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the question is if its possible ...
I was trying to google how to do it and I didnt find anything that helps
@greW it is possible to put json into variable yes
the question is if its possible to pass them via url ...
@greW into a JS variable or FROM a variable
lets say abc.com print a json, i want to take it from them there and put it in my variable
that is possible
how ?
dozens of ways
the name is AJAX . search for it
@DrogoNevets like?
what frameworks, etc are you using currently
i know what ajax is, but how specific can i do it
jquery ?
@greW is one option yes
@jAndy i speaks it sir
@DrogoNevets can you be more specific about it ?
@jAndy I ended up using an event listener as you suggested, but removed the **keydown** event as it's not really necessary from an **UX** perspective.

I made a fiddle to explain what I did http://jsfiddle.net/6Qj3L/
@DrogoNevets how can I do it ?
@greW is there not enough examples on the interwubs ?
Altough it differs a bit because I had to share variables and the likes with Pagedown's own.
@greW I dont do peoples work for them, i will help diagnose and fix bugs, but you have to try first
@needaname thats it. But unless you really want to support legacy IE you can also skip the attachEvent crap
I dont want to send json, I want to put it in my variable, lets say www.YYY.com/json/books give a json with a list of books, I want to do something like that var books = getallbooks('www.YYY.com/json/books')
@DrogoNevets I never tried, they dont get me right
@greW yes i know
this is one hell of a horrible fiddle - jsfiddle.net/k7LTd/1
@greW " Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime " certainly doesn't work with a tutorial and you ?
@greW api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax <- has the answer for what you are looking for
well, I dont really see how ajax help me here, but i'll check it up thanks
@Splendonia code dump instead of showing only a block which is the problem. I see that often
@jAndy I'm really investigating if it's convenient or not to still support the buggy IE. I'm afraid of people complaining about no IE support. But even then, they shouldn't use that crap of browser.
@KarelG please elaborate?
I mean IE fully supports W3C Event-Model since IE9+
@Splendonia youve given us too much stuff, trim it down so that its only the bit that doesnt work and no other code at all
so you have 9/10/11
if there is anybody who requires a IE8 and below.. well, you don't want to work for that moron
(unless its Facebook, Twitter or Google)
@jAndy :( we support IE8
I'm wondering on stats of users with IE8 and below
of your product :p
Yeah, that's not really needed as you point out. I already have a notice to upgrade for those users, so guess I can strip that crap out.
@jAndy < 1% but the big bosses say we still have to as that < 1% is the UK government and we have a nice large contract with them
that is ridiculous on so many levels
@Splendonia well, if your car is broken, you won't bring it to a mechanic saying that "it doesn't work". The mechanic needs to know what the symptoms are and from where it comes. Fe a sound from the back. That's a symptom and the mechanic would be able to fix the car faster because he would look first to that spot. Or the mechanic has to check the whole car to find what the issue is.
I am lost
@jAndy not really 98% of the interaction from said customer is over the phone, but when it isnt its in MSIE8, but the contract is worht a few million GBP to us.......
@jAndy Approximately 0 :) Thing is that my project is still in the dark but I'm aiming to grow it bigger in the next year, maybe at least half the size of Facebook, but surely bigger than Reddit at least.
But I figure a user having <IE8 has also the gift of a brain and two hands to upgrade
what is the easiest way to compare two arrays
@DrogoNevets yea but.. I was talking about the fact that overall its below 1% (which is ridiculous for the effort to support it) and that this .x % is the GOV (which is ridiculous because of.. WTF! why do they use such crap there)
@needaname if your site is going to be at least 0.5 the size of facebook, you can afford to not support it
searching array two for a string value in array one
and some more levels of ridiculousness I don't mention :p
the question is, how long until it gets there?
@vimes1984 : check length, if equal, then loop through it and stop if a mismatch got found
@vimes1984 if(arr1 === arr2)
@vimes1984 loop through array 1, and within that loop loop through array 2 and check if values are the same, and as soon as they do please break out of the loop
Though, if you want to check all items they contain, then it is no longer as easy
uhm... you need one loop to check two arrays for equality
yeah I to compare all the values in array one for occurences in array two
@KarelG He said easy, not accurate
@vimes1984 That's actually not the same thing as what you just said before
@vimes1984 That's actually not the same thing as what you just said before
ok oh sorry...
let me put a snippet together
@DrogoNevets I don't know, but have already started a small local business and learned all the tricks in marketing. Though I think it should mostly be spread over mouth words. There are a lot of things I have planned for when this project is ready for the world to be 100% used.
A ⊂ B, B !⊂ A
@needaname learnt all the tricks? i think you have a lot to learn
@Esben Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oops, had to really say almost all the tricks :)
!!s/almost all/some of
@DrogoNevets That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Neil Why not both?
ok i need to compare both of these:

var arr1 = [[0] => "dso office", [1] => "training entity" ]
var arr2 = [[0] => "lorem ipsum dso office", [1] => "training entity ipsum lorem", [2] => "lorem ipsum dso office"]
There is a lot to learn obviously, and I will never stop. But that's a bigger step than before I started. I also did many mistakes that I wouldn't have done if I knew that before.
@vimes1984 You want to know if strings in arr1 are all contained in arr2?
Or the other way around?
Or both
@Neil or neither
I want to know if any of the strings in arr1 are contained in arr2 and retrun true on the arr2 loop once per occurnce of the string
@Neil Who are you talking about?
@Splendonia kind of, however the fiddle doesnt work at all for me
@needaname vimes1984
I can't wrap my head around it...
@DrogoNevets I'm working with a framework, I would have to upload it somewhere where all the depedencies are to make it work properly. Do you see anything wrong with the JS part? specially the events called with .click?
@vimes1984 "return true once per occurence" isn't possible (yet)
@neil really?!!
However what you can do is call a method for every string found in arr2 that is in arr1
My laptop battery is slowly dying and I still have ~20 minutes, so if I don't reply in reasonable time don't take offense in that. I'm at university.
@needaname I can and I will.
How can you not find a power outlet at a university campus?
which compares just a simple string against the array
I need to pass a array to it instead of just a string...
@Kippie This is Italy..One day the power plug works, another it doesn't. The same for WiFi...
@neil I can't do that?
!!tell vimes1984 format
@DrogoNevets Command !!format does not exist. Did you mean: format (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@DrogoNevets Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@vimes1984 Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
there is no pleasing some women!
@drogoNevets there is no pleasing Most women
@DrogoNevets As if a guy like you would be able to please C6
it just makes it easier for us to read
    filterMarkersstyle: function (text) {
        if (text === undefined || text === null) {
            text = '';
        var t = text.toLowerCase().trim(),
            ms = this.mapshapes,
            mss, shapeId, it;
        for (shapeId in ms) {
            if (ms.hasOwnProperty(shapeId)) {
                mss = ms[shapeId];
                if (t === undefined && t === '') {
                    this.setMapObjectVisibility(mss, true);
                } else {
@Kippie shes just cross with me for teaching her a few things earlier ;)
@DrogoNevets better?
@Neil how do i do this: However what you can do is call a method for every string found in arr2 that is in arr1
function findThingsInCommon(arr1, arr2, callMethod) {
    for(obj1 in arr1) {
        for(obj2 in arr2) {
            if(obj1 === obj2) {
Do you guys suggest to "hardcode" extra features (such as character count) in Pagedown's code (a Markdown editor used by Stack Exchange) or make them separate plugins?
@vimes1984 It's not reciprocal however.
as in it compares arr1 to arr2 but not the other way around?
What am I saying, it is reciprocal in this case since it should call the same amount of times
@needaname is it your code originally ? if so then do what you like, other wise seperate plugin
@DrogoNevets Yes it is. I'm also taking feature requests and was afraid of the code growing too much. But I suspect I won't receive many meaningful requests so I think I can get away with it.
@needaname If you focus on plugins, you'll end up down a long dark tunnel that never ends
@needaname so page down is yours?
can anyone provide some examples of sites which show a tutorial of how to use a feature?
@MadsK Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
theflatteringman.com // sfw - mostly - idk you see a hairy man's stomach but it's legitimate advertising
Did I miss that one? Probably old haha
hey, Ive a url a webpage that echo a jsonp, now I'm trying via ajax to print it other page, and I get this error, anyone know why ?
XMLHttpRequest cannot load myurl.com:3500/cars?getcars=all. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost' is therefore not allowed access.
@Jhawins hello
got your ping about why i ride, the sense of freedom! and no not from the mrs, best feeling in the world her jumping on the back
I can't seem to get it to work
@DrogoNevets And my overall point was that all of my vehicles are for the sense of freedom ;)
To whoever that one dude was haha.
so are mine, i only have the beemer, but then brand new it did costs £16k!
Hahaha yeah. Those BMWs
@greW - I'm guessing you're not testing this on a webserver ?
@adeneo nope you think its that ?
I was just at the shop... Like every few days checking out the new bikes. I saw my enduro sitting mint with 7.6K miles on her and I asked for the price. He said it had been on the floor a half hour and wasn't even in the system yet and said how's $2K? I handed him $1,300 cash and he said deal hahaha
i cant wait to get the wedding out of the way, i have some serious plans for the bike and farkles to build/add
(but wedding draining all my disposable income atm)
@adeneo I just tried on a web server, still get it
You can't do ajax from a file:// protocol, at least not without changing the browser settings, you'll need a webserver, try WAMP
I just need a new income lol.
@Jhawins : bike wheelers dealers ?
@greW - You're hitting the same-origin policy, so either protocol, port or domain is different
@Jhawins lol im happy here atm tbh
got a fiancee i love, house over my head, a decent salary for a 27 year old, and once the wedding is sorted ill have aplenty of spare cash
Yep, that's about what I thought when I was 27
Can anyone match a string for me using regex?
I'm trying to get and replace {{variableName}} in a string
is what I had thus far
I'm 19. I was so grateful to get this job when I was 17 actually programming. But the pay quickly wasn't enough once I actually moved out.
19 sucks when you're too focused on the future and work alone all day making shit pay as a developer.
Go study something fun
@adeneo or the computer setting, yeah, that's a thing :P
I can't just "go do $anything"
@Phil - /{{(.*?)}}/
Everything takes money, which I have none of haha.
THANK YOU SO MUCH @adeneo!! :)
Also I have a great girl and things are going good. But religion in the bible belt has me exiled from her currently.
@Jhawins that suggests no uni degree, took me 5 years to get what i considered a reasonable pay that i could actually afford to enjoy life a bit
that was 2 years ago
you got exiled ?
on which purpose ?
@Jhawins Go to church with her every now and again and you'll make everyone happy
last 3 jobs (this included) have been nice and its all up from here, nextspot is team lead! hurrah!
Telling you this based on experience
I agree. I've just got no family for help with school and a series of unfortunate events left me with a bit of debt that definitely has to be dealt with before I can lower my income, i.e. go to school.
@Neil I wish it was that easy. That I can do, I was raised that way lol. I can be nice. But she's not religious and she doesn't want that.
@Jhawins screw that, me and the fiancee are both practicing christians, her dad is a vicar and we live together, ok my old church ousted be and im no longer welcome there (fu**ers!) but that hasnt stopped us, and we now go to a different church which accepts things as they are and leaves it as that
@Jhawins haha i have a fair bit of debt, which is going to be cleared next year after the wedding, but i am solvent should the worst happen to me!
lol yeah I got ousted by 2 churches as a teen and I never even knew why.
@Jhawins In the bible belt it's how you're expected to gain a good reputation in a community
It's more than religion, it's about socializing
They would tell me "You just have that look" and they'd blame everything on me and in reality I was the kid hiding up in the back room practicing my Mozart on the church piano.
@Neil Just waiting until we both are moving :)
Granted, if it were up to me, I'd never go
I have to follow work, she has to follow school.
But I realize that for the aspects that aren't religious, it is still a necessary evil for that reason alone
@ojciecmatki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
We'll bend those paths relatively close together and go from there
ah young love!
It's a bummer/It's cool/I'm fuckin exiled hahahaha
It's hilarious
tell you what though, everything that happened with my church made me realise who my real friends were
and made the wedding much cheaper :P
Her parents are.... Well her Dad is essentially a hermit. The damn-near closest thing I've ever seen. Doesn't interact with the family, outside friends, nothing. He builds onto his house constantly or rebuilds the cars engines for no reason or goes to work.
The Mom is a teacher at this private christian/nondenominational/"perfect" school church dealio. The partnered church for that school permanently banned me 3 years ago and I never knew why.
Yup. Everything went smooth for 16 years and then they showed me how life works. Got rid of a lot of heavy friends and started enjoying life instead of tracking it
So basically I got a cluster fuck on my hands :)
@Jhawins financially im very rocky atm, but generally im ok, and i am happy which is the main thing!
Me: *finds improperly formatted JSON*
Me: *fixes improperly formatted JSON*
User LogIn: *breaks*
Me: WTF *rage*
@DrogoNevets Eh. I have enough money I'm not going into the red each month. I do have my awesome girlfriend even if I can't see her and I can choose to do literally anything still. So I'm doing great. But also not great. It's not good enough forever but it's good enough for now.
!!tell vimes1984 format
@vimes1984 Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@jhawins I tried....
4 messages moved to Trash
Just not good enough
You're gonna have to try harder
i wanna go home
@vimes1984 Select all -> Control+K
A: When did I get close-vote superpowers?

Shog9Yes, you are now a Superhero, able to wield the mighty Mjölnir. The rules are: You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for. You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag yo...

gold badge in jQuery would be helpful if only to close them
Yeah I saw that today lol
@adeneo you have single vote close powers
damn man. abuse that shit!
@rlemon - I sure do ;)
I wanna go home too. It's 10am
i'm at ~350 for the JS tag
almost at my silver badge
15.20 for me, so only 40mins to go
but got the rents coming over for dinner (groan!)
ok i think i have it
does any body know how to write a or regex experession to .search()
@rlemon lol
@vimes1984 -
'string'.search(/t/); // 1
^^ it's not easy, but absolutely doable
and OR
'string'.search(/(l|t)/); // is still 1 ?
anyone know of a free service that, given a video file, will transcode into all the HTML5 codecs?
@Ryan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi, is anyone in here familiar with the Google Analytics API for videos?
Guys, if I have two directives side by side <abc></abc><def></def> then how should the communicate? I tried to do that with require property, but seems it doesn't relate to any option shown in examples here
@DrogoNevets free? heh.
The error page shows only options if directives are linked this way <abc def></abc> or <abc><def></def></abc>
Ok. Googles search was so nice at first. It starts tailoring me slowly towards web development results. Then the day came when I started looking up a lot more hardware for r&d stuff. Google started tailoring towards that.
Now I'm at the point I can't find out what fucking engine is in this car without going incognito. It won't help me find real details.
@adeneo story of my life
And somehow everything, including a rebuilt transmission, has something to do with Javascript with Google. Lol
Google ANYTHING -> "You need this JS snippet right?"
Finally. Found the 4 characters I was looking for lol.
you can add -javascript
anyone? I'm not a vampire :D
Could anyone help me with a quick Javascript question? I think the Google Analytics API is somehow targetting a specific DIV ID. I'm not sure where or how to change it though so I can target a different ID. I've got it up here: stackoverflow.com/questions/23634106/…
@FlorianMargaine found one, adds a watermark but thats ok for what i want
@CapricaSix Oh, thanks. I will read the rules. And if I have a question, I'll make sure to ask.
@RyanKinal only you.....

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