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@JimSchubert that works, thanks!
@Tom no problem!
Q: Writing a jQuery widget: Code layout

Lennart RegebroI'm doing my first major jQuery development. It's a Widget for recurring events, and is as such a fairly complex beast. The full code is available at https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js for those who want to check it out. I appreciate any kind of feedback, so anyone who wants ...

c# room is dead. How can I open a file in it's default application in c#?
explain what i'm doing. I have a linklabel and it's text is a file path, when I click on the linklabel I want the file to be opened in it's default application.
so if my linklabel is "C:/docs/somedoc.doc" assuming word is the default application i would like somedoc.doc opened in word. :P
@rlemon your process StartInfo has to call 'start'
instead of word.exe
You can't call Start directly, you have to pass it a ProcessStartInfo (I think) object, which has the exe to call and the args
Actually, Process.Start might work since you'd just have to call "start mydoc.doc"
well I just tested this and it works. :P thanks though Jim.
    string resource = linkLabel1.Text;
    if (File.Exists(resource))
Q: Writing a jQuery widget: Templating

Lennart RegebroI'm doing my first major jQuery development. It's a Widget for recurring events, and is as such a fairly complex beast. The full code is available at https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js for those who want to check it out. I appreciate any kind of feedback about any part of the...

Hello @all
some of you familiar with jqueryMobile?
I am, don't use it .
horrible shudders
me neither
spent almost a month trying to fight with the inconsistencies and lack of proper documentation and gave up.
again the C# room is a ghost town so i'll ask the brilliant people here.
it has been updated bit
and beside that... my problem is maby just a wrong adition of a simple jquery
i'm following this example for using the binaryreader in c#, however I keep getting an error Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
    if (File.Exists(resource))
        using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(resource, FileMode.Open)))
            int pos = 0;
            int len = (int)b.BaseStream.Length;
            while (pos < len)
                int v = b.ReadInt32();
                richTextBox1.AppendText(v.ToString() + ",");
                pos += sizeof(int);
so i try to give it a shot here
pastebin.com/DdDyeabB ...What happens... or better doesnt happen..
if i click a link from the generate_categories list.... $('.productlink').live('click', function() not append the marup to the page first time.If i go back in the browser and forward again.. it works
i have a live example aswell
but it requires chrome browser (local storage) i havent tested with safari or opera
I had a bug with jQM that my relative links would not work unless i redirected the page and came back.
or refreshed
login, logout link points to "/logout.php", click it, 404. refresh the page, click logout logged out
this has nothing to do with that @rlemon , how long ago you tested with jqm
@rlemon i think your issue is covered in the current release of jqm
I think maybe a month. Doesn't matter the small project I was writing with It i have written using pure js.
just took a little longer to get the ui down. but ohh well.
what I really would like to know now is how the hell to read this binary file into c# and output it as a csv.
but the javascript / php / and c++ rooms seem to be the only active rooms... ever
rlemon i have no clue abouth C# , i already have problems understanding php/javascript.
But if i just give it a tought.....
if you so sure your code should work... has it to do something with privileges?
read/write acces?
administor permissions?
no i'm reading more bytes than is in the file. I know the problem I just don't know how to properly do it, and the tutorials don't help ;/
and the code i'm converting this from is VBA and I hate VBA.
@rlemon IIRC, the BinaryReader expects a very certain format (e.g. the one given by BinaryWriter)
It could be trying to read something, and just consumes everything not finding the right format.
It's been a while, but for most cases StreamReader is better
hrmm. the file is a binary file outputted by an automation control system implemented by my company. There is some VBA code in excel that they are using to do the conversion to csv right now but it fails 20% of the time so i've been asked to re-write it (amungst a crap load of other dated projects) however i'm not 100% understanding this VBA. :/
like.. what is String$()
pointname$ = String$(pointlength, " ")
pointname$, and pointlength are clearly defined but I can't find a definition for String$ anywhere in the project.
it's a vba function
last time I wrote VB was VB6 in highschool .
just like string myString = new String(" ", 20) to create 20 spaces.
Isn't $ a shortcut for As or something?
ahhhhh, I couldn't find a doc on it by googling "vba string$()"
I can't remember. My sister uses VBA like its her job.
So Dim something$ is Dim something As String
because it is. She's always asking for my help, and I'm like "It's not the 80s"
this code was written in '97
lol, the original programmer has since died of old age (no jokes)
Yep, there are other shortcuts of that kind, too: forums.devx.com/showthread.php?t=147410
That's very stupid
> This is what I refer to as "ancient type specifiers".
It's like they're acknowledging that VB is too verbose, so they just slapped cryptic symbols to compensate
Hey guys
@spdean Well can you start doing some of the laundry? I am not your maid!
@MattMcDonald @Nathan still here?
well, well
am I in trouble? :P
kinda went AWOL for a while...
ok so BinaryReader has no ReadLine() function.... ugh.
ok so BinaryReader has no ReadLine() function.... ugh.
Q: PHP/JQuery/JavaScript Countdown

Pete BekiszI'm trying to use the jQuery Countdown (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-countdown/) to display a countdown to a specific date and time, but you need to program the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds into the jQuery call. I'm not quite sure how to do this in JS, but I figured using PHP ...

Ahhh, the beautiful ternary operator strikes again: github.com/mootools/mootools-core/blob/master/Source/Core/…
@rlemon Of course not, how do you end a binary line?
it's the "return on one line or else" principle
They conditionally return something the line before that
well, the objective is clearly to cram the statement so it all fits on one line
But, I gotta admit, MooTools has the clearer code in the fight between MooTools, Prototype and jQuery. Which isn't that great an accomplishment
It's winning "The Most Beautiful Turd" award
reading browser.js right now
still baffled as to one why would sniff for the flash plugin version...outside of flash
document.html = document.documentElement; LOL
Their code would fail in strict mode
and then there is always JSLint/JSHint
again with the VBA
Open filename For Binary Access Read Lock Read As #1
Get #1, , NumPoints
does that set NumPoints to the number of blank spaces in resource #1??
Most errors jshint gives are on the use of == instead of ===
profanity curse swear hates VBA
hint or lint?
lint is pretty sticky on function form
Oh, and on omitting braces in one-liners
I tend to agree with about 97% of lint's rules
I hate that it tells me to use a specific whitespace style
And the irrational hate of ++ and --
that's really about it
oh, and grouping all the variable declarations at the top. No more than one var statement in a function
I've taken the former and applied it to my flash work
it makes the code a lot more readable
it's made me have contempt for the for(var... pattern
I keep my variable definitions as logically close to the usage as possible, so that there won't be confusion over its usage/origin, and just to show "here's what I'll use next..."
have a good weekend all
@ŠimeVidas I just saw it. Once I got to [ x * y for (x of obj1) for (y of obj2) ] I couldn't take it anymore and stopped.
Thanks for showing me how right my fears were. They're raping js into Ruby form.
And I just loved how they hid static typing into the entire thing. var statement my ass, if they could, they'd go static all the way.
Oh, and the part where they failed at callbacks? Magnificent.
unbelieveble... if you think you did the magic.... the magic loops
But of course the one giving the talk would promote all of this. He likes Perl.
Thanks, but go die in a fire. I'll stay with ES5.
osc2nuke.com/rot/samp3.html click gadgets... browser go back... click gadgets again.... bah
That goes to you too, @Raynos
Hey all, I'm working on sending console errors for a remotely hosted app back to our server. Any suggestions on a way to attack this?
isnt that cliënt based?
yes, it would be client based, it's an extension
and a content script, so technically not locally hosted
no i mean the console.log
I'm not sure what you mean by client based
well i'm not a pro... but as far as i now, when use console.log(yourloggeditems); these are output on the cliënts browser
unless you mean another "console"
Help me guys.... before i make myself totaly rediculus
to this angel
you'd need a browser add on with all kinds of crazy permissions to snag console.log output and push it in a http request of some kind.
off the top of my head
let's see what google has to say about console.log file locations for common browsers
Snagging console.log output is far from hard.
var oldlog = console.log;
console.log = function() {
Something of that kind
Chrome extensions had a way to do cross-site xhr, it should be in the manual somewhere.
doesnt she mean... if a client runs her app, send errors or whatever log back to her server?
oh, wait, she ment console errors
consider she not control the clients extensions
Catching all errors? Interesting
There's the onerror event window has, not sure how cross-browser that is.
heh, register for that event and ajax post the error to their server?
yeah, I could try onerror
not a bad idea
just grab them all and send them back
@DefyGravity Yeppers
Q: JavaScript Exception Handling

harley.333What is the best technique for catching ALL exceptions thrown within JavaScript? Obviously, the best technique is to use try...catch. But with ansynchronous callbacks and so forth, that can get tricky. I know IE and Gecko browsers support window.onerror, but what about Opera and Safari? Here ...

i'm going to go upvote that Question and answer. nice
Hi guys, does anyone here happen to have the latest Firefox nightly installed?
A: JavaScript Exception Handling

ThevsTry: try{ [Your whole JS code here] } catch(e) { alert('Your errors here'); } Note: For this case you should load all .js files dynamically, incorporating <script> tag into DOM in the initial part of script.

good luck using that crap method with IE
they're updating firefox nightly now?
i heard their versions were really moving.
I'm hearing it might be the end of Firefox come version 2012
(which should be out this March)
@DefyGravity I mean this: nightly.mozilla.org
There will be a new UI in version 9 or 10 (which resembles Chrome)
Q: Why browser nags printing after long hours?

I have noticed that after long usage (over 10 hours), browsers tend to act strangely, such as not printing correctly (I'm talking about physical printing.) via Javascript and their built-in print option. I tried to print out a div with Ben Nadel's Jquery print plugin in Chrome but it causes the b...

Howdy @MylesGray I have been busy this week but still hang out here often.
the good thing is I only have to do it in Chrome as it is an extension
thanks for the link @MattMcDonald
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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