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@Ale ok, that's ultimate
Yeah, the welcome message triggered pretty late for it to be the bot
@SomeGuy never heard about the delay function of the bot?
I'm having trouble creating a table like this, it's really hard to explain, so i'll just try to draw it, lol, for example:

| Name | City of Birth |
| Age | Date of Birth |
|John | London |
|42 | 23/3/1991 |
|Elisa | New York City |
|33 | 12/12/1912 |

- i want to have tables like this, and i want to allow sorting for each of the values in the header. i.e Date of birth would sort those 2 cells according to their date of birth, and so forth......
:15433165 if(year is bigger){this is bigger}else if(year is equal && month is bigger){this is biggr}else if(year is equal && month is equal && day is bigger){this is bigger}else{this is smallest}
document.onkeydown = function (evt) {
  inGame = true;
  game = 'Now playing';
  switch (evt.keyCode) {
  case 37:
    if (!(snake.direction === 'right')) {
      snakeDirection = 'left';
  case 38:
    if (!(snake.direction === 'down')) {
      snakeDirection = 'up';
  case 39:
    if (!(snake.direction === 'left')) {
      snakeDirection = 'right';
  case 40:
    if (!(snake.direction === 'up')) {
      snakeDirection = 'down';
@DonCode you mean <table>?
@t1wc I'm not only interested for the sorting to work in that particular column. I want ti to work for every column.
@DonCode var date = '23/3/1991'.split('/'); var year= date[2], var month=date[1], var day=date[0]
@lemonzi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@lemonzi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
As a side effect the speed increases on each keypress
@DonCode than I don't get you... you should have that on a for checking every cell
@t1wc - i am currently using table sorter, do you know how to do thata?
@DonCode is that a lib or something?
@t1wc yeah, a jquery lib for table sorting
@DonCode well... I'd reccomend using pure.js
check it out
lemme code it out a bit
@t1wc k thanks
@Connor that doesn't sort . ..
ohhh, well good luck
did it sort for you ?
Math question: Multiplayer game, in order to avoid sending many packages but still have smooth movement, I approximate the position of objects in the client. For objects that move linearly (constant speed), I remember the last two positions of the object and from that calculate a third position (code below). Anyone got a method that works for objects which have acceleration and velocity?
actually... you should first have the logics, and then the display @DonCode
function approximateLinear(x1, y1, t1, x2, y2, t2, t3)
    var dx = x2 - x1,
        dy = y2 - y1,
        move = (t3 - t2) / (t2 - t1);

    return {
        x: x2 + dx * move,
        y: y2 + dy * move,
Meh, nobody is online so the question is just awkward
@copy do the same with 3 points?
do it 2 times, get 2 speeds, do it for speeds, get accelaration
derive all the things
don't stop at acceleration, do jerk and yank
@EvgeniPetrov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can go for the jerk, not sure about the yank
I can't store too many positions from the past
A more general method would be nice
the equations of motion aren't general enough?
Of course not. Speed can vary depending on the environment, the direction could change, etc.
But probably I'm expecting too much
speed cannot change direction because speed is a scalar
jQuery stinks, jQuery stinks… oh, hai.
Anything happening (of interest)?
just jerking it, as it were
@copy what does the client send to the server
for the calculation of location
@Mosho data, most likely malformed
Its location (I could add velocity, though)
yeah, I was about to suggest that
all this talking about games
I want to make one too
Do it
@copy Have you messed with WebGL yet?
JavaScript room game jam?
maybe I will
@mikedidthis That's definitely something to consider
In fact, it doesn't run in Firefox or Chromium on Linux, at least the last time I checked
I don't know how many people would be interested
@copy WebGL?
we should make a game about thinking about buying a boat... yeah.
@copy That was a long time ago. I think it's fine now
@منىالعوفي Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, that doesn't include specific OSs and Chromium
@t1wc what do you mean?! the logics is included in the tablesorter...
@SomeGuy is it OSs specific?
@SomeGuy no, it's not
@copy WebGL works fine on Chromium on Linux for me, by the way
IT doesn't work on mine, latest chrome on ubuntu
2 mins ago, by copy
In fact, it doesn't run in Firefox or Chromium on Linux, at least the last time I checked
@Connor Driver problem
Try going to chrome:flags and disabling the blacklist
It works in Firefox but not Chromium for me
"Override software rendering list" is the option
@SomeGuy yeah, i could probably get it working, it's not the point though if it's not stable
Well, is your target audience using Chromium?
Right now I have a working game, so I won't switch to a new technology. But definitely interesting
fuck it, I'll finish homework tomorrow
@copy What are you working on?
Sounds interesting
A multiplayer shooter
Ooh, sweet!
you could just have googled it
@copy NodeJS for the server?
Oh, yeah, makes sense
I'll have to learn how to do multiplayer some time
Lag can be a pain
You'd have to put a bunch of effort into making the experience seem like there's no lag
Great talk ^
And cheating, and keeping server CPU usage low
holy shit
a judas priest song I don't own on rock band
Hmm... I think I did an awkward thing putting my files list in the options, but I can't get the behavior found here github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify/blob/master/tasks/…
It looks like it's supposed to make the file list available with this.files, but mine is empty.
  files: ['whatever']
  options: {}
  options: { files: ['whatever'] }
car stereo developers need to take goddamn usability courses...
let's say you want to make sure the user understands the voice message from the GPS. or some kind of a warning sound. i'm sure you would all reduce the music volume to a ridiculously low level (that can't be configured/disabled) instead of actually pausing the playback (in case of usb/bluetooth/cd)!
But then you miss the song
oh really? :p
s/song/audiobook/ => really awesome "feature"
Oh, your irony wasn't obvious and it looked like you argued the other way around
Gotta work on that, annoying Germans
Now kiss
working on my pixel art skills.
it looks quite disgruntled
as it should
alright... I need some design ideas y'all.
anyone playing cavecrawler, when you click the eyes go shut for a short period. should I block speed boosts until the eyes re-open?
@copy what's ironic is you saying germans are annoying because he used irony unclearly, when you are also german and mistook his sarcasm for irony
Shut up
</the reply of the intelligent>
All I have is a "statistics summary". It is just a text representation of what one part of my app shows. How can I make it... I dunno... a bit more "flashy"?
hardly, I've been writing that since copy's comment
I also googled several times
@user1659653 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ManinGreen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this is so pathetic. I think I'm gonna buy a gallon of ice cream and eat the entire thing tonight.
New version of express changed everything. Baaaah
@SomeKittensUx2666 you noticed that too, huh?
why do we have a special thing in bin/www?
really? :(
like what
I like the new error template
@SomeKittensUx2666 yep, same issue as I found. Except that when I found it, the 'getting started' guide hadn't been updated and still indicated that node server would work
some weirdass way of starting the application that's different to every other node tut in the world
(I am total noob with node)
theoretically, npm start should be enough
welp, time to get hacking
and by 'hack', I mean 'further refine requirements'
@Swakesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
architect at my current job reacts to the word 'hack' by repeating whatever you said back to you, replacing 'hack' with 'carefully crafted solution'
I'd have to disagree
@TomW the terminal showed the correct command though
@TomW I do that at work too
considering my coworker's definition of 'hack' is 'get it done as fast as possible, taking whatever shortcuts needed'
Express changed? Are those changes big?
moderately so
Anyone in here used Google's Javascript api
Hello guys, I saw this code var $; $ = jQuery; var $nav = $(this); etc. I wanted to ask what exactly $ = jQuery doing?
Making it so u dont have to type Jquery every time
Instrad just 2
$ *
@NoahHuppert but u could do this var nav = $(this); why I need $=jQuery isnt $ and jQuery the same?
Thats the point. Typing $ is a lot easier than typing Jquery.
@NoahHuppert I just mean that doing this ` var $; $ = jQuery; ` is useless because dollar already mean jquery
@Amal.A Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Were did you see it?
Hello there guys, can anyone please help me with this question? goo.gl/x8r88b
@NoahHuppert I though he did it because not all browsers know that $ is jquery but i not sure thats why i asked
Then its probably just a mistake. It looks like the code for that is pretty large so he might have not seen it when he is cleaning up.
Google JS API Problem: I include the script and it creates an iframe. This iframe is then promptly blocked because of the javascript https iframe on http server == no no. This then makes it so the JS API does not work. Does the Google JS API only work on https servers?
weekends in this room are so much fun.
They would be even more fun if you helped me :)
Sorry, I'm not into BDSM
@NoahHuppert loled
people, i rly have a strange problem when i use javascript everything is fine, when i use jquery script refuses to work. Isn't this supposed to work in an another way? )
@ciphermagi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!afk dinner
Does anybody know of a way to get the attention of a moderator fairly rapidly?
@ciphermagi Post spam?
Not looking for negative attention.
What, some meany bullies close your question?
You can always flag things
i believe if my question was about kittens i would get tons of help =)
Though asking general questions that have many answers generally just results in snark.
No, actually, I've had plenty of questions closed. It's more of a...legal issue.
@ciphermagi You posted code that you weren't supposed to, and now can't delete it?
Not quite. I don't know how to make a personal chat room, so...if you want to move chats, I can give you a little more of an overview? Assuming you know how to contact someone.
@ciphermagi There's no such thing as a private chat room here.
@SomeKittensUx2666 just my luck with problems on weekends
@ciphermagi Not knowing any more, you may as well post on Meta.
(added bonus points for speed bursts, and you now slightly slow back down after a burst.)
Only 10 points?
hmmm anyone good with bootstrap 3? Having a bit of a markup problem
That's numberwang!
@Crow ask the question dude, there are certain levels of "good"
for thumbnails. I am copying and pasting and it seems to still "overflow"
@Crow Well, a question like that will also need a demo (jsfiddle.net)
\o/ finally have more points in than

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