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Swift seems like yet another exciting new development that I have neither the time or experience to take advantage of.
@SpencerLeland Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(Above sentiment is compounded by the fact that I don't have a MB)
There are plenty of new languages
@BenjaminGruenbaum done :)
And I don't leave meta answers lol
Like.. never
Ever >=(
@copy swift actually looks pretty acceptable, then again I haven't actually coded in it yet so meh
Hey guys ! I'm thinking of modifier names for a JS framework. How would you call properties that are hidden in the prototype object, and those hidden in the instance object ? :)
Say what?
Acceptable doesn't justify the hype that is made around it. There are also plenty of acceptable languages, and most people haven't even tried Rust, Scala, Haskell, Lua, Go, Ruby, …
Ruby's the only one on that list I've tried, and it wasn't 'acceptable'
Like hidden : { a : true, b : true } could be properties not enumerable in a prototype.
What about a modifier name else than "hidden" for instance objects ?
!!google javascript modifier
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
>=( Fine i'll new tab it
@Tot I don't think a modifier is the right term here. All I'm seeing are RexExp results and definitions
Are you trying to describe a private property?
Yeah, something like that but I'm not sure if "private" could be the right term.
Well, I said a "modifier" as "public int a" in Java for example. :)
ok a variable inside a class is a property
JavaScript doesn't have those
I know. :P That's why I'm doing a framework.
So what is it that you're trying to accomplish?
Briefly, those "hidden" or "private" would set those properties as "enumerable : false" (Object.defineProperty(...)). Thus, they won't be accessible while cloning a prototype object or an instance object.
I'm still not getting it
function derp(herp) {
    this.x = herp;
    var foo = "bar";
var baz = new derp("xyz");
this keyword makes variables public in the prototype eye, and will travel across instances
However, anything var in an Object will NOT be passed through instances
Well, the methods in the prototype won't never access the "var"s.
It is not what I'm trying to do, and that's why I'm saying "hidden" and not "private".
But nothing is hidden in javascript
You want a variable that's more private than private?
And I want "hidden" properties unique for all instances (this), and not vars in a parent scope.
Nope, just not enumerable.
I don't think I'm knowledgable enough for this, but it's a good question I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ you probably know this
So you're looking for the name of a private property that isn't enumerable?
`var A = Create({ public:{ a:1, b:2 }, hidden:{ c:3 } })`
`var a = new A() ; a.c // 3`
`for (var p in a) console.log(p) ;` // a, b, (and not c).
A public property "as it is an instance property accessible by 'this', but not enumerated in for loops. :)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'prop', { enumerable:false }) ; avoids the "for in" loops to enumerate "prop".
Ok I see what you're saying
No, I don't think there's a word for that
Well, "hidden" would suit for the prototype.
But for the instance...
Just call it what it is
An unenumerable public property
var A = Create({ public:{ a:1, b:2 }, unenumerable:{ c:3 } })
Well, it's not sexy in my opinion. x)
I thought of "concealed" too, but don't know.
You aren't changing its visibility
So you don't want to imply that you are
Q: how do you specify a timeout for an Intern test that returns a promise

Bill KeeseIn Intern I can specify a timeout using this.async(), for example var d = this.async(1000); xhr(..., d.callback(...)); return d; However, how can I specify a timeout if my test returns a Promise? For example: return asyncFunc().then(function(res){ assert.strictEquals(res, 2); });

Yeah but it is still a property modifier, even if it doesn't set it as private. :)
I prefer using short words like "hidden" or "public" or else.
@SomeKittensUx2666 How was Ruby not acceptable?
@BadgerGirl Too much magic
also, calling a function without parens gives me the willies.
Well, I think "concealed" would work in fact. It's the reverse of "shared" like the prototype shares its props to the instances.
That sounds horrible.
Enumerability and visibility are completely separate ideas and you're trying to combine them into one
'overhyped' is a good description for Ruby. Specifically RoR.
God, why is everyone downvoting my answers?
What answers
No it's just modifiers ? Is "static" visibility like "public" or "private" ?
@Meredith 1 2 3 Not recent, but 4
The first one you threw code at the guy without explaining it
Although it was a pretty simple concept so I don't blame you
Ok, edited.
2 seems like it's more of a comment. Explain why you think he should use DOM, not just why he shouldn't use a canvas
You don't build your case by degrading the other case
Okay, I think "concealed" works well. Thank you for your help guys. :)
@Meredith Expanded.
Dammed unexplained downvotes. If people just tell me to improve, I do.
Yeah this is frustrating. x) I understand you, it happened to me too.
I would say that HTML is designed for formatting text (well, hypertext), whereas a canvases are designed for graphics
So HTML is correct on a semantic level
I think the closing of 2 is wrong. "There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format" Wut? "Canvas or DOM" The answer is "yes", three letters.
Oh… "good answer" :P
@Aamir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Aamir Hi.
I wanna be a web developer, what should I learn first, I know Java
@Aamir Why do you want to be a webdev?
@SomeKittens Because it's awesome?
Because currently I am learning Servelts and it feels nice when u write a piece of code and it gets displayed in the web browser.
@Aamir HTML, CSS, JS, Node. In that order.
thanks@bjb568, exactly how much time will it take to be a professional developer if I start from now learning.
Don't learn Node, it's not very powerful or general-purpose
@Aamir 4 years
@Aamir By professional you mean payed… hm… I think you don't need to know much beg somebody to pay you a cent in exchange for something.
If you aren't a designer, you should skip CSS and JavaScript and just do backend
@copy Not powerful? And works for all purposes I've seen.
@copy But who doesn't like design?
Most people here
Well, you're not very arsy-fartsy.
yeah right , I think it will take 6 months to get a job.
@bjb568 One day you'll grow up and realize that most people aren't like you.
@Aamir So you ask a question, and then immediately reject the answer? Why even ask it in the first place?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Come on, I'm not in preschool.
@bjb568 Haskell also works for all purposes that you've seen.
The fact that IO is asynchronous helps for some special-purpose applications, but makes other things harder
@copy Do you have a reason to not use Node for most things?
And JavaScript is less powerful than Python or Ruby
@copy Just because you don't like it or think it's hard doesn't mean we do.
@copy Yeah, and people complain about my micro-optimization.
Node is very powerful for the use cases it supports. Other times, not so much.
@bjb568 I don't know what that has to do with powerfulness
@copy I can't make optimizations, but people have to totally switch languages? Write in a language you like. If you want it faster, optimize it. I see no reason to not use node because it's supposedly slower.
@bjb568 I'm not talking about speed
@copy Isn't that what power is?
An engine that's more powerful can make a car go faster.
@SomeKittens I don't know where I rejected any answer.
@bjb568 No, I mean more language features, standard library, conciseness
@copy Features? Are you saying it doesn't have apache built in? Write it yourself - it's a low level language.
9 mins ago, by Aamir
yeah right , I think it will take 6 months to get a job.
"Node is a low-level language" - bjb568
You betray your own lack of experience.
Do I study books, or should I start learning web-dev. from websites like codeAcademy etc.
latter, it is free. study books as well but you can get a good handle for free
@SomeKittens Low-level as in "you write things yourself", not close to the hardware.
or resell wordpress themes installed for $1000 a pop
@bjb568 No: List comprehension, yield, tuples, decorators, …
ohh tuples. sexy tuples
@copy operator overloads would be tremendous
@copy Well, I don't need it.
^ worst argument ever
would you rather have a condom and not need it, or need one and not have it?
@copy To be fair, yield is coming in v0.12
@bjb568 Wow, I never thought I'd see someone use that argument in real life.
Protip: If you're defending JavaScript and the JavaScript room is disagreeing with you, you may need to check yo'self.
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's ridiculous. It's like saying that money has no value because I don't need more useless things.
JavaScript is fun and quirky and has its place. node is great because i don't have to learn a new language to work on the server. Python is still better.
@bjb568 but.. that doesn't even make sense
Python makes me barf. Just saying.
I don't need screwdrivers! I'll only ever work in nails!
@rlemon my only real feature request
@rlemon How? I'm saying I'm fine without a million dollars. Many people have declined million dollar prizes.
that doesn't devalue money though
it is a horrible counter-argument
How so?
think of a better analogy
@bjb568 didn't you just say your own argument is ridiculous?
Whatever! Anyway, I don't need more features, so I'm not switching languages. I'm sure there's somebody in 7 billion people who is the same way. So node isn't useless.
@user2174484 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon That would be nice.
@bjb568 node isn't useless.
2 mins ago, by rlemon
JavaScript is fun and quirky and has its place. node is great because i don't have to learn a new language to work on the server. Python is still better.
@bjb568 The original point was recommending a language to a beginner
but you can't argue a better language isn't better.
@copy Well, who else is going to learn it?
you can argue node isn't a complete POS
but not that it is the best.
because we all know it is a tie between PHP and CF for worst
It may be the best in some situations, i.e. when you want to have the same language client side & back end
@bjb568 Your argument seems to not be "Node.js has a place in the world" but "I'M NOT RONG"
@SomeKittensUx2666 Wut?
Isn't every argument "I'M NOT RONG" by definition?
node has its place. python (for a complete beginner) I personally would recommend. who doesn't want to know more languages?
However, you've already switched your brain into a logic-free zone, so I'm going to annoy you
@SomeKittensUx2666 thats all it takes?
@rlemon Yeah, Python's good for beginners. The lack of syntax helps eliminate newbie gotchas.
i'll ping you next time
Wait, do we now have native promises in everything except IE?
@rlemon what's all what takes?
@phenomnomnominal yep!
to get him to shut up (you annoying him)
heh heh heh
so I had a mole cut off today. freezing is wearing off faster than the booze is kicking in
ohhh flag me
it does nothing
Someone flagged that?!
1 min ago, by rlemon
to get him to shut up (you annoying him)
I wonder who it was
You guys really suggest someone who wants a professional web dev learn Python?
For backend
I honestly had no idea what the argument was about. I jumped in at the point and read "node is better than python" (paraphrased)
isn't ruby slightly more realistic?
@phenomnomnominal Nope.
in terms of 'I can get a job'
It's all anyone here seems to use
@phenomnomnominal Still eh.
hehe where I work we use "what rob says we should"
python isnt the most common by any means
it is a great working environment
If I'm preparing someone to get a job as a webdev, I want them to have a better understanding of what's going on beyond "RoR does magic"
c# would seem smart, but getting locked into MS eh idk.
@SomeKittensUx2666 out of the 12 or so years I've worked doing web dev I have yet to come across a job where they had any backend in Python.
I don't know, I think a bit of magic to get your foot in the door somewhere ksnt a bad thing
it just doesn't seem like a realistic language to teach someone if the sole purpose is to get them a job
@Loktar ugh. c# is great to know if you want a job for sure. but honestly... corporate environments .. I am so glad I am out of that
not to say that is all it would land.
but still. it is common.
@phenomnomnominal So you'd be ok with skipping JS fundamentals and just telling someone to use jQuery + plugins for everything?
Depends on the end goal.
If you want someone to run a marathon you don't start by studying the history of shoes.
They can do that later.
If they want to get a job cause they need one, then yep, that would be fine, as long as they eventually go back to fill the holes
Honestly? want the best chance at getting a job? pick 5 places you really want to work and figure out what stacks they use. <- learn those.
^ this
And in reality that is not going to Python
Or node
unless you pick some odd balls.
not knocking learning python or node by any means, just seemed like an odd suggestion
but generally it means ASP.NET or PHP
more growing is Node
was a bit surprised the room was behind iit.
but if you want to work on YouTube, learn python and apply at Google
if you want to do kick ass things on your own Python is also great.
And if you want to work at a company you don't want to work at, learn java
Disclaimer: I've been putting off learning Python for a while. I've started a few times and didn't have the time to put into it. I use Node. but I really wish I knew Python.
I know enough about it however to talk about it :P
I vote we just all suggest learning Swift from now on :D
I still think ColdFusion has a chance
markup on the client AND the server
win win
if it can get me to my end goal idc what it is
Ill even use basic to make something I want.
if i'm not showing anyone*
Heh, myth's bounty on my self-answered question brings in upvotes.
in fact I am using basic again
someone wrote a basic interpreter for the Atari 7800
I'm pressing JS at my work. only because it is the language I enjoy the most
now I dont need to learn atari's fucked up assembly
underlying shit is still done in c/c++
yeah thats my thing, I like working with JS
its hard for me to switch, everytime I do Im like ugh.. how do you do this in this language
JS is the only thing I'm good at.
JS is probably the language i'm most creative in?
other languages i'm looking up nothing but docs.
thats how it was when I made the switch from Basic that took a while to get away from
@rlemon same here
well, c# I guess isn't that way.
Yes yes, we all love JS, big surprise :P
but you can't really do much in c# without ass-shit-loads of supporting libraries.
node-webkit. that is a project i will hopefully start using soon
as of now everything is web based
Wow, such meta discussion
@rlemon you'd be surprised.
They recently dumped the entire System.Web namespace and are building a node like web technology called (interim) asp.net vNext
They dumped XML files like web.config in favor of .json, and they made the pipeline dead simple, everything is plain old C# objects, no magic, no inheritance chains.
It's really lightweight, it's open source, and they test run it against mono so it's completely cross platform
thats a good step.
The webconfigs are such a mess.
@BenjaminGruenbaum tbh I barely worked with ASP.NET
@rlemon node-webkit is fun, and easy
I write/wrote winforms
winforms is horrible
And deprecated
but I also am just getting out of XP support
/me works with farmers
@rlemon so you could say you're still seed-stage
Saying I only write C# in winforms and it's C# 2.0 , is like saying "I only write HTML/CSS/JS for IE5.5"
mostly on the riff that "MS doesn't make it very easy for me to fucking support you guys!"
"Well, I can't use any of them fancy object literals"
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes stop rubbing it in!
fwiw, any other technology would have led you in the same path
Had the system been developed in html/js, it would still likely not work today and be obsolete
they all have iphones and stuff. but the computer that sits in the shack where they do the control stuff is always a POS 12 year old Dell
or something similar.
> "still works" - every client
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but thankfully i'm moving away from that now.
the last few months have been replacing the god awful windows application with a more robust web based solution
freezing is totally gone now :(
@rlemon cool :D
some people don't agree with SCADA being on the public web
but I believe with proper precautions you can do it no sweat.
I just hit social media for the first time today. I FINALLY get the Swift jokes!
@rlemon I guess you weren't (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) very swift
idk how I feel about that mom
@rlemon lol
I lol'd before I saw the video
reddit only has a gif
imgur.com/a/Id06j gif makes it funny. video makes me think mom is a douche
yeah, mom is definitely a douche
@frifri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh cool, I just helped someone from Ethiopia ^_^
and I'm talking to a chap from Israel. What a world!

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