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*almost completely
There will always be objects around
Up to the point of having a class for your Main
You can only write global methods in IL
public static string BooleanToString(bool value)
    if (value == true)
         return "True";
         return "False";
am I doing it right?
@rlemon no it's a static, @KendallFrey just said everything has to belong to an object, create an instance
@FlorianMargaine thedailywtf.com
(defun tobool((car (cdr (car (cdr (car (+ 2 3) false)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@BenjaminGruenbaum close dreamincode.net/forums/topic/…
@rlemon I want to cry...
If Yoda conditionals are the worst thing he's ever seen...
@SomeKittensUx2666 you don't use paredit mode, do you...
Hello guys, how I can remove class from element without enabling toggle
!!tell FlorianMargaine define joke
except you're dead
I have to drive to Barrie tomorrow so I may as well drive to her first and restart her
sorry all. wait like 12-14 hours
A fat woman walked into the shoe store today
@BenjaminGruenbaum She was so fat, she had three smaller women orbiting around her.
Love and Marriage!
I am trying to have an if condition check if a piece of JSON is a number or a string
if(json.bridge_time > -1){
$('#timeone').html(json.bridge_time + " min");
alert("Bridge closed or hour+");
For whatever reason, the if condition is always true -- even if the json.bridge_time is a string
Any ideas>
If Number(json.bridge_time) === json.bridge_time
Can I split js command across line? (not just split string)
@BenjaminGruenbaum that is awesome! Thank you. Any ideas why the other one, although a hack, died?
died as in was always true
Even when it wasnt :)
@TJonS JavaScript does type coersion
 "2" > 1 // true
"15" < 6 // false
and so on.
Hah -- Thanks
What that line I suggested does is check if when cast into the number the value is the same.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I set scope: true on that problem from before and that works, can I access the controller somehow as well?
.directive('tabset', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    transclude: true,
    replace: true,
    scope: true,
    controller: 'TabsetController',
    templateUrl: 'template/tabs/tabset.html',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      scope.vertical = angular.isDefined(attrs.vertical) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.vertical) : false;
      scope.justified = angular.isDefined(attrs.justified) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.justified) : false;
      scope.type = angular.isDefined(attrs.type) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.type) : 'tabs';
Not a fan of the "123" > "23" coersion myself :)
and I want to access the controller from another directive
I don't understand your problem very well @Mosho I have to go to bed though :/
It's 4 AM and all
gn :P
Hey guys, anyone with some experiencie with backbone?
Ahoy hoy
Hi cat
cat ?
@SomeGuy Good Morning !
How would I be able to select an element on an external website page?
@DemCodeLines be more specific..., either get the page with ajax or JSDOM could be of use to you
hi all
can anyone please help me in my issue?
Q: How to hide/show the answers of a qstn on click of a respective hyperlink and how to change the text of this hyperlink dynamically using jQuery?

PHPGeekI'm using PHP, Smarty, jQuery, etc. for my website. In my website I've a page which contains list of questions along with its available answer options and correct answer option. This page generated dynamically using "Smarty Template Engine". So this page can contain one or many questions. For und...

anyone has laggy/spike problem when playing youtube video ?
@vzhen Sometimes when i go fullscreen, the whole youtube player scews
my problem is on all kind of views. normal, large and full
no problem in other browsers so i believe it is chrome issue @Connor
no idea mate
hooray I discovered a new type of angular error: infdig
someone tell me the exception that angular.js gets that onclick="js" doesn't?
@Connor not that I'm overly qualified to answer, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean
@Mosho the majority despises the use of onclick="doSomething(); but apparently it's OK to do it everywhere in angular, I just want to know the exception angular gets
in vanilla, that usually means your code is an untamed jungle
in ng, it's just the norm, I guess
many people dislike it
you call functions from a scope specific to that element etc.
it's structured
that's my opinion, anyway
fair enough
I just don't like the fact angular gets away with EVERYTHING ;)
I'm not sure it does, it gets as much criticism as fanboyism
ohhhh, jolly good. where can i contribute?
that would be a question for @BenjaminGruenbaum
hes a fanboi
I thought you mean contributing to angular's codebase
he's like angulars big brother, always defending
@Mosho no, I want to criticise angular, I love to hate it
in my experience
Honest opinion though
it gets shit done
just gotta get past dat learning curve
I think it's very well thought out, though i think it is a test run for a better framework to come that is based off it
A framework that follows the same idea, but fixes the bad bad parts
would be wicked
I hope not for a while :P
I, for one, like the fact everything is laid out in front of you in the HTML
and I've never used any other framework before
yeah, it's nice
<title>this is a site about pokemon</title>
this was the extent of my web experience
up until 3 months ago
ha, and what is it now?
<title>this is a site about {{siteName}}</title>
@Mosho do any dev before that?
yeah, in C++
ah ok, was going to say you picked up insanely fast for a newcomer
alright bed time, later all
university courses and 2 years for the army
mostly in cpp
@dystroy No idea why I was replying to this message, but when I loaded my browser, I was all prepped to ping you.
oh, hey. That's odd.
So you get name, first, last and blah blah blah asynchronously but the photo comes synchronously
Why are u never consistent microdick ?
what is up these radiobuttons' ass
    <div class="mygrid ng-scope">
        <div class="myrow">
            <div class="mycol">
                <input name="a" type="radio">first

            <div class="mycol">
                <input name="a" type="radio">second
what else do they need to work
a form? being siblings?
a spanking?
@Mosho nothing, they should work
they do in a fiddle
I literally copied from my page
rename them, just because you can
I did, to a
from 2
well, there is only one option left
watch some vines
I did it for a whole hour earlier this week
first time
had enough, I think
hmm, why isn't the input tag closed
is there a reason why this crap removes the </input> tag
Hello JS developers
is angular seriously fucking with my radio buttons
I don't know about AngularJS, Sorry!
yes it is
you have to give it an ng-model and ng-value
or it cockblocks you
@AbhishekHingnikar Morning! What's up?
@SomeGuy The ceiling.
What an ingenious answer
Yeah. Totally original. Unique. Unimaginably brilliant. Ingenious. Except no.
1 hour later…
wow... did you know this existed? squishybird.com
brilliant game
> Uncaught TypeError: Function.prototype.toString is not generic
H... how did I use it that way???
on this line: response = JSON.parse(response);
note to self: using the arguments variable inside an IIFE won't work as if the IIFE wasn't there.
It would be really handy if I could see my closure scope caller's scope even if that caller has already finished. Is there a debugger that can do this?
or at least the caller's code
@JanDvorak you mean clicking on the stack trace when stopped at some breakpoint?
and get the variables at this time?
Hi, Is there a room for c++?
  var a = faultyA(), b = faultyB(); // I want these
function callAsync(i){
    if(bad(i)) throw "bad i"; // from here
the calling IIFE is no longer on the stack trace
Don't throw a string
Always throw Error objects
With Bluebird. The IIFE is there, this is jQuery being bad :p
If you enable longStackTraces it'll gladly keep track of things for you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how would by code look like? Just promisify the AJAX call before appending a promise handler?
@BenjaminGruenbaum do I still get the variables along the path?
You do, also - Bluebird still builds stack traces for primitives. - but avoid throwing them
only because of BB?
Also, jQuery swallows unhandled rejections which sucks
Only because BB what?
Why should I only throw Errors?
Because strings are not errors, they don't have a stack trace.
stack traces are generated when you create an error object or call Error.captureStackTrace on an object explicitly
good point.
it also means that when you want to create your own error, you should not forget to add this.stack to your new object
lol, dat time when OP accepts an incorrect but shorter solution :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum let the downvotes rain
I didn't downvote it - it starts with "it doesn't work for most things, but it does for your example :P"
Q: How do I deal with a coworker who thinks his own shortcomings are funny?

SomeKittensI have a coworker who constantly misses deadlines, hands in incomplete work, or claims that things he doesn't want to deal with are 'too hard'. For reasons beyond the scope of this question he will stay employed. For example, he was asked to center a button for over six months and never 'got ar...

@SomeKittensUx2666 god what a douche.
Reminds me of the army, you have to deal with those sort of people all the time in the army
There are people are trying to do as little as possible and screw you over all the time.
So frustrating..
for the army, it's probably because they didn't want to go to the army
which is a kinda different situation
It's a life attitude for those people, not just the army
I didn't want to go to the army either.
yeah I'm not saying they're right, just that it can't be condemned the same way
personally, my philosophy: you can't always do what you love, but you can love what you do.
writing an answer
A: How do I deal with a coworker who thinks his own shortcomings are funny?

Benjamin GruenbaumI had to deal with people like him in the army where you don't get paid pretty often. It was very frustrating since you can find them in all ranks, even as your superiors. I feel your pain. They sometimes even take pride in doing less and it feels like it's a life attitude. It is my experience t...

@IanClark: thanks :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum: hey! Enjoy a +1
Only if you like it :)
Anyway, I got to go
See you later.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the problem is, when the guy is your boss, it turns out badly. He gives you a lot of work (because you have to do his work too), and the responsibility falls back to you if something fails.
a coworker had this issue with another coworker a few weeks ago at work.
wow... just found the easiest prime checker I've ever encountered (Fermat's method)
var primes=[]; for(var i=1; i<100; ++i){if(Math.pow(2, i)%i===2){primes.push(i)}}
only limitation is Math.pow
eventually it will get to infinity
> Eventually it will get to infinity
!!Math.pow(2, 1023)
!!Math.pow(2, 1024)
is caprica dead?
!!Are you dead?
@IanClark it's just a js error
!!I think therefore I am
the numbers get too big
anyway... you can try that in the console
@t1wc well yeh, JS isn't exactly designed to deal with numbers very well. It's certainly not the language of choice for prime calculations
yeah, Lisp is.
that's also another reason you should learn it, @BenjaminGruenbaum
> Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender asks him if he'd like a beer. He says, "I think not" and promptly ceases to exist
@FlorianMargaine I'd choose Haskell instead
@JanDvorak he already knows haskell. And he knows it's not practical.
@FlorianMargaine been there
@dystroy problem is most likely using an external linked list
it's 5 times faster to use a circular buffer
(unless you need to remove from the middle, but you don't)
another thing is that if your algorithms or data structures aren't right, there is no benefit in implementing "v8 tricks"
so get those right first
@Esailija Of course I have to remove from the middle, that's the main point
If not I'd use a classical circular buffer
maybe I remembered wrong, wasn't it a LRU cache?
At each get I have to remove the touched element from the middle and set it as a recently accessed item
BTW LRU cache are classically implemented using a double linked list, because there's not a lot of ways to move an element from the middle of the list in O(1) time
It's very far from a queue
@Florian the advice golds when he's your boss IMO
guys... I have an object constructor Player, Player is made with a MoveAbleObj constructor + it's own prototypes
apparently in the Player constructor I can't do
this=new MoveAbleObj(values)
this is not assignable
how could I make it then?
you want this.prototype = new MoveAbleObj(values) apparently
you can?
oh... thx!
no... prototype gets passed as a keyword
Player={prototype: MoveAbleObj:{values: values}}
which is strange...
doing Player.prototype.values returns values
formatted the wrong thing -_-
you want Player to inherit MoveAbleObj?
sorry... this is stupid....
I've never used inheritance in my life 0.o this is bad
even more awkward: after following many tutorials something's still not working
I have a prototype object in my object
I mean... to get to the other values I have to type object.prototype.values
I want to do directly object.values
function obj(x, y){
function Player(x, y){
	this.prototype=new obj(x, y);
var player=new Player(1, 2);
this is not exactly what I have going on, but the skeleton is this
Player.prototype = Object.create(obj)
then, in the constructor, obj.call(this, x, y)
function Player(x, y){
    	obj.call(x, y);
and that doesn't work
He literally gave you the code to run
said that player = new Player(1, 2)
23 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
then, in the constructor, obj.call(this, x, y)
@SomeGuy oh... right...
@rlemon awesome :D
@t1wc don't blindly copy paste. Look up what call does on MDN.
@FlorianMargaine that's what I've looked up... didn't work and then came back here...
then I noticed I didn't use this as an argument in .call
I have a small javascript game, it' a Flappy Bird clone (I know you may roll your eyes) but it's just for fun. Anyway I am listening for keydown events from the DOM and have a handler in the game object that just passes the keyCode on to all the game objects and they can react accordingly. But I feel that key events should feed into the update loop and be processed there. Does anyone have an opinion on that? github.com/hollystyles/PhatParrot
@HollyStyles I'm not the best here, but I can tell you that sometimes checking for input in the loop can simply make the game slower and put a delay in-between when you input something and when something happends
for games like flappy bird I would just let it be, without checking it
becouse the timing of the click is very important
@t1wc Yeah timing exactly. Sometimes it seams my keydown happens just after an update and a collision occurs even though I pressed to avoid before that got drawn to the canvas
You can actually play it here if you're interested: googledrive.com/host/0B3z0Ee4cWmOTVzI1X3Q0eTIycUE/index.html
@HollyStyles copot.eu/matei/games/diggymole that was my 1 hour challenge from rlemon
ended up being 1hr 37mins
squishybird.com but this is my favourite flappy bird game
Christ that's challenging to play!
press the button saying diggy mole mode
you'll get into normal flappy bird
player = { keys : { up: false, down: false }, maxSpeed: 3, vX: 0, vY; 0 };
window.onkeydown = function(e) {
  if( e.which === 37 ) { player.keys.up = true; }
  // etc
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
  if( e.which === 37 ) { player.keys.up = false; }
  // etc

/// update loop
if( player.keys.up && player.vy < -player.maxSpeed ) {
  player.vy --;
// ^ same for the other buttons and directions.
player.x += player.vx;
player.y += player.vy;
I didn't run your game yet.
Where's caprica
but that Is basically how I do movement (thanks Loktar)
> git commit -am "increased the timeout from 1 to 10 minutes"
> git commit -am "fixed having increased the timeout to 0 minutes instead of 10"
yea I have a few 'fixed the last fix'
I had a missing 1 in 1000 :-/
@rlemon Hahaha, brilliant
Have you seen the dickhead baby goat gif?
Thank's all, you have reminded me of the obvious, I should just go and explore others code and try it for myself doh!
why is the following function interpreted as a function statement, if you put an unterminated RegexLiteral after an Object, shouldn't it be seen as expression anyway ?

`{valueOf: function () {return 2}} /asd `
@C5H8NNaO4 a line starting with { denotes a block, not an object literal
why does Javascript have anonymous blocks after all?
so valueOf: would be seen as a label ?
K, that makes sense :)
who here use node.js?
@OctavianDamiean Hi!
@Sam Just ask your question
A lot of us do
That's my question, who prefer node.js and why
Depends on the task and my mood.
Prefer NodeJS to what?
In what situation?
For server side development
@OctavianDamiean You should watch this too youtube.com/watch?v=5IuRzJRrRpQ
Oh hai @OctavianDamiean
@Troy Nice avatar
Q: Countdown pause on scrolling on mobile devices but not on desktop

LuckyLukeI am building a web app that is intended to run on mobile phones and desktop. A part of the app is a quiz. I have a countdown clock at the top of the page that counts down one seconds at the time. window.setInterval(function () { console.log("THIS STOPS WHILE SCROLLING"); }, 1000...

nobody know how to fix it?
@LuckyLuke Answered
Is is supposed to be impossible to get the Facebook "like" button to line up with other social media buttons...?
Seriously, what psycho came up with the CSS for that thing...
how can I have a template (in a directive) just add an attribute, rather than set the element as well?
posted on March 29, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} POW

template: '<input ng-model="vars[vText].model">'
only want the ng-model, but doesn't work with an element name
Q: Accessing failCallbacks in .then after rejecting .when

user2679436I have something like this: $.when( ajax_call1(), ajax_call2(), ...).then({function(imdone), function(ifailed)}); These ajax_calls are all async. As soon as I get xhr on any of them, I check data content within success handler. In some cases, i do something like this.error(xhr, "some", "thing")...

is there position to position fixed within a absolute div?
Oh. "Is it possible to position fixed within an absolute div?"
I don't know. Probably
I don't get it
<div class="absolute">
<div class="fixed>I want this fixed</div>
this is a position absolute
Fixed in the page?
fixed within a absolute div
You just need a static position then. Or I don't get it.
1 sec i create a fiddle
What do you mean fixed within the absolute div?
@SomeGuy 1 sec, i create a fiddle
@FlorianMargaine @SomeGuy
So you want the inner div to be fixed, but have it's position be relative to the outer div?
You'll probably have to use some JS to do that dynamically
Hey Guys
@SomeGuy yup
@SomeGuy any pure html5 and css3 solution?
Q: simple cllose button function featherlight don't work jquery

Davei have a close button in my Modal lightbox View. But if i click on the button the window don't close. And i don't know why? Here my HTML Code: lösche <div class="lightbox" id="fl1"> <h2>Delete Item</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="twelve columns"> <strong>Are y...

@vzhen fixed removes it from the page flow
and its relative to the viewport
if you want a fixed element to be related to any other element you have to use JS like @SomeGuy said
@loktar can flexbox do that?
eh? not sure what you mean I guess
if you need an element fixed flexbox isn't going to help either
@Loktar ic

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