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You're a wizard, teleport.
I'll work on that.
In the meantime, I'll just chat from my phone while at the bar.
Because, as much as cooking would be better for me, I'm really lazy.
@RyanKinal now i have that album too :D
It was on the Rolling Stone Top 50... I liked it... so I bought it.
I have all the linkin park albums :D
I know I have zero Linkin Park albums.
!!will I have a date for this wedding
@RyanKinal No
Aaaand RSVP submitted
@AbhishekHingnikar You bought them so you could burn them, right?
!!afk moving to the bar. will be on mobile when I get there.
!!will ryan find a girl and fall in love at the first sight in this wedding ?
@AbhishekHingnikar All signs point to no
!!will Ryan be forever alone?
Caprica just wants to keep me for herself ;-)
@Shmiddty Doubtfully
@RyanKinal RSVP...your forefathers didn't come to this land and freed you from the slavery and tyranny of the horrible Indians, giving you FREEDOM just so you could use some Frenchie whishy-washy hands-down-your-panties phrase!
!!afk really nbow
!!afk really now (and spelling correctly)
Having just re-read that, I don't know what I was aiming for.
!!afk beer,poop,possibly clean my fish tanks. bug @Loktar
@Loktar I need you to talk about fish tanks
because @rlemon is afk
help please, on this page http://rushventures.com/products.html how to click develop filter link on page load
Have you tried using the left mouse button?
i am serious
Maybe he is using a Mac
Works for me.
@Muhammet So am I.
I'm on a mac.
Thanks for keeping us up-to date
is there a way to check if a "class constant" is a constant and not a field in js?
@bjb568 I'm on a horse.
I wanted to trigger a click on develop link on page load so only 3 grids will shown at the bottom
@Wes ?
like idk Node.ELEMENT_NODE how do i know it's a constant?
@Wes There are no classes in js, nor are there constants (barring ES6 stuff), so you'll have to be more specific.
oh, read-only properties?
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node, 'ELEMENT_NODE').writable
!!tell Wes mdn Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
@Muhammet Did you read the room description?
I tried it but didnt work
@Muhammet I wanted to climb Mt. Everest
@Muhammet You tried to read but it didn't work?
Anything else you'd like to share?
@Zirak almost, but not sure how i should do it, for example also a field can be read only, but i wouldn't consider it a constant. i know that there are no constants in js, so i'm asking how i should detect those properties that are generally considered constants
If you're just looking for a code snippet you can copy and paste, you've come to the wrong place.
@Wes Read on from the point where I say "oh, read-only properties?"
And follow mdn link
ok this is what i tried $('#links li:nth-child(1)').trigger('click');
the selection is correct but trigger wont work
any ideas
@Zirak i know about getOwnPropertyDescriptor but i don't think it helps... i was thinking to "consider a constant" the field that is available in both Node.prototype. and Node.
@Muhammet It's working fine for me.
@Wes It's exactly that.
it is? ok then thanks xD awesome
@Shmiddty whats working ? when the page is loaded does it show 9 girds or 3 ?
I waited for the page to load, ran your snippet in the console, and it hid the other 6 grids.
@Wes The DOM just happens to define both Node.prototype.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE for some reason
Ugh I lost my pinned tabs :(
@Shmiddty yeah it does work, but it just doesnt work when i place it at the bottom of the page
Do you understand what an event is?
When did the name change? How did I miss that?
@Shmiddty yes i do, isn't that snipped supposed to run when the page is loaded
Did you write the code in the main.js file?
no in the html page look at the bottom of page
in code source
You didn't write the code in the main.js file?
!!define shrug
@Zirak [shrug](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=102181) A lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference.
He dismissed my comment with a shrug.
Correct link!
@aguilarpgc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty works thnx
@RyanKinal heh heh heh
@SomeKittensUx2666 how is it going
@SomeKittensUx2666 Are you sure you aren't just a figment of my imagination?
@SomeKittensUx2666 can you help me out little problem, i have been trying to fix it for an hour
@Muhammet I take 50% of what you're being paid to write it.
haha @SomeKittensUx2666 5$
@SomeKittensUx2666 Remember that time you owed me $5?
@Zirak @Muhammet can pay you now
@Muhammet Money plz
@SomeKittensUx2666 look go to this page rushventures.com/products.html and run this in console $('#links li:nth-child(1)').trigger('click'); it should hide 6 grids, but when i place that snipped at the bottom of page it doesnt work on page load
@Zirak i need that too
Hmm, computer restart fixed the favicon
@Muhammet Why don't you use the Website Builder to help you?
@copy can't you READ? It's coming soon.
@SomeKittens :-P
Excellent 404! rushventures.com/products/rushsites.html I love how the resources also 404, it fits the theme.
@SomeKittensUx2666 don't listen to @Muhammet. He said that his code works thnx
@BenjaminGruenbaum If he develops it first, he has an excellent tool to get his other work done
You know, it would be sweet if SO open sourced the chat. The mobile version needs some serious help.
lol @ how the 404 follows the mouse
why everybody is trying to sound like smartass, its not my thing i just need to fix the problem
Because we don't have or want to cater to your every whim
@Muhammet $(document).ready it
@Muhammet we're just homophobe. Sorry.
@Muhammet Because of the way you're asking the question.
@SomeKittensUx2666 i did earlier, still doesnt work
It's funny how when searching for "humans.txt", one of the suggestions is "humans.txt generator"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Speak for yourself
@Muhammet do it twice for luck.
@SomeKittensUx2666 what do u mean twice for luck
$(document).ready(function(){$(function(){/* Do it here. */});});
Do not do it twice
Do it thrice
Here there be trolls.
$(function() {$(function() {$(function() {$(function() {$(function() {$(function() {
  /* cash money here, baby */
@Shmiddty let me check it out
Also, main.js is a mess.
@CCJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You should clean it up while you're in there.
That's what she said
@Zirak Ribbed for her hygiene
It rotates for maximum coverage, vibrates for maximum cleaning power
So RUJordan wants 100 of them.
"Built in nozzle"
@Zirak moar
It's a mess in there
Just years and years of abuse man.
it's bad.
Tell us more.
Well where would I start..
Back in 2007 when I was introduced to rohyphnol probably. Rough days man. I'd wake up god knows where...
@RUJordan buying us dinner
@RUJordan Labia Majoris probably
@RyanKinal huh?
lmao oh you guys
The homophobe comment
@RyanKinal oh, it's not cool to make fun of homophobes now?
Nah, you all sound the same, buncha homophones.
@Muhammet totally left without thanking us for our help
You were making Finn of homophobes? That's not how I read it.
i will be back to thank later
That's what they all say
So I sit by the phone
Ugh. Fun*. Stupid mobile.
and waiting
@RyanKinal I'm not sure how else you'd read it, but yeah I was making fun of homophobes. Those guys are hilarious.
@Shmiddty haha dont worry, thanks for pointing out the docs source
It's like, turbo charged religious bigotry, which is hilarious on its own.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you just defined the Westboro Baptist Church
Except those people incite violent feelings in me.
No hilarity.
@RUJordan That means they're winning.
Come on, making fun of retards with a big mouth is fun :(
Pacifism ftw
@Zirak You're alive!
lol, sure
!!afk night
@Shmiddty I know, but they protest soldiers funerals. I can't help it.
...which means my plan didn't work...
Homo, short for homosexual, and phobia, meaning fear. So, yes, I'm a homophobe. I'm scared of what they might do to me.
@monners The flying eggplant turtles were a nice touch.
@KendallFrey Are you really a homophobe?
I'm 98% sure he's joking
I don't hate gay people, I just hate gay sex.
@Zirak Glad you liked them. I was thinking about throwing in a dolphin or two, but I run out of time.
@KendallFrey lol
@KendallFrey how often has gay sex been pointed in/at your direction?
No pun intended.
@Brandon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Never, and I'd like to keep it that way.
@KendallFrey Hmmm, best you not sign for that package I sent you....

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