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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Post the whole snippet
Ah okay, so you just need the videomenue.html(data) to be in a callback of the animation
yes, animate the menue so its not visible, THEN change the content, and THEN animate it back to visible
videomenue.animate({"top": "0px","left": "0px"}, {queue: true,duration: 1}, function(){
menueclosed = false;
So whatever is in that anonymous function will happen after the animation is complete
hmm thanks
but strangely it wont fire now at all
the menue stays hidden
Awesome. I love it when a program generates HTML with no doctype and no character encodings. THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY.
See if this works
videomenue.animate({"top": "0px","left": "0px"}, function(){
hey now it works
I'll write it with the queue and duration, one sec
queue is not that important
just an option to regulate the animation duration would be good
@RyanKinal ??
@Cletus Just complaining. Pay no mind. I have some piece of crap third party software to deal with, and it generates utter crap.
hehe ok
Ah well.. I did it anyway so
videomenue.animate({"top": "0px","left": "0px"}, {
queue: true,
duration: 1,
complete: function(){
menueclosed = false;
You're a badass btw
Cool reel
hehe thanks
Did you learn off video copilot tuts?
yeah a bit
but not all of it
damn need to go eat, girlfriend made dinner
will be back in 30min
Right on, ya I just noticed a few bits that reminded me
ciao gl
hi all...
@Neal Oh. Hey. I didn't see you there.
ive got an analytical question....JS calendars have date formats month-day-year
what kind of algorithm would you use to turn that date into an integer comparison and have it work the same way?
i was thinking if you have 05-06-2011
and you have 04-06-2011
you know that 05-06-2011 is the future date
so you could do (04-06-2011<05-06-2011) and that statement will always remain true untill a certain time 04-06-2011(thats JS or php looking up server's time)
but the problem here is if you were to choose a time in the next few years the algorithm messes up because 2011 and 2012 arent a big difference in integers
so what would be an algorithm that works?
I THINK reversing the date order and changing it to year month date would work..
^ that's what I do
yeah, do 20110506
o.O I didnt even think anyone would understand what im saying :P
you could also do [2011, 5, 6]
and compare idices
@ThiloSavage if you have month-day-year what do you use to pull the value out from the "-" regex???
javascript ints support a large number, but in other languages, you have to be careful of overflows
id do it in php
would you use regex for it or something else?
var d = "5-6-2011".split('-');
Is that what you mean?
@JimSchubert i could also compare each individual string with 3 & statements
@ThiloSavage oh right I totally forgot about split method
@Nadal I didn't realize you meant you were working off the date object.
or string o-p
in Excel/VBA I can get "40829" == "13/10/2011 12:00:00 AM" using Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy h:mm" how would I get the same formatting in c#?
@rlemon Oh man, I don't miss those voodoo numbers.
Convert everything to epoch.
Then write a conversion function from epoch - > stupidity;
I have this guy from PHP, might be helpful...
function dateToDays($day,$month,$year) {
    $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month , $day, $year);
    $era  =  -2209161600;    // -2209161600 is unix time for Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT, day "0" in excel.

    $diff= abs($date - $era)/60/60/24;    //Determine number of days between
    return floor($diff);    //Floor will remove the decimal, which is a "time" part in excel.
timevalue = (timevalue / SecondsPerDay + DaysSinceBeginningOfTime - timezone / 24)
@JimSchubert good stuff!
Yeah, I ran this in LinqPAD and it is the same:
DateTime date = DateTime.Parse("10/13/2011 12:00:00 AM");
> 40829
yup DateTime.FromOADate((double)40829).toString() == "10/13/2011 12:00:00 AM"
Is there a way I can use the mailto: to have html/rtf?
i'm using the opposite, but still the same deal
@Incognito I'm pretty sure you can't. You're limited by the number of characters in mailto
@Incognito You can try double-encoding the string. RFC 2368
Yeah I'm looking at that same doc...
also, you're limited by the max length of a url: stackoverflow.com/questions/417142/…
Hey there
Q: javascript object node list

Mor SelaWhere can i get the node list of the Javascript build in objects? what i mean is : document is object of window , wither the function alert is function of the object window , here is a code to example : var w = "window" , gg = "gg" , pr = "prototype" , ts = "toString" , pi = "parseInt" , al = "...

Q: Strange JS issue

DEVastatorI'm having strange JS issue. I've built content management system. In old version all worked well. Changed design a bit, implemented jquery ui theme, and upgraded jquery to the latest version. now the change event for #menu select box doesn't work at all. Also there is no error on firebug. The ...

@JimSchubert Found something cool in the spec
  <a href="mailto:[email protected]&amp;[email protected]&amp;body=hello">
 mailto:[email protected]&amp;[email protected]&amp;body=hello</a> to
 send a greeting message to <i>Joe and Bob</i>.
Ahh mis-read that
yeah that's just setting a cc.
@DEVastator ID-galore
If anyone wants to help me chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/4336/strange-js-issue please visit chat room
I've done what you're trying to do before using ActiveX, but I'm 100% sure that all of those users are using IE.
@tereško what?
@tereško I raged on him in the comments.
@Incognito Your rage is pretty tame.
@JimSchubert I'm trying to be a more chill person.
closing vote win!
@Incognito I'm filled with rage on the East coast. Moving back to Seattle soon ;\
@JimSchubert Yeah rage'll do that. I used to rage a lot more than I do now.
same. I don't want a heart attack though.
I know what you mean, I used to get chest pains all the time.
I'm still a little lost as to how his code works
he assigns his function to String.prototype.gg, yet it is now accessible through window.gg
@david which code?
the crazy question tereško linked
@david "Window" is global
he's saying String.prototype.gg = window.String.toString();
yeah i get it now, because w is a string
it's not actually the window, i misread
actually, not even that.
Why does everyone think their JavaScript code has to be more clever than everyone else's?
they are "the big fish" in an extremely small puddle
yay~ i have decoded it
he is an idiot
oh hey my facebook pic got starred
your jsfiddle does nothing visual :(
@JimSchubert ... your point?
Check the console ;-)
@RyanKinal output divs ftw
@JimSchubert pff. whiner :-P
@Hubrid Welcome to JavaScript chat. Please feel free to have a look around, and let us know if you have any specific, well-thought-out questions.
Topic for discussion: Even if we, as developers, use Object.create or the objects as constructors pattern, we still have to deal with native objects that use new. Is there anything we can do about that, and does it matter?
@RyanKinal Is this a style concern, a performance concern, or an actual implmentation concern?
@JimSchubert Mostly a style concern, I guess. If I'm against the use of new (due to its inherent misdirection), and I code for that when building my own objects, then it seems hypocritical to use new with native objects.
Also, I find it odd that native objects use a pseudo-classical style of OO, and there seems to be no practical way to use them in a prototypal sense.
@RyanKinal I see what you're saying, but like anything else it's almost impossible to change the actual language.
for better or worse, JavaScript is JavaScript.
@JimSchubert It would be interesting to find a way around it. But Object.create(d) (where d is a new Date) results in an unusable object.
It seems the native date code does some type checking
Hello to anyone and everyone out there, I recently posted a question pretaining to JavaScript and have an answer but wanted to know if anyone else could shed some light on other possible solutions. stackoverflow.com/questions/7797238/…
@Austin if you're putting the button in a canvas then you would add the event listener to the canvas element
you would then need to check the x/y coords to see if they actually clicked on the button drawn on the canvas
which might get tricky if you've been doing scaling and stuff
I need help from JS professionals
please visit chatroom
can anyone help me?
never mind that (1) you're in a room full of JS'ers already, and (2) there's a site for questions...it's called stackoverflow.com
Q: Having Jquery ui autcomplete issue

DEVastatorGetting this error messages in FF [01:41:46.987] a("<ul></ul>").addClass("ui-autocomplete").appendTo(a(this.options.appendTo || "body", e)[0]).mousedown(function (g) {var i = c.menu.element[0];a(g.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length || setTimeout(function () {a(document).one("mou...

@david thanks again, I was just about to start coding it just as you suggested.
@cHao can you take a look at my question
@DEVastator your link is broken
@DEVastator you made a chatroom just for your question?
refresh please
it works
@Austin if you want to do a graphical button you could also try svg. with svg event handlers like that are easier because it has its own elements
@david I'll have to check into that, on a side note, would something like this be possible: self.addEventListener = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getEventListener();
@ThiloSavage please refresh the given link
@ThiloSavage can we continue discussion in chatroom? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/4339/jquery-ui-autocomplete-issue
Sure I'll check it out
still at it eh @DEVastator
@DEVastator RE
You get my question, right? Why isn't the dropdown showing?
I got you, because jquery-ui transforms it directly to input
if(page=="edit") {$('#parent_sbox').val(parent);}
Where is parent being defined?
it is only for page edit
look ow i'm removing $("#parent_sbox" ).combobox(); line
check out what happened
refresh the page
can you see dropdown?
These pretzels are making me thirsty
the problem with autocomplete
So something about turning that dropdown into a combobox is pissing the browser off
I'm wondering if some special characters are doing it
don't u see js error
@david @Dennis @rlemon , guys please take a look at my problem
your problem is that you need more jquery
or less jquery... either way it's a jquery problem
can you take a look at the page? if it's not difficult for you?
I placed the jquery before jquery-ui, and autocomplete config file, why it gives error this.... undefined
i'm at work so i can't sorry
ok then
@DEVastator Out of curiosity, what language is that?
@ThiloSavage so?
@Dennis Azerbaijani
@DEVastator I put it all on my localhost and it works fine
I think you should start simplifying
Until it works
@Dennis Open source code, that's universal lang))
@ThiloSavage ok:)
So.. something goin on in another part of the code, possibly it doesn't like that you're AJAXing in the options, not sure.. but.. that's as far as I can go. Good luck
@Dennis have you taken a look?
In progress
Hey @CoryLarson
@rlemon . i finaly got it ... osc2nuke.com/rot/index.html ...load the database and visit samp3 in footer ....make sure using chrome
works by default in android phones
I'm verry happy people
i worked on it since may
(as teresko say's: i suck in javascript) :)
Takes me to start page
you not use chrome
or you didnt loaded the db
Just messing with you. gj
thank you
you tested?
@wHiTeHaT well you do
then again , i am pretty sure that i too suck at javascript
i dont now, i am sure you do much much better.As you now exactly what you talking abouth.And i must reference everyting first
Actually.. I did find one mistake
You've Got Mail is not a comedy
ha you got me
teresko... i also got your provided code working with the db data
but i didnt now what to do with it
the console.log shows correct
why exactly you repeat the var statement so often in your code ?
i think i do that becouse i dont now other solution
and right next to your 10th var you start showing variables in global scope again
instead of
var a = 0;
var b = 'foobar';
you can write :
you mean i csn comma seperate
var a = 0, b = 'foobar' , c;
c = document.getElementById('something');
csn is can
var value=categories[key];
catId = value['categories_id'];
catName = value['categories_name'];
parentId = value['parent_id'];
data = [{ content: catName, id: catId,  parent: parentId }];
this all , except value ends up in global scope
ic ou refer to teresko.html
i not using that file
i just wanted to get it working
what you actualy mean is i should shorten the code
and use the engine
i planing to
i need to do it for the sql query's aswell
i can put them in a var aswel
Just for now i'm happy... even with my oldschool coding
or better say basic... couse oldschool might would even better as how i did
next to do is add to shoppingcart an finalize an order... and send it to some prnter
$.get('Tables.sql',function(sql){ <--- Tables.sql is a file in same folder ... i thought the $.get was also capable to fetch file from url...
or do i do a thinking mistake here?
i goto sleep
have to get up in 6 hours for work
Goodnight @all
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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