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He doesn't sound like me!
runs away crying
Jesus, 51 minutes long!
writing a deferred anti pattern canonical answer
anyone knows of a free webservice with curl() ? (heroku is complicated as hell to make an app and I don't want to install all that heroku crap on my work computer : / )
@KarelG @JanDvorak I did $('#addNew').children('.QSelect').find('select').removeAttr('disabled');
its not working,can you please point out the mistake?
@JqueryLearner #addNew is the table, right?
start from the checkbox, then find its row, then find the dropdown
its tbody
<tbody id="addNew">
also, set the property to true/false; removing the attribute won't achieve anything.
Q: What is the deferred anti pattern and how do I avoid it?

Benjamin GruenbaumI was writing code that does something that looks like: function getStuffDone(param){ var d = Q.defer(); // or new Promise, $.Deferred, $q.defer() etc. myPromiseFn(param+1).then(function(val){ d.resolve(val); }).catch(function(err){ d.reject(val); }); return d...

feedback, please.
@JanDvorak then I have to give a class to check boxes
@rlemon Well written
@JqueryLearner why? Aren't they what receives the input event? Also, why not?
@BenjaminGruenbaum upvoted both
@JanDvorak ty, although I'm really looking for feedback :)
Anyone who does not understand promises very well yet - if you can read that quesiton and give me feedback that'd be awesome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do upvotes not count as feedback? :-)
Q: What is the deferred anti pattern and how do I avoid it?

Benjamin GruenbaumI was writing code that does something that looks like: function getStuffDone(param){ var d = Q.defer(); // or new Promise, $.Deferred, $q.defer() etc. myPromiseFn(param+1).then(function(val){ d.resolve(val); }).catch(function(err){ d.reject(val); }); return d...

@Feeds yeah... we already know
@RUJordan Regarding SourceUndead, you should probably commit a settings.js that looks like your example, and then change it back to your own settings, but stop git from tracking it (update-index assume-unchanged)
@SomeGuy RUJordan is afk: crocodile wrangling
Hi everybody!
@BenjaminGruenbaum had to scratch my hair for this
Guys, did any of you try to set custom trigger events for angular-ui-bootstrap popover component
I have a short logical question! I have a large html form which should calculate lot of things. There are 3 types of calculations. One type is, user enter price and weight. The form calculates then the sum (price*weight) and on the second result this sum * 0,25. I started to write the calculation for each row by targeting the IDs, but is there a easier way by using jquery. each for example? I just need a hint how I could target the proper inputs and result fields with classes
I PHP would be easy to loop over with variables .classname-$i for example, but how to do this in javascript/jquery?
in js : document.querySelectorAll('.YourClassName'); ...
then loop through it
yes I assume now I have to make a loop with numbers or something, I cannot just use the each()
in jQuery : $('.YourClassName').each(function(){ ...here code... });
@AmirezaFa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
( use this in the each() to point the node )
yes I understand how to use this for example for a whole sum of all the calculations. but I need several calculations... hmmm
/me is getting mad at the damned jsonp in angularjs :|
nevermind, i forgot to upload last edited file xD
ok. This is weird. So, my php does the simple: $response = $_GET['JSON_CALLBACK']."(".curl_exec($ch).")"; but all I get is Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
wth am I doing wrong? =|
@MoshMage Not enough code.
Place paste more.
lemme pastebinit
Ok, i got it, but the problem is, now the each adds the same sum into every field. It should add only in the field where the numbers are entered. this is my code:
            $(".worth").on("keyup change", function() {
               worth = $(this).val();
            $(".gramm").on("keyup change", function() {
               gramm = $(this).val();
            if($.('.worth').val() && $(this).('.gramm').val()) {
                var sum = worth * gramm;
                var sumzakat = sum * zakat;
@MoshMage And the error is... on whihc line?
I tried to add (this) in front of the class names, but its not the correct syntax
it's on the saveBookmarks, when I click, it goes to the server but returns a unexpected token <
@Owl : how is the form structure being build up ?
@SecondRikudo I think I found the culprit
here an example
<td>Gold/Schmuck<br/>24 Karat</td>
<td><input type="text" class="calc worth" name="gold24" id="gold24" value="" /></td>
<td><input type="text" class="calc gramm notice" name="gramm24" id="gramm24" value="" title="Es handelt sich hierbei nur um spekulative Werte. Zu ermitteln und einzutragen ist hier der aktuelle Marktwert."/></td>
<td><div class="calc calculated value" id="value_gold24"></div></td>
<td><div class="calc calculated zakat" id="zakat_gold24"></div></td>
<td>Gold/Schmuck<br/>22 Karat</td>
@Owl use www.jsfiddle.net to paste code
ohr sorry ok
Who downvoted this ? Hmmph
Can't please everyone I guess
@SecondRikudo nope. didn't find the culprit :(
@MoshMage Your example is not reproducible.
Do you have a live version?
nope, but i can
I need some help in choosing the right posting notice
I made some "proto" notices as you can see below:
@SecondRikudo moshcode.me/labs/angularbook the "save on the cloud" button is what's acting up
Which one would you prefer to see in an environment where you have to wait 30 seconds before posting another post?
Here the Fiddle! jsfiddle.net/cVZq9
@İnekŞaban lemme read'em
if you type into the first fields, then you see it populate the sum into the second row also
@İnekŞaban the blue one that saus "will be visible in the next 30s"
@MoshMage You're expecting JSONP
The response you get is not JSONP....
the code from the fiddle is missing somehow to tell that it should be only this .. but .. how?
hmkay.. Where did I fail to make it jsonp answer?
@MoshMage Your hosting adds crap to the response.
<!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stats.hosting24.com/count.php"></script>
<!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
Switch hosting.
@MoshMage Get a VPS
They cost like, 2$ a month...
@MoshMage Thank you :) I too suspected that it was the right and the most concise one
I do have one, moshcode.me is on a vps, but I'm not allowed to sudo (I'm paying 0.98cents per month but to have sudo the guy's asking like 5€ per month)
Umm.. or use Google's App Engine
(therefore I don't have curl in that vps)
It's free before you hit a limit
Happy birthday.
@SecondRikudo that's double of what I pay, but not as expensive as the 5€ per month. Thank you :)
want to be referred? :)
@MoshMage Yes, but that gives you complete and absolute control
Didn't know they offered the option
Where's @Mosho been?
Though I wouldn't use GAE for something serious/after I hit the limit.
idk if they do xD
Lemme see what my username was
ohcrap. I can only checkout on day 27 xD
(i haz no money xD)
aaha there is an index for each!
@MoshMage Don't forget to use the coupon: RN25OFF
Gives you 25% off :)
thx sorry I know this is more for the jquery chat (if there is one) than for javascript
yep. Though I don't have any cash. I have like.. $2.5 on my paypal and €4.85 on my credit xD
@SomeGuy right here, lurking
@İnekŞaban how on earth do I upload a .php file to the googlethingy you said?
$12/year with 128MB RAM 20GB HD 500GB Bandwidth 1 CPU core is the cheapest one.
@İnekŞaban do I get sudo on that one? [the vpshostingdeal]
I forgot to say that you get to work for having that shit for free :)
Yes of course you do. From their site:
With our OpenVZ plans, you have the option of CentOS 5, CentOS 6, Debian 6, Fedora 17, Scientific Linux 6, Suse 12 or Ubuntu 12 as your operating system. With our Xen plans, you may choose Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, FreeBSD or any of the previously mentioned Linux operating systems. Windows VPS subscribers must choose a Xen plan with at least 512MB memory.
Could somebody help please? I added now a counter to my each loop, but it does not work. The js is valid, but it does not calculate anything: jsfiddle.net/cVZq9/1
Sudo is always included in any VPS
WAAAH nevermind my fault!!!
lol had the counter in the wrong function
@İnekŞaban nope, not always. I have a VPS that has no sudo (though I pay 0.98cents per month xD)
time for a break
If you really want to be on the safe side email them :)
Erm.. Yeah, that is an exception to the rule haha :P
1$ for one month? Which VPS is that?
damn still not working.. if I add money to the second row, it calculates still for the firstrow also :(
ok, that is pretty cheap. I will go for it :)
yeah, but you dont have root access with basic account
@Owl doesn't seem to do anything for me
and getting the root costs +5€ per month; so, 5.98€ per month xD
What is 5€ ?
€ ?
@RakeshJuyal Euro
European currency
@Mosho strange .. you sould type in both fields, then it should calculate
rightmost fields are greyed out no matter what I enter
Yes, same for me as well.
jsfiddle.net/cVZq9/1 does nothing.
I have to link each row in the table to each other, so that if I have numbers in the first 2 fields of the row, it calculates only into the last 2 fields of the same row... I am missing the logic
ah sorry wrong link
Telnet to port 'CDCDC' on domain.com - what is the CDCDC in decimal I tried various things and failed :(
I tried to make the sum and the sumzakat as arrays like this: var sum = [];
var sumzakat = [];
and then use them like this
sum[counter] = worth * gramm;
sumzakat[counter] = sum * zakat;
but it did not help...
+1 for nice explanation ..;) — Code Lover 3 hours ago
@IgorCh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why would you vote this comment up!?
I can see why the answer would be worth voting up, but the comment?
Was the smiley face worth the upvote?
aaah ok I got it
Is someone using MongoDB?
@İnekŞaban Yep
If you've got a question I can answer in 5 minutes, shoot, otherwise I'll see you after lunch
@Owl now this works jsfiddle.net/cVZq9/3
@Neil Cool! I'll ask a quick question then
I was wondering if MongoDB has a way to insert a document after x time is elapsed?
@RakeshJuyal sry I tried but it did not work, same problem
but now I got it, I have to use the counter index on all the variables too.. the 4th version is working now
I could do it client side, but it would be better if there was a builtin function/way to do it in MongoDB
@İnekŞaban Hmm, I don't think so, but you could use setTimeout to do that, couldn't you?
I honestly don't know, but I figured setTimeout was also in node.js
Is the code in the last fiddle ok from the performance? I have a lot of rows to handle like this
@Owl One thing, even if this works the approach you are going for is not good.
Generally, delays are not features you see in libraries :P
@Neil Yup, that's exactly the way I would do it. If it was possible server side it would've resulted in a cleaner code :/
Right :) But this is for a view counter :)
@RakeshJuyal oh ok? What would be better? Eager to learn more!
@İnekŞaban Surely there is some sort of support for that somewhere
I'm storing each view count in an array and then bulk uploading them to the db after x time has elapsed
Though I don't think you're going to find support for delays strictly from MongoDB
@İnekŞaban Hmm, an optimization huh?
He! I was waiting for something like CouchDB's delayed commit
Yes. In that way I don't stress the server and generate less requests to the db
I'm not sure if that will work from multiple sessions
You know, even if the server fails you can afford to lose some views
If anything you'd can optimize for one session, but you can't know what the other sessions are doing, so you can't optimize for them in nodejs
WHat do you mean Neil?
Even MySQL proposed delayed insert. But I think this will be available in coming release.
In other words, if person A views a page, then views it a second time, you could optimize. But if person A views a page and person B views a page, each would have its own copy of the program running?
I'd really love to hear why this approach is not good? I am saving a lot of coding when working with each instead of calculating by ids?
huzzah! I was able to find a freewebservice that doesn't input anything though.. Still not getting it into jsonp -- I'm getting Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://pasterelay.loomhost.com/pasterelay.php?callback=angular.callbacks._0". is there anything else I need to add to my php, @SecondRikudo ?
I think I'm missing a header.
That's my idea anyway
I thought each connection got its own thread in nodejs
Umm.. From a server side all users are made to be seen as one, whatever the session. What I'm doing is along the lines of: initializing an empty array -> views = [] . On second hit on a post increment views -> views = [1] then on second -> var views = [1,2] and so on.. after x time flush views to MongoDB as bulk insert.
The views buffer is global
I'm using Python for this. Node.js is used for the chat functionality :)
If I didn't take that approach I'd always stressing the server by inserting every time a page is hit
And lose useful inserts elsewhere (like when inserting a post, registering a user etc..)
@SecondRikudo turns out... AngularJS .jsonp has a weird bug: It never goes to the .success() function
A: angular $resource with jsonp not working

Todi AdiatmoThere's some issue with the callback function on angular, i've open an issue in git https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/1551 The callback name must be "JSONP_CALLBACK" in which angular will turn the callback name to callback=angular.callbacks._1 There's some web web service which cann...

@MoshMage this just sounds un-angular
@Neil node.js hjas threadpools
its more complicated then just this, remember the basics of computers how we do asynchronous I/O ? using signalling ?
Say a connection comes it will process and then go idle :P
unless until it has other work to do :D
and the thread out of the pool it was holding will go free for other work while its idle
guys is there any command in jquery or javascript that lets me execute a function r whatever from 1 to 1 second? So each second something should be executed? Like a glow or an effect or whatever elese?
@AbhishekHingnikar look up the select function in C
@Meredith is that working in all browsers or only in mozilla?
@FlorianMargaine lib uv -> uv_work, added to select
@AlexStanese it should work it all major browsers
I don't get how that's funny. Seems completely logical to me
is that legit ?
yeah, it is
though any crimes commited during escape are of course still punishable
also, it does not mean you're free to go once you escape, it just means you can't get extra jailtime for it
very logical !
thats why I'm free, I tried over and over again until it finally worked
@Overlugged Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil A quantum computer makes it take O((log n)^3) time to find the prime factors of numbers. Lots of current encryption mechanisms use the fact that currently it's hard to do that on a classical computer.
Kippie it sounds just right.. Isn't it Locke who said something very similar about death penalty? But this opens a crack in the logic of the subjection of the individual to the state IMHO
@phenomnomnominal o/
Heil Satan
@FrancescoFrapporti I don't know. I'm not a hipster so I don't read alot of philosophy
@phenomnomnominal Hail lemon \o
@phenomnomnominal o/
how are you doing, pal?
Good, but very busy
very busy, how so? Work?
work + a new startup!
it's good fun!
whatcha makin
sounds cool. what are you up to?
Now that i'm starting to dabble in AngularJS - is there anywhere where I can see WHAT exactly AngularJS is (and how different it is from JQuery)? (for knowledge proposes)
... how did I miss that :| Thanks @Meredith
Angular is amazing. You'll love it.
first thing you'll need to realize: it's a completely different thing than jQuery
the whole development approach is different
Q: How do I "think in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?

Mark RajcokHow do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? Suppose I'm familiar with developing client-side applications in jQuery, but now I'd like to start using AngularJS. Can you describe the paradigm shift that is necessary ? Here are a few questions that might help you frame an answer: ...

... it's not that completly different since I was used to write jquery in object-oriented thingy. Though it is different - and I'm loving it (so far) though I only made a small app
it really is, this has nothing to do with OOP
well, then I didn't felt it that much
let me find that one article, it summed it up pretty well
@Qantas94Heavy If you have worked in any MVC architecture wrt front end ... then its not too difficult
besides this bookmarks.controller('bmControl',['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) { this really scared me the first time around xD
I think if you have a lot of experience with server-side scripting, angular will come a lot more naturally for you
that looks pretty cool
@Qantas94Heavy I would suggest you to try out a full flow of Todo app or the angular phonecat app and things would be clear in a while... though its not a cake walk
@Meredith then that might be it :)
Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump.

I said, “Don’t do it!”
He said, “Nobody loves me.”

I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”
He said, “Yes.”

I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?”
He said, “A Christian.”

I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?”
He said, “Protestant.”

I said, “Me, too! What franchise?”
He said, “Baptist.”

I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?”
He said, “Northern Baptist.”

I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”
For example, if you're working on a site where users can sign in
LOL @FlorianMargaine
You could just say <username></username> and their username would go in there
Instead of being like <div>{$username}</div>
@FlorianMargaine Muslims believe in God too, you racist prick :)
is religious bigotry considered racism?
who was "bitchin" about regex answers not being explained? 'cos I found one guy that deserves all the upvotes: stackoverflow.com/a/21553982/587811 (i was not looking for a regex answer)
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who can't read regex
@MoshMage assuming that regex answers deserve any upvotes at all ;-)
@RBloeth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak well.. True. :x
wow. there's a lastIndexOf('/'); function. NEAT!
@vickythegme Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone online here...???
go away
@rlemon you go away
but this is my home.
I think I'll stay for a bit
Q: jquery ajax response after another ajax request

Steve Balsmy jquery code is $("#Savebtn").click(function() { $("#showreflashbtn").click(); // $("#fmEdit").submit(); var c=$('#fmEdit').attr('action'); alert(c); var form = $('#fmEdit'); $.ajax( { ...

@rlemon hehe
@SteveBals no bounty? meh.
I developed a winforms application using a web browser. Here I am getting a error "an activex control on this page might be unsafe" when I am trying to execute a notepad.exe using ActiveX Objects. How to avoid this error?
@Illaya not launch notepad.exe from within a web page?
@JanDvorak or any other external application for that matter
woo hoo - im off to goodwood festival of speed
instruct your users to ignore security warnings since they're using IE anyways?
@JanDvorak It may be anything. like, calc.exe or it may be. But I got the error always
@ShivKumarGanesh: I thought it would be a useful resource. That isn't my question.
48 secs ago, by DrogoNevets
@JanDvorak or any other external application for that matter
It really can be annoying when you copy-paste your exact question in multiple rooms before getting help in one.
@rlemon +1
@rlemon yes, indeed. I'd ratther get help in the first room I post to.
@Mutuma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'd at least let the room ignore me, or discuss it first. then move on to a new room if I need two
@rlemon pls. I need help.
now efforts are being duplicated.
@Illaya you are a help vamp and you creepily hit on women in the chat
go away
@JanDvorak can you help me pls
@rlemon dont ping me
@Illaya now you're being rude. Please leave
@Illaya but how will you know i'm talking to you then?
@rlemon pls dont ping me
@Illaya "pls don't ping me", said Illaya, pinging him twice.
@JanDvorak oh sorry
@Illaya please don't help vamp in the rooms i'm in and hit on women on an online programming QandA site.
the hitting on the women part is more serious. help vamping is just annoying
and that includes Caprica.
Now Come to the point. How to avoid that message? @JanDvorak
you can't because you are doing something unsafe and the browser is trying to protect the user
6 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
@Illaya not launch notepad.exe from within a web page?
the browser is telling you not to do it
@JanDvorak This msg is shown not only for notepad.exe, it always showing for all exe
Q: How to disable "ActiveX Control May Be Unsafe" popup

In an HTML file on My Computer, I'm trying to use the Scripting.FileSystemObject in a script. How can I disable the popup saying "Any ActiveX control on this page may be unsafe for scripting"? The "Internet Options" Security pane allows one to set "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not mark...

@Illaya funny that
it is a security feature. your browser is telling your user that it isn't safe to do what you are trying to do. so stop doing it
and asking the users to hack their registry is funny. @mikedidthis
@MoshMage ..... I'm just but a javascript beginner but I have seen something on codeschool on AngularJs and toptal.com/angular-js/…
@rlemon funny / dumb. Like you said, its not possible.
shouldn't the flag have taken effect already?
@mikedidthis I didn't use IE, I am just using a web browser inside a winForm
@Illaya protip: that is IE

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