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@Mosho ? I thought you were in the CS faculty?
Inb4 mobile chat sux
I'm in engineering
kinda stuck here anyway at this point
but CS have some juicy courses
Yeah, you're never gonna finish your degree anyway...
!!youtube sad but true
You did however make the bar for "StackOverflow JavaScript room owner" which is just as prestigious.
I wasn't kidding about putting that on my resume
(I was)
oh, just noticed I finally passed caprica in reputation
go me!
You can make that look good on a resume.. Just like making anything else look good.
> "I may not know much, but I have these suckers on SO chat that will work for free"
@BenjaminGruenbaum I love this trend that you've started :D
You get pinged, they get pinged.
"Official coordinator of JavaScript and advanced web technologies discussions at StackOverflow. Spearheading analysis and design of multilayer multi tier web technologies in a high frequency peer reviewed environment"
I made myself laugh xD
That's really well done
buzzword/word ratio: 30%
"I was elected for the position a the community of experts"
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's quite fantastic.... and a little sick. LOL
@BenjaminGruenbaum remind me again why you work in tel-aviv but go to jerusalem to study, when tel-aviv uni should be superior
״I think the hardest part in the position was learning to say 'no' to people, even if they've been acclaimed experts in the field for a long time. It has been a really interesting growing experience"
Tel Aviv uni is quite inferior actually. In about every standard.
Anyway, beer for real now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have fun!
!!learn roomowner "<>http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/15819184#15819184"
@SomeGuy Command roomowner learned
14 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
"Official coordinator of JavaScript and advanced web technologies discussions at StackOverflow. Spearheading analysis and design of multilayer multi tier web technologies in a high frequency peer reviewed environment"
@RUJordan a few things I noticed
1. doesn't ask for password change after login using temp pw.
2. layout after login is a bit iffy - http://imgur.com/Mcgm2AS
3. the actual game window is smaller than a gameboy's
@Mosho RUJordan is afk: home
though I haven't really played the game yet
!!google gameboy screen resolution
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm, maybe it's changed since I looked (8 years ago)
@Mosho BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer
I remember it was technion-tau-bgu, didn't even consider hebrew
Okay i am stable on the statement, Windows sucks
i'd be much better with Linux. atleast the api's are good to work with. shoots self
What's a windows? Oh, you mean the stupid Mac OS ripoff that's way overpriced?
a company that achieves this kind of success is worthy of infinite praise in my book
ripoff or not
think of how easy windows is to use in most cases
it basically has no learning curve
brb teaching my mom to use ubuntu
@Mosho really ?
try teaching somebody start screen
@AbhishekHingnikar really?
@Mosho i have tried to teach my grandpa who was damn fluent with XP windows 8
@AbhishekHingnikar that's part of why I stick to Win7
ended up uninstalling it and installin win 7 on his machine.
I don't see how start screen is different than start menu
other than being a screen
I use them the same way
Mac is better. La la la la la...
I'm constantly reminded of how inferior I am for not using linux
@Mosho it is live, it changes, its actually quite intelligent as an idea. i love it now that i know how to use it but for a common user, they deserved atleast a properly implemented tutorial.
but I can never find a good reason to move
but here is why am hating windows atm
so windows has something called windows.storage api
now if i want to make a query such that i want all files and folders and contents of subfolder of the folder am quering (just the files ... so 2 levels of fs tree) I CANT GET IT
they have FolderDepth.Shallow, FolderDepth.Deep
why not just enumerate them to FolderDepth.Deep = Infinity, Shallow = 0, that way anybody could specify a custom depth of what they want -_-
Windows is screwed up in every way possible. Linux is complicated in every way possible. Mac OS is perfect.
Linux / OS X have consistent file access api's
and doing this is just ls */* duh.
but lemme finish that shit
now if i implement a custom strategy
I need to explicitely implement a virtualized data source
which is a heck of an interface
buff man
and if i don't want to do it.
you're writing only in JS?
I lose the virtualizability and lazy load of winjs listview
@Mosho YES !
@CameronA.Ellis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar because I will move to linux right now if you can't do that in .NET :P
@Mosho you can't do it in C# either
the api is same for C# and winjs
you can
then you are doing something wrong
in windows 8.1 (with the messed up file system access model) ?
I can only assume
^ as per that its just the current folder
or the whole fucking media/photos library
what does a deep search mean if it doesn't do what you want
I guess I misunderstand your problem
say if i have media library
you want a depth of 2, but it only gives you all or none?
I want the contents of / , Birthday, and XyZ
but nothing deeper then that.
the shallow will gimme just /
and the deep will gimme porn -_-
Why are you complaining about that?
cause there is effing no way to do that other then writing a custom implementation of StorageDataSource class
Learn to embrace the deep dirs. You need inner peace.
I really hate admins who apparently don't give a damn that their site is down just because it's a weekend. (I'm looking at you, userscripts.org)
[500 Internal Server Error


@AbhishekHingnikar hmm
yeah, I know you have this in .NET
but idk anything about what you're using
@Mosho in 8.1 there is StorageFolder.GetItemsAsync
but if i use it, it will return in such a way
that it won't be usable directly with a list view
my current solution is .... ?
filter the fuck out of them
but when i get 40k files
the filtering actually makes the whole thing lag.
make the filter async too
@CodeDecode Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!afk time to lift
@AstroCB Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho javascript is single threaded
@AbhishekHingnikar Mosho is afk: time to lift
I have a function that runs after each few seconds using setInterval. I don't want to re-run it until AJAX request made in that function is completed. What should I do?
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 46 secs ago, by Zach Saucier
I prefer this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-hQwjrzjTQ haha
I played with your code a bit, and I noticed that the if(!sub(big[key],small[key])) line is the one that makes the loop endless, I just don't quite understand WHY.I mean, the Sub function is placed insite itself, why would you do that? — Reuven Karasik 1 hour ago
I wanted to reply with a self referencing comment :)
@VarunAgw You could use clearInterval when you send the AJAX request, and restart the interval when it completes.
Or use setTimeout in the success function
or if it doesn't have to be ever few seconds, just call the function again on success
and if it does, write a function that checks the last time a certain function was called and then trigger it again
Can everyone reopen-vote and upvote this? stackoverflow.com/q/10620895/1348195
I'd like to load a JavaScript file onto my webpage and then execute other code after the first file has fully executed. How would I do that? jQuery's $.getScript callback does not guarantee that the script has executed.
Btw, I need the simplest, most basic solution for one-time use. No options, just load(url, function callback () { /* do stuff */ });
@Benjamin Not enough rep. Why not upvote mine first? :P
@SimeVidas - why not use eval?
@guymograbi How?
$.get(url, { success: function(result){ eval(result.data); doWhateverYouWant() }}
LOL is that my only option?
I seriously doubt it is your only option. but it is an option.
Eval is a last resort
where is "load" coming from?
why is eval last resort?
Eval is not a resort.
Eval is hell.
that's a harsh statement. The code will be executed - does it really matter (other than performance) if the page runs it or eval?
.. what happened to RequireJS ?? why would anyone not avoid using eval?
Can someone please explain to me why eval is not good for this scenario other than performance? This is not user data, it will execute anyway...
Other option? yeah - get the javascript resource through your backend. wrap it with some callback invocation (passed on the request).
Every time eval is used, a unicorn dies.
Every piece of code can "kill a unicorn" if you don't understand it.
A: Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea?

bobinceeval isn't always evil. There are times where it's perfectly appropriate. However, eval is currently and historically massively over-used by people who don't know what they're doing. That includes people writing JavaScript tutorials, unfortunately, and in some cases this can indeed have security...

thanks @Phoenix. Where do you stand? Does this scenario justify eval usage?
Nooooo! Eval is evil! EVIL! EVIL! EVIL!!!!!
Ok, fine I don't really care.
:) It's nice that you believe in something so much though.
Yes. I am nice.
!!i'm sleepy or hungry
@Phoenix i'm sleepy
No food for you!
@AbhishekHingnikar javascript is typically single-threaded
you can always fork a new process
just send a request to the server
anyways, fml
I was kicked out of the gym :(
@Mosho why? :(
they were closing :'(
That happens to me all the time too.
they change the hours for exam month
how does that make sense
I had such a great half-workout
Wondering how people typically run js-beautify on all files in their current directory
I'm working in a not-full-javascript stack here, but would still like to do something like
js-beautify -rf *
and yet still avoid attempting to beautify non-js non-html -non css files. I've tried using *.js *.html instead, but that apparently... doesn't work
I (and many others) use grunt
it'd be really cool if I could just do some alias jsbcd='js-beautify -rf --good-stuff *allthething'
Need some help with dealing the final blow here: stackoverflow.com/questions/1486608/…
Could any 10k assist?
@SecondRikudo That's what she said
@copy You and your girlfriend killed someone together?
No, the other kind of blow
When I run this on a click, it doesn't work, but other functions inside the click do
when I do it through the console it works though
It seems like its not changing the text inside the box that you see, but the value is actually being changed
Any advice why it might not be working? It's just so odd to me.
@copy cocaine? that doesn't make any sense either
oh I see, you are cocaine dealers
@Mosho can I get your advice?
@Meredith yeah, that's js beautifier for grunt
@BrandonGelfand make a fiddle
@Mosho KK, one sec
@Mosho the first few ones, when you hit reset, its supposed to set it to 0, which I think it does because when the grade is calculated it is accurate, but in the text box it doesn't show. jsfiddle.net/qKgGM
@Mosho It doesn't look like this normally by the way, it has a very nice design.
god damn it
@BrandonGelfand I didn't mean for you to dump your whole page into a fiddle
where is the problem
When you hit reset
its supposed to set the input box value to 0
what is
It appears it for when it is calculating the current user grade, it has the correct value
but what is being displayed in the text box is still the
See like the first box
its a 1
click reset, it should become a 0
and where do you set it to 0
@Mosho thanks for getting back to me
@BrandonGelfand it works but you set it back to 1
@Mosho how?
you tell me, it's your code
@Mosho What is making you think its being set back?
@dcromley Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I set breakpoints and I can see it change and then change back
Can I see the fiddle with the breakpoints?
it's the one that you gave me
open the console, load the (index) file, and play with it
Is anyone around? Can I ask a question? Hey, just kidding -- I won't do it again.
i started reading from the end
!!tell dcromley riot
@dcromley (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
!!tell mosho put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
@mosho ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@envyM6 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanks man
@envyM6 what parts in the code you don't understand?
@Bilal the looping and names of some of the variables doesnt make any sense
@PeterVC Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@envyM6 myCookie contains a string like this "__qca=P0-550989387-1395357781180; _ga=GA1.2.130385234.1395357781"
@envyM6 and the first iteration counts the number of equals in the string
@Bilal so its looping through the strings?
@envyM6 right, char by char
@envyM6 if the current char is '=' the variable eqchr is incremented by 1
@Bilal alright !!
@Bilal now its more meaningful
@envyM6 i think i'm wrong, hold on.
@Bilal but does eqchr=(++cloop); means eqchr++ ?
@envyM6 nope, cloop will hold the index of '=' in the string, it's then incremented by 1 and stored in eqchr
@envyM6 the code seems meaningless though
@Bilal no probs... take ur time please comment/change the code/fiddle it
@Bilal in that case shouldnt it be eqchr=(cloop++); ?
@Bilal I know man.. thats y i need help!
Who keeps starring random stuff?
@envyM6 the code assumes there is only one cookie saved , in this case the string will be something like this:
the first loop looks for the index of equal in the string, in this case it's 7 so eqchr = ++cloop will make eqchr equal to 8
eqchr = ++cloop increments cloop and stores the value in eqchr.
@Bilal how do u know its 7?
'C' has index 0, 'o' has index 1, 'u' has index 3 and so on
( i assumed document.cookie equals Counter=2; )
that is some truly horrid code
@Mosho its written in 1999
@envyM6 just forget you ever saw it
the seond loop looks for ; after the = index, so it's clearly the code tries to get the value of cookie
you can easily get the value with regexp

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