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Here it is in plain text pierreloicdoulcet.fr/parisjs/#/18 (you could also have click it) — Pierre 2 hours ago
I mean, the browser has already downloaded the style-sheet and evaluated it. What's the point of restricting my JavaScript from accessing it?
That was a good poop
sorry wrong window
There, fixed it for ya
Sick... Day off Working from home
twerking from home
Any JavaScript expert that could tell me if typeof uses a hashtable in order to check the string's type?
Why, oh why? WHY?
@ŠimeVidas Yeah, I don't really see the point of that. Bring it up in some of the browser's lists?
@Mosho Yeah
same here
Except I need my boss to send me ~100mb of files. I've been waiting since ~10am. It is now 12
[0, 5, 4] <- this array represents the hours of sleep I got the past 3 nights
fuck work
@EdgarAlexander You'd probably have to check the source (like V8) for the actual implementation
Fuck work yeah I agree. This work
@PieterBos Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The spec will tell you how it decides
Do you know if ECMAScript actually has a document related to it?
Whether it uses hashtables or not, depends on the implementations
@Mosho [10, 7, 12] <- this array represents the number of lines of code I wrote since Monday
@Oleg You suck brah
@SomeGuy The change was made in CSSOM spec (changelog, 1. bullet). I could ask on W3C's mailing list but I have to resume work :)
[0, 0, 0] <- This array represents the number of fucks I give
Nah. They're probably glorious.
@Jhawins yeah, I know, I know... I...
@Jhawins [boobs, boobs, boobs] <- This array represents the number of fucks I give (source)
@ŠimeVidas Ah. I don't get it, but they must have had their reasons
I really doubt about it, because I want to know how could be performance of a validation with it, ex. this is a quick validation I made in order to check if a String is alphanumeric:
Welcome Eugene :)
Does angular.forEach also sort array before looping?
@EdgarAlexander You don't need that at all... You even regexp bro?
I know I can archieve this with alnum, but I was just asking lol
@KendallFrey made this one just for you
Like I'm using Node.js I'm even wondering if it has a module prepared for it :P
@EdgarAlexander I don't understand the question
I mean, I don't know if Node.js already implements a module for this, because if it does, then why don't use it? otherwise, well, I'll have to use regex..
!!> "aBc123".match(/[a-z0-9]/gi)
@Jhawins ["a","B","c","1","2","3"]
Oh Node
But you probably don't need something that thorough. Just showing you. You could just rip the isAlpha code
@J.AndrewLaughlin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This looks like a nice library
Yeah it's really got a lot in it
But I don't think you need it :P
lol definetely :P
Still now you know.
You might have a problem with alnum checks for other languages (i.e. not English), though
But it has interesting things like for emails, etc
Accents and other characters might be part of people's names, but they won't pass your alnum checks
I just want to use it for username, nothing else ^^
I need a regex to capture everything between parens, but not the parens themselves. I've looked at a few answers, but they don't work when test here --> regex101.com/#javascript
You should just do str.test(/[a-z0-9]/i)
i.e. (([^)]+)) still captures enclosing parens
Well, thank you for you support :)
Yeah good luck with whatever lol
Very appreciated
it's a chat
I need it for a chat system I'm making
You might want to take a look at Miaou
Open-source chat with some great features made by @dystroy
@J.AndrewLaughlin /(\(.+\))/
Is it appropriate to ask a question about an IDE on stackoverflow, or will that just get closed?
@EdgarAlexander Miaou is written in Node too. github.com/Canop/miaou if you want to check it out
Hey Florian, did you test that here -> regex101.com/#javascript
@twiz Super User? Not stack overflow there seem to be plenty of them actually
It still captures the parens
haha ok then...
@J.AndrewLaughlin I tested that in my browser.
["(dsds)", "dsds"]
But yeah I bet you'll get closed
@J.AndrewLaughlin in the website it works too
user image
@RUJordan ^^
@rlemon RUJordan is afk: beer and women
!!afk lunch
@theIrishUser Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine this is odd then codepen.io/eugene88/pen/vzDxa?editors=001
//I am not sharing this for the Japanese joke, just do it
@FlorianMargaine sorry, didn't see the second match. Thank you. :)
yeah, but
!!> "(awdawd)(dsds)S".match(/((.+))/)
@Mosho ["(awdawd)(dsds)S","(awdawd)(dsds)S","(awdawd)(dsds)S"]
@Mosho ["(awdawd)(dsds)S","(awdawd)(dsds)S","(awdawd)(dsds)S"]
markdown doesn't help
> ["(awdawd)(dsds)", "awdawd)(dsds"]
might not be what @J.AndrewLaughlin is looking for
@FlorianMargaine any response?
@Eugene what is?
the array is already sorted before getting in the forEach
And as always I figure out the answer to my question as I'm typing out the question....
sorted = by key number
@FlorianMargaine why is the temporary array then with same values as original array?
@FlorianMargaine blocks array in last logging is same as original before sorting, why?
As I understand it should be filled with elements in sorted order, no?
@pap-x Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon I LOVE IT!
Ok, I just don't have the files I need to do my job right now...
Boss is supposed to send them but just... Isn't? Reminded twice now.
Guess I'll go take a nap
@FlorianMargaine was my last concern more understandable?
Hello guys i need some help
!!welcome carisle
@carisle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Wow thanks for welcoming me
you're welcome
Can anyone help me i am just new to java script
Would you like to ask a question first?
Yes sure
Please refer to this one
> @carisle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. (emphasis by me)
Q: How to Get the value of textbox for the value of Chart.js

CarisleHow can I get the value of textbox to be used in the script below "value". I want to set the value coming from the textbox. <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> var doughnutData = [ { value: 30, color: "#F7464A" ...

g'morning all
@SomeKittensUx2666 good morning
@Jan Dvorak thanks for the reminder...
@m59 Yeah, it was a good starting point, already changed it some
PLease tell me
there is a website,
where there are cool examples of html and javascript etc
I need address please
I am looking for some good button in there
dat button
> Please note that several of the prominent Linux operating systems have released fixed packages that still bear the OpenSSL 1.0.1e name. Even though the OpenSSL project released 1.0.1g as their newest software, downstream Linux providers have in some cases elected to include just the fix for CVE-2014-0160 in their packages in order to provide a small update quickly. Updates to 1.0.1g are likely to come later.
no, open project and closed project button
Lemon knows it
Ah, that explains why I'm still on 1.0.1e
she told me before as well
@CustomizedName A.) @rlemon is a he 2.) Bootstrap?
oh he
yes, i don't think it's bootstrap
Need help
lemon has a lot of templates on there
his own work
for showcase
codepen.io is that what you are looking for?
yesssssssssssssssssss, thank you
the io stands for google
.io is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the British Indian Ocean Territory. Internationalized domain names may also be registered. Google currently treats .io as a generic top-level domain (gTLD) because "users and webmasters frequently see [the domain] more generic than country-targeted". .io domains are popular with new startup companies. IO is also used in IT as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the .io domain useful for domain hacks. There is a trend to create .io domains for open source projects and free/open web services. References External l...
@rlemon how did you get that from 'open project and closed project button'
PLease tell me
there is a website,
where there are cool examples of html and javascript etc
read that
How pass the value of the the textbox here in code
var doughnutData = [
value: 50,
color: "#F7464A"
Q: What is Heartbleed bug and how does it affect me

Simon_eQI hoped this question may provide a clear understanding and possible solutions for the viral Heartbleed bug I can't keep reading about on the web. - What is HeartBleed bug. - Who is affected by HeartBleed - Protection.

@Carisle I don't know asp, but you should really remove your question, google it, and you'll be fine
!!tell Carisle google asp textbox value javascript
<button class="bloomButton yellow">BUTTON</button>

is button a html tag
@caprica six i do actually do this but it doesn't work for me
@CustomizedName there is also this css-tricks.com/examples/ButtonMaker/#
@Carisle I'm a bot.
@Carisle stackoverflow.com/about please learn how to ask a good question, and come back
@RUjordan sorry for that...
@Carisle don't be, I'm not mad, I just don't have time to help you in mad detail :D
Good questions: describe the problem, show an attempt, show any errors the console shows, and show research. If you meet that criteria, we'll help you everytime as long as you listen and learn ^^
Dang people are outgunning me on every answer. It's like they type a a 5 page answer in 20 seconds...
No im not mad..., i am just getting crazy of this one i guess your right i will try thanks :D
Re-read those links Caprica pinged you with. asp text boxes are translate into HTML, and that's cheddar to work with.
@RUJordan you're welcome
Ok thanks guys ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 not you lol mostly aderno
@RUJordan check your rep
Oh those were you?
Thanks lol
@rlemon Cheers, gonna have a look, much appreciated
@Loktar random thought. how do you do gif like animations in Canvas.
like I have an explosion. do you just draw each frame?
or do you overlay a gif?
@RUJordan hello, here's the link youtube.com/watch?v=Qi_AAqi0RZM
each frame
damn, I was hoping there was some magic
keeping track of that gets complicated quick?
depends. For animations I predefine them
so like walk = [1,2,3,4,5]
animate(walk, 100, "loop")
^ time between each frame, and if its a looping/one time/ animation
pingpong is another val, play from the start to the end to the start again
oh @rlemon you should watch it too youtube.com/watch?v=Qi_AAqi0RZM
@CarlosJ. saw it in like 2011
hi @CarlosJ.
what rock did you just crawl out from behind ;)
pretty sure I posted it back in 2011 :p
I think I got linked it from the PHP room
not sure now
yep, anyways i don't recall having said it was new stuff :P
nope raynos did I guess
@BadgerGirl hello
then ivo, then rlemon
@CarlosJ. doesn't matter this is the internet, old will be called old if its old
or "repost"
i agree :)
@CarlosJ. i.minus.com/ibbJy6ggtvfc4i.gif (best repost gif i've seen)
thats a great one @rlemon
!!doge effort,editing,good stuff
               very effort
                        so editing
such good stuff
wow wtf
I added color to a demo and it slowed it down so much
not canvas, but text
Huh. I wouldn't expect that.
@Loktar link?
not done yet
only does it with alot of colors
single colors are fast
@BrunoAlano Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar Ping us when you are!
I will, its nothing amazing
Yeah, but colors slowing it down is a bit curious
I'm sick of you always showing me up with Canvas crap... grumble grumble
im doing rotations on the elements as well
and positioning absolutely
so i think that plays a part
elements? wait, what? this isn't Canvas?
Hello guys
Object #<HTMLInputElement> has no method 'typeahead'
I am getting error
while using typeahead
I've a question, today I'm developing an API, Website and Administration Panel together (using the same database connection, MongoDB)... it's better to me use Rails ou Express?
@Rigel typeAhead, maybe?
no :(
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLInputElement> has no method 'typeAhead'
@RyanKinal did not work
var field= this.$().first();
Hello I am using Javascript with a window.onload and window.onbeforeunload.

In the onbeforeunload I want to run a code that removes a session from a list, but it doesn't work. When I use that same code in window.onload, everything works fine.

I think I need to do something sychronous, do you guys have tips?

I think the code doesn't get executed in the onbeforeunload because the browser is already closed by then and that causes that the method doesn't get executed.
@Rigel the document doesn't have that method
you need an element
var field= this.$()[0]
@Rigel Yeah. That's the bit that's wrong.
You're getting the HTML element. You need the Ember object.
oh I see now, yeah
you can use $ again
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'typeAhead'
on the whole thing
@Rigel lowercase the A
thanks @Mosho @RyanKinal
though its not working atleast one error down
if you change cycleAmt to like 0.5 you will see the slowdown
@RyanKinal is it crazy slow by default?
Well, my work machine is shit
haha damn
well shit.. maybe I should just do a solid color
my beast of a computer can handle it
oh, with 0.5 yeah
yeah its crazy
just having different colors rapes it
I changed it to just green @RyanKinal
Actually, it's doing not terribly, once I've waited for it to load.
could you reload it?
ah ok
maybe Ill change it back then
Still not smooth, but not horrid
It is a bit slow, yeah
yeah I changed it back to multi color
pretty nutty though i didn't realize color would play so much of a part
if I just use the style defined on the html tag it runs perfect
Yeah. Crazy.
hmmm maybe ill try changing that and see if it slows down
but the colors don't change
@Mosho I know thats the crazy thing
so just make it static
what do you mean?
it looks like it's doing some logic or something
it just does element.style.color = somerandomcolor (once when the element is created)
it only slows down for the inner 60-70% of the swing

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