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At 13-14. Then the farm for the same. Walmart was my only job under $10/hour
@t1wc I do, but then again I do like the freedom of no nagging. I may have to pay rent, but I no longer have to listen to anybody but me :D
you're actually starting to make me feel bad..
I avoid shopping at Walmart. I will spend more other places just to know i'm not supporting those fucks.
So I can let my hair grow, get a tattoo.. anything I want!
And I've not had an employment lapse since I was 13... Never more than 2 weeks off and that was to chop trees in Canada.
Wait... are we moving to Australia with @monners?
!!youtube caddyshack were getting laid
I'm ready for a fucking vacation. I just worry I'll turn into a bum and never work again XD
Or wait... was that Mike?
@Jhawins minimum wage exists so everyone can potentially live respectfully. What I meant is that in the driest term, most minimum wage jobs are technically a net loss for the economy and are funded through taxes and other revenue streams.
I never fucking remember
here in italy there are hardly any jobs for adults...
!!afk stupid fucking meeting
yea man. I moved out of my parents when I was like 16. security was missed, but freedom overshadows all of that.
@Mosho .... What? Yeah, McDonalds is totally funded through taxes. Walmart, Burger King, the grain mill, the movie theater. Wtf are you talking about
jeez :P
when and if I get to england for studying I count on paying everything I'm going to do with what I'll raise
I'm pretty sure companies are the ones who pay wages
@RUJordan Oh yes...the first time you walk around naked for the day. Glorious.
Not the government
but I'm not really sure of what I could do for that
yeah, I was going to say that
not sure why I wrote taxes
lol that edit is so not the vaguest at all :)
@Mosho I would say live respectfully. Minimum wage can't support me, let alone a family. It's no supposed to
@t1wc a quick econ search says that there is ~13% unemployment total, and 40%+ of that is youth
"Other revenue streams" === people who want dem burgers || me
so the stats say otherwise.
@Zirak the breeze.. oh the breeze and the feels..
I'm going to be 15, and I'll have to pay school, the family hosting and cheese, loads of cheese
(<3 cheese)
@t1wc family hosting?
@Jhawins but the minimum wage is designed to live respectfully. the easiest way to see this is to compare to china/india
@rlemon well, I can't find any... not that I've searched much...
so those jobs aren't intrinsically worth that wage
but you can't have white people living 10 people in a room :P
2 mins ago, by t1wc
here in italy there are hardly any jobs for adults...
Increasing minimum wage also has the nice side effect of disproportionately increasing the unemployment rate
@Jhawins the family that will share their house with me
I'm just saying, this seems pretty baseless ^^^
@t1wc Where are you going to school?
I hate job reports anywhere. They're too broad and leave out crucial details and statistics
@rlemon the whole italy crisis is about that
@Jhawins it's wealth distribution, socialism
anyway, I'm off
@Mosho I don't know where you were raised, but you don't know what the world is here. This is extremely common in Warsaw Indiana
I'm not searching "media" I'm searching economy statistics.
@Jhawins not sure at which school exactly
and I'm saying they disagree for 2013 and 2014 results.
Like when they say the unemployment rate has gone down, they fail to state the unemployed who have simply stopped searching. Unemployment only targets actively searching adults
but probably somewhere near cambridge
@Jhawins on the same scale as china/india/bumfuk?
@rlemon well, then come and tell them
There's a completely different statistic for unemployed vs. not even in the job market
Just 40 minutes from me. I've seen houses (during roofing jobs and such) that have no floor showing, just sleeping bags side by side as close as possible. There is no room in the house for anything but sleeping with 12-14 people in it
also, that's what you get for naming your city warsaw
but do they even have jobs
and I might aswell choose a free school, even tho I feel like that's cheating
Course not, but people in your area clearly have a higher standard of living than in mine.
I mean. every google result says the exact opposite of what you are claiming
I just can't see it. (really, I can't see it)
Of course.... If I'm honest it's always the illegal mexicans. They ride 4 wide on moped to work. This isn't a stereotype I passed 4 mexicans on a moped the other day on the highway
@Jhawins my mom was sideswiped by an illegal immigrant on the highway. He tried to run, and the cops got him because she chased him xD
See it all the time. The cops feel sorry for them and just tell them to go home the first time or two. Then they end up on probo/work release until deportation. I'll miss you via, and divad, and lucas
in italy you can't legally work until you're 16
I meet these cool straight up guys at the lake sometimes, we talk bikes and such. Then hangout. A few weeks later they get deported lmfao only when I meet people from Warsaw
@t1wc same with 'murica. I wasn't allowed to work until 16
@RUJordan wasn't or isn't?
iirc 15 here
It's 14 in america isnt it
@t1wc Same here and only 18 hours a week with allotments for school time and sleeping enforced. But I worked for the city and got my cash from the county treasurer every Friday at 13-14 10 hour days :)
Or is it different between states
^ i'm pretty sure
in Canada it differs by province as well.
I was homeschooled... I had an interesting experience
15 +- a year
In Virginia, you can get a work permit at 15 1/2, and at 16 you can get any age-unrestricted job.
It's per-state here yes, and some school districts can set additional rules here because you're technically supposed to get a work permit from the school district you live in when you're <18
I think that here age unrestricted jobs are for 30 years or more
@t1wc so 40%+ of youth between 16 and 25 are jobless in Italy
I'll have to check tho
Although they like hearing you held an under-the-table job 6 years before that. Even better when you keep "business books"
@rlemon Sounds like a partay
!!s/a p.*/Portland Oregon/
@Jhawins ohh i'm just re-affirming that the issue isn't that adults can't get jobs in Italy, it is that the youth can't.
@Jhawins @rlemon Sounds like Portland Oregon (source)
the overall unemployment rate is only like 13-14% (closed the page now for the exact 2014 figure)
!!urban Portland, Oregon
@Jhawins Portland, Oregon Known as 'the city of roses', where tattoo ink never runs dry. It is said young people come here to retire. Friendly people, evironmentally concious, great public transportation. Hipsters mecca. Was cool before everone else thought it was cool.
I don't even know what kind of job I could do
!!urban Virginia
@RUJordan No definition found for Herndon, Virginia
@RUJordan Virginia is for lovers
Oh oh oh I know a good one!
!!urban fry jockey
@rlemon No definition found for fry jockey
one may think working in bars, which is very used in other countries
!!urban portland clap
but illegal in italy for minors
@Jhawins Portland Clap Native to the girls at the Acropolis, the Portland Clap is the classic move where a girl rubs her legs against your face while slapping her shoes together behind your head, thus creating the "clap".
!!urban Virginia 2
@RUJordan Virginia Someone who is extremely smart and mature for her age. Typically a blonde haired blue-eyed girl with high expectations. Mostly quiet and reserved, but is worth the extra effort to get to know. Finds almost everything funny and is always smiling. She's understanding and is constantly putting others first.
I've got the clap and I'm giving it to you
!!urban Kitchener
@rlemon No definition found for Kitchener-Waterloo
!!urban Sarasota
pizza guys aren't welcome
!!afk bike ride for lunch
@Meredith Sarasota The most boring place in the world for the young, fabulous, and broke. For anyone who doesn't live here, I'm sure that Sarasota seems like a beautiful and wonderful place to vacation. But living here sucks. Basically, this is where rich, snotty old farts come to die. And irritate the hell out of the locals.
@rlemon [Kitchener](http://kitchener.urbanup.com/1040368) A medium sized city with a population of 190,399 in the city itself, with a total of 444,094 in the metro/suburban areas.

The city contains one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Highly educated people, high-tech jobs.

The city suffers a few problems, the degrading downtown for one. In the late 90's several buildings in and around downtown suffered arson problems. Store own(snip)
dog sitting and baby sitting aren't used in italy
@rlemon isn't Waterloo that place where that man from tosh.0 when nuts on?
> The city contains one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Highly educated people, high-tech jobs.
^ all true
@Jenn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan maybe?
make sure it was Waterloo Ontario
there is Waterloo's other places
You tell me
He seems pretty 'Nadian.
that is Toronto
no Hard Rock in Waterloo
ohh yea I see now
he's just talking about the fact that in Waterloo we don't smile at weirdos
Why didn't you smile at him brah?
because he was wearing sunglasses taking pictures of girls and dressed like a Vampire
would you?
daniel tosh went to ucf
have you ever talked to someone who goes to ucf
thats all they talk about
@RUJordan in reality, we are home to a couple universities and a few colleges all with multiple campuses. we have a lot of kids that were not born here living here.
they are all G-Unit thugged out or Asian.
@hBrent Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
watch the first 12 seconds. Like.. wtf happened?!
!!afk shmoke
woho! my worst score on 2048! can you get worse?
Oh goodie!
Wheatly just screwed up
this should be fun
@SomeKittens keep us informed
General idea: Search isn't working on new instance.
2:1 He never ran the script to initiate ElasticSearch
2:1 He ran the wrong script, or in the wrong order (there's two)
3:1 He's using an old version of the code
1:3 Something is genuinely wrong
He's panicking and I'm generally ignoring him.
Lifeguard isn't on duty today
My new machine setup probably
2 24" - UltraSharp Dell IPS
1 - Touchscreen 24" :D // acting as a keyboard and mouse
i think the 24" touchscreen can be used better then a screen
i mean it supports friken 10 fingers
@SomeKittens anyway, why didn't he test first?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I mean, before deploying a new instance
@FlorianMargaine This guy doesn't know what the word 'test' means.
He pushed syntactically incorrect code to the live site.
and he wasn't found out?
@SomeKittensUx2666 tell him your foot is about to test the elasticity of his ass.
@FlorianMargaine We found out the minute the live site went down. Remember when he deleted .git when GitHub was down (including the pre-commit hook that ran some sanity checks).
and nothing happened to him?
I don't have words to describe it.
@t1wc I did 16, we had a contest here once
@BenjaminGruenbaum dang... I missed it
how did you manage to do it?
you mean, 16 as actual score or as biggest tile?
it gets better! He has to demo it in 30 minutes.
@t1wc biggest tile
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohh
do you remember your actual score?
no, you can search the transcript
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wow, that was so obvious I completely missed it.
Juuuust got it.
lol really?
The .content, right?
Totally red herring'd myself.
lol, funny thing is, a good static analysis tool would have caught it :D
oh, missed that too
I noticed the document.createElement(div)
posted on June 05, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

The Daily Nerd (blog, news, etc.) is an continuous running experiment that has become an extension of my daily activities, and as a such it suffers/benefits from it. Lately I've been very focused in activities, such as studying, that allowed me to gain insight in some tech topics but require extra time effort. This made me work a bit harder on time efficiency. I've learned that is easier for

@FlorianMargaine wow, I totally missed that
That's just as bad
If I had to guess, that'd create an <undefined> but I'm unsure
well it's like document.createElement()
lol, it does!
var div = document.createElement(div)
InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('function div(a){return $("<div/>").addClass(a)}') is not a valid name.
well, cv as typo :)
done since this morning
never had such an error
lol, try on a blank page
lol nice
that's a jQuery hack for old IE, SO uses it
That's awesome. W3 need to hurry up and define <undefined>
(function() { var div = document.createElement(div); console.log(div) }())
The funny thing is that it's declared, so it's undefined and not a referenceerror :D
yep ^^
even strict mode wouldn't catch it
webstorm does
Oooh, Wheatly's mad.
In other news, why don't I get a nice top/bottom (fake) border here: jsbin.com/cizujefu/1/edit ?
because you didn't specify one?
I'm trying to do a percentage border (not obvious from that JSBin)
So a little fakery is required.
Margins act a bit weird, causing your top/bottom to "cut" through the parent div, visually applying the margin to the parent. Try putting a padding on the parent instead.
Wheatly update: He did run the script, so something's broken. He was ssh'd into the wrong server, where it does work.
@NickDugger That did the trick. Thanks!
TIL moar CSS
Yeah, margins definitely cause headaches sometimes.
I think I like Sublime better atm but Jetbrains IDEs are pretty badass.
Sublime is great until you hit like 600 LoC
Lines? I've had it open with a lot more than that. 2 or 3?
I've had huge slowdowns on webstorm
Oh, it can handle it just fine
It just becomes useless
Ah, okay. You mean complexity.
Q: Promise and deferred objects

bigwigalI'm newish to jQuery/JavaScript and really new to promise and deferred objects so I'm probably not understanding something here. I have the following which I took from a really good answer on here, stitching two suggested methods together but I can't see how to get the code working correctly. va...

No jump to definition etc.
Yeah, I'd probably reach for webstorm for a particularly large code base.
I finally dropped Scite. Lol. That was probably about 4 years overdue.
@nvioli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've never even heard of Scite. Looks dreadful, lol
> If you could see the look on my face, it would be one of absolute terror - Wheatly
Scite's not bad for free. More stable than Notepad++ and highly extensible. If I were transformed back into a broke entry-level dev, I'd feel no shame using it.
!!afk beer, then beach, then beer, might be back during
I like Brackets.io for all my front-end web stuff.
Has anyone here used Poet to build a blog? (Node.js module)
@bendtherules :O 70 stars too
maybe I'll ask them to add credits
clearly people googled for me and found it
Alright, now that he's given me the IP and added my public key, I can see the server
Code is (surprisingly) up to date
@SomeKittensUx2666 you *{box-sizing: border-box;} yea?
(albeit with modified, uncommitted files)
@rlemon huh?
in your css
!!mdn boxSizing
default box model is horrible.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Wheatly status update brah! Is he canned?!
Or in the can?
He's about to enter the presentation with a product that doesn't work.
@kpsfoo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that sentence right there is the jist of my college career lol
@t1wc BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer, then beach, then beer, might be back during
@rlemon Personally, I only use box-sizing when I need to. * selector is kinda slow
@t1wc not bad
Although I do use * { margin:0;padding:0; }
I guess box-sizing would be suitable there
@t1wc What is that game called!?
@Martin saying a selector is slow is like saying a Lambo is slow because it doesn't go 400+
@Martin 0.0
Oh lol
@rlemon I guess
other than animations, I haven't seen a case ever where CSS "took too long"
You know, I will admit, ColdFusion is actually pretty decent at generating table data
because that is also how you code it?
The syntax itself is very html-styled, so at least it's good with working with HTML.
I've seen mobile devices struggle with some CSS3 features @rlemon
@t1wc thanks
@Martin features. not selectors.
@t1wc This is like that fuckin doge game @RUJordan posted isn't it
@Martin it is a rip/make of "Threes" and since has had a crapload of clones
it is the new flappy bird
"that fucking doge game" ... YOU SHALL REPENT IN THE NAME OF DOGE YOU HETHEN
!!google threes game
@Martin nope. that awesome doge game my uncle posted about was like this
@NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Oh shit
Damn, I forget how that works
Never heard of threes
@rlemon @NickDugger That didn't make much sense. Use the !!s/help command to learn more. (source)
@SomeKittens did he get in?
fuck, wrong message
@NickDugger !!/SATAN/SATAN/ (source)
Well, shit
I want to grab popcorn
it stops on the first match
That's what happens when you try to Regex the Doge.
@rlemon "that fucking doge game" ... YOU SHALL REPENT IN THE NAME OF SATAN YOU HETHEN (source)
Thank you... lol
!!s/lol/laughing out loud!/
@RalphWiggum Thank you... laughing out loud! (source)
@Tom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BrianAnderson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Sam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Why lowercase constructors in NodeJs modules

Anders ÖstmanIn Node's documentaion about modules: http://nodejs.org/api/modules.html I find the following code: // Content of the app var square = require('./square.js'); var mySquare = square(2); console.log('The area of my square is ' + mySquare.area()); // Content of the module file module.exports = fun...

@rlemon have you ever heard of The Used?
I'm sure you have
@phenomnomnominal you too brah
nose spoons? really. life?
Can someone explain to me the meaning of $1 and $2 when used in string.replace()?
!!google "The Used"
Pretty good gothic sounding chorus
Nooo not the used
wohoo! ever wanted google glass? now it's super cheap kickstarter.com/projects/shedsimove/…
No, I can't say that I;ve ever actually wanted google glass.

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