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Is Digital Ocean drops VPS/dedicated/shared hosts?
I think I have an AWS EC2 instance up and running for like $8...
Node, Ruby, JSP, full access to PHP. SQL, Mail. Total control over your domain.
I wanna say it's dedicated for $5
@LogicalAngel WHAT IS SQL?
basically, no this will never fly - there are much larger companies doing this with real setups
@LogicalAngel Have you heard of AWS?
@LogicalAngel Yep. See Amazon. I have full control over my server.
For $8
heh price is like 20% of what matters with web hosting
@LogicalAngel not to mention the fact this isn't common knowledge makes me not trust your knowledge (currently) of linux permissions
Server Query Language, I believe. It's a database and API.
@RyanKinal I have full control over mine too :D
@LogicalAngel SQL is a language. Not a database.
digitalocean.com/pricing this is what I have
@LogicalAngel if you wanna take away anything from this: it is a bad idea and it likely won't see any real clients. maybe your buddies, but you'd be hard come by to business
@LogicalAngel Soooooo you have installed sql...
I have full control over my £12/yr VPS and that's good enough for me.
yum install sql
Structured Query Language, not Server
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got started reading ng-book. It mentions that all bindings should be part of an object $scope.foo.bar rather than $scope.bar, but gives no reason. What's that about?
@RyanKinal BEER TIME!
SQL is a database and a language for it.
@m59 Avoid name collisions?
@rlemon YES!
Well, grocery time... then beer time...
SQL is not a database
@RyanKinal I doubt that. Everything is so isolated already.
@m59 JavaScript primitives are pass by value, objects are pass by reference value.
Sure, but how does that help here?
!!learn beerbros <>"https://i.sstatic.net/CK9ha.jpg"
Would anyone be intersested in doing spot-scripting for a monetary reward?
@RUJordan Command beerbros learned
@LogicalAngel no nobody
@LogicalAngel What OS will this be running?
I want to set up a webmastering service.
@m59 Sort of. When you're working with $scope, there are all these parent scopes you could potentially have issues with.
@BenjaminGruenbaum just in case you want to replace the entire object at once?
@LogicalAngel I charge $100/hr
@LogicalAngel Yeah you could really use some webmastering
I charge $99.99/hr
That's fine.
no actually I charge around $75/hr freelance
I only accept euros and not fake money like the others
I want to develop an interface for people tp hire you.
even then, that doesn't make sense - the digest is going to change it anyway..
Would you accept requests?
depends on their status code
Can I hire you myself?
You mean like recruiters?
depends on whether or not you expect results
@m59 not just, lemme see if I can cook up something.
Yeah I am never asked to come work for company X
That would be really useful
Oh hai @PeeHaa
hola @BenjaminGruenbaum
I do. I could use help with a few things myself, but youde have to be versed in Node and SocketIO
sorry, I only know WebSockets.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks a ton. I'm kinda disappointed they mentioned something like that and didn't give sufficient detail. It's very hard for me to do things without understanding why.
<3 WS
WebSockets are neato
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's like that old AJAX technology right?
@LogicalAngel Something like referralfeed.com ?
WebSockets <3
@m59 what mark does is also acceptable.
It's just how JS is.
@RyanKinal I like the live demo gif
@RUJordan Yeah, me too. But it doesn't provide much info.
@RyanKinal not enough information
You're telling us "I have this question but I can't give you the information you need to answer it for me,". That's a poor question and not how SO works. Voting to close. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 6 secs ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah that makes sense. I've always handled it with $parent or something with a service
A place where people can hire you. Maybe you could specify what you're proficient with.
@m59 glad I could help.
@RyanKinal I get random downvotes for this
@LogicalAngel what?
> Maybe you could specify what you're proficient with.
thanks :)
which I don't understand, it isn't a great question, but I don't see anything wrong with it
uhhhm ever heard of github?
Anyway... groceries! And then TS!
Later folks
!!afk shopping, cooking, chatting
later @RyanKinal
!!afk shopping, pooping, chatting
@AlexisReyes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yeah I liked his animated gif, even threw a comment in there but had to cv it
If you're willing to do spot-coding, and real-time interaction with your customer, that would be best. They can charge you for the amount of time spent.
You charge them, sorry
Soooo you only charge people for time spend with clients?
@LogicalAngel that doesn't sound logical
Awesome business model
Or a bounty. Charge for a specific working model.
Customers set out a given model, and the one who codes it gets the money for it/
@rlemon LOL
@Loktar rlemon is afk: shopping, pooping, chatting
ok this either inspired you.. or you inspired it?
eh it was made yesterday I guess
@LogicalAngel are you talking about ODesk/ELance?
i just tried watching a little bit of gwar
in honor
only lasted about 3 mins tho haha
@WolfgangBlessen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ps. @rlemon the command I was looking for was !!learn :P that is all.
Just curious ..
Wow, that was downvoted more than I expected stackoverflow.com/q/22620661/1348195
Anyone good with regex?
If so, can you tell what's wrong with this?
The fact you're not using a URL parser probably.
(Supposed to match all "//" not preceded by ":")
@BenjaminGruenbaum It does look like homework, though.
@Metagrapher who would ask that as homework? That's a really hard question.
For example, if there was a second function using a closure there, the first one would use a closure in both cases at the moment, but that also might change in the future.
I think the cookiemonster was accurate in that it's probably based on some concept they learned in class.
@rlemon nice job refactoring codepen.io/colivelow/pen/kwnqB if you did in fact use that as inspiration unless its a crazy coincidence. Anyway your code has much less noise for sure.
@Loktar rlemon is afk: shopping, pooping, chatting
@Metagrapher Context sharing optimization :P? Constant propagation? Dead code elimination? Which concept?
It's not an easy question and it is based on a lot of factors.
I mean, no doubt it's a difficult question. I looked at it and had similar thoughts to your own about the answer, but those thoughts themselves actually lend itself to the conclusion that it is a homework question.
just due to so many other factors at play, it must be.
I've been wrong before though. so. yeah.
Yeah, OP said it's homework now -_-
Teacher must be bad :P
How can I make the groups in this regex valid? /(?<!:)(\/\/)/
alright home time
laters @Loktar
how can i test whether my images are getting cached?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean, it entirely depends on the interpreter. It must be based off a concept in the class...so the teacher is looking for a take away from a specific lesson.
@spencore Charles Web Proxy for testing. Check the X-Cache header
@Metagrapher the answer to the question is "we can't tell" and based on how the question is asked not what they meant.
@RyanKinal xD
Just so you know, this is the right answer. — beardtree Jun 12 '12 at 19:46
@RUJordan RyanKinal is afk: shopping, cooking, chatting
Buy me some new J's bb
Q: What happens in the DOM when the page is scrolled too far on mobile?

jchitelI was curious if anything detectable happens in the DOM on a mobile browser when you are at the top or bottom of a page and try to scroll further, or if that is detectable through javascript.

That's actually not a bad question.
er, I answered too fast. it's a different header name. hold please
Oh hayyy my jQuery minimum words function was upvoted randomly. I helped a googler!!
I love that feeling
firstly @spencore what CDN?
i am using jquery
or no CDN you're talking about on your server?
mobile 1.4
lemmie frame this a little better
yes please
basically, i have a web app that a user can create a document (shit ton of inputs as well as the ability to take photos) and the doc then gets saved on the server. the user can also go to a summary page that lists out all the documents they have on their account
they can load up a document they already attached pictures to and continue working.
Remember how I had so much trouble with that XML thing about attributes?
so i just want to try and get all these image requests down if possible
How would I reference something like this?
<media:thumbnail url="..."/>
The url part
@spencore use local storage, cause the image won't be cached from your server until you load it once from that uri
that makes sense
probably what ill do
you could, however, upload and then preload it. but that's more requests.
so after first load (or when they take the pic) throw it into local store?
Q: CSS Parallax background on scroll *without* javascript

cirrusSimilar questions have come up before but this question already demonstrates much of what those answers say isn't possible. I can already for example scroll a background image and foreground content with a parallax effect with CSS only. The 3D effect is easy but hooking it to the scrollbar is th...

is there a limit to local store?
i am encoding these images in base64
@spencore about 3MB is reliable
Q: What is the max size of localStorage values?

PrjioSince localStorage (currently) only supports strings as values and in order to that the objects have to be stringified (stored as JSON-string), before they can be stored, I wondered if there is a defined limitation regarding the length of the values. Does anyone know if there is a definition whi...

also, i am using safari since this is targeted to the ipads (its a web app tho)
dunno. check the docs for mobile safari?
safari has been a bitch for these images
maybe upload and preload is the way to go... not sure here.
like.. i am succesfully retrieving data that i can manually decode into the correct image
once it's preloaded though, the images should be cached by the browser
yet, there is some sort of checksum or SOMEthing that safari is putting on the end of the data thats totally fucking up the render
yea, thanks @Metagrapher this gives me some stuff to think about
not sure where i'll go from here - technically i have the app 'working'
well, aside from safari mangling up my image loads lol
I'll probably be facing this very issue shortly. I'm about to work on an app that has image uploading capabilities.
yep - safari (and not just mobile) is screwing me on images
ive read up there is quite a bit of frustration about safari's image size limitation
but i dont even think that is my issue
if you store the image data in a json object, you shouldn't have issues with local storage.
i already am
the problem is quite literally the render
in safari.
i can even open up the image url and edit it right in safari - changing the last value it is mangling..something like "w" to what ALL decoders/other browsers give me, which is like "//Z" and the image will magically appear! lol
<img src="{{ image.data }}"> ?
its bizzare
yup yup
i dont know much about checksums, so i have some research to do, but my senior at work mentioned he thought safari was putting in a checksum
I mean, if you're having raw data in there as the source, that should do it... I can't see HOW there would get a checksum if you've got the raw image data encapsulated in a json object and you are dynamically assigning the src property to be the value of the data.. that is quite bizarre
so, it is bizarre indeed lol
I'd suggest boiling this down as simply as you possibly can...try recreating this without any other page elements.
like, just, this.
if you can do it in like a fiddle or something, and can recreate it on your phone, that would be very telling.
good point
i will try that approach
its just very weird, all browsers display it just fine.
but safari is actually changing the value of the raw data, i dont get it
I don't know why, but I very much dislike it when people type more than 3 periods. ..and ... are fine, but ....+ is just overkill lol
used sparingly i feel is alright
but ive def seen ppl use them constantly haha
but i could understand your point
............or could i? muahah
awww maaan, my betta fish died
(was sick, I saw it coming)
had him for ~1 year now
@Loktar totally saw his first. Looked at his code and thought "nope" so stole the character he used and the concept and wrote my own
sorry for your loss
I pretty much only bought him to eat the excess food my newt leaves behind
he was a lazy fucker. sat near the back of the tank until feeding time
@rlemon sorry about your fish :(
when you have as many fish as I do, you accept some losses
bettas only live 2-4 years in captivity to begin with. he was over a year when I got him
so he lived a good life.
Would you say you have the same emotional attachment to your fish as one would say a dog?
depending on the fish, yes
any of my saltwater fish, yes.
freshwater fish are mostly there for plant food
You said you had a puffer fish right?
Or was I dreaming about you again?
Tony and Pooper
Plot twist: Tony poops more
he does
Tony is ~7 years old. Pooper is ~1.5
Dannnggg I didn't know fish lived that long except like.. sharks if that
Tony is nearing the end of his life
aprox/ 10 years for him
not sure if i should ignore this or not: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on flipswitch prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'
How many fish do you have total?
getting that from jquery... but i am totally getting the results i want on my page lol
ignore or no??
saltwater: 8
freshwater: ??? a lot, they keep fucking. but they eat eachother so its all good
hi all i need to know regex to check string contains onlly numbers and charactors
It's never smart to ignore an error
@rlemon noice!
yea this is true
I don't name my freshwater fish either. the betta was the exception
named him "two point nine"
the spiney newt he was housed with is named "Mr T"
That's the most beautiful name I've ever heard
my clowns are "Nancy and Floyd" there is a Diamond Goby in that tank I call "Trucks", my purple fire goby is "prince", my wrasse is "Wes" and I have a yellow fish i'm unsure what kind it is, angel of some sort. I call him "Scooter"
the wrasse is actually "Fish Wesley Snipes", but I call him "Wes" for short
ohh and my cats are Rocky and Bullwinkle
is window.stop() legit?
what did google say?
@Metagrapher so i am thinking if they hit 'back' before those images got loaded completely i'd like to (for now) just cancel the request. itll be on the user to not be retarded and open/backout of documents a shit ton that contain images (lol i should not expect user interaction of any sort!)
google laughed at document.close()
and suggested window.stop()
and also provided an ajax abort solution from 2007
if they back out of the browser before the images are uploaded? I guess it depends on where in the process. Definitely want to make sure you're providing an expected user experience.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  return confirm("Yo! you sure you wanna leave?");
ah sorry, not for the upload. this app opens up a document and also loads the associated images (ones theyve previously uploaded). but if they back out quickly enough the request will still continue to load those images... so really they could very rapidly chain like 50 image requests together all at relatively the same time
I absolutely hate websites with onbeforeunload functions.
sounds like a server issue, not a client issue
don't star that
stars are not bookmarks
can't i just kill the request on the client when i want tho?
you can, but if there exists a vulnerability, you can't trust the client to do the job
dammit. I wasn't trying to bookmark it. I was trying to note that it was relevant to the discussion. cause I thought it was at the time. :P
Bookmark the permalink
better to handle it on the server
and by "back out" i only mean backout from the current doc to my "summary"/main page
sorry i am using my lingo relevant to my web app, not general terms
I don't want a bookmark dammit. ;) I know how to do that :P
i may have created confusion
alright @rlemon
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  // ajax stuff to tell the server to stop
if you really want to
i dont see why i gotta use that window method tho
but again, sounds like your server isn't handling the requests properly.
@rlemon yeah yours is much better/different thats why I thought maybe it was just a crazy coincidence even lol
well, its technically a single page app
so no other pages are being loaded
which is why the server prolly isnt doing it ?
@Loktar like his Function.prototype.bind.call .....
wtf is that?
like... i have a bunch of jquery pages
dude, idk if you know this.. but console.log.apply(console, [a,b]) works too
everythging is just inside on index.html
crazy is he even uses apply right after!
I just don't get why he needed the bind to itself first?
are you guys talking about something else? lol
i cannot tell
yeah he has like 100% more code than needed
I'll be honest, I didn't even "copy" his code - nor read it while developing. I knew how to do every part but the character, and I didn't know I could set styles in the damn console!
next (not tonight, and feel free to steal this anyone) will be webcam output in the console ;)
Is there a shortcut for Function.prototype like Array? []. etc
(new Function()).X
but no
don't do it
@rlemon DOEEEEEET!
Also hi
why would you ever need it?
Elaborate pranks on junior developers
My soul is trapped in the console!!!!
thisArg only has context in a function scope, so you will always inherit from the function prototype anyways.. or am I wrong here?
Nice call on the Infected Mushrooms link, I've been slacking off to it all day.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Not bad, are they? Kinda hard to describe though
Is there a functionality difference between Function.prototype and (new Function()). or is it like Math.floor() vs ~~?
It's like trance/rock meets experimental (only good)
@RUJordan one invokes a new function one just looks at its prototype
I'm about 1.5 minutes away from being done with this project. O: It's currently being tested by management
I gotta work on my work project right now. just taking a few to relax before I get back into it
pop off a few quick views then onto beers + game dev
Curry: simmering, rice: cooking, beer: drinking
Sure, but I can't talk
Whenever :-)
login on
Latest version Suggestions on conclusion welcome.
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: beerbros
@VadimP. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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