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@WillNewton Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 tell me when you're available
to test miaou
+1 Thorough and well laid answer. — İnek Şaban 6 mins ago
@rlemon do you have GNi33 on facebook?
he doesnt have FB
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't recognize you
It's a joke, BoltClock made me do it.
Also, Swift looks nice
@FlorianMargaine what Loke said
> +1 I don't understand this answer, but it sure looks good. — nobody tomorrow
I like how let makes a constant in swift
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm assuming you now know what Swift is?
I was afk lol
strongly typed, like python, cute
cool I can open with vlc
interpolation for strings
Huzzah! unlocked me a healer on Clash of Clans.
Fuck yeah. Gonna be so beast
Is this interpolation usable if you want to translate your applications?
nice, JS/Python like array and dict annotations
looks like go with generics
@SomeKittensUx2666 you use passport.js?
off the top of your head do you know where sessions are stored?
on the admin dashboard they want a list of online users
@rlemon Passport's not what you'd use to store sessions
Also, since when has Chrome stopped displaying the link url in the corner?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was the one who downvoted you because it didn't look good, but I upvoted it now because you updated your answer to be more detailed. — İnek Şaban 6 mins ago
so the tut that told me I needed this is a BS tut?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ugh. that is you :(
that fucking display change man!
I was like "ohh a new Benji"
you people need to stick to one gravatar man! gets confusing!
It's an old joke, from newgrounds.
Yeah the new picture threw me off lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum Rep can go down when you're capped
i have a default avatar because i dont have a personality
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah, by like 1, and then up again by like 10
...not in my experience.
@İnekŞaban you didn't even have an account at the point of the last edit. what the hell are you on about? — rlemon 5 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum seriously. his account is 18 days old.
he's just completely full of shit? or an old troll with a new shiny account?
Why is there even a rep cap
A: Javascript sleep() function executed early

SomeKittens Ux2666There are several problems with the code you've posted. First off, you should never use a while loop to halt code execution. Secondly, you're setting a timeout, which allows other code to be executed in the interim (yes, even if the timeout is zero seconds). Remove that and you should be able...

You missed today's shitstorm
he got banned for a year
^ Upvotes hit rep cap, downvotes reduced it, didn't get further rep from more upvotes.
My guess is to prevent people from getting rep spammed by a bot or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum link?
@rlemon antisemistic things
But SO seems pretty good at removing those kinds of things
Oh cool, swift has closures :)
@Tim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Benjamin: every modern language does
php has closures
php is a modern language
for the modern day web developer
and socrates is a cat
@Meredith To prevent people with inordinate amounts of time from whoring the site 24/7
numbers.map({ number in 3 * number })
Hmm, not sure how I feel about that
Damn a years ban
@KendallFrey Ehh as far as I'm concerned if you're willing to put in the work, you should get rewarded for it
That's intense
@Meredith I agree.
@Meredith it prevents addiction, for one
in keyword to indicate parameters, but only for closure. how does that make any sense
One problem with rep is that it doesn't indicate how much you know. It indicates how much time you spend on the site.
(but i am kind of biased)
@Zirak swift does perl, you can do $0 and $1 instead of param names
what a tool
rep cap is one limit to that
@BenjaminGruenbaum how is that perl?
but naming parameters is good. it gives them sense.
> "I'm so 1337, I haz pc just for making SO accounts and it uses Tor! so 1337, such haxx0r, woof."
what about batch, regex, and similar ones like MSIL
@KendallFrey It's not supposed to indicate how much you know. It's supposed to indicate how much the site can trust you.
@KendallFrey In perl to get the arguments, you use the fact $_ contains the last evaluated expression, and then assign that to variables.
@rlemon dude I forgot to bro you :(
how can you forget about me?
regex (some flavors) support named back references
@Meredith But it doesn't get interpreted that way most of the time
You weren't here when I got on!
@KendallFrey you do my @foo = @_ for example to get the arguments
I cried, but you never came
!!youtube don't you forget about me
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is that supposed to be an arglist?
Doesn't the server tell the browser how long it can cache a file?
I mean, what the heck am I saying.
@KendallFrey kinda, yeah. Google "Perl Subroutines"
<-- half asleep
I'm not googling perl anything today
@SomeKittensUx2666 that singer looks like such a creep
nm, going to sleep. Peace.
idk. been in an anti-SO mood today
later brah
I've been in an anti-everything mood
@rlemon true dat
I think I'm allergic to sun
Oh cool, getters and setters
finally came online to get some help from another room and they got caught up on another silly issue which is a non issue so I just popped out of there
everyone has those days
@rlemon 2.9
I've only answered like 2 questions today
@KiranHegde Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i posted something in codereview
@SomeKittensUx2666 so i'm using expresses session store I suppose
that was my contribution to the world today
I thought it was "moved" to passport, but it looks like that just allows it to load into it
I had to actually read source code, yuck.
a mod just edited my question
He just changed how i linked something
That gets under my skin
oh cool, it has protocols
@ThiefMaster stackoverflow.com/questions/17268468/… can users just do that. make multiple accounts to (I think it is obvious) circumvent bans?
I mean, can they just admit too it and have nothing happen?
that doesn't seem right
and he has no "meta post" about the subject like he mentions
I presume that was on the deleted account
@rlemon I think he was only banned from the chat
yes, but he admitted in that comment that this is not his first account
Also, that user should probably be deleted
in fact he "switches regularly"
I'm disappointed about the last GoT episode
@t1wc haha yea
that was pretty crazy
I presume his other accounts are deleted /suspended for similar shit to what he pulled today.
@Loktar arya's laugh was the best part tho
only 2 more ep's this season..
@Loktar sadly...
@rlemon I've known no sites that allow ban circumvention
probably we'll never know what will happend to tyrion
have you read the book?
@RUJordan clearly it is a loaded question. I know SO doesn't allow it so i'm "asking" to put it under their nose
clearly I didn't realize that then :P
bad habit of mine. worked sales too many years.. the idea being that if you let the client 'come to the idea' or 'explain it to you' they feel more powerful and are in a better mood
so you always play up the dummy curve
@rlemon who doesn't just make a new account if they get banned from something?
@t1wc nope
@rlemon cookie store?
@Billy wouldn't know, haven't been banned from anything that I can remember
@rlemon fun fact, I've never been in sales before in my life
@Billy it's so hard to get banned from SO.
@Loktar awww
    secret: 'shhh it is a secret'
You have to be a major douche, seriously.
Why would you even be close to a question/answer ban on SO?
@rlemon Yep, that's cookies.
my guess is that tyrion excapes one more time to certain death, then he will die without knowing he was about to die
I have been suspended from chat a few times
that is it
I got banned once for posting a lmgtfy link
This is the sort of thing that gets you banned from SO
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's a guess
I've been suspended from chat one more than one occasion #noregrets
didn't read the book either
I take back my caps then
@SomeKittensUx2666 forreal??
@t1wc I read the books, I just hate spoilers :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum so, was I right? XD
@t1wc maybe
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P
then the hound will end up getting killed by the little fella
the prince of the vail
Q: List of banned URLs

SomeKittensA while back, I posted a link to Let Me Google That For You in chat. It was picked up by the SO bot and I got banned for 30min. Not fun. For future reference, is there a complete list of banned URLs available? Can this be added to the Chat FAQ?

Personally? I really like LGMTFY -- it may be over-used but sometimes it is exactly the write answer.
@rlemon Best suggestion I've got if you're using cookie sessions is to have a 'most recently active' users list that's updated whenever they login.
@SomeKittensUx2666 my ban was for lorem links
@rlemon I was there for that
@SomeKittensUx2666 there is no way for me to just see who is all online still?
@JeremyJStarcher bit.ly/1iMF72e
@rlemon Wait, you're using websockets?
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh, what did you google for them? lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 yes but why does that have anything to do with this? :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yea.. I caught that as soon as I typed it. Sorry.
@RUJordan They were insisting we do their work for them.
@rlemon You could add middleware that updates the "Recently used" table for every event/request
@BenjaminGruenbaum how long are they?
@SlobodanStojanovic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 so there is no app.sessionStore object or anything I can enumerate over?
I see it, i'm going to have to change some stuff
Q: How to access express.session.MemoryStore via socket.io objects?

newbieI am doing this in a login function app.post('/teacherlogin', function(request, response) { var username = request.body.username; var password = request.body.password; con.query('SELECT t_id from login_teacher where username="'+username+'" and password="'+password+'"',function(err,r...

once I have the session store object I can just store.all(function(err, sessions){})
Took me way too long to realize SQL SUM is an aggregate function and requires grouping...
@dmullings Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why does this give me an uncaught object error?
Great, now I'm even more jealous of you.
In before everybody posts their speedtest results
hahah no j/j its at work, never tested it before
I was surprised
the upload speed is so crazy compared to the DL
@Martin You've got broken syntax
like, here is some crazy fast dl, but we're really going to cut the upload speed.
also fallout 4 announced
for anyone who's into that
@Loktar For real this time
takes place in boston
Hah, just answered my first Swift question
bah nm
@SomeKittensUx2666 Damn. I was following this video at egghead.io
i reviewed someones code in codereview
i feel like a saint
@BenjaminGruenbaum link. I wanna see
Eh, I don't review anymore. I just cv as I see
I do wish close votes outside of the review panel counted though. I never understood why they didn't
i got like 100 rep on so for creating a codereview account
if i make more accounts will i get more rep or how does that work
A: #ifdef replacement in swift language

Benjamin GruenbaumThere is no direct counterpart. One of the common use cases for #ifdef DEBUG in my code is making assertions about it. For one common use case, you would use the new global assert function in Swift: From "The Swift Programming Language": let age = -3; assert(age >=0, "A person's age cannot be...

Other answer is better though, I upvoted it.
How long has swift been out for?
How did you learn that so fast? lol
@RUJordan Couple hours.
@RUJordan WWDC
BTW - actual guide without downloading anything
@RUJordan I read the book, at page 100 by now
WWDC = What Would Doge Chew?
!!teach myself swift or claim it is garbage
I didn't think so
@SomeKittensUx2666 teach myself swift
He should have commented
@Billy typically one should not append details to another's answer. I find it rude
@Meredith You got rep on SO for that?
I thought you get rep on the site you sign up for because of your rep on other sites
If somebody edits details I did not put in, it no longer feels like my answer and I feel as if I don't deserve all the rep
I accepted it because at the end of the day its useful to the asker but then I had second thoughts
That's sick
yeah i can downvote 100 more answers/questions without having to worry
Should a mod see this? That's just jibberish edits right?
Seems like it
possibly some sort of bot
"i have my own theme also sort D N myrank on (almost same)."
Wtf is that supposed to mean
edited from
@Billy sometimes they test you with stuff like that to check if you're paying attention
"i have my own theme based on twentyeleven (almost the same)."
@phenomnomnominal ahh - I did read that
do you guys get anxiety when you ask a question
but... it seems to be a genuine account
Q: Close Votes Outside the Queue

RUJordanI do apologize if this is a duplicate -- I looked on page 2 of google even! Why do Close Votes not count when they are outside of the review queue? I close vote quite a few questions per day as I see them (I no longer visit the review sector because it simply angers me, and when it doesn't, I ge...

thoughts, comments?
@Meredith Sometimes.. but then I don't ask it I just go home and pretend the problem isn't real
@RUJordan You have double-nested parentheses
@monners oh god, a syntax error in my grammar D: must fix!
@RUJordan Good show old man!
I do hate seeing grammar syntax errors
It really........ grinds my gears
It messes with my internal narration
man sometimes SO is such a work/life saver
they should add a tip jar
@Loktar We aim to please
I would give so many people $$
shakes pan
It's nice to know that this room supports a significant amount of India's GNP
@SomeKittensUx2666 +1,000,000!!!
Alas, I have no more stars to give
@SomeKittensUx2666 haha
@SomeKittensUx2666 inb4 flag xD
(If that's actually offensive, I'll delete it)
I just got a call from a California number, by a woman with a thick Indian accent, working for an American recruiter, representing a European company trying to fill a position in Melbourne, Australia
We truly do live in a global society
@SomeKittensUx2666 You shall NOT
Besides, then @AbhishekHingnikar and @SomeGuy won't get credit for all of the good they do for their fellow countymen
@monners read the history of @RUJordan's message
@AbhishekHingnikar and @SomeGuy are the Sheiks of their land. In programming terms.
Which means...
uhh... what does it mean guys? halp
@SomeKittensUx2666 Which message?
@dckuehn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners that's why I said OH GOD
@SomeKittensUx2666 You're on a role with the slightly offensive starred messages this morning
Missing the l key is my most common typo
and unfortunately flag is a common word here...
Oh oh, guyz, I madez an Atom Package!
False, you're reviewing a question. 100% related — RUJordan 1 min ago
I wonder who's going around telling people that they should learn php when they have no programming experience
@Meredith ask Zuck
@Meredith It's my guilty pleasure at night. I'm like a shitty language pusher.
Hmmm, if celebrities were languages, who'd be PHP (in terms of personality)?
Ok, I read this - "Get on with your life" is probably the easiest reply to make from your end and one of the least effective ones imo. Closing questions that fall under this category (long, specific clear and often "debug my code") is an effective way to minimize the time people waste on them that could otherwise be spent on much more needing questions. By not closing them I am legitimizing them which in turn causes more such questions to come which deteriorates the quality of questions on the site. This makes it harder for me to find questions to answer and get answers for my questions. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum god yes. Meta questions about your own SO questions is like free advertisement
@RUJordan don't say that here, say that in an answer or a comment :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum very good point
I love your reply to bluefeet, lol
@RUJordan you realize @bluefeet has no idea who SomeKittens is, right?

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