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Why are you passing second values to isNaN? and why is this tagged PHP? — rlemon 45 secs ago
> we can not boldly check your result!
" I suggest you go make a Cup<T>" Ahh... programmer jokes, lol
@NickDugger Too bad JS doesn't have generics...
yeah, generics are the one feature we miss
Javascript is missing a handful of cool things, but I still enjoy writing it the most.
@NickDugger what else have you written in, if I might ask?
@Zirak Wait ? You miss generics in JavaScript ?
C# and PHP (I hate PHP now that I've used C# though lol)
@NickDugger and why do you like JS better than C#?
Generics (templates) sort of fixed a lot of language limitations in C++
Probably because I learned it first, so it just feels more natural. Just a personal preference thing, I suppose.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh boy, here we go.
I don't know if it really adds anything so much as it lets you do what you should be able to do already with inheritance
@Retsam what? I'm just curious.
@Neil it adds a lot. They are the main, most important and most powerful and distinguishable part of the language.
@NickDugger I see.
@BartekBanachewicz Sorry, it just seems like any time someone mentions something good about Javascript in comparison to another language (in the javascript chat room, no less) you take issue with it.
@BartekBanachewicz classes are unique to C++ as well and it definitely lets you do a lot more with the language, but that doesn't necessarily mean classes are definitively better
We're finding that out only now
Likewise I think generics let you do a lot that you otherwise couldn't do, but I don't know if it is necessarily better
maybe it simply needs to be done in a different manner
@Retsam it wasn't an issue. I just asked, and accepted the answer. I don't see what bothers you so much.
I think I want to learn Ruby. Yea or Nay? I know virtually nothing about it.
Q: Error passing arguements between promises in AngularJS

gossetiI’m building a promise chain which contains four functions. The purpose of the promise is to make a few API calls. Each API call affects the following one, and some require multiple arguments. The basic flow of the code below is this: geocodeLocation is the first function, and takes the $scope...

@Neil And where did I say they are better? I said that they were important.
@BartekBanachewicz It doesn't "bother me that much"; I did the chat equivalent of rolling my eyes. That's not a sign of intense emotion, just idle amusement.
@NickDugger For what intended use? I don't think it's particularly good.
@BartekBanachewicz Then I suppose we're in agreement. I likewise didn't say they didn't allow you to do anything more with the language
@Neil well, you're wrong in the latter part.
For no particular use. I have no use for it, I jsut want to learn as many languages as I can lol
@NickDugger I like it. It's a fun language
@NickDugger fair enough.
@NickDugger Never hurts; if you want to get a good survey of languages, either Ruby or Python are worth knowing.
@BartekBanachewicz And where did I say that then?
Sounds good
@Neil ah wait you "didn't say they didn't allow". My bad, I misread. We're in agreement :)
@Neil Comparing generics to templates makes me want to start arguing
@BartekBanachewicz Ah ok. *Virtual handshake.*
(My impression being that Ruby and Python basically occupy the same "niche", but I know much more about Python and only the basics of Ruby, so I could be wrong there)
@KendallFrey Don't cringe. I know there's a difference :)
Whose BangoTango?
they are used in a quite similar environments alright
I should know afterall
Q: Increment and decrement operator in php

sainaWhat is the big use of increment and decrement operator in php? When it use that in programming? I m new to php, Can anyone explain me with one program? Thanks!

^ I'm slightly proud of that one.
Should actually be "$your_question_score--", because php. lol
@Retsam That was pure genius, man.
@Retsam you wont the interweb for 17 minutes.
@NickDugger Oh, right. It's been awhile since I actually programmed PHP
Only thing that could have made that question worse is if jQuery were mentioned somehow
hello all.
That could have been a good answer. "You shouldn't use it, better practice is to do that on the client side with JQuery"
looking for a recommend for javascript podcast, that isn't shit talk.
^ same here.
@ChrisMalloy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar fcuk. I'll let you know it I find anything.
cool, I want some for my 15 min work commute
JavaScript.ninja is available for about 999$
I'd buy it, I think it's worth more, but I honestly don't care that much for it:P
Probably worth several billion
There are not many domains left
@Jhawins D'aww, thanks
@SomeKittensUx2666 Jhawins is afk: doing shit sorry
javascript.ninja meh
not worth 999
surprisingly, json.ninja is only 20$ :P
I don't like it when well known companies/products make a lot of buzz for something and deliver without saying their product isn't ready. There was atom.io, and now socket.io 1.0. I'm angry, they made me lose time on their bag of bugs.
lol, html5 ninja is 999$ too
lol, someone already bought jQuery.ninja
How about ninja.ninja?
@copy That's just dumb. If you see one ninja, before you can see another you're already dead.
@dystroy The overly static and strong typing is just too much for me.
lol man that is a retarded price
the new tld's are mostly dumb
@copy mushroom.mushroom
its going to take forever for user adoption
also with the flood of new tld's the name matters even less
@Loktar Did you see .abc or .xyz? Something like that
content is even more important
@Zirak you can get zirak.ninja for only 14.99
@Zirak lol no but I saw two ridiculous ones
one sec
How much is zirak.sexy?
Or zirak.pirate ?
I want zirak.sexy.pirate
@zirak. a lot of whiskey
and .xn--6frz82g
@Neil Not so!
lol those are some fucked up tlds
butt.pirate could be a great porn site name lol
@TonyCronin Not as much as you'd think
they must have some meaning to them.. but damn
Superfood smoothie and goldfish crackers
@Loktar That's how international domains are encoded
@BenjaminGruenbaum I bet butt.pictures and boob.pictures are already taken
@SomeKittensUx2666 You dare question the order of the ninja!?
> In any martial arts fight, there is only a finite amount of ninjutsu available to each side in a given encounter. As a result, one Ninja is a deadly threat, but an army of them are cannon fodder.
That's fine, I'm no ninja.
@Neil You dare question TVTropes?
@copy they are two specific entries on namecheap to buy $13.88 and $33
under new tld's
secretsofthejavascript.ninja is cheap
just wait until .ninjas is a tld O.o
I got procedural.graphics yay lol
they need ot just open up tld's already instead of doing it how they are
Domain-name marketing is gonna thrive
If you can get your hands on two letter ones...
why isn't .lemon a tld yet?
I'm buying thejavascript.ninja
@SomeKittensUx2666 Corollary: uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Ninja/Laws
@Neil Is that some girl punching a zebra? Top right and top left
really this just kills the squatters
which is good
@Zirak That's an advertisement.. don't know what kind of ads you click on..
its just going to take a while for user awareness
gobshite.ninja, just ¢13.95
.com/.net/.org are pretty ingrained in users minds
@Loktar and people like my mother would type "javascript.ninja.com"
thats the only drawback of all the new names
@Loktar Squatters are evil
@Cereal @Loktar though you are not selling to your mothers generation
I squat so hard on a ton :P
@Cereal Your mother is cool if she's just gonna try and browse to "javascript.ninja.com"
@TonyCronin eh its not even just my moms generation
beyond the tech industry people dont understand tld's
and assume .com
@Zirak If the toolbars are any indication, she browses just about everything
@Zirak LOL
@Cereal LOL
thats why content is extremely important, you need to get ranked on google to get traffic.
@TonyCronin Maybe, but I know that when I first hear of a product or company and don't want to google, I try name.com first
^ exactly
I mean who would go to face.book
@cereal teach about incognito mode. it;'s your duty as a son.
@TonyCronin I'm still scarred from teaching her how to use her iphone
@Cereal LOL. tell more
Does that work for anyone?
That was like, 10$
yeah works
what about the.javascript.room
redirects here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I get sedo stuff
@Cereal lol exactly
@BenjaminGruenbaum no doesnt redirect
just wait until .script
@TonyCronin Your lol/sentence ratio is alarming
I want .you
so I can have fuckinghates.you
rather than fuckinghatesyou.com
@Loktar Thanks, but we barely know each other
Fucking hates me? That explains so much...
and now sound doesn't work. The wonderful adventures of Linux!
@zirak you have to enjoy yourself . it's your solemn duty.
canvas.institute and canvas.codes are both mine!
@SomeKittensUx2666 Did you install pulse? All of my audio problems were solved when I uninstalled it
@Cereal What distro?
@SomeKittensUx2666 arch
@Loktar @SimonSarris care to help me populate canvas.institute?
lol no helping simon populate learncanvas com :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 alsa usually works great
well, we can mirror them can't we? I think canvas.institute is a kick ass domain :P
But I also never installed pulseaudio
I bought it just so someone wouldn't put some stupid shit up there
Rebooting again
I tried for like 10 minutes to get a cool meme name
and pizza.pics was already taken :(
so was dick.pics
I like mine better @rlemon
Does dick.pics lead to chatroulette?
lol did you just buy that Loke?
@rlemon. you ignoring the the genius 'coolmemename.com'
you know how often people will confuse and type in the wrong one :P
lol yeah already had some other names added to my cart
they are good for writeoffs
up to 140 domain names now
Of all of the programming ones they could have picked
I hate the '.code' tld
they picked ".codes'
you should buy it and on one we'll do a real canvas help, the other will be porn. then to fuck with people we will switch the aname record to point them to the other one every couple months
seriously trolling right there
it will just rot in my account like 90% of my other names
!!afk shmoke
then lets do something FUN!
My target market is non-tech-savvy consumers, so I need a .com
oh well.
also canvas.institute I will open up to Simon if he wants to mirror it
@Cereal did not work
that muddys the brand a bit
Again, I only bought it because I think it sounds cool. I have no plans for it
will have to see how he feels about it obv
fucking $48/year
@Cereal wait, it did -sorry
wth where did you buy it?
I just paid $16
lol thats where I just gabbed mine...
I payed 18 for canvas.codes
ooh you mean total
wth then man thats insane
canvas.institute was a much higher price
with cupon code the entire purchase was only like $40
why the hell was it so much thats crazy
nvm I had that mistaken
I paid $16 for a .institute
@SomeKittensUx2666 For the first few years, yes. But once it gets into wider use, I'm glad we'll have .restaurant and the likes.
canvas.codes was the expensive one
@Zirak Yes, I can't wait
I can get institutionalized for much cheaper guys.
forgot I bought that

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