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this is the page wich is working allright
but I don't know who to implement it properly in phonegap as it's not regenerating lifes when I close the app
works weardly
@KarelG I really don't know what core is wrong... so I must share the whole code...
I'll upload it on dropbox
There is a problem on the JavaScript.
that link ...
should it become lower then 0, the level ?
If I lose a life, click on the adress bar, and come back, life come back
its allright with the lvl for now
in the app I'll se that the user cant start another lvl if lifes ==0
Not sure if you script works.
@dievardump I clicked on the adressbar and nothing happends... it's working allright for me... I'm using chrom.. what browser are you using?
Chrome too
i have also doubts if the script works fine
i noticed a jump from -3 to -1
there are also too many timers
I can also refresh or close the page and the life isn;t coming back till the 15 aren't over
actiolly its not using timer at all
the blur and focus things have problems too
it only saves the time and it substracts it
You know people can easily have 100000000 lifes in the browser, right ?
if you leave the page using tab, and returns to it, you're invoking the tillNow(); function
wtf benjamin ? :p
This is DOGE, for real.
@dievardump that sounds a bit excessive
Such doge, very wow, much cute.
poor mosho
Maybe it may be hardcoded to get more lifes but as it's a mobile app within phonegap... I don;t fear it..
Why do dogs like wearing bandanas so much?
@Kippie Is 42 ok?
this is actiolly my post in wich he describes a little bit the magic script
Q: Checking approach to insert statement using PDO is correct

GhostRiderI am learning PDO. I have a class - User... class User { protected static $table_name="users"; public $id; public $first_name; public $last_name; public function pdo_create(){ global $handler; $sql = " INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name)"; $sql .=" VALUE...

too broad?
Oh right
@Tareffic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TimvanGool Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't really understand it 100%... Is it too complicate? Is there an easyer thinking to reach the desired resoult? Or this is the correct way but it needs debugging?
@rlemon Hum, what did I missed on the internet these days?
a bit or two
Q: Simplest way to count in sql request

user3568567There is Salary-table which contains of three rows: ID, Surname month_salary The task is to create sql request and get all surnames with total count of month_salary sum > $1000

^--- homework
But I am not sure
@dievardump I use local storage in my app also as the script is using
and its working allright untill I close the app
the data within the storage remains
so it's not deleted
but something with the script goes wrong and it doesnt regenerate lifes
What phone are you using ?
Well the script won't work in windows phone 7, for sure.
@KarelG I would like to keep it in the local storage as I'm also using it withthe lvl feature wich is working good for now
@dievardump I have a galaxy s2
@rlemon Yeah I thought you linked because of the second comment, that I do not understand
Sooo illogical!!
I guess the simplest way it the way that guy said, without any counter wich will be inactive when the app is closed, and with time comparison...
phhh... It's giving me headaches this feature.. I'm struggeling with it since days :O
what is your level in JavaScript?
@dievardump what do you mean?
Do you have a good level in JavaScript?
@dievardump I haven't bind tis feature to the lvls yet.. I implemented it in the app with a button like in the site I shared before
not really... I'm a beginner...:D
And what do you understand of the code the man did for you?
i'm afraid for the answer
I told you I dont understand it 100%.. lets say 60%-70% generally...
Some other guys suggested me a simmilar version (in my post) but it sounded more logical and easyer... Is this the only way? Or is it another easyer thinking to reach the desired resoult with no bugs?
Hey guys.
Hello @Benjamin. =)
Hey @AaditMShah what's up?
@AlexStanese The best way is to understand what you're doing. This solution (here) is for me a good one. But you need to understand it to be able to modify it for phoneGap
I'm hardly ever active on StackOverflow anymore.
College work keeps me busy. Exams begin in less a month.
@dievardump ok...
How have you been @Benjamin?
Working hard, still studying.
Check that maybe.
Making some trivial PRs to projects.
@GNi33 and you, how are things going?
@dievardump the thing is that I would like the lives to regenerate in order.. (as the guy did) so If I have 5 lives and I destroy all of them within 10 seconds.. after another 5 seconds the first life should regenerate not after 15 seconds
Why are you saying that now?
Sounds like typical college life. Are you in a graduate or an undergraduate program?
@dievardump so the regeneration process should start after the first life is lost not after the last or the penultimate
So his code does not work fully, right ?
@dievardump this is currently my project https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/89068397/android.rar
and the implementation of the guys script
@dievardump yea it works but when I close the app the regeneration stops
@dievardump and also issues are when minimasing it...
3 mins ago, by dievardump
@JanDvorak Hey I just met you. My code is CRAZY! here is a copy! Halp I'm lazy!
@dievardump yea.. I used the resume function but its working only if I close the screen and I unlock it... when I minimase the app its not working..
@rlemon aah, classic :-)
@rlemon *here is a copy / halp I am lazy
Guys I have this add and removeClass if, whenever it's true something slides up whenever its false something slides down.

Now whenever I spam 1 button it only hides but doesn't show again. Though if I click button1(true) another button2(true) than click again on button1(false) > button2(false) it works correctly, why is this so?
otherwise it doesn't scan
eh, works fine for me either way
@rlemon What's up?
my blood pressure
@AlexStanese sorry but no, I won't go in a dedicated room.
Getting seizures?
@dievardump it allright than.. :)
Happens to all JavaScript programmers at some point I presume.
@DavidH in general, when you fire up an animation while another is running, you will have a hard time getting the effects right
@DavidH : event overruling. if you use button, it fires a click event. But it's busy with the slide animation and class name change. If you use the button again while it's still busy, then the event might be ignored if you don't prevent the bubbling
I do not know phonegapp I just try to find what is wrong with your code. you probably have problems with the deviceReady and everything
@JanDvorak Though even if I click on turns it doesn't work correctly like giving the same button a span of 10 seconds
@KarelG So again needing to give it time to do it's thing?
I can wait 1 minute but it refuses to work as intended
it doesn't take a minute to finish something, unless you have a hella slow script
@rlemon Where would you look for an interesting JavaScript job? A job which has no front-end development?
@AaditMShah good thing i'm not a JavaScript programmer ;)
@dievardump the deviceready fires at the start of the application... isn;t there a function wich is active the whole application time?
Exactly KarelG it works immediately when clicking button 1>2>1>2
@dievardump something like a while function?
But when trying 1>1 it doesn't work at all no matter how long you wait before the 2nd click
@AlexStanese I don't know.
@AaditMShah no clue. anywhere that uses node?
@AaditMShah How can JavaScript be interesting without front-end dev? :(
I'm pushing JS into the embedded industry :) yay
add at the event handling function the stopPropagation()
@dievardump Pure JavaScript programming. Writing console applications, etc.
Is that any company that would support you financially if you were building a useful JavaScript library?
@KarelG Before the if enters else right (In the else is the slideup)
I think there is. But you need to find them.
Ryan, the creator of Node.js, for example was supported financially by Joyent.
yes. but don't forget that ie9+ is required.
Of course.
but it shouldn't be an issue, since these users can be slowpokes :p
Still doesn't work anymore
Oh yea xd
can you throw in a fiddle ?
Well, I hope companies who work with node.js understand the need to share parts or even all of wht you<re doing
Indeed. It's terribly difficult to find somebody to sponsor you when the return on investment is an open source project.
@DavidH : i'm in other room for a while, ping me when you're done
Will do!
Hello There Thanks for Your Solutions.They Worked for me.Now I have Another Question . I gave a skew to an image and now i want to remove skew of that image by click on it. Ca anybody give me live example so that i can refer it for my code??
Thanks in Advance....
@user3346501 how did you give it a skew?
@JanDvorak i Gave Skew in CSS
@ASR sorry was on lunch how you getting on?
Q: Get current loaded octets in angular $http

TibI have a big file loaded with angular $http. I want to see the current octets loaded each seconds for example. The $http doc says: Returns a promise object with the standard then method and two http specific methods: success and error But what I want is a notifyCallback like in $q I hav...

@user3346501 then remove the CSS
(by adding a class or removing it)
@JanDvorak i want o animate this to 0 Degree.
then use a transition
@dievardump have you found any bug?
how hard is it to get a part-time job in web development? :|
@AlexStanese On what?
@dievardump can CSS transition transformations?
@dievardump with the script that man gave me?
@JanDvorak $("#leftHalf").animate({"transform":"skew(0deg)"});
I did not look more.
@JanDvorak I Used it but didn't worked.
@JanDvorak I think so.
@user3346501 plain jQuery cannot animate compound values. Maybe there's a plugin, though.
@dievardump is the script too complicated or?
@JanDvorak Please give me example so that i can refer it
!!tell user google jquery transition animate plugin
@CapricaSix Thannk you very much
@AlexStanese I did not look at your archive. i did not even download it. I haven't the time for that. You need to test things and search on the internet "phonegapp localStorage sessions deviceready resume" ...
@dievardump you told me you may give me another easier and buglesser alternative to that :D
I never said that. Re-read our conversation, I never said I would give you any code.
@dievardump ok... but this current script contains any bugs?
what current script? I did not test it, I can not know.
@dievardump as you said at te beginning that it may have some unholy things in it :D
@dievardump I mean the site
@dievardump the site wich contains the script..
Well, except for the minus than 0, I would say no. I don't know.
@dievardump allright... because Karrler I think said he saw some bugs -_-
@MaciejJankowski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I thought I saw one because of the weird blur`focus thing but not
@dievardump aham.. ok .. so I guess only the phonegap implementation lacks now...
@dievardump do you happen to know someone, some user, fammiliar with phonegap who might help me? I'm sure it's not a big deal for a pro xD
@AlexStanese i hope that you don't mean me as "Karrler" ...
@KarelG sorry! :))
i even didn't said that i "saw some bugs"
i have only questioned if the script works as intended for you
@JanDvorak I love OP's site.
@KarelG It for some reason though is not working on jsfiddle at all o.O
Maybe you can see the reason immediately?
!!doge plugin soup,jEasy,skilled webdesign
                  many plugin soup
                        much jEasy
so skilled webdesign
@DrogoNevets hi
@DavidH To begin with, the click event is attached to 'a' elements, and there are no 'a' elements in the HTML.
I just realized my bad
I hate test cases that take a long time to execute
How about that unexpected token
@AbhishekHingnikar Wait what's wrong? I never put the api one on :P Do you want all alias to point to the same place or?
@DavidH : had to fix the scriipt first :p
anyways, looking into it
@KarelG I'm very very stupid my bad.
@AbhishekHingnikar you can set where api goes from godaddy, or change snapick.me's virtual host file
/tell me what you are doing with it and I'll do it.
@DavidH There is a missing closing parenthesis on the last line. Also, .on is not supported in jQuery 1.6.
I see. I clicked the wrong jq version as well it was supposed to be 1.11 actually
Also do I really? I checked by the green marking around the semicolon and it showed me everything was closed
@DavidH You can't use v2?
@DavidH Working version: jsfiddle.net/qye8n
@ASR how are you getting on? managed to get it to work?
@DrogoNevets its working good in chrome but not in mozilla
wheres the fiddle?
@Raine Working on someone else's document it apparently shows 1.10.2
@DrogoNevets and some alignment problems
Not sure why it isn't up to date
@dievardump so do you know someone fammiliar with phonegap?
@DrogoNevets its large code.. i
@DavidH VERY old. Make them upgrade :)
I will for sure!
Thanks for the fix by the way
@ASR got a URL for me to see it?
@DavidH sure!
@DrogoNevets save as html and look it once please
@ASR if you think im saving anything you're sadly mistekn
@KarelG jsfiddle.net/qye8n So this works now, although the show doesn't and that's exactly what I have in my code. Notice in inspect element it'll show active and remove it correctly
@DrogoNevets pastie.org/9108094 is the url
@ASR I am not putting some code from a random stranger and opening it on my pc
not with out a very large sum of money as insurance
@DrogoNevets ok no problm
hmm, a bit complex thing
Do you understand though what the issue is and is the solution complex?
yeah, the event is chaining. If you spamclick it, it continues until all events got handled
@DrogoNevets jsfiddle.net/gY46r see this
alignment missing
in mozilla
@ASR check that it is working in chrome first
Though spam click isn't really what I want
It's just that normally i'd have more than 1 list item to hide
@DrogoNevets its working fine in chrome
@ASR they look identical to me
Also more options
in mozilla also working fine?
But it only shows again when clicking at least 2 others to hide even if 1 of the two doesn't need to show again
@ASR would say not working in either
So say data-filter: a6,a4 and a3. You have to hide a6 and a4 before being able to show a6 again
Assuming each list item has only 1 of the 3
@ASR I have a 15min meeting, do not take me for a mug, I am not going to do your work for you. I have my daily rates which I will happily discuss with you via email.
wait a sec
you have 3 li, a1, a3 and a5.
If i click on the link, with attr a3, a1 and a5 should be removed ?
Yea if they don't have the clicked parameter it should hide
Or slideup
@DrogoNevets sorry
i don't understand really what you want to achieve. Can you tell an use case ?
( what happens if you click it first. Then what happens if you click it again )
I'll simulate it
@MattiaManzoManzati Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi all guys, i'm trying to create a typescript implementation of promises, but after ours of specifications and tests the majority of tests fails for timeout :/ gist.github.com/ilmattodel93/dbefa9eb86715f76e10e/…
List item 1(param a2) - Button 1(param a2)
List item 2(param a3) - Button 2(param a3)
List item 3(param a4) - Button 3(param a4)

Click button 1 and a3/a4 slide up
Click button 1 again and a3/a4 slide down

What happens with my code?
If I click button 1, li a3 and a4 slide up. Now I HAVE to click button 2/3 to slide up a2, to than click button 1 again so it'll slide down li a3 and a4.
ah that
ok, checking it right now
@SteamFire means?
!!urban TLDR
(miss you @Caprica... :( )
!!unban SteamFire
@rlemon SteamFire freed from mindjail!
don't abuse her
OH!!! <3
okay :)
@KarelG Yea sorry I didn't include multiple list items, I should've
@SteamFire TLDR "Too long, didn't read."
added it myself :p
@CapricaSix resolved
@ASR it's a bot (for information)
pft, you're a bot
Your patience is amazing Karel, especially with newbies
@CapricaSix bot means?
@yonki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ASR sometimes it's not...
!!tell ASR urban bot
@ASR [bot](http://bot.urbanup.com/210890) 1. Simple computer program used to perform highly repetitive operations, e.g. trawling websites to collect email addresses.

2. Computer program run concurrently with an online game to give the player an unfair advantage. Bots may alter the game environment, boost the abilities of the player's character or hinder opponents. Writing bots requires a great deal of skill; using them almost none.
@DavidH : not sure, but is this what you want ?
@KarelG Sort of but actually making the same results re-appear just like hide/show would. On the same spot and the same output. (The slideup/down is actually just in place of hide/show)
Wait actually I know how to exactly tell you
When you click the first "Click me" it hides a3 and a5
What I want is that when you click that same Click me again that it shows a3 and a5
That's the bug I have
@GrahamCuthbert Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: A module providing promisify (denodeify) for AngularJS $q

Miroslav BajtošI would like to share code between my Node.js server and AngularJS client using browserify. I want to keep the API callback-based on the Node.js side, but use $q promises in the AngularJS code. "Full" promise libraries like Q or Bluebird provide tools for converting callback-based functions to p...

@KarelG Perfect!! Thanks!
Mhh wait, when you click one element, and then an other, you need to click 3 time to show it only
it needs to be tested thoroughly btw
Hm as in?
was half at my work and other half was at the fiddle
Oh wow but if it takes the toll don't do it!
This doesn't really sound very hard -> jsfiddle.net/qye8n/6
Now that I look at my own code, I don't really see what I did wrong
reverse thinking. nice, and better
No but I literally don't know how i'd do things on JS
As tactical as I would on PHP
I for example could search for the wrong solution and I also need to search everything I need to do
To combine it with the little knowledge I have of JS
A: Javascript Flow Chart or Static Flow Chart?

JQuery GuruYou can check out below urls: JSPlumb provides a means for a developer to visually connect elements on their web page http://jsplumbtoolkit.com/demo/flowchart/jquery.html http://jsplumbtoolkit.com/demo/home/jquery.html Wirekit looks good for creating custom wired flows: http://neyric.github....

please close ^
you can use [tag:cv-pls]
but how does that help? :P
it gets attention D:
almost clicked the link until i noticed your remark <.<
So KarelG
What did I exactly do wrong?
Why did it work your way and not mine while they were nearly the same methods
@ASR back now
as I said, I am willing to help, but I will not do your work for you
@DrogoNevets ty... i have done almost
excellent, lets have a look?
@DrogoNevets i want to be ur friend
I am willing to help, just dont take fools lightly, I am not here to do peoples home work or whatever for them
@KarelG Forgot to actually tag you in my last message
can I configure Nautilus to not open the folder when I mount a new drive?
@DavidH : just a different logic
@DrogoNevets busy?
@KarelG So I actually applied the wrong logic or was it just imapplicable
Q: Using redirections into promises chain

David W.I'm using promises to call a serie of webservices, but I'd like, in some cases, use redirection in the middle of my logic. The problem is that the promises chain continue to execute after the redirection occured. Here is the code: myfunc = function() { return PromiseCall1() .then(function(...

@Dwellee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ASR a little but i can try and spend a few mins to help
@DrogoNevets i want to learn css html and java script help me...please
@DrogoNevets finally i have achieved what i want...
i sent you a link to codecademy
they will teach you alot
@DrogoNevets okay thank can u give me ur mail id?
@ASR what for?
@DrogoNevets want to be add in my friends list
@DrogoNevets haha
@SteamFire y dude
@DrogoNevets Pretty, I learnt something :)

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