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@FlorianMargaine Emacs client?
Not Nice
uh, no
I'm trying to connect for now
the websocket opens, but it doesn't remain so :/
@FlorianMargaine You've probably used postgres on node. Recommend stuff.
@Zirak pg
Yeah, google seems to be right, thanks
...now I need to set up postres locally
@Zirak I got a vagrant setup for that if you want
@Zirak what do I do with it? I tried Promise.resolve("Hello World"); and got object back, tried return Promise.resolve() and got unexpected token return
well, some puppet classes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No Promises yet, just setTimeout
@FlorianMargaine Great, let me install vagrant so I'll install postgres
emacs speaking
I'm speaking from emacs... but still kinda cheating.
Over here?
Nice! How?
sending messages doesn't require websockets :/
We are preparing to move #stackexchange and #stackoverflow chat services to Oregon, there will be a maintenance page for a few minutes.
yeah, it's just an hr
You can also poll if websockets prove too hard
and I didn't code the login part yet
@Zirak Sleep Sort works
I wonder how I can get the poll url in chrome
bye for now
Dont go nuts y'all
I wonder why they use wss when everything else goes through http ._.
posted on May 22, 2014 by Dory Zidon

I'm trying to use the pattern of multiple promises, however it seems that the promise.all is returning right away and I get back and array of results that is an array of promises that aren't fulfilled or rejected. The promises inside the function are getting called only after the promise.all is finished for some reason. Can someone please help me understand what I'm

@FlorianMargaine to tunnel through dumb proxies, I presume
@copy hehe, cute
@Feeds Wait what? That looks a bit different than what it used to, didn't it?
@JanDvorak oh, maybe
@SecondRikudo it's because the question is deleted I think
@FlorianMargaine some proxies love to drop or mess up websocket connections, but they have no choice but to pass the connection through if it's secured.
@dystroy ^
I had a hell of a time getting the proxy + websockets working
in the end I just said fuck it and force xhr-polling until I get time to research more why it isn't working
And we're back
!!> var x = new Error('test'); x.message;
@SomeKittensUx2666 "test"
Why doesn't that work in my code?
Q: AngularJS $rootScope loses value unless I use promise (trigger.io AJAX request)

Joseph TurianSo this is quite weird. $rootScope is getting set correctly within a function, but then loses its value. I can only keep the value if I use a promise. (!?) I am using a trigger.io (Forge) AJAX request, and upon success I update $rootScope.queries. Within the success block, $rootScope.queries is ...

Oh, there was a typo in the tests.
err.message.should.eql('Bad data at array index 1');
^ tricksy hobbitses
gosh it looks like function composition
I hate to cancel on such short notice but my boss called out today and I'm having to cover his conference calls. Are you free tomorrow by chance or sometime early next week?
How many times
Oh hey my picture updated
!!mustache Shmiddty
anyone here has experience with google charts API?
@Jhawins Treeeaaatiiin me the waaay you wanna doo...oo?
!!mustache SecondRikudo
Just a !!mustache invokes it on yourself
@Shmiddty, your puse is just gorgeous.
Thanks honey
<3 emacs. Got parameter order mixed up. Cursor between them, M-t, bam, all's wall (which means well, btw).
wow what the hell
SO just updated their websocket url
now it's just ws
!!did you break?
and it sends xhr to /events all the fucking time
@SomeKittensUx2666 I can neither confirm nor deny
I'm actually impressed she resumed
what the hell
the websocket sent me a 404 page not found http response :|
@rlemon There's a polling fallback in case the websocket closes/fails
@SomeKittensUx2666 Of course not
@Zirak is it /events?
@FlorianMargaine On that you can complain on meta
websocket is back to normal
oh baby!
@FlorianMargaine Maybe? Look at adapter.js, it's got everything
@rlemon I need a new avatar
ugh it's so weird
it sends ws-auth all the time
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm not sure you can even guarantee that will work.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Because you're bored.
@Zirak can't find any adapter.js, only the master-chat and eggs
!!mustache CapricaSix
Will it?
Not really
@SecondRikudo Mustache me once, shame on you. Mustache me twice 9 times...
@Zirak yes. but that takes time to fail. forcing it means I don't have to attempt the ws first (using socket.io)
@CapricaSix lol
@Zirak oh :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 ^^
found it anyway, it's /events
function sleepSort(arr, cb) {
  var sortedArr = []
    , sortedItems = 0
    , error = false
    , pushToSorted = function(item) {
      if (sortedItems === arr.length) {
        cb(null, sortedArr);

  arr.forEach(function(item, idx) {
    if (error) { return; }

    item = Number(item);
    if (isNaN(item) || item < 0) {
      cb(new Error('Bad data at array index ' + idx));
      return error = true;

    setTimeout(function() { pushToSorted(item); }, item);
hmmm @Zirak
> The second is an
elusive thing called the "fkey". It's given to us by the server inside an input
called (you guessed it) "fkey", and its value is a 32 character string. Maybe
its the result of running a checksum of something, maybe it's the first 32 chars
of a sha512, who knows. But it is used, since you can view chat while not being
logged in, and you have to provide it in all your requests.
you do know that's the csrf token, right?
Yeah, I figured that out later
@Shmiddty Did you put the commas at the beginning of the line just to be a hipster? No one does that
@Jhawins That's @SomeKittensUx2666's code
sleepSort([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0], function(error, array){
    console.log(array); // [4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
@SomeKittens wut brah
He is a California hipster tho. Nvm makes sense ;)
some kittens ... ^
It's down there somewhere, just not in a super long comment
Yeah. That's what I wanna kiss
ah, thanks
Fuck I forgot she was in mine
why did it give you both dirty sanchez's?
@Jhawins I does that.
@Jhawins I do that sometimes. It's technically better.
but SOOO ugly.
Well it's lame. And it cannot possibly be technically better or worse. It doesn't matter :P
@Jhawins it does
inb4 annoying argument
I don't really care.
lol no argument to be had. It's an opinion.
let us discuss shit that really matters, like TABS vs SPACES
but having an operator at the beginning of the line makes it clearer
Unless you want to argue over tabs and spaces too
and you can delete that line w/o impacting the rest of the code
@Jhawins what, comma first.
leading commas allow you to comment out a line without having to fiddle with commas.
@BartekBanachewicz that to me is the better argument.
but I still think it looks ugly as sin
it should be a productivity gain however. so I see why people do it.
but I also see the appeal in bidets, but I would never use one
I think it makes it much less readable. No one expects that.
// middle ground: var on every line
var a = 4;
var b = 5;
// no commas!
Just stumbled across this underscore.js issue: github.com/jashkenas/underscore/issues/220#issuecomment-2247510
My point is that I think it's ugly. I can't prove it lol. It's just my opinion
A: Adding 2 array to create a "sum" array in javascript

Benjamin GruenbaumThe most obvious way would be to traverse them with opposite indices inside a .reduceRight var a = [2,2,2], b = [3,4,5]; var bR = b.reverse(); var sumArr = a.reduceRight(function(prev,cur,i){ prev[i] = cur + bR[b.length-i-1|0]; return prev; },[]);

> I propose a hipster-underscore extension which implements all the mixins not enough mainstream to make it into the official repo.
var a = {}
a.b = 1
a.c = 2
// no comma, no semi colon, win
semicolons are evil
I think my answer is good
@BartekBanachewicz And now by escaping one retarded argument, we fell right into another...
@BartekBanachewicz do you even write code?
@SomeKittensUx2666 of course. And I mostly use languages that don't use semicolons
@Zirak I am not argumenting, really. I'm too tired
@SomeKittensUx2666 there seems to be a problem with your hard wiring. I've sent my best technicians to assist. They are purrrfect for the job.
So why did you mention it? :(
@RUJordan meow
I believe I had a hand in that
@highwingers Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GoldenJam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan I believe I had a fist in that (source)
@Jhawins ^ the minivan!!!
@rlemon @RUJordan I believe I had a fist in RUJordan (source) (source)
Oh fuck. Too late D:
@Zirak eh, I don't always mean to have an hour-long argument when I mention something
@RUJordan lol what??
also Haskell room was officially created today
no semi in js is stupid
@Jhawins dude.. "2 in the front 5 in the back"
relying on ASI is stupid
programmers are stupid.
@highwingers hi
Wearing pants is stupid
@RUJordan lol that's a two handed move son! You're not ready!
^ concur
rlemon r u stupid?
@highwingers no because I can spell 'are' and 'you'
@Jhawins brah I've been minivanning since I was 15 brah
Do you even minivan brah
I've already been banned once today haha
I UHaul.
@rlemon To be fair, when you don't capitalize your sentence, you can't really complain too much about other internet abbreviations...
you guys are nasty
@Retsam yes, yes I can.
@highwingers Prove it
We may be nasty, but we're mature enough to see humor in the little things.
@SomeKittensUx2666 haha whaaaat
@RUJordan like your wang.
updated my answer on this.
Damn, set myself up for that one
@SomeKittensUx2666 ohh snap!
@rlemon Oh yeah? What makes "u" and "r" any worse than ignoring capitalization?
@rlemon don't make me minivan you..
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll upvote any answer with reduce in it
@Retsam Ignoring capitalization!?! You Commaunist!
ignoring capitalization is grammatically incorrect. "MSN" speak just makes you sound like a retard.
accept it as answer. — susheel 7 mins ago
@Zirak obviously.
@BenjaminGruenbaum JavaScript needs zip
@rlemon I've always seen ignoring capitalization as part of txtspk.
@copy oh definitely, underscore has it.
@copy generalized collection processing, aka fantasy land. Or just standard library :P
@Retsam my phone auto caps for me
!!> 25 + (-2 * 4)
+1 for ThiefMater
it is only on desktop that I do not.
@SomeKittensUx2666 17
..I'd correct that typo but lol @ ThiefMater
Normally I wouldn't upvote TheifMaster's answer there as it's a bad question and probably a dupe. however - that other guy was a jerk.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you trolled hard, thumbs up
@BenjaminGruenbaum good ol' fashion revenge voting. Classic!
@copy thanks, that's all I ever live for.
@BenjaminGruenbaum aha
^ and sausages. Benji is a big breakfast fan
y u no cache length? — rlemon 12 secs ago
Q: req.session not refreshed after redirection on firefox

Juan WolfI want to set up the req.session in a route and use it an other. But the fact is, it's not refreshed only on firefox (it works well in Chrome & Co). I set up the object in the client like that: <object type="text/html" id="chat-object" data="http://localhost:8080/login/?username=<?php echo $nom_...

quick! everyone gang up on the guy from the internet!
@BartekBanachewicz moot point, but I wanted in on the comment chain
@rlemon s/chain/train/
@rlemon inorite!
!!youtube boy that escalated quickly
I don't get why TheifMaster and susheel just ignored this obvious solution. Amateurs. — Retsam 9 secs ago
in all seriousness. how is that question not closed?
oh yeah, lol
There, I closed it
With a "summing two arrays", it's almost identical, only with push or indexer instead of +=
fuck i'm so jelly of your gold super powers
cool, now it's closed, can we all delete vote it?
but i'm a ways off the gold JS badge.
@Benjiman I was just about post something to that ;P
I always feel bad when I post such answers because of rep, but I'm capped today so meh.
!!learn nopoints "<> youtube.com/watch?v=WAOxY_nHdew";
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command nopoints learned
so, Elm language got WebGL support
with a custom API
kinda bored
@PooyanKhosravi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
user image
^ My preferred method of movement
Line numbers in paste services: Yay or nay?
I personally hate them in editors, but in pastes they may be useful
@Zirak if you want the no-frontend-but-backend-done, github.com/Ralt/pastie
@Zirak yay
anyway, g'night
later suckers chaps
I'm just trying to think now how to best make the save button and language selection.
Toolbar at the top feels like cheating.
bwahahaha now i'm done work I can make my pastie service
what language is your backend?

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