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can anyone help me?
var delegate = {
  get foo() {
    return real.foo;
it was a function I found in ExtJS
sorry this should work : thebullittagency.com
Are we talking event delegation?
it it used to instance inside the correct scope
var fn = func1.createDelegate(scope, [arg1,arg2], true)
fn(a,b,c) === scope.func1(a,b,c,arg1,arg2);

var fn = func1.createDelegate(scope, [arg1,arg2])
fn(a,b,c) === scope.func1(arg1,arg2);

var fn = func1.createDelegate(scope, [arg1,arg2], 1)
fn(a,b,c) === scope.func1(a,arg1,arg2,b,c);
@frank thats an interesting piece of design
var fn = func1.bind(scope, arg1, arg2);
fn(a,b,c) = scope.func1(arg1, arg2, a, b, c);
Function.prototype.bind does the same
But its api is different
.bind returns new functions bound to scope and with potential parameters curried in
I'll have to take a look
@Raynos yeah , i saw it on awwwards.com this ones pretty cool as well has a similar nav for some bits : soulwire.co.uk/hello
Right now I am trying to use objects to create package-like structure to an object
"package-like structure to an object" ?
hold on writing a psuedo code for ya
var Base = {
util: {
UtilBase: {},
UtilA: Object.clone(Base.util.UtilBase).extend({}),
UtilB: Object.clone(Base.util.UtilBase).extend({}),
container: {
ContainerBase: {},
ContainerA: Object.clone(Base.util.ContainerBase).extend({}),
ContainerB: Object.clone(Base.util.ContainerBase).extend({}),

Sorry what
Thats clearly inheritance
Also please make your code fixed width
either with ctrl+k or the button
var Base = {
  util: {
    UtilBase: {},
    UtilA: Base.util.Utilbase.new(),
    UtilB: Base.util.Utilbase.new(),
  container: {
    ContainerBase: {},
    ContainerA: Base.container.ContainerBase.new(),
    ContainerB: Base.container.ContainerBase.new(),
The idea was to make a single object contain the entire hierarchy, similar to the package (folder) structure of java
this way we aren't breaking the flow. .new doesn't allow me to extend the object
@Raynos have you got any suggestions how i'd start to build a nav like that ?
hi all
any help here plz
Q: how to Reload tree panel in extjs4?

astrocybernauteI have a form and a panel tree , when I submit this form I want to refresh my tree with the new added data. so this is the submit button code on my form (u can see everything i tried,its a mess sorry) buttons: [{ text: 'Save', handler: function () { this.up('form').getForm().submit ...

there is no difference between
stringBuilder.Append(myString + "\n");
for a richTextBox control??
@frank as mentioned key event handler
Then just have a grid of articles
And you move the articles left and right or up and down based on css
also you use the active class to make those up & down movement appear/dissappear using css magic
@rlemon troll?
is that c# ?
@Utilitron No you'll have to implement a chainable .extend
By punching Object.prototype
And the idea of Java like packages makes me epic sad :(
We have require and modules
@Raynos thanks , starting to get an idea now how'd it work
I suggest you have a list of columns
so basically nested <ul>'s
@Raynos would you put the articles in ul?
Then move the main list left & right
and when your on a list member in the outer list then move the inner list (the nested ul) up or down
You can place an <article> in the inner list for each <li> if you want
I'd be a convenient container element
makes sence , thx
+1 for @Raynos suggesting <article>
changing my <div> to <article> has really screwed up my CSS styling . Any ideas why?
article may need to be shimmed. (try adding article { display: block; })
@RyanKinal Thx , works great now . How come that happens?
article is HTML5 - it's not fully supported yet, and thus has no default styles
hahaha. after conversion the 38 line VBA function is just under 300 lines in c# (as a stand alone app)
@frank sorry I forgot about IE
IE<9 doesnt support html5 so you have to shim it
@rlemon o/
got ya , didn't test it in chrome just lost the styles in DW
@frank ... Devil's Work? (a.k.a. DreamWeaver)?
@frank wait what, dreamweaver, if you use dreamweaver then I rage.
@Raynos commence raging
@RyanKinal and @Raynos Yup ;)
Pro tip: Even if you use Dreamweaver, don't tell anybody you use Dreamweaver
Oh wait. I did it wrong right
the whole IDE argument i think is just silly. Flaming Cowbell i can understand as there is a clear distinction as to why people dislike it, however IDE choice is objective. I can argue Eclipse is the worst IDE the same as someone can argue DW CS5 is the worst... it all comes down to what you know how to use best and what is easiest / fastest for you to dev in.
@rlemon But if i said you should c#/javas in emacs you would rage
@rlemon I tend to agree on "what works for you", but there's always an exception. You'd rage if I told you I use Word or Notepad for programming
@Raynos I use Vim/Emacs for c#/Java @_@
I wouldn't rage... I might sit here and suggest a few alternatives.
@Zirak ugh thats a pain
You need an ide for pain in the ass languages like c# & java
like c# in vim = remember the .NET API
I use DW for js/css/html/php everything else VS
@rlemon I hat you :(
Get a copy of PHPStorm or sublime text 2
Not at all, actually. jdk makes it easy to compile java, and for debugging I got used to good ol' System.out.print
I don't mind running a bulky IDE. my pc is more than capable
my mummy uses dreamweaver to make her website
Actually, I don't use Vim/emacs for c#, since I've yet to find an easy to use c# compiler.
dreamweaver gets a bad rep because it has that stupid front-page like WYSIWYG
@Zirak mono o/
Seriously though java wasnt designed for text editors
but it's code hinting and auto complete > eclipse or aptana
DreamWeaver is the new FrontPage
I'd find it a nightmare to navigate the java API thing without auto complete
@rlemon Autocompletes are for the weak. puts sunglasses on and rides into the sunset
@RyanKinal Back at Mohawk College of applied arts and technology, their instructor of PHP, "Ron" insists that designing your PHP in a way that people can easily use it is "How all the pros do it". Hope this ends up in google.
can you upload with phpide?
storm even
Once you understand how everything in the Java api is named, and used it for a really, really really really long time, you don't need the auto-complete. sigh
top 3 reasons i like DW.
Autocomplete, code hinting
Code Formatting / Code colouring
dynamically-related file discovery

Give me another IDE that does these three things as well or better than DW (and know what you're talking about, don't compare to DW 5 years ago) and i'll gladly drop it.
Also, all your variables need to go into a global array called $tpl["var-name-goes-here"]. That's called "MVC." ................................ :(.
@frank upload? You mean build in FTP ?
@rlemon Syntax highlighting is an issue? Since when is that a problem? Also, what the hell is "dynamically-related file discovery"?
Also, aseert statments make it MVC, so be sure to do <?=$tpl[var] ?> as much as you can, use of <?php echo functionCall(); ?> is not MVC.
man I can't figure out this note I left myself: "Org Audiences => why fail"
@rlemon "dynamically-related file discovery?"
@Zirak not an issue i just like it
@Raynos yeah , just look it has
@frank ftp build into your ide is evil if you ask me
DW will provide a tab for all files linked to the current document.
@rlemon What IDE/editor doesn't have syntax highlighting?
anything included in php, all external css and js
@JimSchubert It clearly means that org audiences implies questioning failure
"linked" ?
i know i should get wamp running but i'm using a remote at the mo
there are a few that have syntax highlighting but not as customizable or complete
I see
I guess thats neat
I use dreamweaver.... but its the only IDE I have other than VS at work :???
@Raynos I must have fixed it.
@frank Even with my sparse IDE experience I know that nearly every IDE has that option or has a plugin for it. Even Vim and emacs have a plugin for that
I use VS @work generally but for a simple html file it feels very heavy loading up VS
meh, I like DW. the #1 downside I have found so far is it's a pain to get git working with DW.
@rlemon seriously though try PHPStorm
I use sublime, it's pretty sweet
@rlemon lolwut? A few that have syntax highlighting? At what year are we? Also, ever heard of themes? Everything is customizable today.
i'll look at it.
yeah I have webstorm
@Loktar y u dw ;_;
I have no choice at work, on our private network
i meant that don't
sucks :?
use notepad++ or something
I cant :(
cant install software
I'm liking the look of php storm
otherwise I would use notepad++ most likely
Even girly TextMate has fully customizable syntax-highlighting.
Alternatively you can try sublime text 2 it's like an orgy but a text editor.
In fact, I didn't see an IDE or text-editor that doesn't have a sort of theme system in it.
Unless, you know, it was made in the 90's
notepad :P what I would be forced to use if dreamweaBer wasnt installed.
I'm talking about text-editors not dried up turds
it's possible the ones i was seeing had it, just not visible. a few weeks ago I was on a IDE/editor kick and downloaded like 10 of them to demo.
haha yeah, it seems silly to me to use Dreamweaver when theres so many awesome ones out there.. that are wait for it.... FREE :P
couldn't find anything i liked better. however notepad++ has officially replaced notepad on all of my pc's
yeah notepad++ is a staple for me
DW was already paid for. My company purchased some designer package or something from Adobe for the marketing team.
ah yeah @rlemon thats how we have it
prior devs to me ordered it
I have used Notepad++ for years and tried to switch to Dreamweaver recently because it's the industry standard and seemed like a good idea. I hate it.
we have like vs 3 or 4 or something old..
Also, Adobe is the devil
i have a ripped version at home.
I dont think DW is industry standard
I would NEVER say I used it at an interview thats for sure :P
@NickBrunt Industry standard? Le fu?
Well most jobs asking for web developers ask for experience with DW if they ask for any at all.
eh, I would not apply for those then, the good ones dont care what you use
I got the boss man to just buy me VS2010 Ultimate
nice, yeah we have vs2008 here currently
...Then they don't know what they're doing. Programming isn't about the software you use, it's about the software you produce.
2010 >>>>>> 2008
I *had* 2008 at home.
<--- VS2005 :-(
It's basically just a slower version of Notepad++.
mainly its the stigma related to it that makes web devs cringe, I know thats why I do
@Zirak Yes of course, but if they all use DW at that particular company, it's a bonus if you have experience with it. That way you can jump straight in without having to learn the ins and outs.
I mean you could really make some cool stuff with VB6... but who would admit to that :P
@rlemon why ultimate instead of pro
thats what i'm saying. DW got a real bad rep because people have written some garbage with it. That is not to say that it is not a good IDE
thats like a 7$K difference for "the lulz"
lol , how much can ie f up your lovely designs
@NickBrunt I worked somewhere where they used NetBeans, and I use Vim. They didn't give a damn
like some mong just had a mess around with my code
@frank ie8.css, ie7.css, ie6.css
use them.
Only thing I have seen at dev jobs that you kind of get tied to are their version control systems
but thats understandable
@Raynos t
@Loktar I admit that I haven't given DW a chance since about 2000, but yeah, there is a lot of rage pent up from that era.
@Zirak pair programming : "Yeah let me open the code in vim. have fun <programmer X>"
Sorry, they dont really exists.
I meant write special style sheets for them
@Zirak Every company is different. Anyway, the point is I can't see much point in DW over Notepad++. I wouldn't use anything apart from the text editor, and Notepad++ is streets ahead in that department.
yeah @RyanKinal Im not defending it at all, I feel the same way about Front page lol.
@Raynos If he isn't using Vimacs, he isn't worthy of me!
bah I need to try gvim again
I keep giving up on it and loading notepad++
<!--[if IE 8]>
  <link type="stylesheet" src="../ie8.css"></link>
it's pan cake strawberry marmalade time!
@IvoWetzel Hooray!
Hehe, IE-conditionals...Microsoft's admittance that they fucked up so badly
@Loktar dont use gvim
Install GIT-GUI
then use the vim build into GIT-Bash
@Raynos you know, I never asked why he bought that one. I said I wanted VS2010... and all I was asked is "do you need MSDN?" of course I said no, but he decided to get it anyways.
@Raynos I can't stand vim in the dos terminal.
I use gvim.
Have you tried VS2011?
not yet.
VS2011 is good for javascript
or so I heard.
@Raynos ? You can use gvim exactly like vim.
WebStorm 3.0 level of good
thats in the win8 dev build right?
The command line window is annoying as Fsck.
@Incognito but you can also use the mouse in gvim
You can use the mouse in normal vim.
lol VS2010 is shit for javascript
@Loktar yeah
@Incognito no u
@Incognito cygwin.com is GOD
why does vim allow you to use the mouse
Before cygwin I was all like :| and after cygwin I was all like :D
@Raynos Because vim doesn't tell you not to make an ass of yourself. It lets you do what you want.
@Zirak Innnnteresting, maybe I should load this up.
I'm annoyed to death by the windows cli.
@Zirak is cygwin porn in a box?
haha who uses the mouse in vim
Also, there's a trick for launching the cmd in full-screen
@Raynos It has libraries for porn!
@Zirak just hit alt+enter <trollface />
Try in the cmd echo C-a (C is the Ctrl button)
I promise it's not porn
@rlemon o/
For the public safety: DO NOT GOOGLE REDTUBE
@Zirak did you fall for it?
hahaha just found my new favourite meme
user image
@Raynos I'll never be able to erase what I've just seen
Found on bash.org:
v.v who starred my message? my mum actually DOES use dreamweaver :(
<Kolar> For the record, I want to get a copy of that one video of JFK getting shot, so I can dub in the Unreal Tournament 'HEADSHOT!' sound clip.
<Kolar> Lee_Harvey_Oswald is on a KILLING SPREE.
<Domarcet> So what does that make the film of Ruby shooting Oswald?
<Kolar> Lee_Harvey_Oswald's Killing Spree has been ended by Jack_Ruby.
<Kolar> Jack_Ruby was looking good until he died of cancer in prison!
<Kolar> And then the chat window could come up and say "JFKennedy: OMG camper fagz"
Makes me laugh every time
Q: I'm getting junk appended to the end of my cdn files (ajax and jquery)

JunkFilewhen I go here http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.0/1/MicrosoftAjax.js or http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js I get this junk appended to the end of the file ow); 0 hex would be 6f 77 29 3b 0d 0a 0d 0a 30 0d 0a 0d 0a I know the eol there but I don't know the other...

@david theres nothing wrong with your mom using DW
The tool is easy to use for the less technically able
She asked me to help her get hover menus working on it...
it doesn't seem to allow you to have multiple classes on an element...
Mouse mode in VIM starts Notepad. True story!
lol DW fail
> John Carmack quote.
@david, what version of DW is she using? is she using the Designer?
i have no idea what version, and yeah probably the designer
i kept going into source view because i can't handle it
designer == front page
I stay in code view.
@Raynos going back to that nav thing , how would i detect where to move the ul position to if all the articles are different sizes?
@NickBrunt LMAO
@rlemon what is "dynamically-related file discovery" ?
@tereško I already mentioned it.
where ?
uhh, its far back.
basically DW will parse your open document(s) and provide (per doc) a tab list of all external files and included/linked files
also if any external files contain globals they are added to hinting and auto complete.
it's VERY useful once you get used to the feature.
I'm wondering if I should be annoyed by this...
-0 == +0;
-0 === +0;
what's annoying about it?
0 === -0 === +0
that would be expected behaviour if you ask me
I suppose so.
the arithmetic operator in front of both is converting it to a number
How should I detect a negative zero?
define negative zero
there's no such thing?
-0 and +0 (mathematically) are mostly a hint at which direction a limit is coming from
@rlemon , doesn't including global files mean that you cannot deploy it (as is) to a real server ?
So, lim (1/x) x -> infinity would be +0
   For single-precision floating point numbers:

    Type                  S (1 bit)   E (8 bits)    F (23 bits)
    ----                  ---------   ----------    -----------
    signalling NaN        u           255 (max)     .0uuuuu---u
                                                    (with at least
                                                     one 1 bit)
    quiet NaN             u           255 (max)     .1uuuuu---u

    negative infinity     1           255 (max)     .000000---0
JS number type is float, no?
-0 is accounted for in the ecma spec too.
Ooh, you make a good point
@tereško, no it doesn't modify anything. just gives you a quick link to the file

so if all of my server pages require("db.php");
at the top of **somefile.php** I will have a tab list of **db.php** and when i click it that file is opened for editing.
grrrrr. i hate not being able to have formatting with line breaks.
@rlemon , if "something.php" is not in your "project directory" then you cannot deploy the project as is
because server wont have your local ( windows ) "global files"
thus , such linking is actually harmful
IF you setup a test server for the project then it will catch that. otherwise it will not.
and if you do not have a test server defined it will also hint that file discovery may not work
however for the scope of my development in DW this is not an issue as I am not using any local global files.
doesn't it make this feature kinda pointless in your list ?
why not just open files when you want?
I'll take a speedy text editor over a gargantuan IDE
not at all. If I have index.php open and I want to quickly edit the css file related to it I don't have to open the explorer and find the file. It's right there.
I don't even bother with a dialog to open files in vim lol
:(above | below) sp filepath
i still cannot understand which of 3 features you required for is unavailable in ANY other IDE ( except ability to access global files )
i'm not getting on this IDE topic again. For speedy edits I do use Notepad++, however if i'm already going to be starting up my IDE for the day why not use one i'm speedy in and is comfortable for me.
and @tereško they do have them, my point is IMO they have not implemented the features as well as DW
one of the reasons HTML 5 has gained so much steam is because adobe isn't very good with the web
see: coldfusion, flash instability, etc
thats a moot point, only valid if the DW user is using the Designer or DW generated code. If you are using it as an editor and not relying on the plug and play code DW provides you then there is no difference.
between what and what?
between using DW and any other editor to do web work. if I write var foo = "bar" in DW it will be the same as if I wrote it in any other program
besides taking ages to boot up
which brings me back to my first point. this is an objective argument. it's like arguing religion or favourite brand of Toilet paper.
and being a terribly bloated program
so is VS
doesn't stop millions from using it
and how slow is your hardware if DW is taking that long to load... few seconds for me... max
within 10 seconds of me typing in DW, I'm already sick of it
1. silly autocompletion prompts
2. automatically adds code for me when I don't want it
3. assumed I wanted to publish in XHTML
1. better auto complete than eclipse or aptana
2. NEVER adds code that you do not want if you disable the feature or set it up in the preferences to not add code you do not want
3. has a default doc type which again, can be specified.
I worked with a guy that commented things in a Drupal Project's css using DW. It ended up with all three styles of code comments, which causes really interesting display bugs
DW has a shit load of prefs, and when you take the half hour to setup the IDE right you won't have these issues.
@MattMcDonald lol
@rlemon , what is your definition of "better" ?
@tereško I find it more accurate, speedy, and helpful. so for me it is better.
we're comparing apples to oranges
the program I use is a text editor that allows me to type whatever I want without it screwing around with my code or caret position
@MattMcDonald Up high!
@rlemon , what you listed a "thing you have got accustomed to"
what i need from IDE is integration with the rest of development/production environment :
@tereško kicking a dead horse here man. IDE choice is per-developer, no one choice is wrong.
oh, man this is funny
typed this:
var i = 0;
then hit enter
DreamWeaver flashes an alert saying my code has an error
@rlemon Generally that is true. However, there's also the "use whatever language you want" argument throws a JavaUsed exception.
its this kind of babying that annoys me
integration with git/svn/cvs , sync'in with ftp/scp , ability to integrate phpmd , phpunit, jslint , xdebug

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