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in Sandbox, 7 secs ago, by Node Bot
@SomeKittensUx2666 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
there ya go
I'm rethinking the core bot design. One of the major problems was that bot.js was both a framework and an implementation.
Also, there'll be two bots: Zoe and Frany. Zoe will be the main one, like what Caprica is now, and Frany will just be in charge of two commands: live and die
That solves the problem of how the bot can respond to live
Actually, it should just be named Fran, to keep with the symmetry.
Q: How do I do this jquery pattern in dart?

NaddiseoI'm trying to convert the following javascript/jquery code into dart, but I'm having problems understanding how futures work. function fnA() { fnB().then(function() { // do something } } function fnB() { var ret = $.Deferred(); _db.open(database_name).then(function() { ...

@Zirak Why Frany or Fran?
Franny and Zooey is a book by American author J. D. Salinger which comprises his short story "Franny" and novella Zooey . The two works were published together as a book in 1961, having originally appeared in The New Yorker in 1955 and 1957, respectively. Franny and Zooey, both in their twenties, are the two youngest members of the Glass family, which was a frequent focus of Salinger's writings. "Franny" takes place in an unnamed college town during the weekend of "the Yale game" and tells of an undergraduate who is becoming disenchanted with the selfishness and inauthenticity she perceiv...
So if the bot is Zoe, then the counterpart should be Fran.
Are you going to give them their personalities?
Yes. I've passed the book through Zirak's Personality Distiller, all that's left is to plug them in.
That's what I thought.
@AlvaroCarvajalNakosmai Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no strange name of the chat?
someone should do something about it
room topic changed to JavaScript and other Toothbrushes: Now with 360 spinning blades. Read this link or we'll eat you: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [bananas] [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [javascript]
@t1wc Happy?
@Zirak Eff all of them.
god man. It makes me so angry
I have to tip my monitors to plug anything in
@Zirak perfect
of course Ill be stubborn and try for like 5 mins w/o tipping them but then I give up
USB plugs have 4 sides
I try, doesn't work, turn it over, try again, nothing. turn it over, try again, nope, one more turn, try again, BINGO!
So that's what you call it! Thanks @Zirak
@rlemon haha
@Nate Most welcome. What're you talking about, though?
XY problem just was never sure what to call it
The calls are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
What in the fuck
Don't hate
@Zirak I hate you...
Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean.
!!s/dean/Dean Martin/
@monners Frankly my dear, I don't give a Dean Martin. (source)
Confirmed, that is a cat's anus.
@SomeGuy We're going to need your approval to continue. Is it a good enough representation of a cat's anus?
CC @phenomnomnominal
someone chime in.
cats' anus
^ ownership rule?
You want someone to chime in a cat's anus?
I don't think I can do that...
@rlemon Contractions... sigh
Neither of these are a contraction.
You have no wife.
Wife or Life?
@monners You have no life. (source)
singular ownership is 's
Ohh snap sorry haha
@Zirak cat's anus, over.
if we were talking about multiple cats' anuses
Over, but not out
@Zirak You're over a cat's anus?
@rlemon Cats' anus sounds much more scary, as if multiple cats share an anus.
Giving some freaky Cat Centipede vibes
@Zirak Share as in have, or share as in are connected to?
The Feline Centipede
@monners As much as I like the mental image of several cats safeguarding and probably feasting on an anus...I also despise the mental image of several cats being connected to the same anus.
It's a lose-lose, you see.
@rlemon What have you done?
@Zirak like an anus-22
sewn a few cats face to ass?
@monners He liked to keep apples in his cheeks...
@Zirak I'm not smart enough to understand that joke
Catch 22, there was a character who was famous for putting crabapples in his cheeks.
He shared the tent with Yossarian, had some stuff with a prostitute (but who in the book wasn't involved with a prostitute?)
I'm not clicking any of the above links
you know you want it
@Zirak I really should read that book
Reading Hitch-22 at the moment
@Isaias Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Definitely, you're in for a treat. Catch 22 is one of the better books out there.
@rlemon I can confirm
@Zirak <-- Can you confirm this please @SomeGuy ?

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