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@SomeKittensUx2666 now, what do you think of this: jsfiddle.net/rlemon/L6ay2/1/show
(the 'working' bars are fake loading indicators for the given actions)
@AndrewVermie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Working bars probably shouldn't be 100% width
Red box at top is too big
I like how the icons are just lighter colour
very cool
incidentally, I met some Node Toronto guys at a meetup yesterday, never caught where they work
@rlemon remove the oultine on the inputs?
also your <480px styles need some tweaking
but it's pretty
@rlemon looks nice
but no borders makes the color transitions harsh
and logos are aliased
^ fix that
i tried.
don't know how
(stole the svg)
is there like, and easy svg editor?
idk :? I suck with vector images
inkscape maybe?
maybe an online one
youd think there would be a lot but idk
it looks nice thought @rlemon overall
still hard :P
haha yeah definitely
people awesome with vector images are wizards
time to head to the html room and vamp :P
i'm trying to convince the boss that we need a new logo
so i'm easing him in with convincing him my project needs its own logo
@ShashankSawant Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar Portal 2 or some other game i've been missing out on
(i've never played any of the portals)
the portal games are fantastic
I dont even like puzzle games, but they were amazing
should I start with one or two?
one wouldnt be bad at all, its like 2-4hrs long
two is a bit longer but not by too much
can I play two without playing one?
I disagree with @Loktar, start with one
one is great, but I meant there is no real disconnect in story
he wont be lost in 2 if he doesnt play one
but one is really good, and like I said pretty short, not sure how much $$ it is righ tnow
like 5 years ago it was free
ah yeah $10 right now thats lame actually, should be $5
if two is good i'll play one
so excited for valkyrieeeee
and the dk2
Katie Sackhoff is actually in Valkyrie so badass!
anybody here who use realforce keyboard?
i want buy it
in the process of making an image filter. i am trying to make a brightness slider. but
i am stuck at understanding how to do it... the current approach i have with applying a filter on an image is, for every new filter selected, check if the number of canvas elements exceed 3 then delete the topmost filter, create a new canvas, draw the original image on it, and then get the image data and modify them and put it back.
But this doesnot work for brightness and contrast . Since the brightness and contrast information of the topmost canvas is gone
i have the information of the previous layers to work with, which is not what it needs to be. So how to do it
@WIll Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just got a recruiting email for a job with a 145k base salary.
!!are the recruiters artificially inflating salary to get me to respond?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yes!
That's what I thought.
Fuck I should move to America
@phenomnomnominal NZ's nice
For instance, freedoms
Oh yeah, that
hello I have a question
I should telecommute
when I run this selector
it does not return me html with <body></body>
it returns inner html of the body
look at where your ()s are
how can I change it to return with <body> ?
go google what () does in JS regular expressions
when I change to /<body.*?>([\s\S]*)<\/body>/.exec(response)[0];
it works
I will also learn more about syntax
[0] will return the full match
hmm yes that's what i want
everything after will pertain to any () you have
@Zac Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 Please explain, in more detail, what you're trying to say.
@Connor The user is suggesting crap edits which are minor and not constructive.
@JingshaoChen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Wold Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 hours later…
@boomcruiser Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok O_O
well here is a demo of the code plnkr.co/edit/sPtsZZaBwx1R5kKpdSZJ .......... I m using easelJs library to draw paint lines on the canvas.This code draws on the canvas but it doesnt draw on the image loaded on the canvas ,here is the screenshot of whats happening prntscr.com/3h7z3n . I am not sure how to fix this problem , any help will be greatly apppreciated.
just for the record , i read all the rules O_O and i dont want to get eaten _
Im looking for similar slider http://www.fitbit.com/flex#tory-burch , if you have some e.g.

Basically i need the slide bar which can perform as this slider perform
@boomcruiser ite
ITE? eh i m not sure what ite is ?
!!urban ite 1
@Connor [ite](http://ite.urbanup.com/1182973) -slang for alright
-affirmative response to a question
@Connor [Ite](http://ite.urbanup.com/1090801) A greeting, and a reply to that greeting.

Comes from 'alright'

As in 'Are you Alight?' 'Yeah, I'm alright'

Gets shortened to 'Ite?' 'Ite.'
OH xD gotcha
i say "aite" most of the times
but never seen anyone say ite
@Zirak If you're running the bot, the urban index is -=1
@boomcruiser were you from?
india , wbu?
cool, england
aite , wuzz happenin' then?
@boomcruiser Yeah, that confused me because you're sounding like british slang
!!urban ello
@Connor ello A greating that should be spelled "hello" yet it spelled "ello" for a Brittish sounding accent on the "e"
Oh yeah i have been hanging out with a lot of brits o-o
oh ah
i thought caprica was a bot when i first entered .-.
she is, what made you think she isn't?
she is? :O
too smart for a bot :P
@Connor Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@boomcruiser I'm sexy too xxx
!!tell connor hello
@connor Hi
@javadaskari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol wow......
Virgin two niner niner two, copy.
But when she first told the meaning of Ello , i dint see ur comment O_O
so is there a wat to pass invisible comments or somethin eh? o-o
@Qantas94Heavy your traffic is a Virgin, one o’clock, three miles, Eastbound
Lol u literally got me there for a second
not a bot :P
@boomcruiser It is, but it's obviously maintained by a human, the answers are usually so the bot get's certain privileges, like the bot would have to get rep to enter the chat room etc....
It's mainted by @Zirak
No, there isn't any way to do so.
then rApple
ah ok
@boomcruiser test A process for testing things
O_O aite confirmed
!!welcome boomcruiser
@boomcruiser Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Got it working! Thanks so much!
Hi guys
I have one string like this :- 2014-05-02 12:00:00
i simply want to get Date object from this string.
I tried var startDate = new Date(start);
but it is giving Invalid date
when I print object
!!> var tmp = new Date('2014-05-02 12:00:00'); tmp
@Connor null
@Connor "ReferenceError: rmp is not defined"
@Connor null
!!>(new Date('2014-05-02 12:00:00')).toString()
@Connor "Invalid Date"
Is caprica user or machine? As soon as you type he is giving errors
!!>new Date(('2014-05-02 12:00:00'))
@boomcruiser null
it works on console
!!> new Date
@Connor "2014-05-08T05:38:51.638Z"
@Connor If anything, it's +=1. It just takes the index you gave it and accesses the result array with it.
@Zirak Yeah, I gathered that, just saying it doesn't match the index on urban
Why is it giving null here .-.
Maybe they order it differently, but you mean that 0 doesn't give the first, 1 the second, etc?
@Zirak 1 is second yes, urban, like most humans don't count 0 as a number in that respect
ANy guide guys?
or at least ever start with that number
@boomcruiser the formats accepted by the date constructor are browser specific. Also, I'm actually not sure how well the but handles passing invalid dates.
@connor Welcome to programming.
source/plugins/urban, line 52
Hi. I get a response from a page via an ajax call; so I have its complete html. My goal is to select a portion of it (in other words, a sub tree, which include script tags with js code that inits content in the sub tree).

Can I represent this whole html as an xml document, query the required node out and append to my web page's DOM?
btw any good in EaselJS?
I am specifically asking this question since I have tired $('#target').load('foo.html #content') ... turns out that it strips away the script tags inside it...
how abt using filter() ?
I can't represent the whole html string as a jquery object either...
so I don't think I can call filter()
is parsing the only solution here?
why u cant? O_O
u r using jquery.get(); right?
@deostroll what do you mean by parsing?
$.get( "foo.html", function( data ) {
var urcontents=$(data).filter('#chooseurcontents');
!!tell dead
@boomcruiser Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
Fail .-.
@boomcruiser Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@boomcruiser Yeah ur right...u can use filter... :)
hows it going
good. And you ?
just fightin the good fight
just drinking from a fresh coffee to start the day nicely
good fight ? where ? what ?
idk seemed like a good thing to say
I've only just realised that's a double choc-chip cookie, Ahahahahaah i.imgur.com/WJnsX6T.jpg
@Connor should not have clicked that. should not have clicked that. should not have clicked that. should not have clicked that. should not have clicked that. should not have clicked that.
a coworker just told me about LTS. first time i've heard that
( LTS = Leaning Toothpick Syndrome or something )
good morning
@KarelG how the hell can a toothpick learn stuff?
did your mind added an r ?
please be simple, its too early in the morning for my brain to function
you used the verb learn, while i used lean
ah! yes i read learn
is there no fresh coffee available on your work ?
there is, but its not found its way into my cup yet
its a disability, i have a note
ask them to move the coffee machine nearby your desk.
three advantages
1) easy filling
2) coffee smell
3) fresh gossip
i get enough of #3, too much
@urtrulyfriend Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
when I validate my HTML document with W3C Validator, I face with this error:
Element a not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) [HTML5]
I know that I can't use <a> tag in the <ul> tag
and I must use it in <li> tag instead
but I need to smth like this:
@Richa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG head phones with a bit of heavy metal!
or that. It's also better for your ears to use head phones
@MRS1367 people still worry about that?!
@CapricaSix Yeah Sure.
meh, it's a matter of semantics
	<a href=""><li>Some Text</li></a>
but why would you place a sock in a chest without giving the chest some drawers
@MRS1367 ok its pretty obvious what you need to do there....
why won't you place it as <li><a href="">Some Text</a></li> ??
Can someone take a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/23534164/…
<li> might also not being in <a> ...
Stuck from quite long,plz help if you guys get some time
@KarelG -> cuz I want when the end-user hovers on the <li> tag, my mouse pointer changes to Hand cursor and if (s)he clicks on every where of that <li>, it goes to the referred address in <a> tag.
@MRS1367 There is a css property for making cursor into a hand when you hover above it
There is no need to surround in a tag
@Neil -> I know that:
@MRS1367 Oh, pardon me then. I figured you were asking for help
you could have styled the <a> elements in that list as a button... The list is just the box helping to place the elements vertically / horizontally
cursor: pointer;
@Neil -> I'm asking for help
but for this part of my question
> and if (s)he clicks on every where of that <li>, it goes to the referred address in <a> tag.
like this:
@mitomed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MRS1367 set the anchor to have css of
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
the anchor will then take up the full space of the li
look to this example
fiddle <-- see the link as buttons while the list is as set box. I have enabled its display that you would see the difference between link and list styling.
if you disable the list display, you will only see the links
if you want to have it horizontally, use float : left;
@DrogoNevets -> if I use display: inline-block;, my css styles for <li> tags will be destroyed :(
@DrogoNevets -> plz check menus and sub-menus in this address:
@KarelG -> tnx. lemme check it
@MRS1367 you add it to the a, not to the li
@MRS1367 I will if you update the HTML to anchors within li's so i can see what does/doesnt work
but in short, its a css issue not a js issue
@DrogoNevets -> tnx. for ur replies
lemme check it
@ismailbaig Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MRS1367 If you're lucky
lucky for what?
Just like you could probably make a html page without html tags, and it might even show correctly, but it doesn't mean you should
@ismailbaig Replying to @MRS1367
@Neil: oh ok
@jAndy You lost the game
@KarelG -> with ur solution:
the position of the bullets will change
@Mike-RaWare Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DrogoNevets -> with ur solution:
the bullets position will change and can't see them :(
these white things are the bullets ?
oh ... Why don't you use :after ?
it displays a small content after an element. You can remove the bullets then
can u show me an example @KarelG?
my css for lis this for now:
@MRS1367 imgs are blocked by proxy sorry
.topMenuOptions ul li {
	list-style: none url(../../../images/top-section/menus/top/bullet.png) inside; /*outside*/
	text-indent: -0.9em;
	color: #000;
	/*display: table-row;*/
@DrogoNevets -> I must say tnx for ur efforts to help me friend :)
@MRS1367 try changing the inside for outside
@DrogoNevets -> If I do that my styles will destroyed too :(
I'll show now a pic
i cant see pics!
show me a live example (jsfiddle is enough)
../../../images/top-section/menus/top/bullet.png = ugly as sin
selector_for_a:after {
     content: url(../../../images/top-section/menus/top/bullet.png);
but the URL ...
and why is the image folder not in the same directory as the folder with html templates/pages ?
@Menno Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG -> I will change all of them in one folder
im wondering if it really just needs a /images?
BRB SCRUM time, hopefully they'll be a jsfiddle soon ;)
for now I categorized the images for finding them better for myself
@DrogoNevets -> my manager wants it from me
@KarelG -> tnx again, lemme check it :)
@DanPena Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MRS1367 do we have the jsfiddle/live example yet?
@Nultyi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anybody know about facebook api login in localhost.
i am trying to use facebook login in my localhost but nothing is shown.
@IyyappanS Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey guys, I probably have a simple ajax problem here.
@UzumakiDev Admission is the first step to recovery. Tell us your problem.
is I use ajax to return this echo '<div class="stuff"></div>', I'm using some jquery to adjust its dimensions...
$('#slider').css({ width: slideWidth, height: slideHeight });
that works fine.
but for some reason when I use it with a wordpress loop..
echo "<div id='slider'><div id='bio-window'>";

	$args = array('posts_per_page'=> -1,'post_type' => 'team_member','post_status' =>'publish', 'taxonomy'=>'job_level',
         'term' => 'team-member' );
	$loop = new WP_Query($args);
	if($loop->have_posts()) : while($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post();


	echo '</div></div>'
I don't use wordpress
ah, okay :)
What is a wordperss loop? Some sort of event bus?
I have no idea what an event bus is ...
@DrogoNevets -> check this:
@MRS1367 excellent, so whats the issue?
when I validate my HTML document with W3C Validator, I face with this error:
Element a not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) [HTML5]
for using this:
    <a href=""><li>Some Text</li></a>
oh wait I fixed it, I'm an idiot
$('#formFields', 'table') doesn't work while $('#formFields').find('table') does. Is this documentation incorrect ?
@KarelG -> it didn't work for me :(
@MRS1367 jsfiddle.net/7xV47/2 we told you how to fix that, and seemingly, everythign still works
hey, anyone has experince with ssh2 ?
Q: Catch a TimeoutError of a promise beforehand

Jos de JongI have a bluebird promise which can be cancelled. When cancelled, I have to do some work to neatly abort the running task. A task can be cancelled in two ways: via promise.cancel() or promise.timeout(delay). In order to be able to neatly abort the task when cancelled or timed out, I have to catc...

@DrogoNevets -> do u change anything?!!!
i put the anchors inside the li's
my css doesn't work in the website :(
for now
I only can click on the text part of the <li> not whole of them
with this:
this RTL stuff is confusing!
    <li><a href="">Some Text</a></li>
@DrogoNevets :D
is that better?
run! i have a meeting in 2 mins
@DrogoNevets -> ok mate
tnx for ur help :)
does it work?
is that what you are after? i updated again
li ul li a:before {
    content: "";
    display: inline-block;
    width: 30px;
u add this, right?

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