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@mahemadhi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FutuToad it's just JS
Dies so chat have an api?
@alex89x well, it was interesting!
@Cereal I don't think so. But you might look at the sochatbot code to see how it works
@AlvaroSantisteban Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Cereal they have an http api, yes
@Squiggle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is it ok if I leave that in our source code?
// IE8 fix: clicking labels clicks on the matching radio input
// I would like to take this occasion to rant about IE8. IE8 and radio inputs
// are a pain in the ass. I wish IE8 hadn't existed for all it did, but sincerely,
// if it could just not support radio buttons at all, it'd probably be a whole lot better.
// IE8: I don't support the change event on radio buttons. I want propertychange.
// IE8: I don't check radio boxes when I click on the label.
// IE8: I don't give a freaking shit about radio buttons.
Does minification remove it ? If so I don't see any problem.
Anyway, you need to make it know in the source why you have this code... and this seems clear
Ooo Friday the 13th
@Nenoco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Just a cheap copy of a real rant
The real rant you don't dare to do : against the customer/boss who insists you support IE8
nah, the client is right: his stats show that most of his users are on IE8
@user3519216 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I hate naming functions..
@Cereal naming is a big part of the work and competence of a programer
@dystroy I know, and it's harder than actually programming
It is actual programming. In my opinion at least
I knew you were going to say that
I'm just bitching, I see what you mean
@ozzyrys Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@poke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Someone just asked me a question, and I didn;t have the answer. Besides the obviousness that this.href is prettier, is there any benefit to using something like this.href over this.getAttribute("href")? The former is shorter, but is there a difference in speed/efficiency?
Why does jsbin give a warning when I do:
var b = new String('this is a test');
I would assume this.href would be faster, since it's accessing a variable rather than running a function to find and return the attribute...
Because why are you doing that in the first place?
Because it's the wrong way to create a string
no particular reason...just trying some fancy js stuff...
@Cereal Makes sense, thanks.
@deostroll Yeah, new String is not a great way to do things.
@deostroll See JSLint Explanation
ah makes sense...thanks.
@Mosho ok, so maybe I need to change some setting in webstorm
I have another question...
var foo = function(){ console.log(typeof(this)); };
foo.call(1); //returns object
what do you call this phenomenon? 1 being converted to a Number instance...
@Tilka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
object promotion?!
You're writing weird javascript.
@TechnicalSmile Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@deostroll What do you thing this refers to in that function?
Anyone here familiar with obscure JavaScript 1.7 features?
Depends on the obscure feature, I suppose
Depends entirely on the obscure feature
Something for object literals; I can’t remember its name
{ a#1: 'foo', b: #1}
are we just starring random messages again
Nope never heard of it
something like that. Maybe with %. Maybe a: #1 'foo'. Or #1 a: 'foo'.
@false labels?
Q: jQuery event handler closure

PHearstWhen clicking a button for the first time, I'd like to have the event handler do a JSON request and return a function that handles any further clicks on the button. How can I achieve this without binding and unbinding event handlers on the button? I'd like to just do the request and then let the...

@FlorianMargaine Is that it? I can’t find them.
@RyanKinal it could be anything, here I put a javascript primitive, but js converts that into its corresponding object, thus, this is "that object"...for e.g. 1 becomes new Number('1')
@deostroll Why do you think this refers to the argument?
@FlorianMargaine No. That doesn’t apply to object literals, does it?
@deostroll No it doesn't, your conclusions are wrong
@deostroll when you're not in strict mode, yes
(function() { "use strict"; function x(){ console.log(this); }; x.call(1); })(); // 1
@RyanKinal Because that’s what call does?
(function() { "use strict"; function x(){ console.log(typeof this); }; x.call(1); })(); // number
Oh, heh... missed that part
@copy Beg pardon?
@canon so "use strict" will only hold good for that block?!
Relatively sure if you put 'use strict' in a block, it applies to everything in the block, and every called from the block?
I'm expecting someone to correct me though
!!spec call
@RyanKinal function.call not found in spec
@false What @canon wrote, I didn't know the non-"use strict" behaviour
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
So what do you "call" (terminology) what just happened? 1 being promoted as an object?
[if not in strict mode] if Type(thisArg) is not Object, set the ThisBinding to ToObject(thisArg).
1 being idioted into an object
it's in the spec
Hooray specs!
@canon ToObject-ed isn’t catchy, though
@false true
@mosho one or the other? I didn't say one or the other. But I need more grip on the pavement than in the dirt. I'm fine with falling by mistake in the dirt. Just not on the road and I like the twisties :P
that was to you being a pussy or still wanting to go
I don't know much about bike tires
you're handy
why not get SM wheels or 2 sets of tires
@false btw, thanks for the bounty on that canonical question.
@canon Ah, thanks for the amazing answer!
I suppose its called boxing...
Call it whatever you want within reason
@jjokin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So why does null get boxed to the global object?! (window or whatever as per the underlying engine)...?
(function(){ console.log(this === window); }).call(null); //true
@deostroll see the spec: [if not in strict mode and] thisArg is null or undefined, set the ThisBinding to the global object.
how long does it take to get good at js?
How long does it take to get good at anything?
Depends on your definition of good ..
They say it takes 10,000 hours to master something.
to earn £40k
@FutuToad Oh, you don't have to be good at JavaScript for that. You just have to produce.
Salary has little relation to programming skill.
and a single language has even less
@RyanKinal Sad and true.
Salary is more about getting shit done and making people happy than the quality of your code. You can write shit, but if it's shit that works, then you're golden.
You're better off learning how to program rather than learning how to javascript. A lot of languages use the same paradigm
That said, I am more than happy to help people learn, and I'd prefer people to write good code.
Not that anyone in any of my university lectures have grasped that concept yet
my university programming classes were all terrible
so what is salary dependant on?
a monkey could do that job
reading slides word for word
slides that came with the book
@ElyeM. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FutuToad Getting shit done. Making stuff happen.
"Moving the business forward"
Enthusiasm. Willingness to follow orders.
Willingness to question orders (sometimes)
Speaking of getting shit done... I have a bug report to follow up on.
People, do you have an opinion regarding the current blue background of Miaou ?
@dystroy I'd like it better if you changed the beige window chrome
@canon Considering they only taught intro to java as a mandatory class, and it was 90% lecture... I understand why no one knows how to program in my clases
@RyanKinal I don't understand
The buttons and the title bar of the "authentication" container
@RyanKinal That color reminds me of vomit.
@canon 1) which one, the blue ? 2) do you like vomit ?
@PrestonS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
vomit is generally a sign of having had a really good night
... and also a harbinger of a really bad morning
@dystroy the beige. No, I don't care for vomit. :P
@RyanKinal If I were to keep the blue, I'll change all that to be consistent
I'm just doing a flash survey and will revert the color
do you prefer contract of permanant work?
Yeah, the blue is decent. I mean, for blue, anyway. I have a known dislike of blue as a design choice.
the rates in london seem to be getting crazy
£500+ a day
for js work
some recruiters are saying
they allow remote work? sign me up
I'll do some contract work on the side :P
@ZenCodr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
havn't seen remote contract work ever
I hate contract work. make me full-time with salary, any day.
@NickDugger whats wrong with it?
@FutuToad Oh... when there's a "per day" salary, I assume it's contract.
@RyanKinal The same. I generally avoid blue. But every guy in marketing would tell you you must use blue... because most people like blue.
I've been contractor before (on a 1099) and it's just too stressfull to have to deal with all the tax BS
@dystroy Yep. Blue is the "safe" choice. It's the color that everybody uses, so it's easy to ignore.
@RyanKinal right
@NickDugger Yeah, I screwed myself one year, because I didn't do my taxes correctly.
:re-imagines StackOverflow in blue:
I owe the IRS $2,300 this year. Have to pay by June 28th. I'll have the money, so it's not that big of a deal, but it's still stressful.
@NickDugger Yep
@RyanKinal I had an accountant look back at a few filings... I ended up getting like $5k back.
in uk you can pay 20% tax by using dividends
I was actually in debt to the government for years because I didn't have the money to pay them. It was bad news.
Ditch the girlfriend, though, and suddenly "WEEEE DISPOSABLE INCOME"
when you switch to the nvm to manage your node versions, should you point your node interpreter to that one?
ie from /usr/bin/node to the ~/.nvm one
@NickMeldrum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FutuToad 20% sounds great
@RyanKinal Literally twice the disposable income
Shove my 28%
Course I get a decent amount of that back
@Reece Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Heh... coworker just said "Your database is on a different server". My mind immediately went to "The princess is in another castle".
god damn it, toad
Toad + IT + it looks like an interface
Types hungarian notation, still?
The "I" prefix is pretty standard for interfaces
Especially if you're thinking in C#
and vb
doesn't mean you're not using types hungarian
who knew apple was really just making abstract types this whole time?
@mikedidthis you're a designer right?
do you know how to make miaou pretty? :D
posted on June 13, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!

I have a pretty heavy design background.
@EmilJasiński Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If you make miaou pretty, we will pay you with our sincerest thanks
What's miaou?
You don't know what miaou is!?!?
Wait... do you pronounce it "meow"?
The best chat in the universe
Ha, like the logo
it's french for meow
And also, "chat" is French for "cat"
Which I think is very clever indeed
Indeed it is
Yeah, the look/feel definitely needs some TLC
!!urban tlc
@copy TLC Ten inch Long Cock
oh... sorry I don't have that :\
(where is the converter...)
!!convert ten inch
@dystroy Command deprecated. If you want it to stay, ping Zirak.
@dystroy is miaou on GH?
great heights ?
Oh GitHub ? Yes of course
what is a good js salary in the US?
@Mosho I've put the GitHub banner on most pages, especially the intro one
TLC = tender love & care... not penis.
yeah I was dumb to ask
!!youtube joy kills sorrow great heights
@dystroy I thought I would add tabs for different chats
@FlorianMargaine I think so, I have added it to the list.
@dystroy if its ok with you, when I get time, I am going to make a base theme for miaou, so others can build themes on top of it.
I'm pretty sure he'd be in love with it
@mikedidthis Based on my greater and greater experience of OS project leading I'll say that I can't answer prior to result but you're welcome to contribute :)
@Mosho There's an obvious need for a better way to watch multiple rooms. I'm working on it.
@dystroy I'm not sure I'd use that, actually
here is the top left of my screen:
Looks really simple to theme. I'll write up some CSS for it as well. See how it turns out.
I guessed so. But it's a little painful to find the room you want to go in without tab labels.
I use pinned tabs, so no tab label for me anyway
have you considered having it function as an IRC client?
@RyanKinal clicks do not register with it. They used to with jquery 1.6 then I moved to jquery 1.10.1 and no go. I did not write it myself. But I am debugging others code here
@ChrisDrost Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Johnston try document.documentElement
@Johnston Define "not work"
@Mosho Florian considered it
I'm relatively sure not every browser has a window
@Cereal they definitely do
@dystroy should be straightforward with node-irc
servers don't
Maybe it was an old post I read
but you can omit window.
Aw crap I didn't mean to do that...
@RyanKinal clicks do not register with it. They used to with jquery 1.6 then I moved to jquery 1.10.1 and no go. I did not write it myself. But I am debugging others code here
@Mosho You mean be just an irc client ? That would strip Miaou of almost all its features. Or do you mean being able to act as a bridge ?
@JanDvorak I did not write the code and $("body") does work so It's not a question of making it work but more why would it not work
@Johnston No errors?
> We are happy to help you with this issue. We checked the server performance logs and was able to confirm a spike in CPU usage just after 9:30am CDT. Our initial investigation did not produce any leads, so we have scheduled a task for this server to be watched closely tomorrow starting at 9:00am.
@dystroy no, either have it support IRC channels (without miaou's features) alongside normal rooms or some kind of integration with a normal miaou room
@RyanKinal no errors.
Of course not, it's jQuery... stupid question
Seriously? You found a "spike" so just type "top" and tell me what the fuck is causing it.
@Johnston document is not exactly the html element.
Could you do document.onclick = function()...
@Cereal only one listener possible that way, and you lose all the jQuery goodies
@JanDvorak but hierarchically it should be above it.
it's not an element, though.
This could pose some trouble with event propagation
this is ture
@JanDvorak $(window.document).on("click","a.someElement") will not work because document is not an element?
I guess
you can use $(document.body)
@JanDvorak Right that did work
So, I upgraded my internet service last week. And I've seen no difference.
@guillaume_shm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think I need to upgrade my router
or $(document.documentElement) if you want the html element
does anyone know of a library which uses bootstrap for realtime validation of forms?
$(window.document).click(/*...*/) works for me
as well as just document
@JanDvorak is there a difference between using the string "body" and using document.body as a global variable inside $()?
@Johnston the latter is much faster and cooler
@JanDvorak Cooler is important
@Mosho but does $(window.document).on("click","a.someElement".... work for you
also, the former could have some troubling effect when using XHTML that involves body tags from namespaces other than HTML. As in, it will select those
good morning gentlemen
Hi guys,
morning and hi
I am having a problem with performance web app, any of you can help me out :)
@TrungDQ I can read the code and tell you what is ugly about it ;-)
@JanDvorak Interesting.... Well I won't be doing that anytime soon
Well, it just simple at first,
@Johnston it's always sooner than you think
I am trying to show some animation when the images are being loading.
and its seem that the request is too much that make the animation become lag,
are you using synchronous AJAX by any chance?
Mornin bros
@Johnston it does
and I am running the app in a very limited hardware device, loading about 50 images.
I am not sure if there is anything I could do the make the animation smoother
@Shmiddty LOL
never seen that image.
@Mosho Very strange. It works for me sometimes and not others.
Browser can't do anything while your javascript is sitting on a synchronous AJAX request
@Johnston would have to see the page
I just watched that the other day... thats why I loled a bit more.
i am using async ajax request
sorry for mis-reading your words :D
@TrungDQ fiddle?
lolol i look forward to that gif every friday
you cannot see the lag in fiddle.
aw, I was hoping it would be that one terrible music video
@Loktar really? as old as the internet
@RUJordan I'd rather not
We need [tpircSavaJ] tag.
@Mosho psh whatever
@RalphWiggum Which one? I know of two
> I'm retarded?
the Rebecca Black one
@Mosho That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: hahastillhere
@JanDvorak lol Dave Chappelle is hilarious
oh man its been posted twice today now :P
@Mosho undo it before someone flags it
or undoes it for you
@JanDvorak I'm not sure how to handle that, see /help undo

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