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Putin/Russia so far did nothing the US wouldn't have done too
protect their military and economic resources and interests
lol wat?
Don't buy into their propaganda man.
A lot of people are pro Putin ATM, which i can understand, IMO they're all as bad as one another
what propaganda ?
Thats like Mexico invading Texas saying they are protecting Mexicans that live there.
their excuse was they were invading Ukraine to protect Russians that lived there.
Ukraine currently has no voted government
@Loktar To be fair, that's how we got Texas in the first place, just the other way around
Thats a very weak reason to invade a country
It's not funny, but i found it funny when they said that they were searching the "black sea" for this missing airliner
@jAndy They will after May 25
@Loktar don't forget about the huge military resources including nuclear sub-marines and stuff
russia will do everything to keep control on that material
which is legit
of their material sure, but they dont need to establish checkpoints for cities
Black see fleet is reported to dock around 600 ships
and send in unmarked military men
what Russia did was wrong
I feel that sounds more like propaganda to me
Dude they are mining the outskirts of cities.
don't get confused .. its all about economic interests there, gas and oil
like always
there is no "good guys bad buys" imo
Putin is an expansionist
he used the same reason to invade Ukraine as Hitler did with Austria
I don't think that
@jAndy not nessasarily, they usually have bigger interests but as a result of taking over the country they also steal their resources at the same time
I would say you're listening to the same propaganda people did 70 years ago
why would Putin risk this .. for no reason
@Loktar No wonder Poland's all nervous!
it doesn't makes much sense
@jAndy he took part of Georgia!
and now Crimea?
How can you say he isnt an expansionist
this isnt the first time Putin has invaded a country and taken a portion of it
unanswered at that.
Hey, it's interesting that Crimea holds the "oldest" pyramid ever found on earth, and it's underground
Ok, nobody speak to me then
@Connor wow crazy never knew that
I'll find a link
fun fact about Russia right now, most opposition websites/blogs and even 1 tv channel is... offline
I'm not really deep into soviet politic but again, I wouldn't give much on information from either side. Not west, not east. I just see huge amounts of gas and oil around that area and I pretty much know which game is going on.. AGAIN
@Loktar It may not be the oldest, but it's reportedly the oldest earth-heal.com/news/news/78-ancient-civilizations/…
@rodling exactly.
US actually couldn't care less whats going on there
@jAndy you're correct in that
and its a shame imo
RT, got hacked the other week, someone put Nazi stuff all over their site
all thats on the news now is that stupid missing plane
the english version
well 2 RT anchors left...
yea thats a joke too
@Connor Not so sure about the validity of 'earth-heal.com'
used that color scheme and applied it to a bootstrap 'example'
@rlemon yeah man idk I dont like that yellow
@SomeKittensUx2666 Don't take my word for it, it's the first link i found there are loads of links
anyways, anyone familiar with Google Chart API? Having weird result in combo chart
the black and yellow are harsh with the blue imo
the rest looks alright
@Connor IIRC, Smithsonian ran an article on that and said that there wasn't any conclusive evidence.
eh, it isn't perfect. but it isn't horrible. I was just trying my hand using those colors in a webpage
don't hover shit - I didn't edit all of the code ;)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well, I haven't dug into it real deep, let's say "reportedly"
Allegedly, Connor's manhood is of comparable size with a watermelon.
too bad it is an innie
@MikePhils Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Checking Internet connection and then changing image in JQuery/Javascript/Ajax in webpage

Mike PhilsI am looking for javascript/Jquery, I have setting icon image in my web page. If there is no internet connection then my setting icon image must change automatically to other image. I know we can do with help of NavigatorOnLine.onLine, I can achieve this by any button click but I want it should ...

lol, priority in directives works in opposing order for pre- and post-link
i am nt getting this NY HELP
*any help
@MikePhils protip: hit up and you can edit your last message
@rlemon why is navigatior.onLine the opposite boolean?
I'm hungry.
@Connor why are you pinging me ? :P
I guess that means more room for beer after work.
also, I have no clue - seems like a bad idea to check that anyways.
!!welcome MikePhils
@MikePhils Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you are about to get binned in here ;)
but seriously. XY problem.
@MikePhils everyone get's stuck, think yourself lucky you're getting any response at all, some don't
why is this needed?
some intranet page?
how do they get to the webpage?
best answer you are getting out of me
don't check for online status. attempt to grab the image and handle the case when there is an error with your base64 fallback
Bleh I am so sick of fucking seeing &nbsp;
this isn't 2009
you can set the width and height within css lawd.
How else would you make a space, Loktar?
I keep seeing it thrown into empty elements
@MikePhils validating? Why are your users ever going offline after loading your page?
where they need to be a certain width.
Just set it in the css you don't need a space.
@RubenKislaki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hahaha fu @mikedidthis
god I love those.
thats true old school both of them
1*1 transparent gif overlays. #fuckyouhard
I haven't done that in years...
lol same here
@MikePhils test what?
put a banner on your page that says "if you go offline, nothing works dipshit"
and you should be okay
but really. check for errors loading the images.
heh this new job I have been implementing the designers comps almost the entire time, like 6 weeks of pure css
you will not be supported fully if you use this developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NavigatorOnLine.onLine
I cant even count how many times I've said "trouble" in my head while doing padding/margin shorthand
Are things like an onclick command in an HTML button considered obtrusive or unobtrusive JS?
top right bottom left, top right bottom left,
There is absolutely nothing wrong with <blink>&nbsp; Get IPAD FREE TODAY, juck click install &nbsp;&nbsp;</blink>
@TylerH inline JS is to be avoided
I'm still not sold you need to do this
sounds like a bandage for another problem.
if you type <blink> in google, shit starts blinking
@Loktar ha. I always got the left / right mixed up so I stopped doing it shorthand. Sadly I now remember it.
@Connor yeah, install an ipad....
@mikedidthis same here, left and right
I always assume left is first.. it just makes sense
@Loktar every fuuuuu time. I remembered it finally by thinking of a clock.
@Loktar I just think of a clock. start at 12, and go clockwise.
heh I think of the word trouble
because I'm having trouble
learned that from Chris Coyier :P
@Connor holy...
Google loves their easter eggs
@Connor any other cool easter eggs?
Dunno what yall on about, I didn't get no easter eggs from mr google.
also @MikePhils you are including external JS resources (jQuery), and testing if you are online. if you are not you are still using the jQuery
just a shitty w3schools recommendation
aside from <blink>
@MikePhils so if the user is offline and loading your page locally (file:///) it will never work. all of this seems seriously misguided.
type barrelrool
@Loktar ... is it really all that difficult to remember?
i think
It just goes clockwise
@RyanKinal bleh yeah man like Mike said left and right always mix me up
Fair enough
I think top/left, because most positioning is based on the top left
@TylerH type in "do a barrel roll"
that one I did know :-)
@TylerH askew
@TylerH type zerg rush
along with recursion
@MikePhils then why are you loading jQuery from code.jquery.com ???????
what Lokie said
anagram and zerg rush are fun ones
@MikePhils if it is an offline app, why are you using online resources in the first place?
ah yeah anagram forgot about that one
and if you want a super simple test to see if you are online. point at an image you know exists online and check to see if there is an error event.
there's one that displays the page count in binary, right?
Who's a good programming boogie man? Somebody to scare noobs into using good practices?
Raynos :(
Maybe somebody a little more well-known than that.
so @rlemon How would I tell the browser to do something on a button click? Somehow via a separate .js file by calling the button's id?
@TylerH Google for "number of horns on a unicorn * 4"
@TylerH Element.addEventListener('click', handler);
Meh, I'll just go with "programming gods"
wow I lol'd hard at Zirak
thinking that was to answer his click question
Thanks, asshole.
I hate timezones. I hate DST. I hate everyone.
> How can I get a button click to work?
> Google number of horns on a unicorn!
oh. yeah. totally.
!!tell TylerH mdn addEventListener
@Zirak I aint seeing no unicorns ...
JS seems daunting
@Connor That means the medicine is working
@Connor Not looking hard enough
@TylerH what languages are you coming from?
I wouldn't call them languages, but just HTML/CSS
> number of horns on a unicorn + the loneliest number
okay well you need to know js ;)
@RyanKinal Can i use a lifeline?
so yea, no matter how daunting you think it is... sorry. kinda needed today
@Connor No
Yeah yeah, I am reaching the end of functionality of CSS it seems. :-)
!!tell TylerH resources
maybe these will help
nee, don't like unicorns anyway, only leprechauns
33 answers, 3 questions. stick around - we like your kind in here ;) @TylerH
I mostly just remove HTML tags honestly
This had a CSS tag
Everyone seems to feel obligated to include HTML as a tag no matter the topic of their question. It frustrates me when I see an HTML-tagged question that is somehow 100% AngularJS and PHP and MySQL
@phenomnomnominal You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1386166/phenomnomnominal) have 3033 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 95 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:19.
avg. rep/post: 30.33. Badges: 1g 7s 29b
@TylerH hahaha you think your tag has problems.
nyuuu I'm hiding from those for now :-X
Ok, youtube website just done the harlem shake, time to cut life short i think ;)
good plan ;)
Which brings up another matter:
room topic changed to JavaScript: Read this link or we'll eat you: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking a question inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf [bananas] [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [jabbascript] [javascript]
... what changed?
So I guess I could ask, though, since people seem equally split: jump right into jQuery or similar library, or stick with pure JavaScript until I have a strong understanding of it?
@TylerH no
no no no
no abstractions before the language
@TylerH Get a strong understanding of JS
learn at least the basics of JS before jumping into an abstraction library
ok, you're all boring. bye
see ya
you will just end up fighting with the code if you don't learn js before using an abstraction library
you might end up getting stuff to work... but you will be ragey along the way
Good points
I have enough rage as it is
Ah, that feeling when you were about to suggest to a coworker that you go to the bar, and she, instead, suggests it to you.
Q: What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?

MikeGiven how much simpler jQuery development is, when compared to native JavaScript, what makes people forgo libraries like jQuery altogether? Is this because jQuery has limitations or it is slow? I mean, if jQuery is so easy compared to native javascript, what reasons do people have to still use...

I tried using jQuery before getting upto speed on ES5 and spent like 3 weeks trying to forget jQuery when I started writing real code
@RyanKinal ohh yea???? ;)
Is this the part where you tell me I shouldn't try a 10,000 line multi-page project for my first JS file? ;-)
Thanks Zirak
@rlemon Yeah, she's married, though.
ugh. why do people ping me from the bin after I've binned them
@rlemon Because they don't understand the bin?
isn't catch a protected keyword?
@RalphWiggum yes
how come it can be used with promises without quoting it?
> go away.
it isn't overly rude?
@RalphWiggum It's a keyword that has meaning, like if. You can still have a property that's the same as a keyword.
@RalphWiggum You can use reserved words in property names
hahah @rlemon people ping you from the bin?
!!> var a = { if: 'hi', catch: 'throw'}; console.log(a.if);
in Trash can, 1 min ago, by rlemon
good luck with your problem. please don't ping me anymore about it. I commented on the main site question. that is my only suggestion.
@SomeKittensUx2666 "undefined" Logged: "hi"
@Loktar ^^
Thats like a dead person talking to you from the grave
creepy shit man
that makes sense.
didn't think of it as a property for some reason...
I just got fucked by coffeescript/webstorm
if (prefix.length is 0)
          callback null, []
did it wear protection?
Hmm, so I should look into DOM before JavaScript? I have really never understood what it is or does. Off to Google
it did not
that magically changed to
What are the chances the HTML5 WG would actually put The di element in the spec?
if (prefix.length is 0)
     callback null, []
Because I'm seriously considering pushing for it.
no reason
just random formatting
spent an hour on this
interesting. it errors if there is no assignment (expression)
!!> { function:1 }
@rlemon "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name"
!!> var a = { function:1 }
@rlemon "undefined"
it thinks it's a closure rather than an object declaration I guess
!!> ({function:1})
@rlemon {"function":1}
I'm working with ace editor
and these shits are blocking me from the api
> RESTRICTED ! -- Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Interactive Web Applications".
@RyanKinal I am lost on the need for it?
@Mosho gpl.internetconnection.net/vi (cc @copy @FlorianMargaine )
can I get an opinion real quick on classes/styling
in the app we have tons of class="someclass display-inline"
@mikedidthis Grouping list items. They're not sematically grouped at all, and it bothers me.
I've been removing display-inline from the list of classes, there are others too such as display-none
I feel its better to define that in the class so for example display: inline; in the class .someclass
is-hidden is-visible
Anyway, I'm out. Beers. And probably food.

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