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can any one help please
@FlorianMargaine i shouldn't have clicked that. i shouldn't have clicked that. i shouldn't have clicked that.
i want a regex to find whether a link or not in plain text for checking www.google.com/ , google.com ,google.com
@FlorianMargaine oh god...
@Gadde search for anchor tag ?
@Gadde i would just check for http/s
or does it have to work without the protocol?
@GNi33 i tried regx = /(http(s)?:\/\/([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)/ig
that's a wtf-regex
@GNi33 this works only for http and https but not for www.... any help
give me a sec
why don't you scan for "www.google." ?
@KarelG google.com is just an example i should find any link in plain text whether starts with http or https or www
ah, ok. I hope that GNi33 knows it :p
that one is very basic
just checks if a string starts with http/s or www
combine it with yours and it might just work
thought that /((https?:\/\/)|(www\.)).*//gm would do the job
( global + multiline) if you don't use multiline text, remove the last 'm'
I am using RadGrid. In the Edit columns i have 2 radpickers named as rdppurdate,rdp_cumintto.
I have used the following code in javascript.

function DateSelected(sender, eventArgs) {
           var rdppurdate,rdp_cumintto;
        var PurDate = $find("ctl00_MainContent_radgrd_InvPur_ctl00_ctl05_rdppurdate");
        var CumToDate =$find("ctl00_MainContent_radgrd_InvPur_ctl00_ctl05_rdp_cumintto");
        var strdates = PurDate.get_selectedDate();
        strdates.setDate(strdates.getDate() - 1);
what's $find... selector?
nice variable name... thehe
ok, i have a number of variables that are populated by ajax, how do i tell angular that these are coming it just has to be patient with the ajax request?
Hm how would I select an element in an element then? I so far got further with: find( "li.list.data-filter" ) Though I can't seem to find data-filter but I can find li.list. The structure is: <li class="list" data-filter="a1">
i have used this just to mention the first radDatePicker. am using asp.net as a front end
If anybody has spare time to review my stuff: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/49623/… Its a Movie ticket booking system!
ctl05_rdp_cumintto.... is asp generating names like that?
im thinking promises but ive never actually used them myself
!!jquery regex
@GNi33 s...
first i used var PurDate = $find(<%= rdppurdate.ClientID %>');. But its not working
what does $find do?
$('[src^=http\:\/\/medias]') I get Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [src^=medias]
I'd like to select all img with a src attribute starting with a pattern
why are you escaping that stuff instead of just using a string?
same error without escaping
@GNi33 it will just point the datepicker. like declaring.
what does it return... the element?
and you are passing the id? if yes, I'm not really surprised that it only works on the first row
jquery error: Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [src^=http://medias]
querySelector error: SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '[src^=http://medias]' is not a valid selector.
@GNi33 oh, ok
FUAAAKK!!! I wanted to eat some very special thing and I imagined me eating, enjoying and all the full satisfaction
yes ji. its just to pass the id
and then... I discovered I can't make it because I don't have it
@GNi33 any idea else, to make sure it will be img tags also?
ow great, powerful, thanks
@GNi33 then how should i code here to make change in all the rows in the grid
use a querySelector, that allows you to select with a classname or something like that. Instead of a single element, this returns a NodeList, think of it as some kind of array containing elements
you can loop over given NodeList then
what is this for key,val mean in angular
 <select ng-model="key" ng-options="key for (key , val) in divisions"></select>
how can i use the NodeList here. can u Please explain
@Tony Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 thank you
@GNi33 that's not working
@Gadde play around with it on regexr.com a little, it's an absolutely brilliant tool
worked for me though
@PratipGhosh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
var car = {
    division: "BCS",
    batch: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
    division: "BIT",
    batch: ['l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p'],
    division: "HND"
    batch: ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
can we have such a object ?
hurrah that was easy!
$q is quite fun isnt it :)
Hm.. Canvas people. How can I make the drawImage() the same size as the canvas it copies from: jsfiddle.net/WM845
@samitha yeah, why not?
@GNi33 thqq
wait a sec
I just had a minor stroke I think
There is a syntax error @GNi33
just looked at the values
no, of course not, propertynames need to be unique
Missing comma
yeah, you're missing a comma, but this won't work like you want it to
@samitha no
how would you access the different properties, if they have the same identifier
@GNi33 how i?
Object can't have more than one property with same name
^ this
If I'm right the last property in this object will be final(what you have in result)
@jAndy ^ $(this) (source)
@Eugene yeah, I'm thinking the same
@Nils Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 and @jAndy jsfiddle.net/7TG24 problem with my angular
too lazy to actually try it right now though :D
I hate angular
excuses everywhere
@samitha what's the problem?
@GNi33 i can't get selected division
why ?
i need to get the first selected value in the first select
@KarlenKishmiryan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@samitha division will be stored in $scope.selectedDivision if ive understood code right
@DrogoNevets but why ?
Hi all.
I want to know, can I also answer to questions here, or I'm only privileged to ask questions?
@samitha ok i was looking atout of date code
it is in $scope.key
No it's getting the array
not the selected value
@KarlenKishmiryan you already breached privileges !
first selected <select> value
@samitha then tell it to save the value!
joking aside, of course you can answer to questions here. Brace yourself for shitstorms and getting smacked if only a tiny bit is wrong, but other than that, no problem
@DrogoNevets how can i parse it to the controller
@samitha what is it you are after?
what should be stored?
you have 2 mins then im going on lunch
i want to to filter data array according to the selected value
@jAndy thanks
@samitha and what is it doing atm?
nvm im going on lunch
@GNi33 ?
ng-options="key as key for (key , val) in divisions"
mean ?
sorry, I'm too busy right now to have a closer look at it
@KarelG Look at your and mine gravatars!!
wha, i'm just too lazy to upload one
Does anyone know how to combine the Javascript keyup and keydown events?
With JQuery you would do .on(keydown, keyup..) but my implementation should be pure Javascript.
This is the snippet if you're interested:
document.getElementById('wmd-input').onkeyup = function() {
    document.getElementById('wmd-counter').innerHTML = 10000 - charscount;
document.getElementById('wmd-input').onkeydown = function() {
    document.getElementById('wmd-counter').innerHTML = 10000 - charscount;
@Fresher Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Y U NO USE .addEventListener()
you can't chain that by default, if that is what you mean
what you *could* do is something like

    var wmdInput = document.getElementById('wmd-input');
          wmdInput.onkeyup = wmdInput.onkeydown = function() {
               // code
@jAndy The Game
but I'd still recommend to go with .addEventListener() instead
28 missing upvotes for golden js badge
but damn, main is so depressing
Any alternative to
@mMoovs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 FU
Hello poetic in-browser coders of fine javascript, can you take an express peek at my fiddle please? I am trying to add a different background image to active links,
!! test
@Christina That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
This one works fine, but my brain cannot translate the algebra as the IQ wasn't high enough
Problem is I have 6 background images with different colors making the complexity, beyond my comprehension
@ArchieButler : how's that difficult
the this points to the element from which you have clicked
@KarelG :( My brain is very small I just wing it at work as a developer because it pays more but I am an airy fairy designer at heart :(
sounds like bullshit excuse
if the solution requires a bit difficult logic, i would give you some advises / steps to solutions. But for this ? Nah, that's basic logic, like designing a page
My delicate positive feelings shredded...
Is it this $(".link1").click(function() {
But that is not on the link :(
hello all!
hi vimes
and archie .......
@KarelG Hi
@vimes hi
what do you want to do with the removeClass ?
on the clicked element or other element ?
I want to swith background images when a menu item is clicked on, The standard background image is a square, the active one has a little arrow tip, I just want them to swap when I click
I've just read the rules and I'm gonna jump in on the question
@Thanks Vimes
no worries
I'm trying to parse a kml file
var el = $(this);
that simple
co-worker just walked in with a full jerry can.
should I be concerned?
Hmm... Updated the fiddle... What happened to the click function?
with markers I'm using this: https://code.google.com/p/kmlmapparser/ which works wonderfully, I have angularJS on the front end looking good!
My problem now is that i need to set more than one type of marker as visible at once this kml parser only let's me set one at a time.
I've tracked down the function inside of the kmlparser file:
filterMarkersstyle : function (text){
if (text === undefined || text === null ){
var t = text.toLowerCase().trim(),
ms = this.mapshapes,
mss, shapeId, it;
@rlemon depends what its full of.....
var el = $(this);
like so:
$scope.$watch('accnt', function() {
angular.forEach($scope.accnt, function(value, key){
kmlLayer.filterMarkersstyle(value); });
$(".link1").click(function() {
var el = $(this);
I just can't for the life of me being to grasp how to make it work for multiple marker types
Is it that @KarelG?
this works it just applys the kmlLayer.filterMarkerstyle according to the last $scope.accnt entry
not to all of them
I'm guessing i need to rewrite the kmlparser function to deal with more than one entry type i just can't wrap my head around it or how it's working...
any help is much appriciated
It's disheartening like hitting a kitty but I can't not vote to close this one...
Q: Misunderstanding in javascript function

TukhsanovI really want to know more about functions. Actually i have no any programming background. Everytime it cames to function it makes me some problems. I know how to add or compute two or more numbers using functions. However everytime it creates me lots of problems such as understanding inside of b...

Hey, does anyone know if IE11 does conditional comments, and/or runs a JScript version 5.11?
so I'm thnking of going down this direction:
$scope.$watch('accnt', function() {
var i = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.accnt, function(value, key){
i += 1;
if (i <= $scope.accnt.length) {
console.log('still some left');
} else{
console.log('the end');
inside the angular file checking to see the length of the array but i think I'm on a wild goose chase like this
so any ideas?
I really want to know more about functions. Actually i have no any programming background. Everytime it cames to function it makes me some problems. I know how to add or compute two or more numbers using functions. However everytime it creates me lots of problems such as understanding inside of bracets like this function(x,y,z) For instance today i really not understand this

var arr = [ 1, 9, 3, 8, 6, 1, 5, 9, 4, 7, 3, 8, 6, 9, 1 ];
$( "div" ).text( arr.join( ", " ) );

arr = jQuery.grep(arr, function( n, i ) {
thus the origin of the functors who parsed Ni.
@FlorianMargaine thats painful
well, it's quite a leap in trying to understand code he's making
@FlorianMargaine advise him to find a dictionary, navigate to 'F', then 'u', then 'n', then 'c', then 't', then 'i', then 'o', then 'n'. Once done, read the paragraph after it.
@FlorianMargaine tell him to understand getters and seeters (so not just simple maths problems) then maybe he will get used to the idea that functions arent just for maths
ok I think I've track dwon exactly what i need
to edit
can someone please explain to me what this is doing:
isVisible = (it.search(t) !== -1) ? true : false;
I'm ok up to the ? true : false;
remove them, it does the same
can someone please take a look on that, I'm trying to sort jsons, I just got confused worknig with them :S
what is it I've not seen expressions like that before
Q: re building a json from an exciting one nodejs

greWI've the current JSON that looks like this { "_id": "5371f7171b27d11418bd9b46", "name": "a", "length": 14 }, { "_id": "5371f7171b27d1143bd9b46", "name": "ab", "length": 3 } and I'm trying to get it to look like this one, ...

you can google "ternary operator"
@florianMargine Thank you
@vimes1984 it is a ternary operator
( condition ? return statement when condition is true : return statement when condition is false )

You can read that as
if (condition) {
// return statement between ? and :
} else {
// return statement after :
is it more efficient to use a tenerary?
isVisible = (it.search(t) !== -1) ? true : false;

can be reduced to isVisible = (it.search(t) !== -1);
@k0lpak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@vimes1984 no, just less to write
because if the condition is true, you return true. Or if false, you return false. So just (it.search(t) !== -1) is fine
@vimes1984 it's also handy if you want to display a part of string
@JamesWiseman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I get it!
'hello Foo ' + ( isAdmin ? 'admin' : 'user') + ' .... '
I'm guessing i need a foreach after this to save my true statements and push them all through to visible
if you are more experienced with the language, you know how to do small optimizations it and such
@karelG eventually!
'inherit' is probably difficult to understand in engrish
@Splendonia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello! how do i work around preventDefault working only once? I've been reading a lot and trying lots of things like .on() however, the form always submits the second time I press any of the two buttons
Doesn't sound like preventDefault is the problem here
@Splendonia can you show us some code in jsfiddle?
preventDefault() stops the event from continuing, in your situation, it stops with submit
yup, give me a minute
either you've bound it incorrectly, or used the function incorrectly
im wondering if e.preventDefault() isnt the first line, and second time some error happens in the function so the code doesnt get to the preventDefault bit
either way, there are dozens of possible reasons its not working, so we need some code other wise its pure speculation
i need to switch to my phone because the work proxy doesn't allow 'uploading', brb
@Splendonia uploading? how is jsfiddle uploading?
ask the proxy... it says that i am, and 'Uploading is restricted'
sounds worse than the proxy here, and its pretty anal here
it's a chinese company
oh well, show me the codez
on here?
no in jsfiddle
programmers SE is offline?
No, hmmm weird
can I get json from url into variable ? in jquery or something ?

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