block may have 100's of food items
so they need to zoom to read them all
@CustomizedName Sounds like a job for a filter. Not for a zoom.
@CustomizedName You generally don't zoom in to view text.. if the text is too small to begin with, you're doing it wrong
There are other ways to handle too many entries
they want zoom, I can do it using canvas or svg, but they want it to support IE-78 as well
Though, if this is Government/Military work, it also has to work on IE6
@CustomizedName Tell them they are idiots and that it isn't going to happen and that their users will hate them.
Implement a filter.,
@CustomizedName This ^
Implement a filter, find the supplier.
For example, see twitter typeahead
Not sure about browser support though
I might use something like d3, and then for IE8, I may create boxes with divs and use jQuery zoom plugin, I seen one somewhere
Tell me this, @CustomizedName, if they had proposed that you make office 2010 work on ms-dos, you would tell them to fuck off
This is not that different, except that perhaps it is slightly easier to implement, but not you nor your employer is going to like the result
as a programmer, I feel nothing is impossible
@CustomizedName Are you hired?
@CustomizedName Why did they hire you?
@CustomizedName True, but in this field, there are well-tred paths and then there are mountain chains
You don't tell someone you'll climb mount everest just because you can
@Neil and base jumpers!

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