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Hi, does anyone know of an libraries which allow for a pop-up with users input and a google map?
@Paul Can you elaborate?
You're looking for a JS library that "allows popups" - by that I take it you mean to create in-page dialog boxs from HTML with CSS applied (as opposed to alert() and other system-type dialogs)
Google maps can be added to literally anything, so are you after some kind of abstraction or -made-easy library for that?
And by user input.... you've lost me
<input type="text" /> would take care of that :)
yes thats it, I want something which looks like it blends into the site
I cannot believe that I am going to say this
But you seem like a javascript newbie... right?
(no shame in it, be honest)
Look in to jQuery
Especially jQuery.UI
yesterday, by Matt McDonald
vague questions like "hay guis how do i relaod a div" get ignored
are you referring to modal forms?
or just windows in general?
because that's what people expect
"use jquery" should be the default answer for all the vague questions
I am a mootools fanatic
I am on a mootools jihad
But I can't tell a newb to use mootools
Is that advanced stuff?
Not necessarily, but the learning curve is sharper. It helps if you already know plain javascript
I know Java and thats very similar
Now, I'll add a qualification to my recommendation that you look in to jQuery... if you intend to be a serious/professional javascript/front-end developer, I suggest you get a book
Java and Javascript are no more related than the Earth's moon and a moon pie
Anyway, get a book about javascript and learn the language without any library
THEN choose a library. Mootools is awesome for someone who already knows javascript. Jquery, IMO, is awesome for someone who just wants some animations and dialog windows but doesn't really give a crap how it happens.
@Paul , Mootools stands for My Object-Oriented tools
jQuery is like a black box of javascript goodness
it is not for people who "just wants his page to go BLING"
I've used jQuery before but only for basic ajax
which is one of the major flaws in jquery. FYI
wow, I never knew just how many people work on jQ
there has to be at least 2-3 dozen of them
they have a 5 year old memory leak in XHR code
@Paul - And there you go - as a self-professed JS new comer, you were able to implement what was, 5-6 years ago, the territory of professionals only. jQuery lowers the barrier to entry, no doubt about that!
and lowers the code quality for entire codebase
I've heard about using ajax through Prototype.js is that better?
If you were to do a side-by-side comparison of jQuery vs. mootools, much of the basic code is actually very very similar. The big difference, I think, is the mentality rather than the implementation.
No, god no.
just write your own
it's not that difficult
@Paul If you are going to use a library, use mootools or jQuery.
or backbone.js
@Matt Eh... if you have no intention of being a "serious developer", but are just dabbling, just making a page for yourself or your own business or whatever, it isn't worth learning enough to write your own stuff. To me, that is what jQuery is for
try this out:
you can go to the builder page and just select "AJAX"
Not hosted
Not worth it
He isn't after AJAX, he is after UI and from the sounds of it form enhancement. I've made my case
Out of interest how would I go about it without using ajax, or is it best to just learn javascript?
I think you're mixing terms
AJAX is not really a "thing" as much as a concept, but it is basically using javascript to send a behind-the-scenes request to a server. I think what you meant is "without using a library" (like jQuery or mootools), and the answer in that case is you can do anything a library can do without a library... it's all javascript.
I mean does ajax make use of functions such as alert or prompt.
sorry i was mixing terms i meant jQuery
A library (like jQuery) is simply a collection of javascript code
But, it has the advantage of a) having been tested by multiple people
b) development over time
c) remote hosting (you can use a Google-hosted version of jQuery and save your server some bandwidth)
So yes, jQuery is using all the same code you would use if you wrote it "by hand" - usually called "rolling your own".
are there any security concerns to using jQuery?
Javascript itself is never a security concern because it all happens on the browser
Client-side code cannot affect your server
Now, if you use AJAX or expose aspects of your server-side code to javascript, then you might have security concerns
well , it can expose flaws in your serverside code
But that is the fault of the server-side code rather than the javascript
still, you should cover all of your bases
Right, all I'm saying is that adding jQuery or not adding jQuery does not add or remove any additional security considerations inherit to the library itself.
OK thanks, I will check it out
Good luck!
If you decide to buy a book, don't buy a jQuery book (they're out there) - get a javascript book and do it the hard way :)
I've only ever read one "good" JavaScript book, and it was more of an essay
and you don't even need to buy it because Crockford has oodles of downloadable talks
The saddest book I've ever seen in the hands of a person: Drupal 7
I do have learn javascirpt from orielly but its very old, is it worth getting a new one?
Ooooh yes
JS: The Definitive Guide?
It's nothing special. I'm going to unload my copy soon.
Definitely want to get a book that includes HTML5/ES5
I think its 'learning javascript'
But as Matt said, there are a wealth of free articles online
@Paul , there are online books too : eloquentjavascript.net
is w3schools any good?
no it is NOT
I'd also suggest installing a newsreader and traversing the comp.lang.javascript newsgroup
@Paul , for additional reasons : w3fools.com
Many times, books on javascript get stuck in the trap of "THIS IS HOW YOU DO THIS: " without explaining the concepts. You end up with a weird grab-bag of case-specific snippets and a hard time letting go of the orthodoxy of the particular author you're reading
there's over 10 years of commentary
crockford posted there from about 2001-2003
@tereško - that w3fools site is more dumb than w3schools :P
huh ? care to explain @Chris
There are some legit issues they raise (like the certifications and the pretending-to-be-affiliated-with-w3), but all in all it's a bunch of nit picky BS. You could find as many errors on Mozilla Dev Network, but instead of making a web page about them, people just fix the errors.
Accuracy is important, yes, but at the end of the day, w3schools contains information and is a fair entry-point for beginners. w3fools, on the other hand, contains nothing useful whatever.
maybe it is a really cool place to learn
but as a someone who has done a lot of HTML/CSS and PHP , i can say that the page is filled with harmful practices and completely wrong explanations
I already knew my shit by the time I encountered the site, so I can't say that I've looked at it for information. I prefer to look at official documentation/specs. But the w3fools approach is about as non-productive as it comes.
it's crap
So are a million billion other web sites
IDK, seems like a case of haters be hatin'
if you've ever wondered why setTimeout("foo()", 20) is so popular, you can lay the blame on w3schools
(victim speaking from experience)
@Paul - for a javascript reference that won't steer you wrong (as wrong, that is), check out developer.mozilla.org/en-US When you search for something JS-related on Google (setTimeout for example), use: "MDN setTimetout"
@MattMcDonald - w3Schools may have put that practice on their site, but they did not invent it, and surely you recognize that. I think you give them too much credit for propagating anything all over the internet. If anything, they are a compilation of common practices already in the wild. Where they went wrong is in not evaluating common practices to see if they are best practices before putting them forward in the context of teaching
yes , they are just a poor quality content farm .. .. is that all the defense can say ? i rest my case
"Back in the day", all you could do was throw strings around and eval them. The idea of passing a function reference is relatively new - you'll find seasoned-but-rusty old dogs that still use the old ways. So much the worse for them, but my point is that the relatively new w3Schoold did not invent the practice.
@tereško OK, fair enough - so then it begs the question, if they are just a poor quality content farm, in what way does it warrant the close analysis it receives from w3fools? By posting such an in-depth review, the authors have done little more than give w3schools more credibility than they ever had!
It is Friday, quitting time. Beer time. Drunk time. No pants time.
Awwww yeah
Later fellows
so, if you post a question, but then find an answer to it, do you answer your own question or remove your question?
I would post the solution to help others
makes sense
yep, post an answer yourself if it works
be sure to upvote those that give a good answer
How is everyone doing?

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