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according to the readme, it's an example of security treats on js
I need a java script quire for text box validation . my requirement is 1-values must be 7or8 letters. 2-First 1 or 2 letters Must be Alphabet. 3-remaining 6 letters must be numeric value
But why is that git page set as public ?
@Rafiq Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG Why wouldn't it be?
The more demonstrations of vulnerabilities that are out in the open, the better prepared developers can be to defend against them.
but at other side, criminals can use it.
@KarelG Criminals/hackers would be using things like this regardless.
Criminals can stab someone to death, that doesn't mean we hide knives
also if you use jQuery you are screwed : p
i rarely use jQuery
Someone available to support Joomla Q&A proposal?
if i need a jQuery function, i check their docs and copy/paste or create a jQuery like duplicate in js
In the end these are really on concerns if you're handling data that's actually worth trying to steal.
not having a width style makes the elements not be side-by-side
@rusich_alex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how can I have them be side-by-side with the least meddling?
style="width:90%" works
but is kinda hacky :\
@RaduRădeanu no way
I hate joomla with a fierce passion
@Mosho : use float ?
doesn't work
tried one but the middle doesn't go side-by-side lol
aha, the width
@Mosho : might i fork it ?
no lol
you left the width in the HTML
still doesn't work if you remove it
it should be in css ... but it gets overridden by something else. too lazy to spit it out >.>
yeah, the point was that I don't want to set width for it
but i only have added the width at the 2nd one
others got it already ._.
I don't want to have it
Q: Why in this case native promises seems to be faster than callbacks in chrome?

Farid Nouri NeshatHere's the jsperf: http://jsperf.com/promise-vs-callback callback case (211 Ops/s): // async test var d = deferred; function getData(callback) { setTimeout(function() { callback('data') }, 0) } getData(function(data) { d.resolve() }) Promise case(614 ops/s): // async test var d =...

The problem is in bootstrap.min.css

.input-group .form-control {
margin-bottom: 0;
width: 100%; /* skew this */
solved with !important
or edit the css file
I didn't want to set the width at all
that's what I ended up doing
but thanks anyway :P
!!doge wow such new info i did not knew
such wow such new info i did not knew
dogecoin miners?
actually, it's better to set width at floating elements
or simple ecma-script geeks
or do that at the parent element
I'll just keep width:90% in the element now
width: 90% bothers me
I feel if you're using 90%, you should really be using 100% with the proper margins
it's because he's floating a small div side by side at other div ... if you set width: 100%, you cannot align elements side by side
in FSM, where the engine waits for user action, would it be better to implement it like this
lock state=>send request to user=>wait for response=>do something=>sync users=>unlock=>next user
@KarelG I'm sure he has his reasons
Though it still bothers me
most clients doesn't check css anyways :p
what really bothers me is the !important "hack" on CSS ...
i don't prefer it, but if you cannot edit other file, then yeah ... :x
but what about width: 50% ?
@Neil I have 1 reason
it works
@KarelG Oh that's fine
but I want it to fit to its parent
But most times almost always you use 90 or 95% to cover most of the space, not to make columns
I guess I could use a table
a table for a form = just no
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
lol, I use a table for my entire UI already
i have seen that in the css, with the display style

I am trying to create a user tagging system. I would like to attach users on a project. Those users can be looked up with an AJAX search method. Currently the search method i s working but I can't parse the results in a div. I would like to hold those ones in an seperate array projectUsers [];.

How can I show the looked up user after a 'spacebar' or 'enter' press and add them to a list item or something?

Screenshot from that I receive now when searching people:
in what css
from a few days ago?
anyway, I use tables because I'm given tables
display: table-cell; in bootstrap.min.css
@Duikboot : you can simply refresh the element containing the 'info'.
about enter / spacebar : delegate the keypress and check if it's an enter of spacebar button. I prefer to not use spacebar, at some people's browser option, it is bound to vertically scrolling
( event.stopPropagation() would handle it however )
wow, misunderstood the project
Are you good with AJAX? @KarelG ?
i use it almost always in my js scripties o.o
Well I have no clue why my auto-complete is not working am I allowed to sent you a code snippet?
the autocomplete thing works with locally stored variables. not with ajax because it takes more time then user's typing
Oh what would you do then? load all the users?
google is doing that with a separate js file for their "suggestion"
a worker?
paste.jesse-obrien.ca/wF This is what I've got so far.
@Duikboot : noticed this example on selectize.js / (brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js -> check section Remote Source — Rotten Tomatoes )
Ok let's try
Kareig Im doing something wrong with the 'named values' I think.
I receive {"data":[{"id":"2","role":"admin","email":"[email protected]","first_name":"Jo‌​hn","last_name":"Doe","class":"title"}]}
As response. so that's correct.
But there it stops
@PavanTeja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hmm, was busy with my problem. seems that where .. in ( .. ) didn't do stuff as expected.

From your two images, i see that you are getting your replies, but
in selectize.js i see callback(res.repositories.slice(0, 10)); while you have callback(res.data);
i don't have a clue for diff
actually I don't even need images
quick question please : Can i make returned ajax value to display in other page then the page we requested from?
in success function {display here in other page let say in second.php div }
not in first.php where i requested.
is it possible ?
@echo_Me yep, probably using something like websockets
i dont want use websockets :(
You could push the data into session storage and use the event that gets triggered from that?
individual pages don't really communicate with each other if not through the server
If you need the other page to make an ajax request, it should send it
If it isn't your page, then you may have to have your page with iframe inside so that you can use your javascript
@NathanP. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys
Hi everyone, I am searching an answer (upvoted many times, and was a long one) which I saw weeks ago, but I can't remember the corresponding question, or the one who wrote the solution.

This answer was about SoC in pure Js, I remember the OP wanted to dynamically add/delete fields in a form, but needed to acces each element individually. The answer was speaking about using data-attributes and that's the part I want to learn more.
@NathanP. : did you have upvoted it once ?
if so, just check your history
Ah I'll do it, but I'm not sure
@KarelG Wow, thx a lot I searched everywhere but in my upvote history... I found it :


Thank you again
hi can anyone please tell me whether lodash iterator is more faster than for loop
var datas = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 .......................};

_.map(datas, function(value, key) // lodash iterator

for(int i=0; i<datas.length; i++) //javascript iterator
@WTFreezer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can someone help with this please?
ciao tutti
we aren't here to give you the codes directly
Although we can guide you
just helped, -1, take it as constructive critic
@Bwaxxlo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1) bind a click event on a button. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget.addEventListener
-> fe button.addEventListener('click', myFunction, false);
2) in myFunction function, use random method
3) once gotten the value, use it in your array of html values
1) bind a click event on the light switch in your livingroom
2) use random method on it
3) invite some friends and have fun
This ain't a party
@derylius can you please tell me some suggestion for my question
@user123 what about benchmarking it?
make 10-100k iteration or so and console the timestamp at the beginning and the end of each
@derylius how to put up the timestamp
wait lemme throw you together a fiddle
@user123 btw use ++i instead of i++ in for cycles
there is no difference ... that last expression will be invoked at the end of the block
@derylius And why is that?
Q: Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C++?

Mark HarrisonWe looked at this answer for C in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24886/is-there-a-performance-difference-between-i-and-i-in-c What's the answer for C++?

Q: What is more efficient i++ or ++i?

Berek BryanExact Duplicate: Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C++? Exact Duplicate: Why should I use ++i? Exact Duplicate: Difference between i++ and ++i in a loop? What is more efficient i++ or ++i? I have only used this in Java and C/C++, but I am really asking for all languag...

I use ++i because it returns the new value
First, you shouldn't really be using either. It's a bitwise operator, which isn't semantically descriptive. Second, ++i is not identical to i++. They perform two very different actions.
ALSO, Your source is an answer relating to C++, which ISN'T JAVASCRIPT!!!!
Q: javascript i++ vs ++i

Web_DesignerIn javascript I have seen i++ used in many cases, and I understand that it adds one to the preceding value: for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { alert(i); } function bday(){ dob++; } But what happens when I do this: ++i; And is it any different using the -- operator (besides of course that it's sub...

@monners in a for cycle the result is the same and a good compiler should translate it to the same code, however a lot of compiler simply cant recognize the fact that in that syntax they meant the same. On the other hand pre-increment is slightly more efficent in the matter underlying algorythm WHICH IS NOT LANGUAGE SPECIFIC!!!
@derylius If anything is slightly more efficient then you should always go for the option that is more descriptive. Your efficiency boost means exactly nothing if the poor dev that comes after you can't figure out what the hell you were trying to do.
@monners thats why all of us who studied algorithm efficency at the university use the prefix in for cycle, and if somebody think it has different meaning there than efficency, then its not time to write code for production...
i know that ++i is faster then i++ , but for the sake of standards, use i++ for increment operations in loops ...
i didn't standardized the i++ preference ...
@derylius all of us who studied algorithm efficiency... Wow, that really is a huge community to be catering to.
@monners if your university didnt provide the sufficent education needed in your field don't blame it on me
@derylius lol. You're assuming a lot there mate.
@KarelG the mistake was made when they named it C++ instead of ++C, and the reason for that mistake is probably to let it be next to C in a list
@SomeGuy ^^
@monners yeah i assumed you do/did some university :D
still, i write i++ for increments, even if it takes a tad longer.
@derylius No, you assumed I studied in a field that was both directly applicable to computer science and didn't do a good job.
r i should explain it every time lol
!!afk nope
@monners WAIT!
Now you may leave
@derylius can you please give me a fiddle
@user123 im on it sorry
@derylius Why are you chasing micro-optimizations?
@SomeGuy im not chasing it, I just try to enforce the conventions that have an overall good effect on the coding community
And how does this have a good effect on the community?
understanding the underlying principles and writeing code based on that knowledge is the best way to ensure efficent and reusable code
if standards get changed, we have programs which is micro-optimized to be a bit time efficient
uhm, i have seen a lot codes which isn't reusable either
the worst one i ever saw is a nested if/else for 0-100 values.
if a standard get changed without backward compatibility, then its a bad standard
it's not an issue to change it to ++i now ...
its not a standard, its a misunderstanding....
hmm, trying to do a map over an object's keys instead of values
@KarelG and when you have just 2 cases or 3 you might use if for better understanding, but when you have to ad 2 more, will you change that to a switch or will you just copy paste the elseif?
otherwise keeping it exactly the same
using lodash/underscore
is there a FF plugin that will allow me to console.log to a file?
best I have is _.invert(_.mapValues(_.invert(obj),func))
trying to figure out what happened to the bot hours / days later is impossible without logs
i would try to figure an algorithm if steps are reproductive ...
@Mosho ^^
but then I need to stick the keys and the values together
i could reduce it into a recursive function. Less readable, true, but way faster
guess I'll write something
@rlemon thats wonderful, i used .keys before ES6 appeared only
@rlemon write a tiny little node server that just does that?
_.mapKeys = function(object, callback, thisArg) {
  var result;
  result = {};
  callback = _.createCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
  _.forOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {
    result[callback(value, key, object)] = value;
  return result;
Got to love xkcd
I don't get it :/
I either don't get it, or it's a horrendous joke
even for nerds
@derylius : a small question. In php, i have to check an array if it exists of numbers ∈ N only. I thought to use ctype_digit() but it's slow
@Steve Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hah, that's convenient
okay, so it was a bad-ish joke
could have been better worded in panel 2
@KarelG what does "if it exists of numbers ∈ N only" means?
well, that means element of collection of natural values ( 0 to +∞).
'0' = true
'3' = true
'-1' = false
'3.6' = false
'3.14159265' = false
'foo' = false
'13#' = false
Q: Wrapping Node.js callbacks in Promises using Bluebird

NareshHow do I wrap a Node.js callback using a Promise in Bluebird? This is what I came up with, but wanted to know if there is a better way: return new Promise(function(onFulfilled, onRejected) { nodeCall(function(err, res) { if (err) { onRejected(err); } ...

@Zirak You'll like this existentialcomics.com
@KarelG what about if(abs(X) % 1 == 0)? it uses only math artithmetics so it should be quite fast
i have to cast first ...
@KarelG psh.. you're using javascript
@Neil its php
@derylius oh dear
@KarelG should be still faster than looking up if its a digit for each char
@Neil : it's for on php
hi JS chat - monday morning :|
@Bubbas why you have to remind us?
i only just realized it
@KarelG huh, dont know how casting is implemented, maybe its slow as well, lemme think for a sec
@SomeGuy 5 comics in. 5/5 had to click "didn't understand"
thanks for making me feel stupid
I had to on some of the ones I read too
I'll stick to doge
seems that pure cast would lead to good performance
A: Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP

nickfI've just set up a quick benchmarking exercise: Function time to run 1 million iterations -------------------------------------------- (int) "123": 0.55029 intval("123"): 1.0115 (183%) (int) "0": 0.42461 intval("0"): 0.956...

@SomeGuy and then there are these, existentialcomics.com/comic/18
do I laugh, or be moved?
@KarelG and there you go
Be moved!
so I have a button that increases a number by step each click
I would like to have it increase by steps when mouse button is held
like setting the clock in a car
wat do
@Mosho and the Q?
12 secs ago, by Mosho
wat do
if i do (int) 'foo', I get 0 as result. QQ
existentialcomics.com/comic/19 okay, this one is freaking gold.
@Mosho ok, so you have events called onmousedown and onmouseup.....
@rlemon Hahahaha yeah! :D
@KarelG thats just makes it even more interesting
@rlemon what. the. fuck.
@derylius yeah, I'm aware... I was hoping for something easier :P

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