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lol sublimetext took a little time to load my php file and for a moment it displayed the name of the file with a completely blank page... I got panic for a couple of seconds thinking my file got erased ..
@user3470815 That would suck... make backups, just put in on Google Drive or GitHub or something.
Now i see my problem on my original js, i was declaring the marker with its lat, lang, title but it wasnt displayin because i had no event calling it, like a button for example. It loaded but i got really frightened!
Every 3 months, backup the entire hard drive onto a small external drive which you can put in the bank (in case your house burns down). Every hour, do a backup with something like time machine. If you're serious, use raid. Use git. Save frequently. Make auto versions every time you save.
I will look into it seriously after summer, thanks @bjb568 & @joshhunt
nice, my hobbes books are coming tomorrow
@rlemon Lucky
@copy good suggestion
and you're right. half way into it I started thinking @SomeKittensUx2666 and it was better!
Thank Mosho
@Mosho thanks (re: Silicon Valley TV Show)
welcom @GigaByte568 good mobo brand
@Andrew Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Are you a bot, caprica six?
<<<<< Why is my username in here one I changed a month or two ago
but the bot got the name right
I'm not a bot lol
but I do have a Ph. D
@CapricaSix Wow these bots are getting smarter every day, they are now programmed to convince us that they aren't bots. Such a clever design.
What is this chatroom coded with?
@Andrew penises
I believe the chat is coded in prolog
hey caprica
I mean, that's all a chat is right? A pro logger.
you told us yesterday that you're a human, a sort of chat mod.
and now, you're telling us that you're a bot? oh lol. I'm confused
Caprica would never claim to be a mod.
he did, yesterday
She* and proof or it didn't happen
haha I was looking and found this:
15 hours ago, by Illaya
@CapricaSix you from? and you are mal or female?
@jnt30 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!mdn stopeventpropagation
1 hour later…
@vermaraj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can anyone answer this question :
anyone here.... I want to load a .hta file inside the web browser. Can anyone pls help me.
@Illaya Do you even bother searching for the answer before asking in here?
See the white effect behind "Untitled - Notepad" in the image above? How would I achieve that same effect with CSS?
@monners no one is ready for easy answer. I serached in google, then only am asking.
You searched Google, did you?
Q: How to run .hta file from within .html file w/o asking to download it

sdnr1I want to run .hta file from within .html file w/o the browser asking to download it.It should run in an iframe in the html page in the browser. The code i am using is this- <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <iframe src="app.hta"> </body> </html> The problem is that the browser asks...

^^ First result!
I tried already
Didn't get OP
@rlemon yeah, crapped my pants watching that (in a good way)
Love that show
@Stella Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thank You..!!
@Stall You're welcome
@Mosho Love the first episode when those guys open PP and are like Err, wait..... WTF! LOOKITTHATHOLYSHITOMGWTF!
@monners yeah, they really make you root for @SomeKittensUx2666 Richard
@Mosho LOL! you're right. I hadn't noticed the similarity.
stackoverflow.com/a/23881054/774078 lol I only did this because he self answered.
Q: Manually promisifying pg.connect with Bluebird

luisfarzatiI want to promisify node-postgres' pg.connect method along with the inner connection.query method provided in the callback. I can .promisify the latter, but I need to implement the first one manually (if I'm missing something here, please explain). The thing is, I'm not sure when to use .defer ...

hey guys, quick question. I have a <td> and I'd like this <a> inside to occupy its whole area, so I set it to display:block; width:100%; height:100%, but it absolutely doesn't take up all the height. What's up with that?
@zneak No-repro, need fiddle.
working on that
simplified a lot: jsfiddle.net/C5zfX/2
@monners I don't get why they offered him $10mill for a project that was on github...
@DexTer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal they kinda explained that. they didn't have the complete package or something. I dunno. It's a comedy.
Maybe because they're enterprise they don't allow github pages through their firewall
@monners yeah he said he'd done more video stuff since then or something, but still :P
must nitpick :P
It's pretty funny though
I like to think that's exactly what Silicon Valley's like :P
@BermJoe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good day!
Guys, what am I doing wrong? I created a service. It has a method and a property. It also receives a $http service(?). By the way this is angularjs. So in the method I'm making a request with $http and in .success method of $http I was trying to set the property like this.something = 'blablabla';, but itgave me an error "Check for JavaScript this to be the same in closure and in outer context"
Sounds like you need to check for JavaScript this to be the same in closure and in outer context.
I have a question related to nodejs doc. When you read this it mentions a "requestListener". I know how to make them, but I'd like to know where in the documentation is defined what's a requestListener. Anyone knows that ?
I found an example in the nodejs doc. Do we have to just accept examples as API docs ? ^^
is the documentation editable?
I'm not sure. I found this but it doesn't seem to be exactly what we have in the published doc.
morning everyone!
It's a little painful. Any time I need to really know what does a function in a node module (sometimes even the intent of the function), I must track it in the source or logs the arguments... even standard node modules or big ones like socket.io or express... Lib authors try too often to make their API look like magic, they hide too much.
@dystroy I can't help but note the Arthur C. Clarke's quote
@monners daaa. This is what it says. But I see your point. I'm stuck with the issue, that I wan't to have a service, that would make specific requests, but I need reponse when I call the service method and not later in the future.
@JanDvorak I hope you don't mean it's good or "advanced enough" to hide as much as possible the definition of your API ^^
@dystroy that reminds me some opensource libs where all the vars are like a1 a2 a3.. function a33 function a23 etc without any comments... made so its hard to follow it..
I meant it the other way around - once your API is advanced enough, it's not that easy to document every aspect of it.
lol ok dont comment but why use so confusing vars and function names
The requestListener is a function which is automatically added to the 'request' event.
Event: 'request'#
function (request, response) { }

Emitted each time there is a request. Note that there may be multiple requests per connection (in the case of keep-alive connections). request is an instance of http.IncomingMessage and response is an instance of http.ServerResponse.
pretty clear to me :P
@FlorianMargaine I don't understand the organization of the doc but yes, you're right, it's explicit.
I'm kidding, the docs could be way better
I always get confused
but when reading word after word, it actually makes sense
you can't just "skim over" the docs to be sure
You really shouldn't skim over anything technical…
many technical APIs can be skimmed over if they're well done
But when are they?
PHP's docs are pretty good
But that's php.
MDN is pretty good too
You can jump to the section that you want to read, but not skim.
hey, are you the one who said he could rewrite miaou in 200 lines of code?
you still haven't shown us the code
What? I'm not writing code for you.
you said it was already written
Not a direct copy of Miaou, but a chat thing.
come on, show us the 200-lines-code with all these features :)
If you want me to replicate your features, I am building you a product. So you need to pay me.
so now you're just saying you never did it
and don't tell me 200 lines of code is a product, come on
No, I didn't build an exact copy of your thing. Why would I?
@FlorianMargaine Vanilla?
are you really about to tell me that 200 lines of vanilla js is a product?
200 lines is an exaggeration, not a product.
now you're just fleeing the discussion
now now children play nicely
well, good to see that you're all talk :)
@FlorianMargaine You said I couldn't make a bunch of features in 10 lines of code, yeah, so I made up a larger number. I have made a chat system with more features than 10 lines of code, but that isn't equivalent to miaou.
you said that you could replicate miaou's features in 200 lines of code. I call bullshit on this, is all.
No, I was exaggerating in a normal conversation over the internet.
@FlorianMargaine what is the maximum line length?
@JanDvorak 80
should I add "readable code" as requirement? :P
@JanDvorak 16000
16k is not too terrible a limit for a chat application in Javascript.
it's not just a chat though
every sentence starting with "No" is something to implement
Yes, I can do it all in 500 lines of code.
I call bullshit on this :)
@FlorianMargaine it will be cramped and minified, and the efforts are non-negligible even without the byte limit, but it might be doable within 16kB.
Is there any function on an object, which can get the value corresponding to the key? I am looking for the equivalent of []
@FlorianMargaine If you're lucky, I'll build it.
Well I'd like to be proven wrong. I still call bullshit on it till then.
in the meantime, why is my maven build not working?!
Because you use maven
@rlemon House of Cards was fun. I'm giving True Detective a try now
Having some trouble fetching json data from 2 google spreadsheet urls and aggregating specific content from both urls in an array.Check out my question
Where can I find javascript complete(!) library for openId ( including FB login which is not openID) ? anyone here used it ?
(like SO does...)
@SomeGuy watched the 1st episode yesterday
it was... weird
a friend told me the 2nd episode was better
@falcon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy true detective
@TobyvanKempen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello, everyone
I have a burning question about Javascript that I would love to have an answer to, if that's alright with y'all.
!!welcome TobyvanKempen
@TobyvanKempen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TobyvanKempen dont ask to ask, just ask
Alright, I'll get to the point
@TobyvanKempen sure, as long as you extinguish it first
@JanDvorak you not a pyro?
Haha....people in this room compete to point any newbie to the room's pseudo-rules :o
Already read them :p
@DrogoNevets I wouldn't like to watch the whole world burn.
What libraries you use to get compatible SVG API, I have looked snap, raphael and d3(not in the same category as the others)
@Mutuma yes, because we're sick of repeating ourselves
@FlorianMargaine +1
Alright, I have a div, and that div is called "buttonsWrapper". Now, I would love it if I could get that div to stick to a certain point once the user has scrolled past it.
I used the code supplied in this example: stackoverflow.com/questions/1216114/…
@TobyvanKempen provide a js fiddle of what you have, so far though its sounding more like a CSS question
Hold on now, the jsfiddle is perfect, but in local files it's not working
This is what I have in fiddle:
@Shrey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Sorry for the delay. Here is my fiddle.
This is, as you can see, working in jsfiddle.
However, when I put this stuff in my html and css and stuff, it's not working.
I don't see why it wouldn't work in local files
Neither do I.
are you sure it's correctly loaded in local files?
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../resources/scripts/buttonScroll.js"></script>
Quite sure.
that's not what I meant
Oh, I apologize. What do you mean?
How do you understand the populist" badge ? Do you get it if your answer is +11 and the accepted one is +1 ?
I also have a library loaded, if that is what you meant.
Please note, I am a total wreck with javascript and query.
@TobyvanKempen are the files producing 404's or something?
Not at all
@dystroy The accepted one must be at least 11. Yours must be at least twice as much, at least 22.
The div is actually showing in my html, but it's not moving at all
While it should work, because it's working in jsfiddle
@TobyvanKempen and the css of the element is changing?
@TobyvanKempen sorry, I meant in the dev tools, can you see the js?
Hold on a jiffy, I don't know what you mean
is there any error in your console?
My console ;_;
are you on chrome?
I use a simple code thing, called Brackets
@TobyvanKempen if you inspect the HTML in firebug/whatever, you can see the elements style attribute changing?
Yes, I am in chrome
I'll go check
Alright, I had no idea it was called that :p
Hold on a moment, I'll go check if it's changing
it's the name on the tab :-)
can you show me how you include jquery?
I have it in a separate file,
@FlorianMargaine im wondering if the code is running before DOM is ready or something?
I'm referencing to it in my <head> tag
@TobyvanKempen show me the code
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../resources/scripts/buttonScroll.js"></script>
that's not jquery
@TobyvanKempen the JS
no, I want the html
The entire html file?
no, the part where you include jquery
all your <script> tags, actually
it will be the simplest.
I think that may be my problem
I see now that I did not include it .-.
@bjb568 ok, you must be right. It means it works only if the accepted answer is good enough :\
@TobyvanKempen :-)
<script src="resources/scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
This one, right?
@dystroy It's gold.
@TobyvanKempen that's better
but why isn't it ../../resources/scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js ?
Oh, because I had it in a different page
Thanks for pointing that out
Alright, I now have this in my <head> section:
` <script type="text/javascript" src="../../resources/scripts/buttonScroll.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>`
Whoops .-.
Aaand nope, not working
include jquery first
@NickJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That's working
Wow, thanks dude
that said, you really shouldn't work locally
spinning up a simple web server is easy enough
I don't believe I have the required resources to do so
if resources is knowledge, then indeed
That should be a major rule on any web help site : we can do nothing for you if you can't start a web server
Besides, this program I'm using has this nifty feature that shows changes live,
That aside, is there any way I can "reward" you for your help?
try getting better at code
I'll do my best
Thank you for your help
@TobyvanKempen look up xampp
I used to work with that, actually
sets up a simple server for you with PHP and MySQL thrown in for good measure
@TobyvanKempen and why not now?
Well, you see, my memory isn't all that
And it's been a little while since I've played around with xampp
Besides, the computer I'm using is not mine
@DrogoNevets are you asking people why they are not using PHP anymore? That might be related to the fact that they have used it before.
also hi
Anyhow, I'll look into using xampp again
Thanks for the tips
@TobyvanKempen are you on windows?
you don't need xampp if all you want is a http server, simply use Apache or nginx
Nope, on mac
@BartekBanachewicz no, i am asking why he isnt using a webserver
But I can work with windows if that's neccesary
@dystroy or Mongoose
but that's a different usecase I guess
@dystroy I use http-server from npm personally
npm install -g http-server, then I simply run http-server from whichever folder I want to serve
@pietro909 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Two of you mention mongoose. Is it good ?
@CapricaSix thank you, got it.
@dystroy it's very small
and it has an installer, so it's easier for some people to pick up
why not node.js based solutions ?
because npm is not an gui-installer
Q: What is the correct way to concat a string in JavaScript?

Gelo VolroThere are two styles in JavaScript as I know, which provides you a capability to concate various strings into a single string. 1). With the + operator, e.g.: var result = 'abc' + 'zxc'; 2). With the Array.join() function, e.g.: var result = [ 'abc', 'zxc', someValue.toString() ].join( ...

3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
npm install -g http-server, then I simply run http-server from whichever folder I want to serve
Isn't Gelo's question primarly opinion based ?
I'd just say it's a duplicate
I know I saw many occurences of this question before but I'm too lazy to search [EDIT : ok]
yeah, someone commented a duplicate, so I just closed
BTW that's a good QA used to close it. I was afraid to search among dozens of ridiculous chitchat QA telling to use specific tricks to concat...
> I have to work with the JavaScript
@dystroy HFS is better (on windows), but mongoose is small and does its job
@Mosho I won't be in the office in the day of your interview, Wednesday is "student day" and Thursday I have classes - Gilad is a bright guy, when he asks you something - chances are he is asking it for a reason. He is our CTO and not a JavaScript expert or web dev. It'd be nice if you talked a bit about your interest in the stock market, the fact you're fluent in JS, and so on.
Also, don't mention slidepoop :P
@GeloVolro >: (
@Mosho (cc anyone else who interviews) some general tips that differentiate mediocre candidates from good ones
1) There is always more than one solution, when asked suggest several alternatives and discuss their advantages and disadvantages rather than give a straight "I'd do X" answer.
2) When you make a choice justify it, when you discuss a project you worked on, talk about the challenges you faced and how you solved them, what you'd do differently etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum +1
3) Obviously, never say anything bad about past employers, in general - don't badmouth anyone ever in an interview.
1) and 2) are also often good for SO answers (you'll get less rep as people vote for short ones but they'll be more useful)
4) Do not get too technical, an interview is not the place to rant about the typeof operator on null.
5) Be prepared for common questions, we don't ask silly questions at TipRanks like "Name one negative quality about you", but we do ask technical questions, and personal questions.
Mainly 1 and 2 though, they're the two most differentiating factors between mediocre developers and good ones from my personal experience. I guess it's worth adding "Pick your battles" to that.
Also, Joel Spolsky's article on interviewing, it's priceless imo.
Well, priceless is an overstatement, but still.
he's on the roll
Nope, sorry, I'm done :P
Just my subjective personal experience on the subject.
don't be sorry, it's more useful than usual chat jokes
Also, know how to code obviously, but I definitely think that's covered as you've actually coded apps in JavaScript. Unlike someone else in the room who just complains about it :P
The fact that I write immutable functional JS doesn't give you the right to condemn me together with all the fucks outside that don't understand that jquery is not a language.
but then again, web apps are boring :P
like, the regular, MVC based ones
Jesus Christ you took that joke hard :P
Sit down, have a cup of water or something.
nah, I didn't, I just wanted to exploit the possibility
no hard feelings
Well, you've never really written a web app though
Or participated in writing one, either as part of a team, as a team lead, or as a contributor to an open source app
Which is why we wouldn't hire you for a role where you'd be expected to write code fast and face the bigger problems. Although I think there is a good chance you'd make the bar for a longer term role.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did, of course. More than one. But they weren't good enough to even bring up here and reason about JS basing on them, so I keep silent.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh but of course; I like to think I specialize in a bit different matters.
> they weren't good enough to even bring up here
@BartekBanachewicz web is only a fraction of what we do
@BenjaminGruenbaum you recruting permie or contractor?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Funny enough, we also do different things at work, woo :P
I've been thinking about a JS job just to try it out
but I doubt I'd push myself to learn all the tools that are necessary, mostly because
6 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
but then again, web apps are boring :P
@Ned Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I like the browsers because they provide a rich set of APIs that can be used virtually everywhere and it makes it easy to experiment and prototype.

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