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might find it useful for your interns
@rlemon HAHA yea, I know. I am still developing it.
@GNi33 there
@TyreeBrown this looks like a gaussian blur into a buffer, over which there's a partially transparent overlay.
@FlorianMargaine hey man
puppet should take care of npm install :/
Webkit offers a blur filter, but you will need to duplicate whatever's below to use that.
so, puppet should run on vagrant up, right?
Any Ideas, why wont to Precision work here
can you run vagrant provision?
ok, I'll remove the whole vagrant setup and try again
i guess something went wrong on the vagrant setup then
npm install didn't run from what I can tell
lol, I just wrote some pretty shitty code :D
@Mike did you mean this.value.toPrecision(4)?
jsfiddle.net/98vJ9 how do I get rid of the deferred object here?
You know, sometimes I wonder why I even bother developing a game with so many issues =/
But I love the people there.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the DELETE key works
@JanDvorak toPresition is for numbers
@JanDvorak: yes
@FlorianMargaine is there any additional configuration I need to/should do before firing vagrant up?
@SomeGuy "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
@JanDvorak It seems, every time I apply a blur to my <div id="userpro-profile-background"></div> which is the last element in my <div class="userpro-profile-section">. It blurs the entire class?
you had this.toPrecision
good point. +(this.value).toPrecision(4) ?
@JanDvorak: Actually I have this.value.toPrecision(4) in my updated fiddle but it wont work
!!> +("1.23").toPrecision(1)
@rlemon "TypeError: \"1.23\".toPrecision is not a function"
!!> Number.prototype.toPrecision.call("1.23",1)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "TypeError: toPrecision method called on incompatible string"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Huh, seems like they deleted it in the time I was reading it and I posted it here. It's there in the cache webcache.googleusercontent.com/…
@rlemon "TypeError: \"1.23\".toPrecision is not a function"
@CapricaSix lol, very "behavioral"
Quickest/nicest way to create an array like this?
@walkingRed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mike you need to convert to number first, then. Unary plus will do.
	[null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null],
	[null, null, null, null]
Yeah, I need this for some jackass script
@Jhawins two for loops, seriously.
or two nested map calls err do with loops
@JanDvorak: Isnt it already a number? what do you mean..?
Sickest notation?
@GNi33 no
just make sure you have the latest miaou
@Mike the value of an input is always a string.
Somebody was doing this the other day and did is really sleekly. I forget how
yeah, should be, forked it a few days ago
var arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    var a [];
    for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
         a[i] = null;
Dead simple.
for( var i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ){
i wonder what will happen there :-
puppet is doing something right now, I'll have an eye on it
@AbhishekHingnikar syntax error probably.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Easy and simple for sure. Not sexy code though.
For doing` i ++ `
if anything but the "stdin" thingie is red, it's no good
@Jhawins I can do it more 'sexy', but god - why?
For me
could not retrieve fact fqdn
Sexy me up
var a [];
@GNi33 yeah that too doesn't matter
wowza thatz ozome
@AbhishekHingnikar you will happen with an array that holds four references to itself
@BenjaminGruenbaum var a [];
!!> var i=0; i ++;
@RUJordan 0
this is on win7 btw, but I guess that really shouldn't matter with vagrant
@BenjaminGruenbaum var a [];
!!afk something ridiculous has come up
@GNi33 nope, can confirm
@FlorianMargaine you already said that
Not a syntax error, but it doesn't incremenent apparently
@BenjaminGruenbaum 3 times!
btw, have you learned lisp?
!!> Array.apply(Null,[,,,,]).map(function(){ return Array.apply(Null,[,,,,]).map(Null,Null)},Null)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: Null is not defined"
lol, horrible.
!!> Null = function(){ return null;}; Array.apply(Null,[,,,,]).map(function(){ return Array.apply(Null,[,,,,]).map(Null,Null)},Null)
@BenjaminGruenbaum [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
lmfao. such horrid, very wow.
Much clearer than two for loops.
I don't know if I should bin that :P
it works :P
!!> [].map.call(new Int32Array(4), function() { return [].map.call(new Int32Array(4), function() { return null; }); });
@rlemon [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
@JanDvorak: thanks I did parseInt(this.value).toPrecision(5) and it kinda works, but is there a better approach, you are saying something unary. hows that different?
@BenjaminGruenbaum err
@Mike not necessarily better, just shorter. Look up "unary plus"
var arr = [];

for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
var result = [];
for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    result.push( arr.slice(0));
!!> [[],[],[],[]].map(function(el){ return [null,null,null,null]})
@BenjaminGruenbaum [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
owned me biach
@Tapas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> a = [null,null,null,null]; b = a.slice(0).map(function(){ return a }); b;
@AbhishekHingnikar [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
@BenjaminGruenbaum howzzat ?
!!> [[],[],[],[]].map(x=>[null,null,null,null])
@BenjaminGruenbaum [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
biatch :D
too pro for me :[
@FlorianMargaine node main.js -> Cannot find module './config.json'
@BenjaminGruenbaum what is the equiv in es6 for function(n){}(null)
D3js level meter jsbin.com/cayek/3/edit?js,output (improvements are welcome)
vagrant up looked good though
@rlemon I think function(n){}(null) is it.
what happened?
!!> [null,null,null,null].map(function(e,i,a){return a})
@Mosho [[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,n‌​ull,null]]
!!> [1,1,1,1].map((x => [n,n,n,n])(null))
@AbhishekHingnikar "ReferenceError: n is not defined"
do I win
!!forget clearchat
@RUJordan Command clearchat forgotten.
what a retarded command
!!forget RUJordan
@AbhishekHingnikar Command rujordan does not exist.
@AbhishekHingnikar Okay master command forgotten
@AbhishekHingnikar Command rujordan does not exist.
gah :[
i fail so bad ;(
!!forget forget
@Mosho You are not authorized to delete the command forget
!!forget forget
no fun
@AbhishekHingnikar You are not authorized to delete the command forget
@SomeKittensUx2666 Command abhishekhingnikar learned
@SomeKittensUx2666 on a second thought rlemon should do a ps for me :->
no I shouldn't
@AbhishekHingnikar Command somekittens learned
!!forget learn
speak of the lemon
!!learn erase "tehe"
@AbhishekHingnikar Command forget already exists
@AbhishekHingnikar Command erase learned
!!doge hack
such hack
!!doge R,U,Jordan
                such R
                         so U
much Jordan
I like dat
that is actually good !
!!urban r
@AbhishekHingnikar [r](http://r.urbanup.com/572090) The lazy person's version of many, many words, such as:

1. Yes
2. No
3. Correct
4. Hello
5. Goodbye
6. Fine thanks

The word, or letter, may prefix certain textual emoticons, which enhance its meaning.

It is however important to remember that the usage is context sensitive, so make sure you think before you speak.

- Mostly used among members of [\[Demon Internet\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Demon%20Internet)'s noc.
How the fuck does r lazily translate to any of those?
!!urban ratedR
@RUJordan it's context-sensitive
@RUJordan "rlemon"
@AbhishekHingnikar That's actually my basketball name
@AbhishekHingnikar Rated R An extremely intense makeout session, complete with aggressive kisses, heavy breathing, and tons of tongue-on-tongue action, all without taking clothes off.
!!urban R+
@Jhawins [R+](http://r.urbanup.com/888325) Abbreviation for the metal band Rammstein.

see [\[rammstein\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rammstein)
Rammstein, the band that couldn't find a pyrotechnician willing to pull of the stunts they wanted, so they became licensed pyrotechnicians.
Some bands names are weird
@Jhawins R@@@ A much cooler way of spelling [Ratatat], which by the way,is the sweetest band ever.
^ also a pokemon
!!youtube loud pipes
I love this song
!!youtube boxxy loud pipes
@Acemi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes, that's a flamethrower attached to his face.
!!youtube nodejs sucks
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's wicked
Rammstein concerts are more of a theatrical performance than an actual concert
> The heat is so intense that on occasion, people have been carried out of Rammstein concerts suffering from heat exhaustion, and lighting gantries have been seen glowing red-hot from repeated fireball hits.
I was browsing on LinkedIn and saw VB.Net opening.. :D dumbest thing I came across today.. :D
really a one-of-a-kind experience, these shows
@eniac Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^ what i was talking about a little earlier ;)
pretty cool
lmao I died at like 140k points
@FlorianMargaine shouldn't some process in vagrant up create the config.js - module or am I just plain stupid right now?
@user1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok, I'm plain stupid...
@rlemon really cool :)
Clippy as Godzilla === brilliant
Does anyone have any recommendations for a Javascript framework that deals with HTML5 local storage?
Wow, Microsoft has been on the PR ball lately
hrmph, this is more challenging than expected... just trying to making a simple function which will make an ellipses work
!!afk becoming expert on drip marketing
^ The guy whose video is nodejs sucks
skip to 1:50
or around there, the douche says he was hit in by fbi in 3rd grade o_o wtf
@AbhishekHingnikar i guess he's proud about it too?
@GNi33 yeap
hes a total tard man.
that's the worst kind
"I'm so br00tal h4x"
@rlemon awwwww
man warn me atleast
i woke up half the neighbourhood :-(
well, it seems like I just can't get miaou to run on local here... it only installed like half of the modules
nodejs needs an automodule installer
a what?
@AbhishekHingnikar I stopped listenening after his tooth
@GNi33 something which auto npm-installs something which is not installed
in such cases of dire
i can just do npm install then
the problem is, it's just not working right now
@Gni33 sorry I went to eat
You need to copy the config-default.json file to config.json and fill it in
That's the missing step in vagrant...
The user/pass for the db is provided in the doc
Also, you will have to run make.sh to generate main.css from the main.scss file
You will have to create an app for openid in one of the supported providers
no problem
my problem is that only about half of the modules seem to be there
still trying to figure out why
@AjGauravdeep Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I know its not a python group but i will still ask since python group doesn't have answer
I need some help regarding parsing json web response in python
I have looked up at bunch of different blogs but couldn't get it done
This is my code to get the json response

def getMoviesReviewsUrlsLinksList(request):
url = 'api.rottentomatoes.com/api/…'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return HttpResponse(response)
now, i want to get list of reviews links from this json response
Yeah I don't know python
meh, even the network connection looks good
can you somehow phrase something for "while a div exists"?
well... you could try selecting it
and if nothing is returned it doesnt exist
are you guys talking about problem i gave?
oh python
@SankaD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AjGauravdeep this is very, very vague.
what does it do right now?
@GNi33 with the code above, as expected it throws json to the screen.
does it make the request? is something wrong with the response? are you having troubles with parsing the response?
oh okay
as my question stated: " i want to get list of reviews links from this json response"
I'm sure there's a million tutorials on how to parse JSON with Python
I have no idea how the returned JSON looks like, so how would I be supposed to help you out on this?
as i stated in question above "I have looked up at bunch of different blogs but couldn't get it done
sure, thats a valid question
yeah, but the code up there obviously is already doing what you want it to do
the problem is not in those 4 lines
I can show you how it looks like
you already get the data, now you just have to do something with it
if you look at the json response from the call, gave above,, i want to get list of all reviews (links)
@GNi33 yeah, fire and dildos
an opera, really
@AjGauravdeep I'm not a python coder myself, but try to pass the response to a function like json.loads or something to actually parse it
c'mon .. python questions on js chat .. (not cool) , go post a question
maybe this will help
Q: Python - Parsing JSON Data Set

AivoricI am trying to parse a JSON data set that looks something like this: {"data":[ { "Rest":0, "Status":"The campaign is moved to the archive", "IsActive":"No", "StatusArchive":"Yes", "Login":"some_login", "ContextStrategyName":"Default", "CampaignID":1111111, "St...

looks pretty straight forward after that to me, but as I said... not too much python experience on my side
and Octavian doesn't seem to be around
Thanks @GNi33
Let me try that
Appreciate your help
sure. let me know if you got it running
!!afk PIZZA!
How can you tell it's not working if you haven't implemented it yet — Benjamin Gruenbaum 7 secs ago
@GNi33 weird
@FlorianMargaine GNi33 is afk: PIZZA!
maybe dystroy added some new dep without using --save
but he didn't work on miaou lately afaik
I got an account for pluralsight and look at the JS courses
this is the image I'm greeted with
fuck you pluralsight.
I don't think I've ever taken a JS course on pluralsight
my company just paid for our access
so I figured I would check it out
but when I see the java image used for JS (not the first time) it leaves a bad taste in my mouth
not unlike bad java.
The training budget here consists entirely of pluralsight subscription fees.
@FlorianMargaine well, it's all listed in the package.json
@Loktar wow haha
yeah I'm submitting a support request
not sure why they're not installed. express is missing for example
I want to like Koding so bad.
yeah weird
and I don't think you guys added express just recently ;)
But I can't honestly even figure out how to save a file and have those changes reflected online
I hit save... Check site, hasn't changed. Hit "publish for testing" check web, doesn't change.
Your name is Josiah?
How do you pronounce it?
> Hi, I just recently received access to Pluralsight and while you have a lot of material I noticed a flaw which could be a turn off to experienced web developers. You currently use this image to represent JavaScript http://s.pluralsight.com/mn/img/cs/javascript-v1.png which is basically a copy of the Java logo. JavaScript is in no way related to Java, unfortunately this is something the JavaScript community constantly has to communicate to new members, and seeing images like this reinforces that thinking. I would like to make a suggestion that the more widely accepted for JavaScript be use
@Loktar Sunday name, officially serious.
Idk about the "sye" part though. S + Long I.
@mikedidthis lol
So more like sigh-ah
Awww, didn't onebox
they will probably be like
> Wow dick. You see this support request? WoW.
Interesting, unique name man
Yeah why didn't I think of sigh haha
@Loktar if they do I will die of laughter
Eh. I've met a lot of younger kids with the name. Just nobody my age
Guys how the hell do I save!
Either I'm an idiot or this is the most unintuitive editor ever.
VIM was simpler than this.
Did you guys see #drop-dropbox btw: drop-dropbox.com Anyone wanna put bets on how long it is before she stands down, in a mozilla fashion?
@Jhawins It's in your previous screenshot...
5 mins ago, by Jhawins
user image
Because the internet and horrible people.
@RyanKinal sigh... Clicking it doesn't save changes for the actual files.
Eh, you can be lowercase little r. You got a pass this time. >=|
wtf editor is this?
I can see the changed files in the editor, and they stay changed. But if I actually go to the project website they aren't reflected. I just don't get it
Koding.com - Ace Editor
Maybe you have to publish?
Hey @pluralsight just received access I notice you use http://s.pluralsight.com/mn/img/cs/javascript-v1.png for JS which relates it to Java.
what was that editor that people were going nuts over? Github editor or something?
I hit them up on twitter too
I'm on a crusade
fuck that coffee java image I hate it
> Publish for testing
I tried lol. Idk. I'm going to unmount/remount VM
@RUJordan atom
Strange dude
6 mins ago, by Jhawins
I hit save... Check site, hasn't changed. Hit "publish for testing" check web, doesn't change.
Ah. Missed that bit.
Cache issues? :-P
@mikedidthis any experience with it? People hyped it hard but I haven't seen anything in weeks over it.
Ugh. Nope
@RUJordan I tried it for about 30 mins, it was ok, but I am so settled with Sublime, it would need to shit diamonds to make me change.
Agreed there. I love ST3.
I cloned a github repo for this. I shouldn't have to commit to the repo to get the files to update though
is there like a way to check how your html will get render in different email client?
I just wanted to put my god damn project up on Koding to show someone.
wtf happened to github ?
fuck Atom
@jurka nothing..?
@jurka ?
I don't have outlook but I need to know how my html will render on outlook..
@SuhasDeshpande litmus.com and campaignmonitor.com
Oops seems like some installation bug
chrome installation restart time for chrome
oh some are saying Github may have purchased ST wtf?
Ooh, interesting
Damn. It was a cache thing @Ryan.
The VM went offline and somehow Chrome was just returning the old result instead of the "wanna restart me?" screen
Even though I restarted the computer...
!!afk shit
Ooh, lame
@Loktar yeah, I think it was squashed on the sublime forums irrc.
So I still don't know how to get Chrome to reload it for real haha
@Jhawins open dev tools, hold the refresh icon, then empty cache and hard reload
hah wow so pluralsight responded
sent me a link to their beta design
looks a lot better
that was fast..
Oh, sweet
Go them!
what the fuck, npm?
@RUJordan whats this phantasyrpg?
you work on that?
@Loktar yeah, I'm a game admin / lead developer. We've been on a bad downslope for a while and I need feedback on the first stage of the game (noob intro) to see what we can do better to keep people interested

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