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DI may be the solution for languages like (wait for it) Java. And while I perfectly agree that it has its place, and it's a wonderful technique (I even use it at home and at work!), it's not the solution for stateless objects
To expand on it: It makes whole buckets of sense to DI something like a database connection. That has state, you want to pass it around, and you also want to mock and not be tightly coupled. Makes sense.
For a helper function? No, js is a dynamic language. We have a dynamic solution.
Can a stateless object get a passport, or does it have to apply for citizenship first ?
@moesef Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: grep array of jqXHR objects - can't get status of 200, only 503

neridajI'm trying to filter an array of ajax Promise objects based on the jqXHR status. I can only get the status when it's 503 and when it's 200, status is undefined. How can I filter the array, only returning jqXHR objects with status 200 var userData = {}; userData.user1 = {"creds": {"userid":"...

Q: Combining Bacon.Bus values with value from promise

FredyCI am taking small steps in FRP land with BaconJS. I have the following code: # This will eventually get resolved with some value dfd = Promise.defer() promised = Bacon.fromPromise dfd.promise # Values are occasionally being pushed in here bus = new Bacon.Bus # 1. attempt bus.combine promised, ...

bacon.js? How is it not world famous?
oh, because it's weird, gotcha
I wonder if it's any good
@Zirak JavaScript is weird
> Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional.
Anything with that logo is awesome
@WenqinYe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It looks awkward and cumbersome to use.
Might as well write generic pipes, that'd be better
@Zirak it looks like it's for people who don't use the array prototype methods a lot
Someone (it better not be me) should write a really nice functional library. Not the bullshit that keeps circulating about "hey look I wrote an async forEach, download my library". Stuff that'd keep you from writing these short inline functions all the time.
Like, how many times did I need to do arr.every(function (val) { return !something(val); });
Why not not: arr.every(something.not())
is it possible to draw a hidden table, measure it, then set a dialog to match its height and then display both?
Or partial currying (only bind some of the arguments, let the others be passed in as usual)?
Actually, I had the same idea some time ago
Or "only pass along the first argument"?
^ insnely useful when debugging events
OK, I have a quick question about Angular.
Oh god not angular again, we just argued about it
@RobertHarvey shoot
Shit, I'm past my bedtime
If you're setting up a collection of REST urls, does Bootstrapping have anything to do with that?
@Zirak isn't it always past your bedtime?
angular('rhQuestion').service('shoot', function($chatRoom) {
  return $chatRoom.ask('question').then(function(response) {
    return response.argue();
Bedtime was a little before I was born
@RobertHarvey as in Bootstrap?
Damn mom gave birth to me. Womb was so friggin nice.
I have someone asking a question that really looks like they want to set up REST urls, but he wants to know how to "bootstrap" part of his application to do it.
I don't have the slightest pflagerville what he's talking about.
Q: Handling bootstrapping of angular app w.r.t the url

bhuwanI am working on a movie recommendation website. Where every movie, director, producer has its own page. The front page of the website gives the movie recommendations, and a movie page is rendered over the main recommendation page when clicking on a movie link as shown in the image.(I am using ng-...

Searching for "bootstrap" on angular docs brought this up:docs.angularjs.org/guide/bootstrap
I don't either.
Bootstrapping to me is just using the CSS classes lol
Yeah, he's using the wrong word
@Zirak Ah, good. I think I was right the first time. He wants $http service, not bootstrap.
Q: How to access the services from RESTful API in my angularjs page

anilCSEI am very new to angularJS. I am searching for accessing services from RESTful API but I didn't get any idea. please help me to do that. Thank you

@Zirak except when you have more libraries and code and want to scope. With your mockedAngular.$http you're mocking it for everyone using mockedAngular, I might want to serve a different copy to different modules.
@RobertHarvey oh hi
That's exactly what you're doing anyway
@Zirak no, it's not, you're Object.createing angular, what if some services inside it use $http internally? Do they have to use the global reference now for it?
Even if we ignore the loss of clarity of what it uses in every module...
@Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum nerds.
Just because it's "easier" to do something with monkey patching doesn't mean it's simpler.
!!s/monkey patching/monkeys/
@adeneo Just because it's "easier" to do something with monkeys doesn't mean it's simpler. (source)
First, clarity isn't the point of discussion here: I'm getting interfaces in DI, they can be real or they can be mocked. How do you know which one gets which?
Who am I? The service getting the injected instance, or the app itself?
As the service, I don't. All I know is that I'm getting a service that complies to whatever implicit or document interface I know of.
So Bootstrap changes out the CSS then?
...I have no idea what's the distinction between the two
I don't create it, and how it's created is abstracted from me, I have no interest in it.
What's a "service"? What's an "app"?
@RobertHarvey it compiles with Angular as an Angular view
@Zirak an app consists of whatever code you have to accomplish whatever action you wish to bring about. A service is a component from within your app that needs to interact with other components and might require using some components.
Second, I can see your point of ambiguity between user-land and library-land uses. I'll come back to you about it.
I still don't see what that has to do with different movie pages. Unless he's talking about one angular view for movies, and another for directors.
@RobertHarvey I think @SomeKittensUx2666 nailed it and he's just looking for ngRoute
6 hours ago, by adeneo
@Eugene - So the crap part then ? Angular is crap !
I like angular
@BenjaminGruenbaum So a service is a popcorn machine, an app is a movie theatre?
Isn't Angular supposed to be the new schnizzle?
My whole game is built with angular D:
@RobertHarvey I think NodeJS is cooler
Or is a service the popcorn itself...maybe it's the guy who shows the film?
@Zirak sure
Isn't NodeJS server-side?
@RobertHarvey it is (mostly)
Yeah, but it's still "the hotness"
@RobertHarvey Doesn't matter, it has jquery
at least im my personal opinion :P
A popcorn machine should not care about where it gets it corn from, it should not go grocery shopping, all it cares is that it has a steady supply of corn.
God dammit guys
Now I want popcorn
MEAN refers to first letters of the four components of a free and open-source solution stack for building dynamic web sites. MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript platform designed for web applications. The components of the MEAN stack are as follows: * MongoDB, a NoSQL database; * Express.js, a web applications framework; * Angular.js, a JavaScript MVC framework for web apps; * Node.js, a software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. See also * LAMP (software bundle) * MAMP * WAMP References
A popcorn machine should also not be in charge of creating the service that gets it corn, it should not own a shipping service.
ok, so from the popcorn machine's point of you, it'll happily churn away anything you give it, from corn to rocks to molten lava
Cool stack. Too bad it's NoSQL.
All a popcorn machine does when it needs corn (as if it was alive, which would be cool for whole other reasons), is ask the framework (theatre) for corn, the framework is the one in charge of the source.
@RobertHarvey worse, it's Mongo.
@adeneo or if you're comfortable with it, the M can also stand for MySQL, and Express.js can also be Express.io (a socket.io integration)
@Zirak as well as it has the methods you expect, yes.
Very handy modified mean stack for an async app
I miss the flexibility of Mongo.
Moreover, you can tell immediately by glancing at your popcorn machine exactly that it needs are corn, oil and electricity.
DB migrations are a hassle
!!s/Mongo/your mom/
@RUJordan - I'm sticking to Cassandra/Redis and Elasticsearch, I hate MySQL
@RUJordan I miss the flexibility of your mom. (source)
But you're saying there should be no ambiguity from the theatre's point of view. It won't buy lava instead of corn.
@adeneo everybody says they hate MySQL, but I haven't had a single problem with it for the past 4 years
I just don't get it
It's owned by an evil corporation.
It may not be MySQL specifically, but for the relational scheme in general.
Isn't mysql open source?
@RUJordan - Me neither, it's great for certain things, with relational models, joins and what not
It fails for anything that's not a table, naturally, but like html tables...
@RUJordan It's "open source"
@Zirak yes, the rest of the program is in charge of it functioning correctly, it's someone responsibility, but not the popcorn machine's.
quote unquote hint hint?
@BenjaminGruenbaum stop
I'm so hungry D:
And I love popcorn
Oh, no. Not that stupid bot again.
Hey :(
What, you want the bot to stop?
Totally starring that
Do you think development should halt?
The bot is really helpful here, for example
!!tell RobertHarvey slidepoop
... xD
Yop ! Small question about jquery, there is a simple plugin to this ? (click on the logo M, there is a appearence of a menu ) medium.com/matter/88aa8a185898
Or maybe you're 300% done and think we all should just STAHP?
@Martialp did you check out their source code at all?
@Martialp I'd probably just code it, looks rather simple
!!tell Martialp google jQuery animate
@Zirak of course, everything I say about DI take with a grain of salt.. these things only become useful in large projects.
!!tell adeneo help jquery
@adeneo jquery: Fetches documentation link from jQuery API. /jquery what
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm still not completely on board
If you have a 1000 LoC total project - you probably don't want nor need an IoC container, or DI or any of that
!!jquery stop
I had a feeling that would happen lol
I think we actually made @RobertHarvey leave haha
I blame the internet
I blame dwarfs
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just noticed the online list too lol he must really hate Cap
I blame not enough jquery
She prolly broke his heart
thx all !
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also, monkey patching is the solution to everything, so...
Instant win?
!!s/monkey patching/jQuery/
@adeneo @BenjaminGruenbaum Also, jQuery is the solution to everything, so... (source)
I knew it!
I wonder how well nodejs works with canvas
err... websockets I mean
canvas and sockets. Click the canvas, fire a socket response. Do they mingle well?
Looks like he was looking for ngRoute after all.
Couldn't get him to stop going on about bootstrap.
@RUJordan Why should node care how events are fired?
Oh, I see. Bot ignores mods.
I can totally understand the terminology mixup though
I am disappoint.
@RobertHarvey well, you haven't quite typed a trigger word yet <.<
Bot doesn't ignore mods
She listens to ThiefMaster all the time
Bot likes mods
Bot gives ThiefMaster foot massages and grapes
And she does sex like.. all day for him.
That the bot doesn't do, you perverted little man
:( I didn't look at the TP levels before I sat down :(
@RobertHarvey if you hear someone heavily breathing on the phone and then hanging up calling you every 30 minutes, that's probably Zirak
@Zirak little? D: I bet I'm taller than you :P
You can't be, you don't really exist
Also good point, I'm just not sure if I want to use a canvas in my game
@rlemon there's TP in the park next to the slide o.O?
I told you I have custom toilets in the shapes of slides.
@Zirak but if I don't really exist why did you imagine me at 6'3 with glorious hair? HMM? HMM?!?!?
@rlemon with a little sanitation on the slide you may be onto something there
And immaculate eye brows. Bro manscapes.
@RUJordan Because I'm also a perverted little man
Dude you have to. Who wants to look like a persian nightclub owner with gold so tangled in their chesthair it's laid roots?
@Zirak ... I have nothing. That may be the best comeback.
Except <3
I think all men should. Be respectful to the ladies.
We should change this rooms name to ManScript
Sculpting Bros since ES3
@RUJordan not offensive at all :D
Nahh. We would get someone fired for sexism
@BenjaminGruenbaum the un-intended sexism or the part about man-shaving? :P
It's pretty thoroughly offensive actually.
!!afk sleep for real
lol night man
the president of my company is right behind me :O
There's a book called JavaScript: The Good Parts that will help you. Also, come to the JavaScript chat room once you hit 20 rep. That's how I learned (am learning) — RUJordan 10 secs ago
we should steer this poor calf in the right way
@KrokosPro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
looking at spin.js source code which is written in strict mode, and every variable declaration is without ";" at the end. For example:
var prefixes = ['webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'], animations = {}, useCssAnimations
So in strict mode ";" after variable declaration is not mandatory?
@Srle - variables can be stated as a comma separated list, regardless of mode
var test1 = 'test1',
    test2 = 'test2',
    test3 = 'test3';
@adeneo i know, but didnt know that i can omit ";" at the end of the list
in strict mode
You can, the semicolon is not required in strict mode, until you write an IIFE on the next line, and you're screwed.
That's why you should generally use it
ERROR !!!!
(function() {
    "use strict"

    var test1 = 'test1',
        test2 = 'test2',
        test3 = 'test3'

    (function recursive() {

@adeneo, ah i understand now, thanks a lot
Looked at the source on Github -> github.com/fgnass/spin.js/blob/master/spin.js
And it's all valid of course, but there's no semicolons, missing curlybraces etc.
They are not really required, but it makes for a strange coding style
@rlemon - they sure are, starting lines with commas, and not using the curlybraces, the God damn curlybraces !
ASI is not to be relied on
it is an error correction mechanism
^^ That's pretty cool, hadn't seen that !
@light Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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