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hey pll
anyone know how to remove the "loading" message in the header in jQuery Mobile?
Q: How to disable the loading message in the header of a jQuery Mobile page

rlemonI want to disable the loading message in the header only when transitioning between jQuery Mobile pages. Alternatively, if I can change the default "loading" text, that would also suffice. I have tried $(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){ $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); }); also $....

2 hours later…
@awiebe hi
@frictionlesspulley hi
Q: Nested "Select All" checkboxes

James KhourySo after answering a question about nested linked checkboxes I mentioned it at work and surprisingly it turned out to be similar to something we needed. The requirements were: a "Select all" checkbox a nested "Select all" checkbox (only selects a small portion) So realising it was differen...

2 hours later…
@frictionlesspulley are you still around
What is used to implement this chat?
Hi all
nice to meet you guys~
No one here?
1 hour later…
Q: Wordpress plugin causing javascript errors?

japanwormI keep getting javascript error messages and I have no clue from where or why. It's not from error: l is undefined source file: http://www.livefyre.com/wjs/v1.0.74004106/javascripts/livefyre.js line: 167 I do not even use livefyre on my Wordpress blog, so I'm really confused now! I've ...

sup sup
1 hour later…
Q: Wordpress loads page incorrect

user589216Our Wordpress installation is doing myterious things.. When I go to the site over a link or reload the site normally, many javascript errors are occuring. If I load the same page by pressing Strg+Shift+R, the page loads correctly. Can you help me analyzing why? Page: http://goo.gl/ocRR7 Thank ...

anyone here use curfon?
@JeongWooChang ASP.NET MVC and long polling
1 hour later…
Hi , any here have used fusion chart
hi all
lol you can definitely see when the slow hours are on the chat
people asking for help every 2 hours with no convo in between
@Loktar hi
@Loktar pretty much
How do current browsers do in test262?
Nowhere near 100%
Do I really have perform the comparison myself? -.-
Lots of failing edgecases all round
yes o/
After youve done that
chart it
And aggregate the data on a website o/
can't wait -.-
someone must have done that already.... I hope....
I heard that IE10 tops that test with only 3 fails...
Try the latest opera dev build
they rewrote their ES5 engine
They might pass everything
@gsnedders Surely the opera ES5 rewrite cant possibly fail any edgecase on test262, right?
hi, I am stuck at this one task and was hoping I could find help here.
@BoolTim It's possible
I am submitting an html form and the action parameter is submitting to a php script, I want to also submit to another php script which is done through the JQuery onsubmit + JQueries's POST
the onsubmit calls a JS function which redirects the page after its submitteD AND posts the form to the 2nd php script
what I have working for the 2 scripts is this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var okToRedirect = false;
function redirect() {
    if (okToRedirect) {
        window.location.href = 'path/to/new/location';

<form action="...some action..." target="MyIframe" onsubmit="okToRedirect = true;">

<iframe name="MyIframe" style="display: none;" onload="parent.redirect()"></iframe>
this submitting to 2 forms is working
BUT before it redirects I want to pull out a few words from the page its currently at
what happens is once you submit the form, a script automatically redirects to you to a webpage
the JQuery part that I have submits your form to the 2nd JS script AND redirects you
gah I am probably confusing you, let me make a diagram
Yep. I'm pretty much lost.
one sec
contracting company is looking at hiring another dev I have already worked with.. way to go recycling.
ugh. I want to tech interview him and ask him crazy questions
Q: fadeTo not working after first call

rlemonI have a few fadeTo's chained together (with some other stuff happening in the middle). function StatusUpdate(m, c) { c = typeof c == "function" ? c : function() {}; var obj = $(global.current_page + " .status-message"); obj.stop(true,true).fadeTo(0, 0).html(m).fadeTo(300, 100).delay...

function(a,b,b,a,b,c){alert(a);}(1,2,3,4,5,6) what will that return, and WHY>!
@Loktar That's freaking brilliant.
hes a really lazy guy
@Loktar undefined, there's no return statement ;-)
good point
if he said that Id be like, well played
you win.
Still, good question
kind of, a little unfair too
lol when will you encounter that? I guess it would show your understanding of JS however.
@Loktar Seriously, if you asked "what will return", all the duplicated parameters and such are moot, and a good dev will realize that.
yeah it would be great to ask, but I doubt I will be able to tech interview anyone now
they are just looking for a body
wish I didnt get paid so well, I would be able to leave w/o a guilty conscious
hahaha, its the only thing keeping me at my current workplace.
haha @rlemon just read that, thats awesome.
this is some good reading
@BoolTim Okay, so you submit a form (which, by default submits to script1.php), and your JavaScript sends data asynchronously to script2.php. When script2.php returns, the user is redirected to a different site?
Q: How to disable the loading message in the header of a jQuery Mobile page

rlemonI want to disable the loading message in the header only when transitioning between jQuery Mobile pages. Alternatively, if I can change the default "loading" text, that would also suffice. I have tried $(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){ $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); }); also $....

fudge, i screwed up, in the end you know how it says AAA.com
that should be CCC.com
@BoolTim That's what I assumed
@BoolTim So, what isn't working?
@RyanKinal yup, thats right except once data is submitted to script1.php, that script1 redirects to AAA.com, but the JS quickly redirects to CCC.com
@BoolTim Oh... that's interesting
the JS uses JQuery to submit to script 2 AND redirect quickly before it goes to AAA.com
The script1.php automatically redirects to AAA.com there isnt a way to remove it, or rather im not allowed to but they dont want it showing up either
now the problem here is that I want to grab some data quickly off AAA.com before its redirected
i can ur strpos and various other search methods in PHP but I just cant figure out how I would scrape the screen before its redirected
Ill try making a JS fiddle
ok I dont understand this
var a, should be hoisted to the top I thought
so a should exist, and a should not be equal to 1 correct, because it is a property of window right?
its working for me on form but this is how it generally is
it works for me just not working in the fiddle
but what I am trying to do is grab a few words from AAA.com before its redirected to CCC.com, a user doesnt even see the AAA.com as its redirected quickly
@BoolTim So you're on page A, which is your form (with JavaScript), and the first PHP script redirects to page B (which contains... something?), and the JavaScript (from page A) redirects to page C.
@BoolTim I think the problem you'll run into is that either your JavaScript redirect fires first (in which case the client never loads page B), or your PHP script redirects first (in which case your JavaScript is unloaded before you can do anything with it).
@Loktar That is definitely interesting.
yeah thats what I think as well so that is where I am stuck at
Im going to post it as a SO question
@BoolTim This is probably terrible practice, but what you might want to do is have your PHP get the new page through file_get_contents(rather than redirecting), and scrape the results.
@Loktar Ugh. My breakpoints aren't working on that Fiddle for some reason
Question for you guys: excluding HTML5 data properties, what method do you use for associating data with an element? For example, in a table of data, each row having an edit button - what method do you use to associate the ID of the row of data with the button?
@Chris I'm betting there's something terribly wrong with this, but I tend to use either the button's ID or the link's href. <input type="button" id="edit1234" value="edit" />, or <a href="edit1234">edit</a>.
I've been using an element's rel property, which I also fear reprisals for mentioning :P
You just have to be careful server-side - validate these inputs, make sure it's kosher for your user to be editing these particular rows, etc.
Well, the larger context of this: I am building a pretty complex web application. The code is mostly finished, during development I did not worry overmuch about efficiency with event handling
Now I'm going over things and seeking to improve efficiency.
Q: Trying to fully understand JavaScript hoisting

LoktarIve been reading a couple of articles on hoisting lately, one is by Nicholas Zakas, and the other is by Ben Cherry. Im trying to follow the examples and just test on my own to make sure I fully grasp it but Im having an issue mainly with this example, if (!('a' in window)) { var a = 1; } co...

So I'd like to use more event delegation, but I am struggling with the target acquisition. Say I place an event on a container, it is difficult to ascertain the related id, unless I splatter rel="10" all over the parents & children.
Like <div id="container"><ul id="delegate"><li rel="10">Text text<span>some text</span></li></ul></div> - if the span ends up starting the click bubble, I don't get an id from rel
I end up having to probe upward for a parent, and then the code starts to look like some crazy crap that I can't reuse
@Chris True. But I disagree about the code's reuse value. No matter the delegation method, you'll run into a bubbling/target problem. (Though I have to wonder how jQuery.delegate deals with it)
@Loktar Copy-pasted your code into console, outputs undefined
Hah, yeah... this is an accidental scope issue, due to the way jsFiddle works
apparently it was my fault :?
Methinks jsfiddle puts your code into a function, so that a isn't window.a
now I feel dumb lol
should I close the question?
since its not a js issue, it was purely a jsfiddle issue?
@loktar it was your config issue
remove the onload
Answer it yourself if you wish. Someone will remake your mistake
Im trying to accep @rlemon answer but I have to wait 4 mins
@RyanKinal Like I said I can't touch PHP script A at ALL. I can only modify the PHP script B or the JS/html form part
@BoolTim Then I think you're SOL ;-)
sh*t out of luck
@BoolTim (crap) out of luck
ahhh hahaha yeah I think so too
is there no way for me to make/have a script that automatically triggers itself anytime a certain URL is in my browser?
@BoolTim You could make a browser extension, I guess.
But then your victims... er... users would have to install the extension
You can write a C program that somehow finds how the browser stores the url in memory, repeatedly reads it, and when it matches what you want, does something!
@Neal Indeed
@RyanKinal the OP's source code was all mis-indented
@Neal That's the impression I got
Bwahahaha, I'm looking through old starred messages:
Mar 18 at 17:31, by Raynos
It's always worth loading jQuery. If it's not you just need to use more jQuery.
(I <3 out of context quotes)
I think I hate jQuery
Pretty sure
That's actually the reason why
@RyanKinal are you familiar with cron jobs?
@BoolTim I used to be :-D
@Chris lol but its not real
@Neal You amaze me sometimes.
@Zirak do i?
It may not be real as in it didn't really happen on SO, but the attitude it references is all too real.
Besides, why do you think it isn't real?
@Chris haha bc bobince created that image. its on his blog
Do u really thing people asked questions like Where are my legs?
I have never even touched it, the only thing I know about it is that you can set time and intervals for the program to run files or perform operation at those times...Now the question is in my webhost, whenever a PHP script is ran, I would like to set a cronjob which should trigger or make POST request to another PHP script in the webhost....How can I do this in cron with a PHP script? I dont even know much about cron and apparently I am suppose to instruct my webhost people on what I want
so that they can set it up for me, but I cant even figure out how to use Cron or start it in webhost OR use cron on my PC I have no exp with it
@BoolTim Why are you asking this in the js room?
i could ask in PHP room...
I dont know where to ask
and i know JS room is probably not the best place :P
so let me go ask there instead :)
* copy paste*
If it's a php question, the js room is probably not a good place to ask it in
darn its past 2 min limit cant delete it sowie :
throws up in mouth a little
@BoolTim So, I've been wondering about the intent of your script. It seems to me like something that would be used for malicious XSS. Page scraping, phantom redirects, no access to one server-side script, but access to another.
I have to ask: What color is your hat?
hahahha, not exactly. My script checks for any error reports on the network and if an issue occurs, the script connects to an interface ive made and grabs a list of people...Calls their phone number to report the error
there is that auto report function
the other function is manually report issues or errors which are done through the html form
Why not use two JavaScript-based requests? One that checks for errors, and one that notifies people?
oh that part is completed already
the part i was working on was the html part.
the reason I redirect before AAA.com loads up is because AAA.com is actually an xml report which I can't hide because it is a different software's property/functionality
i dont want my users to confuse themself because all AAA.com shows after form si submited is blah blah blah, here is your request ID, these are the errors you reported, request submitted sucessfully
the users are really reallly dumb even a simple xml report display will confuse them and then they will come questioning what it is
But you want to scrape content from AAA.com, right? Why not use a JavaScript-based request to get the content from AAA.com, rather than a normal POST request?
:S? when am I making a POST request ? the POST requesti s only made to submit the form content twice to various sources
postToAAA('data', function(response) {
	if (response)
		postToYourErrorReportingStuff(response, function(success) {
			if (success)
(In pseudo-javascript, of course)
This way, it's easier to control what happens when, and you don't have to worry about hiding the response from AAA.com
the error reporting stuff isnt involved in here
all this is submitting a ticket/request
So why the hell do you need to submit the form twice?
one to a PHP script which creates a ticket in the network and then 2nd time to send email to the user about their submittion such as Ticket # request ID etc WHICH is displayed at AAA
var requestsComplete = false;

createTicketInNetwork = function(data, callback)
	// send data to network via POST
	// wait for response
	// call callback with response

sendEmtailToUser = function(data, callback)
	// tell server to send email with data
	// wait for response
	// call callback with response

createTicketInNetwork('data', function(response) {
	if (requestsComplete)
		// redirect to CCC.com
		requestsComplete = true;

sendEmailToUser('data', function(response) {
@Raynos We didn't rewrite our engine, and just having a brand new implementation of a lot of things doesn't guarantee perfect spec compliance, as bugs still happen (see IE9/10 for a comparable case)
I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
I have multiple classes for each "functioning" area of my site.
Rather than one abstract.
----- Wrong chat room. Do'h.
@RyanKinal ill give it a try and see
@Raynos Also, wrt to Opera with latest Test262 there are five failures, I believe. All invalid.
This kid doesn't stop being annoying... stackoverflow.com/posts/7516350/revisions
is anyones got a spare mo , could you look at this site and let me know what font the larger text (headers ect) is in? it should be osterstd or ariel : www.francisastindesigns.com/leopole
oratorstd even
Bam bam bam, Chrome Developer Tools to the resuce! right click->inspect element->look at styles
lol , it's my site
I'm trying to find out if the curfon js thing works
Anyone else on chrome 14 have this problem? Divs with overflow:scroll, you middle-click in it to pan the scroll-bars around, you go outside of bounds of the box.
Bam bam bam still stands
it works fine on mine , but i have the font installed
@frank Looks like orastorstd to me
@RyanKinal cheers , which browser are you using?
@frank Chrome 14 - but I just checked, and I have that font installed as well
Wait... I might have misread
may I suggest font-family: Lucida Console, monospace; instead?
Nope, definitely have it installed
@ryankinal hmm , doesn't work on my netbook
orator isn't a very universal font
must of done something wrong with curfon
@frank That's what I'm thinkin'
@MattMcDonald yeah I was testign out curfon so I could use more exotic fonts
coming from a past cufon user, it's a bottleneck you don't need
how so?
in this case, lucida console is a very similar font
Forget fonts, users don't spend more money because you have wingdings.
but i can make a site stand out : explose.lu
They spend less if you have comic sans, but not if your letter A is slightly less kerned than with system fonts.
I like the way they use it for the headings and more standard one for the bulk
@frank No customer anywhere in the world woke up and said "Wow, I really want to give fistfulls of cash to that website that stands out"
course they have
An image in that place would probably have been fine.
@frank One js error, and it took the site 15 seconds to fully load...
Q: How to disable the loading message in the header of a jQuery Mobile page

rlemonI want to disable the loading message in the header only when transitioning between jQuery Mobile pages. Alternatively, if I can change the default "loading" text, that would also suffice. I have tried $(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){ $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); }); also $....

still looking for an answer to this.
@Zirak really?
taking a wild guess it's a wordpress site
You also lose points for embedding js into html. Line 32, class is a reserved word
wonders if that affects E4X
@MattMcDonald Surprisingly it doesn't show up on the scanner as one.
definitely surprised as it has the look down pat
(along with the bloat)
Oh dear odin...
@wHiTeHaT, looks like it might just be what I was looking for. Want to post an answer? get some rep ;)
What the hell?
* jQuery 1.2.6 - New Wave Javascript
@frank We can't be friends anymore.
i'm not so for rep
@Incognito eh?

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